Archive products on code and on date all use the packaging date. default tip

Better sort logic in ProdOnDate screen.

The iSpindel monitor, detail and chart screens try to use the polynomial calibration data to show the SG. Fallback to already logged data if this fails.

Version 0.5.0. Startup with the first tab active.

In the checklist add pH check during the boil.

Set correct background colours and pH tresholds for the final water and sparge water.

Version 0.6.b2. In export to forum show the final treated water. Complete water recalculate if sparge water acid or ph is changed. Added and changed pH tooltips on the water tab. Added a line with total treated water to the product print.

Don't update sparge volume when brew is done. Disabled some debug messages.

Vertaling bijgewerkt. Minimale watertab layout aanpassing.

Version 0.4.6b1 Update product with calculated sparge supply. This value is now only calculated from the desired sparge estimate plus HLT deadspace. Fixed brewing salts for sparge read-only after brewday. The final water displays the mixed mash and sparge water profile, almost the same as what goes into the boil kettle. The Cl/SO4 ratio display now works on the final water.

Some code cleanup. Upgrade HLT settings during product load if the default settings are detected.

Update total water volume.

Version 0.4.6a1. Added HLT equipment volume and deadspace settings. In EditProduct the target water selection is now sticky. Changed the water treatment tab. Added a row wich displays the salt adjustments. This can be selected between actual and target values. The treated water show can select between mash or sparge water. The total line will become the final water in the boil kettle. Database update function is expanded with the new settings. Added a popup message warning that the database is upgraded and user action is required for the equipment profiles.

Added fields for target_water and auto upgrade the products table

Allow enter first pH measurements from every mash step and not just the first one. All pH editors in the production module have 0.05 or 0.01 resolution in the edit steps.

Version 0.4.5. Adjusted for newer generation thermferm controllers.

Disable Monitor menu if websocket server is not available.

Version 0.4.4

Clear mash measurments when duplicating a product.

Code cleanup

Fix export recipe to new product crash

No carbonation beer selection before brewing the beer.

Version 0.4.3. Fix add fermentables in products when packaging sugar was defined but no amount was yet set.

Fix block hops display when dry-hop is done, and extract hop is done after packaging.

Added application icon

Version 0.4.2

Updated Dutch translation for the new calibrate screen.

Removed several development debug messages. Implemented delete and add data row.

Added error checks on calibration data

Changed xCal array to a QList. Added sort on angle. Added save data. Added quit/save dialog.

Added MySQL query example in the source.

Added polyfit files.

Added the cell edit function.

Added Simple polynomial fitting functions written by Henry M. Forson. Added a graph that displays the old and new iSpindel calibration curve. Implemented delete row from the data.

Load and show current calibration data.

Attempt 1

Basic setup for iSpindel calibration.

Changes in de iSpindel detail screen. Added a calibrate button and display the last update date and time.

New battery percentage formula for iSpindel in chart.

New battery percentage formula for iSpindel.

Changed iSpindel battery 100% level a bit lower.

In fermentation plot draw the SG line with temperature compensation.

Updated ranges for the carbonation chart.

Fixed recipe editor add yeast crash.

Version 0.4.1. Adjusted monitor nodes debug messages.

In monitor iSpindel: in the chart calculate the ranges, do't let the toolkit do that. Save the path for chart image download in the user settings. In the tooltip for the battery voltage line, also show the remaining battery capacity. In the monitor window show the battery capacity digit instead of allways 0. Updated the translations.

Monitor iSpindels: use global variables instead of repeated expensive MySQL calls. Use the yeast temperature ranges for the colors on the thermometer scale. Don't show SVG and ABV if the OG is not yet known. Turn statusfield red if offline. Extra mon_ispindles fields yeast_lo and yeast_hi. Need at least bmsd version 0.3.42. If a websocket message is received that cannot be parsed, show the whole received message.

ChartCarbonate saves the image path in the settings file. Conditional debug messages in a lot on monitor files. In Fermenter monitor details make the status background red if offline. A lot more generic variables instead of continuous expensive calls to MySQL. If fermenter values for the thermometers are not OK, then do not show anything.

