
changeset 23
child 25
equal deleted inserted replaced
22:99c02fa797f9 23:4b157d7a1cee
1 /*****************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (C) 2014-2018
3 *
4 * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
5 *
6 * This file is part of BrewCloud
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
11 * later version.
12 *
13 * BrewCloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with ThermFerm; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
20 * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
21 *****************************************************************************/
24 function createDelElements() {
25 $('#eventWindow').jqxWindow({
26 theme: theme,
27 position: { x: 490, y: 210 },
28 width: 300,
29 height: 145,
30 resizable: false,
31 isModal: true,
32 modalOpacity: 0.4,
33 okButton: $('#delOk'),
34 cancelButton: $('#delCancel'),
35 initContent: function () {
36 $('#delOk').jqxButton({ width: '65px', theme: theme });
37 $('#delCancel').jqxButton({ width: '65px', theme: theme });
38 $('#delCancel').focus();
39 }
40 });
41 $('#eventWindow').jqxWindow('hide');
42 }
45 $(document).ready(function () {
46 var url = "includes/db_inventory_mash_profiles.php";
47 // prepare the data
48 var source = {
49 datatype: "json",
50 cache: false,
51 datafields: [
52 { name: 'record', type: 'number' },
53 { name: 'name', type: 'string' },
54 { name: 'grain_temp', type: 'float' },
55 { name: 'tun_temp', type: 'float' },
56 { name: 'sparge_temp', type: 'float' },
57 { name: 'ph', type: 'float' },
58 { name: 'tun_weight', type: 'float' },
59 { name: 'tun_specific_heat', type: 'float' },
60 { name: 'notes', type: 'string' },
61 { name: 'equip_adjust', type: 'bool' },
62 { name: 'steps', type: 'string' }
63 ],
64 id: 'record',
65 url: url,
66 deleterow: function (rowid, commit) {
67 // synchronize with the server - send delete command
68 var data = "delete=true&" + $.param({ record: rowid });
69 $.ajax({
70 dataType: 'json',
71 url: url,
72 cache: false,
73 data: data,
74 success: function (data, status, xhr) {
75 // delete command is executed.
76 commit(true);
77 },
78 error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
79 commit(false);
80 }
81 });
82 },
83 addrow: function (rowid, rowdata, position, commit) {
84 var data = "insert=true&" + $.param(rowdata);
85 $.ajax({
86 dataType: 'json',
87 url: url,
88 cache: false,
89 data: data,
90 success: function (data, status, xhr) {
91 commit(true);
92 },
93 error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
94 commit(false);
95 }
96 });
97 },
98 updaterow: function (rowid, rowdata, commit) {
99 var data = "update=true&" + $.param(rowdata);
100 $.ajax({
101 dataType: 'json',
102 url: url,
103 cache: false,
104 data: data,
105 success: function (data, status, xhr) {
106 // update command is executed.
107 commit(true);
108 },
109 error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
110 commit(false);
111 }
112 });
113 }
114 };
115 // initialize the input fields.
116 $("#name").jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 250, height: 23 });
117 $("#grain_temp").jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', spinMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 70, height: 23, min: 0, decimalDigits: 1, spinButtons: true });
118 $("#tun_temp").jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', spinMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 70, height: 23, min: 0, decimalDigits: 1, spinButtons: true });
119 $("#sparge_temp").jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', spinMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 70, height: 23, min: 0, decimalDigits: 1, spinButtons: true });
120 $("#ph").jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', spinMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 70, height: 23, min: 0, decimalDigits: 1, spinButtons: true });
121 $("#tun_weight").jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', spinMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 70, height: 23, min: 0, decimalDigits: 1, spinButtons: true });
122 $("#tun_specific_heat").jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', spinMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 70, height: 23, min: 0, decimalDigits: 1, spinButtons: true });
124 $("#notes").jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 640, height: 100 });
125 $("#equip_adjust").jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
126 var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);
127 var editrow = -1;
128 // initialize jqxGrid
129 $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid({
130 width: 1280,
131 height: 630,
132 source: dataAdapter,
133 theme: theme,
134 showstatusbar: true,
135 localization: getLocalization(),
136 renderstatusbar: function (statusbar) {
137 var container = $("<div style='overflow: hidden; position: relative; margin: 5px;'></div>");
138 var addButton = $("<div style='float: right; margin-right: 15px;'><img style='position: relative; margin-top: 2px;' src='images/add.png'/><span style='margin-left: 4px; position: relative; top: -3px;'>Add</span></div>");
139 container.append(addButton);
140 statusbar.append(container);
141 addButton.jqxButton({ width: 60, height: 20 });
142 // add new row.
