Code cleanup and manual compress

Sat, 19 Oct 2019 13:54:38 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 19 Oct 2019 13:54:38 +0200
changeset 527
parent 526
child 528

Code cleanup and manual compress

www/js/log_brew.js file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
www/js/log_co2pressure.js file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
www/js/log_fermentation.js file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/www/js/log_brew.js	Sat Oct 19 12:17:29 2019 +0200
+++ b/www/js/log_brew.js	Sat Oct 19 13:54:38 2019 +0200
@@ -21,121 +21,116 @@
-$(document).ready(function () {
-	$('#jqxMenu').jqxMenu('destroy');
+$(document).ready(function() {
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-		width: 250,
-		height: 150,
-		isModal: true,
-		text: "Opmaken grafiek ...",
-		theme: theme
-	});
-	$('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('open');
+ $('#jqxMenu').jqxMenu('destroy');
+ $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader({
+  width: 250,
+  height: 150,
+  isModal: true,
+  text: 'Opmaken grafiek ...',
+  theme: theme
+ });
+ $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('open');
-	function getExportServer() {
-		return "";
-	}
+ function getExportServer() {
+  return '';
+ }
-	var sourceA = {
-		datatype: "json",
-		datafields: [
-			{ name: "date", type: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" },
-			{ name: "version", type: "int" },
-			{ name: "code", type: "string" },
-			{ name: "name", type: "string" },
-			{ name: "pv_mlt", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "pv_hlt", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "pv_room", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "sp_mlt", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "sp_hlt", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "pwm_mlt", type: "int" },
-			{ name: "pwm_hlt", type: "int" },
-			{ name: "event", type: "string" }
-		],
-		url: 'getbrewlog.php?code=' + my_code
-	},
-	dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(sourceA, {
-		autoBind: true,
-		async: false,
-		loadComplete: function () {
-			$('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('close');
-		},
-		loadError: function (jqXHR, status, error) {
-		}
-	}),
-	settings = {
-		 title: my_code + ' "' + my_name + '"',
-		 description: "",
-		 source: dataAdapter,
-		 xAxis: {
-			dataField: 'date',
-			type: 'date',
-			formatFunction: function (value) {
-				return value.getHours() + ':' + value.getMinutes();
-			},
-			toolTipFormatFunction: function (value) {
-				var h = value.getHours(),
-				m = value.getMinutes();
-				return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear()
-					 + ' ' + (h < 10 ? '0' + h : h) + ':' + (m < 10 ? '0' + m : m);
-			},
-			textRotationAngle: 300,
-		 },
-		 colorScheme: 'scheme01',
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-			{
-				type: 'spline',
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-					minValue: 0,
-					description: 'Graden C'
-				},
-				series: [
-					{ dataField: "pv_mlt", lineWidth: 2, displayText: "MLT" },
-					{ dataField: "sp_mlt", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "mlt", opacity: 0.7 },
-					{ dataField: "pv_hlt", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "HLT" },
-					{ dataField: "sp_hlt", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "hlt", opacity: 0.7 },
-					{ dataField: "pv_room", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Room", opacity: 0.5 }
-				]
-			}
-		 ]
-	};
-	$("#brew_chart").jqxChart(settings);
+ var sourceA = {
+  datatype: 'json',
+  datafields: [
+   { name: 'date', type: 'date', format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' },
+   { name: 'version', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'code', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'name', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'pv_mlt', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'pv_hlt', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'pv_room', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'sp_mlt', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'sp_hlt', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'pwm_mlt', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'pwm_hlt', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'event', type: 'string' }
+  ],
+  url: 'getbrewlog.php?code=' + my_code
