Added check for database changes for iSpindels such as a new beer, or changing mode. Added denity in Plato and SG to the iSpindel web screen. The iSpindels must be calibrated in Plato! A bit of documentation updated.

Sun, 05 Jan 2020 17:04:56 +0100

Michiel Broek <>
Sun, 05 Jan 2020 17:04:56 +0100
changeset 579
parent 578
child 580

Added check for database changes for iSpindels such as a new beer, or changing mode. Added denity in Plato and SG to the iSpindel web screen. The iSpindels must be calibrated in Plato! A bit of documentation updated.

bmsd/bms.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
bmsd/ispindels.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
bmsd/mysql.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
bmsd/mysql.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
doc/bms-ch8.sgml file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
www/js/mon_ispindel.js file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
www/mon_ispindel.php file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/bmsd/bms.c	Sun Jan 05 11:42:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/bmsd/bms.c	Sun Jan 05 17:04:56 2020 +0100
@@ -133,8 +133,10 @@
     while (my_shutdown == FALSE) {
-	usleep(5000000);
+	usleep(4000000);
+	usleep(1000000);
+	ispindel_mysql_check();
     if (debug)
 	fprintf(stdout, "[main] Exit from main loop\n");
--- a/bmsd/ispindels.c	Sun Jan 05 11:42:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/bmsd/ispindels.c	Sun Jan 05 17:04:56 2020 +0100
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
     time_t              timestamp;
     FILE		*fp;
-    if (debug)
-    	printf("ispindel_set: %s %s\n", node, payload);
+//    if (debug)
+//    	printf("ispindel_set: %s %s\n", node, payload);
      * Search ispindel record in the memory array and use it if found.
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
-    if (debug)
-    	printf("new_ispindel %s\n", new_ispindel ? "true":"false");
+//    if (debug)
+//    	printf("new_ispindel %s\n", new_ispindel ? "true":"false");
      * Allocate new ispindel if not yet known.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
-    ispindel_dump(ispindel);
+//    ispindel_dump(ispindel);
     if (new_ispindel) {
     	if (ispindels == NULL) {
@@ -143,8 +143,9 @@
      * The data is complete, see if we can write a log entry.
     if (ispindel->beercode && strlen(ispindel->beercode) && ispindel->beername && strlen(ispindel->beername) &&
-	(strcmp(ispindel->mode, (char *)"ON") == 0)) {
+	ispindel->online && (strcmp(ispindel->mode, (char *)"ON") == 0)) {
 	datetime = malloc(72);
+	timestamp = time(NULL);
 	mytime = localtime(&timestamp);
     	snprintf(datetime, 72, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
         	mytime->tm_year + 1900, mytime->tm_mon + 1, mytime->tm_mday, mytime->tm_hour, mytime->tm_min, mytime->tm_sec);
@@ -157,6 +158,9 @@
 	snprintf(buf, 64, "%.5f", ispindel->gravity);
         line = xstrcat(line, buf);
         line = xstrcat(line, (char *)",");
+	snprintf(buf, 64, "%.5f", 1 + (ispindel->gravity / (258.6 - ((ispindel->gravity / 258.2) * 227.1))));
+	line = xstrcat(line, buf);
+        line = xstrcat(line, (char *)",");
         snprintf(buf, 64, "%.5f", ispindel->battery);
         line = xstrcat(line, buf);
         line = xstrcat(line, (char *)",");
--- a/bmsd/mysql.c	Sun Jan 05 11:42:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/bmsd/mysql.c	Sun Jan 05 17:04:56 2020 +0100
@@ -338,6 +338,10 @@
     for (tmpi = ispindels; tmpi; tmpi = oldtmpi) {
         oldtmpi = tmpi->next;
+	if (tmpi->uuid)
+	    free(tmpi->uuid);
+	if (tmpi->alias)
+	    free(tmpi->alias);
 	if (tmpi->node)
         if (tmpi->beercode)
@@ -346,6 +350,8 @@
         if (tmpi->beeruuid)
+	if (tmpi->mode)
+	    free(tmpi->mode);
@@ -759,3 +765,49 @@
+void ispindel_mysql_check(void)
+    sys_ispindel_list	*tmpp;
+    if (ispindels == NULL)
+	return;
+    if (mysql_query(con, "SELECT uuid,alias,beercode,beername,beeruuid,mode FROM mon_ispindels;")) {
+        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MySQL: SELECT uuid,alias,beercode,beername,beeruuid,mode FROM mon_ispindels error %u (%s))", mysql_errno(con), mysql_error(con));
