In stage Plan the brewdate data is saved, but not the brewdate itself. Added kettle_cm() function. Fixed serveral kettle heights when creating a new product. Print product prints a almost complete checklist in stages plan and brew.

Tue, 05 Feb 2019 21:55:22 +0100

Michiel Broek <>
Tue, 05 Feb 2019 21:55:22 +0100
changeset 243
parent 242
child 244

In stage Plan the brewdate data is saved, but not the brewdate itself. Added kettle_cm() function. Fixed serveral kettle heights when creating a new product. Print product prints a almost complete checklist in stages plan and brew.

www/includes/db_product.php file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
www/includes/formulas.php file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
www/js/prod_new.js file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
www/prod_print.php file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/www/includes/db_product.php	Mon Feb 04 20:56:44 2019 +0100
+++ b/www/includes/db_product.php	Tue Feb 05 21:55:22 2019 +0100
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@
 	$sql .= "', eq_efficiency='" . $_POST['eq_efficiency'];
 	if ($stage > 1) {
+		$sql .= "', brew_date_start='" . $_POST['brew_date_start'];
+	}
+	if ($stage > 0) {
 		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "write brewdate data");
 		$sql .= "', brew_date_start='" . $_POST['brew_date_start'];
 		$sql .= "', brew_mash_ph='" . $_POST['brew_mash_ph'];
--- a/www/includes/formulas.php	Mon Feb 04 20:56:44 2019 +0100
+++ b/www/includes/formulas.php	Tue Feb 05 21:55:22 2019 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 define('EURO', chr(128));
+define('DEG', chr(176));
+define('SUGARDENSITY', '1.611');
 define('MMCa', '40.048');
 define('MMMg', '24.305');
@@ -266,6 +269,15 @@
+function kettle_cm($vol, $kettle_vol, $kettle_height) {
+	if (($vol > 0) && ($kettle_vol > 0) && ($vol <= $kettle_vol))
+		return 100 * ((1 - $vol / $kettle_vol) * $kettle_height);
+	return 0;
 Brouwhulp data.pas
--- a/www/js/prod_new.js	Mon Feb 04 20:56:44 2019 +0100
+++ b/www/js/prod_new.js	Tue Feb 05 21:55:22 2019 +0100
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 					eq_tun_weight: parseFloat($("#eq_tun_weight").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_tun_specific_heat: parseFloat($("#eq_tun_specific_heat").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_tun_material: tun_material,
-					eq_tun_height: parseFloat($("#eq_tun_height").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+					eq_tun_height: parseFloat($("#eq_tun_height").jqxNumberInput('decimal')) / 100,
 					eq_top_up_water: parseFloat($("#eq_top_up_water").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_trub_chiller_loss: parseFloat($("#eq_trub_chiller_loss").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_evap_rate: parseFloat($("#eq_evap_rate").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
@@ -276,10 +276,10 @@
 					eq_hop_utilization: parseFloat($("#eq_hop_utilization").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_notes: $("#eq_notes").val(),
 					eq_lauter_volume: parseFloat($("#eq_lauter_volume").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-					eq_lauter_height: parseFloat($("#eq_lauter_height").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+					eq_lauter_height: parseFloat($("#eq_lauter_height").jqxNumberInput('decimal')) / 100,
 					eq_lauter_deadspace: parseFloat($("#eq_lauter_deadspace").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_kettle_volume: parseFloat($("#eq_kettle_volume").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-					eq_kettle_height: parseFloat($("#eq_kettle_height").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+					eq_kettle_height: parseFloat($("#eq_kettle_height").jqxNumberInput('decimal')) / 100,