+ },
+ dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(sourceA, {
+  autoBind: true,
+  async: false,
+  loadComplete: function() {
+   $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('close');
+  },
+  loadError: function(jqXHR, status, error) {
+  }
+ }),
+ settings = {
+  title: my_code + ' "' + my_name + '"',
+  description: '',
+  source: dataAdapter,
+  xAxis: {
+   dataField: 'date',
+   type: 'date',
+   formatFunction: function(value) {
+    return value.getHours() + ':' + value.getMinutes();
+   },
+   toolTipFormatFunction: function(value) {
+    var h = value.getHours(), m = value.getMinutes();
+    return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear() +
+      ' ' + (h < 10 ? '0' + h : h) + ':' + (m < 10 ? '0' + m : m);
+   },
+   textRotationAngle: 300,
+  },
+  colorScheme: 'scheme01',
+  seriesGroups: [{
+   type: 'spline',
+   valueAxis: {
+    minValue: 0,
+    description: 'Graden C'
+   },
+   series: [
+    { dataField: 'pv_mlt', lineWidth: 2, displayText: 'MLT' },
+    { dataField: 'sp_mlt', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'mlt', opacity: 0.7 },
+    { dataField: 'pv_hlt', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'HLT' },
+    { dataField: 'sp_hlt', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'hlt', opacity: 0.7 },
+    { dataField: 'pv_room', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Ruimte', opacity: 0.5 }
+   ]
+  }]
+ };
+ $('#brew_chart').jqxChart(settings);
-	$("#print").click(function () {
-		var content = $("#brew_chart")[0].outerHTML,
-		newWindow ="", "", "width=865, height=425"),
-		document =,
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-			'<meta charset="utf-8" />' +
-			'<title>' + my_code + ' ' + my_name + ' brouwdag</title>' +
-			'</head>' +
-			'<body>' + content + '</body></html>';
-		document.write(pageContent);
-		document.close();
-		newWindow.print();
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+ $('#print').click(function() {
+  var content = $('#brew_chart')[0].outerHTML,
+  newWindow ='', '', 'width=865, height=425'),
+  document =,
+  pageContent =
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+   '<html>' +
+   '<head>' +
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+   '<meta charset="utf-8" />' +
+   '<title>' + my_code + ' ' + my_name + ' brouwdag</title>' +
+   '</head>' +
+   '<body>' + content + '</body></html>';
+  document.write(pageContent);
+  document.close();
+  newWindow.print();
+ });
+ $('#print').jqxButton({ template: 'primary', width: 125, theme: theme });
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-		$("#brew_chart").jqxChart("saveAsPDF", "brouw_"+my_code+".pdf", getExportServer());
-	});
-	$("#pdfButton").jqxButton({ template: "primary", width: 125, theme: theme });
+ $('#pdfButton').click(function() {
+  $('#brew_chart').jqxChart('saveAsPDF', 'brouw_' + my_code + '.pdf', getExportServer());
+ });
+ $('#pdfButton').jqxButton({ template: 'primary', width: 125, theme: theme });
-	$("#pngButton").click(function () {
-		$("#brew_chart").jqxChart("saveAsPNG", "brouw_"+my_code+".png", getExportServer());
-	});
-	$("#pngButton").jqxButton({ template: "primary", width: 125, theme: theme });
+ $('#pngButton').click(function() {
+  $('#brew_chart').jqxChart('saveAsPNG', 'brouw_' + my_code + '.png', getExportServer());
+ });
+ $('#pngButton').jqxButton({ template: 'primary', width: 125, theme: theme });
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-	$("#Close").click(function () {
-		window.close();
-	});
+ $('#Close').jqxButton({ template: 'success', width: 125, theme: theme });
+ $('#Close').click(function() {
+  window.close();
+ });
--- a/www/js/log_co2pressure.js	Sat Oct 19 12:17:29 2019 +0200
+++ b/www/js/log_co2pressure.js	Sat Oct 19 13:54:38 2019 +0200
@@ -21,121 +21,107 @@
-$(document).ready(function () {
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+$(document).ready(function() {
-	$("#jqxLoader").jqxLoader({
-		width: 250,
-		height: 150,
-		isModal: true,
-		text: "Opmaken grafiek ...",
-		theme: theme
-	});
-	$('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('open');
+ $('#jqxMenu').jqxMenu('destroy');
+ $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader({
+  width: 250,
+  height: 150,
+  isModal: true,
+  text: 'Opmaken grafiek ...',
+  theme: theme
+ });
+ $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('open');