+    } else {
+        res_set = mysql_store_result(con);
+        if (res_set == NULL) {
+            syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MySQL: mysq_store_result error %u (%s))", mysql_errno(con), mysql_error(con));
+        } else {
+            while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res_set)) != NULL) {
+		for (tmpp = ispindels; tmpp; tmpp = tmpp->next) {
+		    if (strcmp(tmpp->uuid, row[0]) == 0) {
+			if (strcmp(tmpp->beercode, row[2]) || strcmp(tmpp->beername, row[3]) || strcmp(tmpp->beeruuid, row[4])) {
+			    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ispindel `%s` change beer to `%s %s`", row[1], row[2], row[3]);
+			    if (tmpp->beercode)
+				free(tmpp->beercode);
+			    tmpp->beercode = xstrcpy(row[2]);
+			    if (tmpp->beername)
+				free(tmpp->beername);
+			    tmpp->beername = xstrcpy(row[3]);
+			    if (tmpp->beeruuid)
+				free(tmpp->beeruuid);
+			    tmpp->beeruuid = xstrcpy(row[4]);
+			}
+			if (strcmp(tmpp->mode, row[5])) {
+			    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ispindel `%s` change mode `%s`", row[1], row[5]);
+			    if (tmpp->mode)
+				free(tmpp->mode);
+			    tmpp->mode = xstrcpy(row[5]);
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    mysql_free_result(res_set);
+	}
+    }
--- a/bmsd/mysql.h	Sun Jan 05 11:42:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/bmsd/mysql.h	Sun Jan 05 17:04:56 2020 +0100
@@ -45,4 +45,12 @@
 void ispindel_mysql_update(sys_ispindel_list *ispindel);
 void ispindel_mysql_death(char *alias);
+ * @brief Check state changes in the database for all iSpindels and
+ *        update the internal memory array. Called every 5 seconds from
+ *        the main server thread.
+ */
+void ispindel_mysql_check(void);
--- a/doc/bms-ch8.sgml	Sun Jan 05 11:42:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/doc/bms-ch8.sgml	Sun Jan 05 17:04:56 2020 +0100
@@ -83,13 +83,20 @@
 is de unix tijd sinds 1 januari 1970. Niet alle controllers sturen een timestamp,
 controllers zonder klok laten dit weg. De tijd wordt dan door <code>bmsd</code>
 ingevuld en is de tijd dat het bericht ontvangen wordt.
-Het `seq' nummer wordt met ieder bericht met 1 verhoogd.</para>
+Het `seq' nummer wordt met ieder bericht met 1 verhoogd.
+Ook dit nummer is niet altijd aanwezig.</para>
+<para>In de `metric' groep is de `interval' optioneel. Dit wordt bijvoorbeeld
+verstuurd door iSpindels en is de ingestelde update interval tijd in seconden.
+Indien dit niet aanwezig is dan wordt 300 seconden als standaard waarde gebruikt.
+Deze waarde wordt gebruikt om een apparaat als offline te markeren indien het langer
+als twee maal deze tijd niet wordt gezien.</para>
   "timestamp": 1532201089,
   "seq": 0,
   "metric": {
     "uuid": "b508f01c-1f82-4e8b-b0d2-d88ecfb53031",
+    "interval":300,
     "properties": {
       "hardwaremake": "Raspberry",
       "hardwaremodel": "Unknown",
@@ -340,6 +347,13 @@
+<sect1 id="payloadco2data">
+<title>Netwerk payload data formaat voor CO2 meters.</title>
+Nog schrijven
 <sect1 id="payloadco2log">
 <title>Netwerk payload log formaat voor CO2 meters.</title>
@@ -369,22 +383,12 @@
-<sect1 id="ispindellog">
-<title>Netwerk payload formaat voor de iSpindels.</title>
+<sect1 id="payloadispindeldata">
+<title>Netwerk payload data formaat voor iSpindels.</title>
-De iSpindel is een extern project en verstuurd een afwijkend en simpel
-formaat van MQTT berichten. De berichten die verstuurd worden met iedere
-update zien er als volgt uit:
+Nog schrijven
- ispindel/&lt;node&gt;/tilt Tilt
- ispindel/&lt;node&gt;/temperature 20.1250
- ispindel/&lt;node&gt;/temp_units C
- ispindel/&lt;node&gt;/battery Volt
- ispindel/&lt;node&gt;/gravity Gravity
- ispindel/&lt;node&gt;/interval 900
- ispindel/&lt;node&gt;/RSSI WiFi.RSSI()
 Voor iedere actieve iSpindel wordt bij iedere systeemstart een bericht
 gestuurd. Dit is ongeveer iedere 15 minuten. Omdat de iSpindel eenvoudige
@@ -400,15 +404,16 @@
 De bestandsnamen zijn <code>product_code\ product_name.log</code>.