 					eq_mash_volume: parseFloat($("#eq_mash_volume").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_mash_max: parseFloat($("#eq_mash_max").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
 					eq_efficiency: parseFloat($("#eq_efficiency").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
--- a/www/prod_print.php	Mon Feb 04 20:56:44 2019 +0100
+++ b/www/prod_print.php	Tue Feb 05 21:55:22 2019 +0100
@@ -454,6 +454,259 @@
 		// Kostprijs per liter, calorieren
+	function Checkheader($text) {
+		$this->SetFont('Arial','B',10);
+		$this->Cell(0, 4,$text,0,0,'L',true);
+		$this->SetFont('Arial','',10);
+		$this->Ln(6);
+	}
+	function Checkline($text) {
+		$this->Rect(10,$this->GetY(),4,4);
+		$this->SetX(15);
+		$this->Cell(0, 4,$text,0,1,'L',true);
+		$this->Ln(1);
+	}
+	function Checklist($row) {
+		global $my_grain_absorbtion;
+		global $my_brix_correction;
+		$mashwater = 0;
+		$numsalts = 0;
+		$this->AddPage();
+		$this->SetFillColor(255,255,255);
+		$this->Checkheader('Water en -behandeling');
+		if ($row['w1_name']) {
+			$this->Checkline(sprintf("%.1f",floatval($row['w1_amount'])).' liter water '.$row['w1_name']);
+			$mashwater += floatval($row['w1_amount']);
+		}
+		if ($row['w2_name']) {
+			$this->Checkline(sprintf("%.1f",floatval($row['w2_amount'])).' liter water '.$row['w2_name']);
+			$mashwater += floatval($row['w2_amount']);
+		}
+		$arr = json_decode($row['json_miscs'], true);
+		foreach($arr as $item) {
+			if ($item['m_type'] == 4) {	// Only the water agents
+				$this->Checkline(sprintf("%.1f",floatval($item['m_amount'] * 1000)).' gram '.$item['m_name']);
+				$numsalts++;
+			}
+		}
+		$this->Ln(5);
+		$this->Checkheader('Mout afwegen en schroten');
+		$arr = json_decode($row['json_fermentables'], true);
+		foreach($arr as $item) {
+			if ($item['f_added'] == 0) {	// to mash
+				$s = sprintf("%.3f",floatval($item['f_amount'])).' kg ';
+				$s .= iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_name']);
+				$s .= ' ('.iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_supplier']).')';
+				$this->Checkline($s);
+			}
+		}
+		$this->Checkline('mout schroten');
+		$this->Ln(5);
+		$this->Checkheader('Maischen');
+		$mvol = 0;
+		$grainabsortion = 0;
+		$arr = json_decode($row['json_mashs'], true);
+		if (count($arr) > 0) {
+			$loop = 0;
+			foreach($arr as $item) {
+				if ($item['step_type'] == 0)
+					$mvol += $item['step_infuse_amount'];	// We need this later.
+				if ($loop == 0) {
+					$s = sprintf("%.1f",$mashwater).' liter water opwarmen tot ';
+					$s .= sprintf("%.1f",$item['step_temp']).' '.DEG.'C (';
+					$s .= sprintf("%.1f",kettle_cm($mashwater,$row['eq_tun_volume'],$row['eq_tun_height']));
+					$s .= ' cm onder de rand)';
+					$this->Checkline($s);
+					if ($numsalts > 0)
+						$this->Checkline('brouwzouten en -zuren toevoegen');
+					$this->Checkline('mout storten en inmaischen');
+					$hops = json_decode($row['json_hops'], true);
+					foreach($hops as $item2) {
+						if ($item2['h_useat'] == 0) {
+							$s = sprintf("%.1f",$item2['h_amount']*1000).' gr ';
+							$s .= iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item2['h_name']).' toevoegen';
+							$this->Checkline($s);
+						}
+					}
+					$this->Checkline($item['step_time'].' min. bij '.$item['step_temp'].' '.DEG.'C');
+					$this->Checkline('pH meten en bijstellen (doel pH beslag: '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['mash_ph']).' pH)');
+				} else {
+					if ($item['step_type'] == 0) {	// Infusion
+						$s = 'toevoegen '.$item['step_infuse_amount'].' liter water van xx '.DEG.'C';
+					} else if ($item['step_type'] == 1) {	// Direct heat
+						$s = 'opwarmen tot '.$item['step_temp'].' '.DEG.'C';
+					} else {	// Decoction