-	function getExportServer() {
-		return "";
-	}
+ function getExportServer() {
+  return '';
+ }
-	var sourceA = {
-		datatype: "json",
-		datafields: [
-			{ name: "date", type: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" },
-			{ name: "temperature", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "pressure", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "uuid", type: "string" }
-		],
-		url: 'getco2pressurelog.php?code=' + my_code + '&name=' + my_name
-	},
-	dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(sourceA, {
-		autoBind: true,
-		async: false,
-		loadComplete: function () {
-			$('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('close');
-		},
-		loadError: function (jqXHR, status, error) {
-		}
-	}),
-	settings = {
-		 title: my_code + ' "' + my_name + '"',
-		 description: "",
-		 source: dataAdapter,
-		 xAxis: {
-			 dataField: 'date',
-			 type: 'date',
-			 formatFunction: function (value) {
-				 return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear();
-			 },
-			 toolTipFormatFunction: function (value) {
-				 var h = value.getHours(),
-				 m = value.getMinutes();
-				 return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear()
-					 + ' ' + (h < 10 ? '0' + h : h) + ':' + (m < 10 ? '0' + m : m);
-			 },
-			 textRotationAngle: 45,
-			 howGridLines: false
-		 },
-		 colorScheme: 'scheme01',
-		 seriesGroups: [
-			{
-                                type: "area",
-                                valueAxis: {
-                                        minValue: 0,
-                                        displayValueAxis: false,
-                                        description: "Druk in bar"
-                                },
-                                series: [
-                                        { dataField: "pressure", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Druk", opacity: 0.4 }
-                                ]
-                        },
-			{
-				type: 'spline',
-				valueAxis: {
-					minValue: 0,
-					description: 'Graden C'
-				},
-				series: [
-					{ dataField: "temperature", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Temperatuur" }
-				]
-			}
-		 ]
-	};
-	$("#pressure_chart").jqxChart(settings);
+ var sourceA = {
+  datatype: 'json',
+  datafields: [
+   { name: 'date', type: 'date', format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' },
+   { name: 'temperature', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'pressure', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'uuid', type: 'string' }
+  ],
+  url: 'getco2pressurelog.php?code=' + my_code + '&name=' + my_name
+ },
+ dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(sourceA, {
+  autoBind: true,
+  async: false,
+  loadComplete: function() {
+   $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('close');
+  },
+  loadError: function(jqXHR, status, error) {
+  }
+ }),
+ settings = {
+  title: my_code + ' "' + my_name + '"',
+  description: '',
+  source: dataAdapter,
+  xAxis: {
+   dataField: 'date',
+   type: 'date',
+   formatFunction: function(value) {
+    return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear();
+   },
+   toolTipFormatFunction: function(value) {
+    var h = value.getHours(), m = value.getMinutes();
+    return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear() +
+      ' ' + (h < 10 ? '0' + h : h) + ':' + (m < 10 ? '0' + m : m);
+   },
+   textRotationAngle: 45,
+   howGridLines: false
+  },
+  colorScheme: 'scheme01',
+  seriesGroups: [
+   {
+    type: 'area',
+    valueAxis: { minValue: 0, displayValueAxis: false, description: 'Druk in bar' },
+    series: [{ dataField: 'pressure', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Druk', opacity: 0.4 }]
+   },
+   {
+    type: 'spline',
+    valueAxis: { minValue: 0, description: 'Graden C' },
+    series: [{ dataField: 'temperature', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Temperatuur' }]
+   }
+  ]
+ };
+ $('#pressure_chart').jqxChart(settings);
-	$("#print").click(function () {
-		var content = $("#pressure_chart")[0].outerHTML,
-		newWindow ="", "", "width=865, height=425"),
-		document =,
-		pageContent =
-			'<!DOCTYPE html>' +
-			'<html>' +
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-			'<meta charset="utf-8" />' +
-			'<title>' + my_code + ' ' + my_name + ' hergisting</title>' +
-			'</head>' +
-			'<body>' + content + '</body></html>';