 Het interne formaat is:</para>
-   2019-10-11 16:13:33,70.12,22.250,3.576,1.032,900,-45
-            |            |      |     |     |    |   |
- 0 datetime +            |      |     |     |    |   |
- 1 tilt -----------------+      |     |     |    |   |
- 2 temperatuur -----------------+     |     |    |   |
- 3 batterij spanning -----------------+     |    |   |
- 4 densiteit -------------------------------+    |   |
- 5 interval -------------------------------------+   |
- 6 rssi ---------------------------------------------+
+   2020-01-05 14:01:53,19.3750,7.08093,1.02806,3.34724,38.78126,900,c0ffeeee-cafe-dead-bee0-2af236d50dc9
+            |             |       |       |       |       |      |                 |
+ 0 datetime +             |       |       |       |       |      |                 |
+ 1 temperatuur -----------+       |       |       |       |      |                 |
+ 2 densiteit plato ---------------+       |       |       |      |                 |
+ 3 densiteit SG --------------------------+       |       |      |                 |
+ 4 batterij voltage ------------------------------+       |      |                 |
+ 5 tilt hoek ---------------------------------------------+      |                 |
+ 6 update interval ----------------------------------------------+                 |
+ 7 ispindel uuid ------------------------------------------------------------------+
--- a/www/js/mon_ispindel.js	Sun Jan 05 11:42:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/www/js/mon_ispindel.js	Sun Jan 05 17:04:56 2020 +0100
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   ticksMinor: { size: '5%', interval: 2 },
   ticksMajor: { size: '9%', interval: 10 },
   ticksPosition: 'near',
-  min: 0990, max: 1120, width: 120, height: 375,
+  min: 0990, max: 1150, width: 120, height: 375,
   value: 1000,
   pointer: { pointerType: 'arrow', size: '15%', visible: true, offset: 0 },
   colorScheme: 'scheme05',
@@ -139,8 +139,10 @@
+   $('#info_plato').val(record.gravity);
+   $('#info_sg').val(plato_to_sg(record.gravity));
-   gravity = plato_to_sg(record.gravity) * 1000;
+   var gravity = plato_to_sg(record.gravity) * 1000;
    $('#gaugeContainer_gravity').jqxLinearGauge({ value: gravity });
@@ -161,7 +163,9 @@
- $('#info_tilt').jqxNumberInput(Show3dec);
+ $('#info_tilt').jqxNumberInput(Show4dec);
+ $('#info_plato').jqxNumberInput(Show4dec);
+ $('#info_sg').jqxNumberInput(Show4dec);
  $('#gaugeContainer_temperature').jqxGauge({ caption: { value: 'Temp: 00.000' }});
--- a/www/mon_ispindel.php	Sun Jan 05 11:42:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/www/mon_ispindel.php	Sun Jan 05 17:04:56 2020 +0100
@@ -11,33 +11,38 @@
        <table style='width: 100%; padding: 10px;'>
 	<col width="20%">
 	<col width="40%">
-        <col width="40%">
-        <tr><th colspan=3>iSpindel overzicht</th></tr>
+        <col width="20%">
+        <col width="20%">
+        <tr><th colspan=4>iSpindel overzicht</th></tr>
         <tr style="height: 25px;">
-         <td colspan="2"><div id="info_uuid"></div></td>
+         <td colspan="3"><div id="info_uuid"></div></td>
 	<tr style="height: 25px;">
 	 <td><div id="info_system"></div></td>
-         <td><div id="info_online"></div></td>
+         <td colspan="2"><div id="info_online"></div></td>
 	<tr style="height: 25px;">
          <td>Code en bier</td>
          <td><div id="info_beer"></div></td>
-         <td><div id="select_beer"></div></td>
+         <td colspan="2"><div id="select_beer"></div></td>
         <tr style="height: 25px;">
-         <td colspan="2"><div id="info_mode"></div></td>
+         <td colspan="3"><div id="info_mode"></div></td>
 	<tr style="height: 25px;">
          <td>Batterij volt</td>
-         <td colspan="2"><div id="info_battery"></div></td>
+         <td><div id="info_battery"></div></td>
+         <td>Densiteit &deg;P</td>
+         <td><div id="info_plato"></div></td>
         <tr style="height: 25px;">
          <td>Tilt hoek &deg;</td>
-         <td colspan="2"><div id="info_tilt"></div></td>
+         <td><div id="info_tilt"></div></td>
+         <td>Densiteit SG</td>
+         <td><div id="info_sg"></div></td>
