
changeset 164
parent 147
child 231
--- a/www/includes/formulas.php	Wed Jan 02 14:49:17 2019 +0100
+++ b/www/includes/formulas.php	Wed Jan 02 17:34:53 2019 +0100
@@ -270,40 +270,6 @@
 Brouwhulp data.pas
-Function THop.FlavourContribution : double; //in % * concentration in g/l
-var bt, vol : double;
-  bt:= FTime.Value;
-  vol:= 0;
-  if FRecipe <> NIL then vol:= FRecipe.BatchSize.Value;
-  if FUse = huFirstWort then Result:= 0.15 * FAmount.Value * 1000 //assume 15% flavourcontribution for fwh
-  else if bt > 50 then Result:= 0.10 * FAmount.Value * 1000 //assume 10% flavourcontribution as a minimum
-  else
-  begin
-    Result:= 15.25 / (6 * sqrt(2 * PI)) * Exp(-0.5*Power((bt-21)/6, 2))
-             * FAmount.Value * 1000;
-    if result < 0.10 * FAmount.Value * 1000 then
-      Result:= 0.10 * FAmount.Value * 1000 //assume 10% flavourcontribution as a minimum
-  end;
-  if vol > 0 then Result:= Result / vol;
-Function THop.AromaContribution : double; //in % * concentration in g/l
-var bt, vol : double;
-  bt:= FTime.Value;
-  vol:= 0;
-  if FRecipe <> NIL then vol:= FRecipe.BatchSize.Value;
-  if bt > 20 then Result:= 0
-  else if bt > 7.5 then
-    Result:= 10.03 / (4 * sqrt(2 * PI)) * Exp(-0.5*Power((bt-7.5)/4, 2))
-             * FAmount.Value * 1000
-  else if FUse = huBoil then Result:= FAmount.Value * 1000
-  else if FUse = huAroma then Result:= 1.2 * FAmount.Value * 1000
-  else if FUse = huWhirlpool then Result:= 1.2 * FAmount.Value * 1000
-  else if FUse = huDryHop then Result:= 1.33 * FAmount.Value * 1000;
-    if vol > 0 then Result:= Result / vol;
 Procedure TFermentable.SetpHParameters(force : boolean);
@@ -439,139 +405,12 @@
-Procedure TWater.AddMinerals(Ca, Mg, Na, HCO3, Cl, SO4 : double);
-  FCalcium.Add(Ca);
-  FMagnesium.Add(Mg);
-  FSodium.Add(Na);
-  FBicarbonate.Add(HCO3);
-  FChloride.Add(Cl);
-  FSulfate.Add(SO4);
 function TWater.GetResidualAlkalinity: double;
   //Result in mg/l as CaCO3
   Result:= FTotalAlkalinity.Value - (FCalcium.Value / 1.4 + FMagnesium.Value / 1.7);
-  Ka1 = 0.0000004445;
-  Ka2 = 0.0000000000468;
-Function PartCO3(pH : double) : double;
-var H : double;
-  H:= Power(10, -pH);
-  Result:= 100 * Ka1 * Ka2 / (H*H + H * Ka1 + Ka1 * Ka2);
-Function PartHCO3(pH : double) : double;
-var H : double;
-  H:= Power(10, -pH);
-  Result:= 100 * Ka1 * H / (H*H + H * Ka1 + Ka1 * Ka2);
-Function PartH2CO3(pH : double) : double;
-var H : double;
-  H:= Power(10, -pH);
-  Result:= 100 * H * H / (H*H + H * Ka1 + Ka1 * Ka2);
-Function Charge(pH : double) : double;
-  Result:= (-2 * PartCO3(pH) - PartHCO3(pH));
-//Z alkalinity is the amount of acid (in mEq/l) needed to bring water to the target pH (Z pH)
-Function TWater.ZAlkalinity(pHZ : double) : double;  //in mEq/l
-var CT, DeltaCNaught, DeltaCZ, C43, Cw, Cz : double;
-  C43:= Charge(4.3);
-  Cw:= Charge(FpH.Value);
-  Cz:= Charge(pHz);
-  DeltaCNaught:= -C43+Cw;
-  CT:= GetAlkalinity / 50 / DeltaCNaught;
-  DeltaCZ:= -Cz+Cw;
-  Result:= CT * DeltaCZ;
-//Z Residual alkalinity is the amount of acid (in mEq/l) needed to bring the water in the mash to the target pH (Z pH)
-Function TWater.ZRA(pHZ : double) : double; //in mEq/l
-var Calc, Magn, Z : double;
-  Calc:= FCalcium.Value / (MMCa / 2);
-  Magn:= FMagnesium.Value / (MMMg / 2);
-  Z:= ZAlkalinity(pHZ);
-  Result:= Z - (Calc / 3.5 + Magn / 7);
-Function TWater.ProtonDeficit(pHZ : double) : double;
-var i : integer;
-    F : TFermentable;
-    x : double;
-  Result:= ZRA(pHZ) * FAmount.Value;
-  //proton deficit for the added malts
-  for i:= 0 to FRecipe.NumFermentables - 1 do
-  begin
-    F:= FRecipe.Fermentable[i];
-    if (F.AddedType = atMash) and (F.GrainType <> gtNone) then