-		document.write(pageContent);
-		document.close();
-		newWindow.print();
-	});
-	$("#print").jqxButton({ template: "primary", width: 125, theme: theme });
+ $('#print').click(function() {
+  var content = $('#pressure_chart')[0].outerHTML,
+  newWindow ='', '', 'width=865, height=425'),
+  document =,
+  pageContent =
+   '<!DOCTYPE html>' +
+   '<html>' +
+   '<head>' +
+   '<link rel="stylesheet" href="jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" />' +
+   '<meta charset="utf-8" />' +
+   '<title>' + my_code + ' ' + my_name + ' hergisting</title>' +
+   '</head>' +
+   '<body>' + content + '</body></html>';
+  document.write(pageContent);
+  document.close();
+  newWindow.print();
+ });
+ $('#print').jqxButton({ template: 'primary', width: 125, theme: theme });
-	$("#pdfButton").click(function () {
-		$("#pressure_chart").jqxChart("saveAsPDF", "hergisting_"+my_code+".pdf", getExportServer());
-	});
-	$("#pdfButton").jqxButton({ template: "primary", width: 125, theme: theme });
+ $('#pdfButton').click(function() {
+  $('#pressure_chart').jqxChart('saveAsPDF', 'hergisting_' + my_code + '.pdf', getExportServer());
+ });
+ $('#pdfButton').jqxButton({ template: 'primary', width: 125, theme: theme });
-	$("#pngButton").click(function () {
-		$("#pressure_chart").jqxChart("saveAsPNG", "hergisting_"+my_code+".png", getExportServer());
-	});
-	$("#pngButton").jqxButton({ template: "primary", width: 125, theme: theme });
+ $('#pngButton').click(function() {
+  $('#pressure_chart').jqxChart('saveAsPNG', 'hergisting_' + my_code + '.png', getExportServer());
+ });
+ $('#pngButton').jqxButton({ template: 'primary', width: 125, theme: theme });
-	$("#Close").jqxButton({ template: "success", width: 125, theme: theme });
-	$("#Close").click(function () {
-		window.close();
-	});
+ $('#Close').jqxButton({ template: 'success', width: 125, theme: theme });
+ $('#Close').click(function() {
+  window.close();
+ });
--- a/www/js/log_fermentation.js	Sat Oct 19 12:17:29 2019 +0200
+++ b/www/js/log_fermentation.js	Sat Oct 19 13:54:38 2019 +0200
@@ -21,140 +21,138 @@
-$(document).ready(function () {
+$(document).ready(function() {
-	$('#jqxMenu').jqxMenu('destroy');
+ $('#jqxMenu').jqxMenu('destroy');
-	$("#jqxLoader").jqxLoader({
-		width: 250,
-		height: 150,
-		isModal: true,
-		text: "Opmaken grafiek ...",
-		theme: theme
-	});
-	$('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('open');
+ $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader({
+  width: 250,
+  height: 150,
+  isModal: true,
+  text: 'Opmaken grafiek ...',
+  theme: theme
+ });
+ $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('open');
-	function getExportServer() {
-		return "";
-	}
+ function getExportServer() {
+  return '';
+ }
-	var sourceA = {
-		datatype: "json",
-		datafields: [
-			{ name: "date", type: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" },
-			{ name: "air", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "beer", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "chiller", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "room", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "tlo", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "thi", type: "float" },
-			{ name: "heater", type: "int" },
-			{ name: "cooler", type: "int" },
-			{ name: "event", type: "string" }
-		],
-		url: 'getfermentlog.php?code=' + my_code + '&name=' + my_name
-	},
-	dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(sourceA, {
-		autoBind: true,
-		async: false,
-		loadComplete: function () {
-			$('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('close');
-		},
-		loadError: function (jqXHR, status, error) {
-		}
-	}),
-	settings = {
-		 title: my_code + ' "' + my_name + '"',
-		 description: "",
-		 source: dataAdapter,
-		 xAxis: {
-			 dataField: 'date',
-			 type: 'date',
-			 formatFunction: function (value) {
-				 return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear();
-			 },
-			 toolTipFormatFunction: function (value) {
-				 var h = value.getHours(),
-				 m = value.getMinutes();
-				 return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear()
-					 + ' ' + (h < 10 ? '0' + h : h) + ':' + (m < 10 ? '0' + m : m);
-			 },
-			 textRotationAngle: 45,
-			 howGridLines: false,
-			 rangeSelector: {
-				size: 90,
-				dataField: 'beer',
-				serieType: 'line',
-				gridLines: {visible: false},
-			}
-		 },