+						$s = 'uitnemen, opwarmen, koken en terugstorten van '.$item['step_infuse_amount'].' liter deelbeslag';
+					}
+					$this->Checkline($s);
+					$this->Checkline($item['step_time'].' min. bij '.$item['step_temp'].' '.DEG.'C');
+				}
+				$loop++;
+			}
+			$est_mash_sg = 0;
+			$s = 0;
+			$ferms = json_decode($row['json_fermentables'], true);
+			foreach($ferms as $item) {
+				if ($item['f_added'] == 0) {
+					$d = $item['f_amount'] * ($item['f_yield'] / 100) * (1 - $item['f_moisture'] / 100);
+					$mvol += $item['f_amount'] * $item['f_moisture'] / 100;
+					$grainabsorbtion += $my_grain_absorbtion * $item['f_amount'];
+					$s += $d;
+				}
+			}
+			$sugardensity = 1.611;
+			$v = $s / $sugardensity + $mvol;
+			$plato = 1000 * $s / ($v * 10);	// deg. Plato
+			$mash_sg = plato_to_sg($plato);
+			$brix = $plato * $my_brix_correction;
+			$s = 'doel sg eind maischen: '.sprintf("%.3f",$mash_sg);
+			$s .= ' SG ('.sprintf("%.1f",$brix).' '.DEG.'Brix, '.sprintf("%.1f",$plato).' '.DEG.'P)';
+			$this->Checkline($s);
+		}
+		$this->Ln(5);
+		$acidtype = array( 'Melkzuur', 'Zoutzuur', 'Fosforzuur', 'Zwavelzuur' );
+		$this->Checkheader('Filteren en spoelen');
+		$s = sprintf("%.1f",$row['sparge_volume']).' liter spoelwater opwarmen tot '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['sparge_temp']).' '.DEG.'C';
+		$this->Checkline($s);
+		$s = 'spoelwater aanzuren to pH <= '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['sparge_ph']).' met ';
+		$s .= sprintf("%.1f",$row['sparge_acid_amount']*1000).' ml. '.$acidtype[$row['sparge_acid_type']];
+		$this->Checkline($s);
+		$spoelw = ($row['boil_size'] - $mashwater + $grainabsorbtion + $row['eq_lauter_deadspace']) * 1.03;	// A small heat correction
+		$this->Checkline('spoelen met ongeveer '.sprintf("%.1f",$spoelw).' liter spoelwater');
+		$s = 'doelvolume in kookketel: '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['boil_size'] * 1.04).' liter (';
+		$s .= sprintf("%.1f",kettle_cm($row['boil_size'] * 1.04,$row['eq_kettle_volume'],$row['eq_kettle_height'])).' cm onder de rand)';
+		$this->Checkline($s);
+// TODO: doel SG in kookketel: 1.053 SG (13.4 Brix, 13.0 P)
+		$hops = json_decode($row['json_hops'], true);
+		foreach($hops as $item2) {
+			if ($item2['h_useat'] == 1) {
+				$s = sprintf("%.1f",$item2['h_amount']*1000).' gr ';
+				$s .= iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item2['h_name']).' toevoegen na het spoelen';
+				$this->Checkline($s);
+			}
+		}
+		$this->Ln(5);
+		$this->Checkheader('Koken');
+		$this->Checkline('totale kooktijd: '.$row['boil_time'].' min.');
+		for ($i = $row['boil_time']; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+			if ($i == 10) {
+				$ferms = json_decode($row['json_fermentables'], true);
+				foreach($ferms as $item1) {
+					if ($item1['f_added'] == 1) {
+						$s = sprintf("%.3f",$item1['f_amount']).' kg ';
+						$s .= iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item1['f_name']).' bij 10 minuten voor einde koken';
+						$this->Checkline($s);
+					}
+				}
+				if ($row['brew_cooling_method'] == 1)
+					$this->Checkline('Plaats dompelkoeler bij 10 minuten voor einde koken');
+			}
+			$hops = json_decode($row['json_hops'], true);
+			foreach($hops as $item2) {
+				if (($item2['h_useat'] == 2 || $item2['h_useat'] == 3) && ($item2['h_time'] == $i)) {
+					$s = sprintf("%.1f",$item2['h_amount']*1000).' gr ';
+					$s .= iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item2['h_name']).' bij ';
+					if ($i > 0)
+						$s .= $i.' minuten voor einde koken';
+					else
+						$s .= 'vlamuit';
+					$this->Checkline($s);
+				}
+			}
+			$miscs = json_decode($row['json_miscs'], true);
+			foreach($miscs as $item3) {
+				if ($item3['m_use_use'] == 2 && $item3['m_time'] == $i) {