-    begin
-      x:= F.AcidRequired(pHZ) * F.Amount.Value;
-      Result:= Result + x;
-    end;
-  end;
-Function TWater.MashpH : double;
-var n : integer;
-    pd : double;
-    pH, deltapH, deltapd : double;
-  Result:= 0;
-  n:= 0;
-  pH:= 5.4;
-  deltapH:= 0.001;
-  deltapd:= 0.1;
-  pd:= ProtonDeficit(pH);
-  while ((pd < -deltapd) or (pd > deltapd)) and (n < 1000) do
-  begin
-    inc(n);
-    if pd < -deltapd then ph:= ph - deltapH
-    else if pd > deltapd then pH:= pH + deltapH;
-    pd:= ProtonDeficit(pH);
-  end;
-  Result:= pH;
-Function TWater.MashpH2(PrDef : double) : double;
-var n : integer;
-    pd : double;
-    pH, deltapH, deltapd : double;
-  Result:= 0;
-  n:= 0;
-  pH:= 5.4;
-  deltapH:= 0.001;
-  deltapd:= 0.1;
-  pd:= ProtonDeficit(pH);
-  while ((pd < PrDef-deltapd) or (pd > PrDef + deltapd)) and (n < 1000) do
-  begin
-    inc(n);
-    if pd < PrDef-deltapd then ph:= ph - deltapH
-    else if pd > PrDef+deltapd then pH:= pH + deltapH;
-    pd:= ProtonDeficit(pH);
-  end;
-  Result:= pH;
-function TWater.GetAlkalinity: double;
-  Result := FBicarbonate.Value / 1.22; //mEq/l
 function TWater.GetHardness: double;
@@ -593,79 +432,6 @@
-function TBeerStyle.GetBUGUMin: double;
-  B, G: double;
-  Result:= 0;
-  if ((FOGMax.Value + FOGMin.Value) > 0) and ((FIBUMax.Value + FIBUMin.Value) > 0) then
-  begin
-    G := (FOGMax.Value - FOGMin.Value) / ((FOGMax.Value + FOGMin.Value) / 2);
-    B := (FIBUMax.Value - FIBUMin.Value) / ((FIBUMax.Value + FIBUMin.Value) / 2);
-    if G > B then
-      Result := ((FIBUMin.Value + FIBUMax.Value) / 2) / (1000 * (FOGMax.Value - 1))
-    else
-      Result := FIBUMin.Value / (1000 * (((FOGMax.Value + FOGMin.Value) / 2) - 1));
-  end;
-function TBeerStyle.GetBUGUMax: double;
-  B, G: double;
-  Result:= 0;
-  if ((FOGMax.Value + FOGMin.Value) > 0) and ((FIBUMax.Value + FIBUMin.Value) > 0)
-  and (FOGMin.Value > 1) then
-  begin
-    G := (FOGMax.Value - FOGMin.Value) / ((FOGMax.Value + FOGMin.Value) / 2);
-    B := (FIBUMax.Value - FIBUMin.Value) / ((FIBUMax.Value + FIBUMin.Value) / 2);
-    if G > B then
-      Result := ((FIBUMin.Value + FIBUMax.Value) / 2) / (1000 * (FOGMin.Value - 1))
-    else
-      Result := FIBUMax.Value / (1000 * (((FOGMax.Value + FOGMin.Value) / 2) - 1));
-  end;
-        // Get concentration of ions in diluted brewwater (1) and target water (2) in mmol/l
-        Ca1 := W.Calcium.Value / MMCa;
-        Ca2 := W2.Calcium.Value / MMCa;
-        Mg1 := W.Magnesium.Value / MMMg;
-        Mg2 := W2.Magnesium.Value / MMMg;
-        Na1 := W.Sodium.Value / MMNa;
-        Na2 := W2.Sodium.Value / MMNa;
-        CO31 := W.Bicarbonate.Value / MMHCO3;
-        CO32 := W2.Bicarbonate.Value / MMHCO3;
-        SO41 := W.Sulfate.Value / MMSO4;
-        SO42 := W2.Sulfate.Value / MMSO4;
-        Cl1 := W.Sulfate.Value / MMSO4;
-        Cl2 := W2.Sulfate.Value / MMSO4;
-procedure TRecipe.CalcWaterBalance;
-  i: integer;
-  F: TFermentable;
-  FAbsorbedByGrain := 0;
-  for i := Low(FFermentables) to High(FFermentables) do
-  begin
-    F := TFermentable(FFermentables[i]);
-    if (F.FermentableType = ftGrain) or (F.FermentableType = ftAdjunct) then
-      FAbsorbedByGrain := FAbsorbedByGrain + F.Amount.Value;
-  end;
-  FAbsorbedByGrain := FAbsorbedByGrain * Settings.GrainAbsorption.Value;
-  if FEquipment.CalcBoilVolume.Value then
-    {FBoilSize.Value := FBatchSize.Value / (1 - (FEquipment.EvapRate.Value / 100) *
-      (FBoilTime.Value / 60));}
-    FBoilSize.Value:= FBatchSize.Value + FEquipment.BoilSize.Value
-                              * FEquipment.EvapRate.Value / 100 *
-                              (FBoilTime.Value / 60);