-		 colorScheme: 'scheme01',
-		 seriesGroups: [
-		 	{
-				type: "area",
-				valueAxis: {
-					minValue: 0,
-					maxValue: 100,
-					displayValueAxis: false,
-					description: "Heat/Cool %"
-				},
-				series: [
-			 		{ dataField: "cooler", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Cool %", opacity: 0.4 },
-			 		{ dataField: "heater", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Heat %", opacity: 0.3 }
-			 	]
-		 	},
-			{
-				type: 'spline',
-				valueAxis: {
-					minValue: 0,
-					description: 'Graden C'
-				},
-				series: [
-					{ dataField: "air", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Air" },
-					{ dataField: "beer", lineWidth: 2, displayText: "Beer" },
-					{ dataField: "tlo", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Target Lo", opacity: 0.7 },
-					{ dataField: "thi", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Target Hi", opacity: 0.7 },
-					{ dataField: "room", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Room", opacity: 0.5 },
-					{ dataField: "chiller", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Chiller", color: '#0000bb' }
-				]
-			}
-		 ]
-	};
-	$("#fermenter_chart").jqxChart(settings);
+ var sourceA = {
+  datatype: 'json',
+  datafields: [
+   { name: 'date', type: 'date', format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' },
+   { name: 'air', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'beer', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'chiller', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'room', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'tlo', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'thi', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'heater', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'cooler', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'event', type: 'string' }
+  ],
+  url: 'getfermentlog.php?code=' + my_code + '&name=' + my_name
+ },
+ dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(sourceA, {
+  autoBind: true,
+  async: false,
+  loadComplete: function() {
+   $('#jqxLoader').jqxLoader('close');
+  },
+  loadError: function(jqXHR, status, error) {
+  }
+ }),
+ settings = {
+   title: my_code + ' "' + my_name + '"',
+   description: '',
+   source: dataAdapter,
+   xAxis: {
+    dataField: 'date',
+    type: 'date',
+    formatFunction: function(value) {
+     return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear();
+    },
+    toolTipFormatFunction: function(value) {
+     var h = value.getHours(), m = value.getMinutes();
+     return value.getDate() + '-' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + value.getFullYear() +
+      ' ' + (h < 10 ? '0' + h : h) + ':' + (m < 10 ? '0' + m : m);
+    },
+    textRotationAngle: 45,
+    howGridLines: false,
+    rangeSelector: {
+    size: 90,
+    dataField: 'beer',
+    serieType: 'line',
+    gridLines: {visible: false},
+   }
+   },
+   colorScheme: 'scheme01',
+   seriesGroups: [
+    {
+    type: 'area',
+    valueAxis: {
+     minValue: 0,
+     maxValue: 100,
+     displayValueAxis: false,
+     description: 'Verwarm/Koel %'
+    },
+    series: [
+      { dataField: 'cooler', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Koel %', opacity: 0.4 },
+      { dataField: 'heater', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Verwarm %', opacity: 0.3 }
+     ]
+    },
+   {
+    type: 'spline',
+    valueAxis: {
+     minValue: 0,
+     description: 'Graden C'
+    },
+    series: [
+     { dataField: 'air', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Lucht' },
+     { dataField: 'beer', lineWidth: 2, displayText: 'Bier' },
+     { dataField: 'tlo', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Doel laag', opacity: 0.7 },
+     { dataField: 'thi', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Doel hoog', opacity: 0.7 },
+     { dataField: 'room', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Ruimte', opacity: 0.5 },
+     { dataField: 'chiller', lineWidth: 1, displayText: 'Koeler', color: '#0000bb' }
+    ]
+   }
+   ]
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+ $('#pdfButton').click(function() {
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+ $('#pngButton').click(function() {
+  $('#fermenter_chart').jqxChart('saveAsPNG', 'vergisting_' + my_code + '.png', getExportServer());
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