+					$s = sprintf("%.1f",$item3['m_amount']*1000).' gr ';
+					$s .= iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item3['m_name']).' bij ';
+					if ($i > 0)
+						$s .= $i.' minuten voor einde koken';
+					else
+						$s .= 'vlamuit';
+					$this->Checkline($s);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$s = 'doelvolume einde koken: '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['batch_size']*1.04).' liter (';
+		$s .= sprintf("%.1f",kettle_cm($row['batch_size']*1.04,$row['eq_kettle_volume'],$row['eq_kettle_height']));
+		$s .= ' cm onder de rand)';
+		$this->Checkline($s);
+		$plato = sg_to_plato($row['est_og']);
+		$brix = $plato * $my_brix_correction;
+		$s = 'doel SG einde koken: '.sprintf("%.3f",$row['est_og']).' SG (';
+		$s .= sprintf("%.1f",$brix).' '.DEG.'Brix, '.sprintf("%.1f",$plato).' '.DEG.'P)'.$this->GetY();
+		$this->Checkline($s);
+		if ($this->GetY() > 200)
+			$this->AddPage();
+		else
+			$this->Ln(5);
+		if (($row['brew_whirlpool9'] + $row['brew_whirlpool7'] + $row['brew_whirlpool6'] + $row['brew_whirlpool2']) > 0) {
+			$this->Checkheader('Whirlpool en koelen');
+			if ($row['brew_whirlpool9'] > 0) {
+				$s = 'Whirlpool voor '.$row['brew_whirlpool9'].' min. Temperatuur boven 85 '.DEG.'C houden';
+				$this->Checkline($s);
+			}
+			if ($row['brew_whirlpool7'] > 0) {
+				$this->Checkline('koelen tot 79 '.DEG.'C');
+				$s = 'Whirlpool voor '.$row['brew_whirlpool7'].' min. Temperatuur tussen 72 en 79 '.DEG.'C houden';
+				$this->Checkline($s);
+			}
+			if ($row['brew_whirlpool6'] > 0) {
+				$this->Checkline('koelen tot 66 '.DEG.'C');
+				$s = 'Whirlpool voor '.$row['brew_whirlpool6'].' min. Temperatuur tussen 60 en 66 '.DEG.'C houden';
+				$this->Checkline($s);
+			}
+			$this->Checkline('koelen tot '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['brew_cooling_to']).' '.DEG.'C');
+			if ($row['brew_whirlpool2'] > 0) {
+				$s = 'Whirlpool voor '.$row['brew_whirlpool2'].' min.';
+				$this->Checkline($s);
+			}
+		} else {
+			$this->Checkheader('Koelen');
+			$this->Checkline('koelen tot '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['brew_cooling_to']).' '.DEG.'C');
+		}
+		$this->Checkline('gistvat ontsmetten en evt. pomp en slangen ontsmetten');
+		$this->Checkline('wort naar gistvat overbrengen');
+		if ($this->GetY() > 200)
+			$this->AddPage();
+		else
+			$this->Ln(5);
+		$this->Checkheader('Gist enten');
+		// 'wort beluchten'
+		// 'evt. giststarter afgieten'
+		//  'gist hydrateren in ' ' ml gedesinfecteerd water van '
+		//  '15 minuten laten staan bij '
+		//  'gistmengsel voorzichtig roeren'
+		// 'langzaam laten afkoelen tot '  'temperatuur wort'
+		// 'gist toevoegen'
+		// ' water toevoegen in gistvat' (topupwater)
+		if ($this->GetY() > 200)
+			$this->AddPage();
+		else
+			$this->Ln(5);
+		$this->Checkheader('Vergisting starten');
+		$this->Checkline('klimaatkast instellen op '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['brew_cooling_to']).' '.DEG.'C');
+		// 'Toevoegingen tijdens vergisting'
+		// 'Toevoegingen tijdens nagisting/lagering'
+		// fermentables & hops & miscs  verdelen over primary/secondary/teriary
+		// 'Toevoegingen tijdens bottelen/op fust zetten'
+	}
@@ -463,11 +716,11 @@
 		global $row;
 		global $prdate;
 		$stage = array( 'Plan', 'Wacht', 'Brouwen', 'Hoofdgisting', 'Nagisting', 'Lagering', 'Afvullen', 'Hergisten', 'Rijpen', 'Proeven', 'Gereed', 'Afgesloten' );
-		$this->Image('images/logo.png',10,6,30);
+		$this->Image('images/logo.png',10,10,30);
 		// Title
-		$this->Cell(0,8,$row['name'],0,1,'L');
+		$this->Cell(0,8,$row['code'].' '.$row['name'],0,1,'L');
@@ -505,8 +758,9 @@
-if ($row['stage'] == 2) {
+if ($row['stage'] == 1 || $row['stage'] == 2) {
 	// Checklist
+	$pdf->Checklist($row);
 if ($row['stage'] > 2) {
 	// Brouw rapport