143 addButton.click(function (event) {
144 editrow = -1;
145 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({ position: { x: 230, y: 30 } });
146 $("#name").val('');
147 $("#grain_temp").val('');
148 $("#tun_temp").val('');
149 $("#sparge_temp").val('');
150 $("#ph").val('');
151 $("#tun_weight").val('');
152 $("#tun_specific_heat").val('');
153 $("#equip_adjust").val('');
154 $("#notes").val('');
155 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('open');
156 });
157 },
158 filterable: true,
159 filtermode: 'excel',
160 columns: [
161 { text: 'Maish schema', datafield: 'name', width: 250 },
162 { text: 'Notes', datafield: 'notes', width: 450 },
163 { text: 'Edit', datafield: 'Edit', columntype: 'button', cellsrenderer: function () {
164 return "Edit";
165 }, buttonclick: function (row) {
166 // open the popup window when the user clicks a button.
167 editrow = row;
168 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({ position: { x: 230, y: 30 } });
169 // get the clicked row's data and initialize the input fields.
170 var dataRecord = $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('getrowdata', editrow);
171 $("#name").val(dataRecord.name);
172 $("#grain_temp").val(dataRecord.grain_temp);
173 $("#tun_temp").val(dataRecord.tun_temp);
174 $("#sparge_temp").val(dataRecord.sparge_temp);
175 $("#ph").val(dataRecord.ph);
176 $("#tun_weight").val(dataRecord.tun_weight);
177 $("#tun_specific_heat").val(dataRecord.tun_specific_heat);
178 $("#equip_adjust").val(dataRecord.equip_adjust);
179 $("#notes").val(dataRecord.notes);
180 // show the popup window.
181 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('open');
182 }
183 }
184 ]
185 });
186 // initialize the popup window and buttons.
187 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({
188 width: 860, resizable: false, theme: theme, isModal: true, autoOpen: false, cancelButton: $("#Cancel"), modalOpacity: 0.40
189 });
190 $("#popupWindow").on('open', function () {
191 $("#name").jqxInput('selectAll');
192 });
193 $("#Delete").jqxButton({ theme: theme });
194 $("#Delete").click(function () {
195 if (editrow >= 0) {
196 // Open a popup to confirm this action.
197 $('#eventWindow').jqxWindow('open');
198 $("#delOk").click(function () {
199 var rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', editrow);
200 $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('deleterow', rowID);
201 });
202 }
203 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('hide');
204 });
205 $("#Cancel").jqxButton({ theme: theme });
206 $("#Save").jqxButton({ theme: theme });
207 // update the edited row when the user clicks the 'Save' button.
208 $("#Save").click(function () {
209 if (editrow >= 0) {
210 var rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', editrow);
211 var row = {
212 record: rowID,
213 name: $("#name").val(),
214 grain_temp: parseFloat($("#grain_temp").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
215 tun_temp: parseFloat($("#tun_temp").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
216 sparge_temp: parseFloat($("#sparge_temp").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
217 ph: parseFloat($("#ph").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
218 tun_weight: parseFloat($("#tun_weight").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
219 tun_specific_heat: parseFloat($("#tun_specific_heat").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
220 equip_adjust: $("equip_adjust").val(),
221 notes: $("#notes").val()
222 };
223 $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('updaterow', rowID, row);
224 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('hide');
225 } else {
226 // Insert a record
227 var newrow = {
228 record: -1,
229 name: $("#name").val(),
230 grain_temp: parseFloat($("#grain_temp").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
231 tun_temp: parseFloat($("#tun_temp").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
232 sparge_temp: parseFloat($("#sparge_temp").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
233 ph: parseFloat($("#ph").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
234 tun_weight: parseFloat($("#tun_weight").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
235 tun_specific_heat: parseFloat($("#tun_specific_heat").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
236 equip_adjust: $("equip_adjust").val(),
237 notes: $("#notes").val()
238 };
239 $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('addrow', null, newrow);
240 $("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('hide');
241 }
242 });
243 createDelElements();
244 });