Monitor CO2 meters: better display and hide of values and widgets. Minor adjustments of the window layout. When offline, the status background will be red.

Fermenter charts, only draw lines that are really used. Better auto scaling, not using the internal version. If only a air line is to be shown, make it fat. Save the path to download the image in the settings file.

Fixed error messages about log and camera buttons. Only show items that are really used.

Checked after boil efficiency, it's correct.

Clean debug log settings after last changes.

Use cells from yeastpack if set to calculate the initcells. Use 90% underpitch to decide for a starter. Hide starter retry label and button if no starter is needed.

Database upgrade will let the yeastpack cells at 0. Disabled some debug messages needed for development. Updated yeastpack editor tooltips.

Set yeastpack dropdown on yeast edit row start.

Added default load yeastpacks. Added yeast_package_changed signal.

Expanded Yeast edit popup with a Yeast Pack dropdown list. Prepared database product read and write with values for yeast package. They will be stored as json object in the yeast records.

Added valid flag to the inventory_yeastpack table. Initial false and after record edit set to true. This should prevent the use possible wrong values.

Added yeastpack editor. Expanded the database upgrade. On startup, recount the yeastpack used fields.

Version 0.4.0. Added database upgrade procedure on startup. Make sure inventory_yeastpack database is created and has default entries. This will become a table with data for different yeast packs.

Add dry primary yeasts weights to get a mixed total. Use the parameters from the first and mmost used yeast. Changed in products and recipes. Recalculated WLP purepitch viability and planned next generation purepitch. We need a better way to set these parameters like a packages table. Fixed several yeast edit values due to adding a STA1 column. Removed several unneeded refresh_all() calls as they screwed the sorting of the yeasts during edit. Added STA1 display to recipes. Changed products database starter_viability from integer to float.

Version 0.3.6. Updated translations and bumped version.

Fixed replace a yeast field offsets.

Some extra debug info en some removed for the product images. Clear picmap area if no pixmaps are left. Block pictype_changed and piccomment_changed if there are no pictures, prevents segfault.

Only try to save images on existing paths

Delete images from a producti first[C when a product is deleted.

If a new image for a product is loaded, check if the path is available. If not, use the home directory.

Implemented file save

Version 0.3.5

Some final changes for now.

The images tab now looks complete. Made the left side (thumbnails) a bit smaller. The right side of the screen now shows the current image and all data that belongs to that. After a new image is added, reload the images. Implemented delete image.

Added more buttons to the images tab. Load images from the database and display thumbnails added. Added support for jpeg files. Rename pictures in the database to .png. Added temporary images_list, images_count and images_current variables to the product record.

Added fields for filename and timestamp.

In EditProduct added tab number 13. When entered, a signal is generated to init this tab so that we can defer loading. Added a AddImage button, we can select an image, give it a type and comment and store it is a separate table. The global settings file now has storage for paths (images, download and beerxml).

Show 0 if afterboil volume is invalid instead of the chiller volume. Added product tab 13. Here the images (beerlabels, brew pictures) for a product will be shown. Resized all product tabs. Added STA1 tickmark in the yeasts table.

Version 0.3.4

Removed the last bits of equipent calc_volume setting. Changed to the equipment setup screen using suffixes in the fields. Updated the translations.

On the brewday tab, show the afterboil volume inclusive the volume of the immersion chiller in the wort. Added refractometer buttons on the brewday tab. The brew volume cm edit popup shows a message if a immersion chiller is in the wort.

Added a refractometer icon

In print checklist show volume after boil inclusive immersion chiller volume. Improved some prompts in equipment edit.

Renamed trub_chiller_loss fields to trub_loss

Changed pitchrate field for liquid yeasts to read/write. Added pitchrate select using a QComboBox and added a popup window for that.

Added a button to automatic recreate the yeast starter steps. Some code cleanup

Fixed dangling old starter data. Added conditional yeast debug logging.

Version 0.3.3. Removed several obsolete debug messages. IBU and Fermentation calculation debug messages are now controlled by conditional defines in global.h. In the brewday tab update the preboil and afterboil reference volumes. In the brewday tab the chiller type is a read only field directy linked to the selected equipment.

Calculate mash attenuation time using log base 5 instead of a linear function.

Limit mash steptime to 240 minutes. Limit mash steps to 82 degrees celsius. In estimate_fg limit total mash time to 240 minutes and increased the water/grain ration from 5.5 to 6 l/kg.

Backported mash calculation from EditProduct to EditRecipe.

In estimate_fg decrease attenuation for mash temperatures below 66.11 degrees.

With estimate_fg added a boolean parameter sta1 to correct the outcome if a primary yeast with sta1 gen is used. Fixed a spelling error in EditProduct yeast tab for dry yeast.

Make sure the package abv is final when the tertiary fermentation data is filled in.

Added show package color and ibu and take dillution in account

Brewing salts can now set in hundreds instead on tents decimals.

Reset mash measurement fields when a recipe is copied to a product.

Toon ook de gewenste en verwachte hergisting druk.

Details CO2 monitor shows the style limits for the specific beer. Adjust the scale of the pressure widget to the beer limits. Moved more functions to the global Utils. Fix expected pressure in the package screen for other priming sugars. Disabled some debug log messages.

Moved GetPressureBar function to the Utils.

Version 0.3.2

Implemented IBU calculation for chilling.

Finally found the right way to calculate the bottle pressure in bar after refermentation.

Small changes to the iSpindel graph. Translated the dutch product edit window title.

Disable manipulating mash steps when brewday is over.

Show product code and name in edit product window title if not a new product.

block_misc updated for MISC_USES_SPARGE

Charts downsize the pen from 3 to 2. Some nicer looking graphs.

Forgot to save the new eq_chiller_* fields in products.

Removed several debug logmessages in tab 3 and database load.

Use hop absorption factors from the global setup.

Added five hop absorption fields to the profile_setup record to set the hop absorption rates. Added edit fields in the global setup. Load global these new variables during application startup.

In the product equipment tab show the volume to the fermenter. Changed some prompts and suffixes in that tab. Updated translations.

Restored translations again

Fix false adjust_to_total_100 setting in priming fermentables.

Added, tested and removed build in help. The Qt help system is not my thing, I think doxygen will be better.

Always update translations during make.

Finished dutch transltions

Adjusted chiller_loss default value to 0.4. Disabled product fields eq_calc_boil_volume, eq_hop_utilization, eq_lauter_volume and eq_lauter_height. Added eq_chiller_type, eq_chiller_to79, eq_chiller_volume, eq_chiller_lpm, eq_chiller_loss with default values for immersion chilling. Load these values from new selected equipment. Changed edit product tab 2 to show new the new fields and removed the obsolete fields.

Try to prevent zapping translations

Updated dutch translation

Restored translations

The equipment editor uses named fields for database io. Edit field 'trub chiller loss' is now called 'trub loss', but will be renamed again. Removed editing hop_utilization, lauter_volume and lauter_height. These fields were never used in the application. Not yet removed from the database. Added chiller_type, chiller_to79, chiller_volume, chiller_lpm and chiller_loss fields so that we can tie a chiller to the equipment setup. Renamed some chiller names.

Version 0.3.0

Updated translations.

Handle choose beer if it needs to be cleared better in details iSpindels and CO2meters.

Handle choose beer if it needs to be cleared better. Fixed unit offline view

With edited fermentation profile make sure the steps values are handled as string and double/integer values when loaded in a fermenter.

Version 0.2.28. Use calculated hop absorption during boil to correct the volume to the fermenter.

Calculate and show the hop absorption losses in the boil kettle and fermenter.

Fixed spelling error

Version 0.2.27

The same calculation for boil_size in a new product.

The same calculation for boil_size in a new recipe.

Boil size in recipe edit and product edit is always read-only. In product edit use the evaporation rate from the equipment to calculate the boil size.

Fixed translation error.

Fix checklist mash steps overflow.

Fixed negative bottle of keg volumes and overflow totals.

Update tab packaging if beerstyle is changed.

Updated export to forum with updated and final values. Added BU:RE ratio.

Init est_carb field for new products.

Version 0.2.26

Prompts corrections and updated translations. Minor layout changes so the prompts will fit.

After brewing show final IBU on the first tab.

Edit Product, split CO2 package pressure in bottles and kegs. BU:RE code cleanup. calcPack() sets the CO2 values on the first tab. Show final EBC on tab 1 if the stage is after brew. Show final ABV and energy on tab 1 if fermentation is done. Removed wrong bottle priming calculation from calcFermentables() because calcPack() does this.

Show final OG and FG if they are valid on the first tab.

Added Bitterness Unit to Real Extract unit calculation and display. In product use final values if possible for the BU:GU and BU:RE calculations depending on the product stage.

Clear log flags and starter volumes when a product is duplicated.

Version 0.2.25

Final changes for the webcam page.

Initial webcam interface for fermenter view

Fixed calculation of estimated fg.

Add support for hop extract values with XML import

Version 0.2.24

Import brew logs added.

Added reports, total production, fermentations and efficiency.

All profile and inventory editors now log warnings if something went wrong. Also added a Clone button. Delete now asks for confirmation.

Product and recipe beerxml export support for hop extracts. Recipes with missing hop from the database use a default utilisation value.

A small correction on beerxml export.

With inventory hops beerxml export support hop extracts. Added private xml values to show the real values and hide these in the poort designed beerxml know values.

Version 0.2.23

Global setup added hop utilisation defaults, these are used by the hops editor. In the hops editor, changing the hop form sets the new default utilisation. Hide and show the time edit entry instead of setting it read-only. The new defaults are loaded at program startup. Changed the global setup for the new utilisation fields and dropped the obsolete factor fields. The toIBU formula doesn't use my_factor_* variables anymore, hop differences now come from the utilisation field per hop. The global database is updated to the new defaults.

Print recipe and product, miscs weights have 2 decimals. Add hop extract during bottling to the checklist.

Version 0.2.22

Added hop clone

Edit Recipe Hop now properly updates the utilisation and bu_factor fields.

Final set the default utilisation to 20. Selecting another hop in a product now sets the new utilisation and bu_factor too. Removed experimental CO2 extract calculation and let it handle by the Tinseth formula. The Tinseth formula uses the Utilisation value in the final calculation. Moved the ISO extract formula for extract at bottling to the main toIBU function.

Update recipe load/save for the new hops fields.

First load of changes for hops. In EditHop load the dropdown buttons from the global table. Use named query fields. Added database utilisation and bu_factor fields for hop extracts. Added edit fields for these new fields. Added post boil SG, utilisation and bu_factor parameters to the toIBU function. Added hops form parameter to the hopFlavourContribution and hopAromaContribution display bars. In the hops inventory list dispay volumes instead of weight for hop extracts. Modified the TinsethIBU function to use utilisation and bu_factor parameters. Add calculations for co2 and iso hop extracts, this is work in progress. The toIBU function makes use of the preSG and postSG values to use the correct SG to caall the TinsethIBU function. This results in a bit lower IBU values mostly affecting the late additions. Added use hop at bottling for iso hop extracts like Tetra hops using the formula from BarthHaas.

Version 0.2.21. Updated translations.

On the fermenter, iSpindel, carbonation and brewday chart a tooltip with values is shown wheren hovering over the most important data lines. Changed the vertical to horzontal screen layout and added a save button to save the graph as .png image.

Added callout

Version 0.2.20. Calculate total linther ignore malt color because our database is correct.

Version 0.2.19

Added new sparge water data to the checklist.

Added printing sparge water details.

Added sparge water salt additions. Adjust sparge acid amount if manual calculations and the water volume is changed.

Initial setup to print sparge water.

Fixed overloaded perc_mashShow when the value is above the maxiumum.

Version 0.2.18

Improved selection logic for the sparge water.

Updated translations

Redesign of the water tabs in product and recipe editors. Prepare for sparge water salt additions. Acid additions are now automatic or manual for mash and sparge. Fixed error in acid calculation strength. Fixed phophoric SG value.

Adapted to new Utils functions. Used named versions for MySQL water read.

Corrected Phosphoric SG value.

Made the Hardness function more precise. Removed RA_ppm function, was doubles with ResidualAlkalinity. Added RA_CaCO3 and Bicarbonate functions.

Added misc_uses spage step. Corrected some defines mol values.

Added tooltips

Updated watersources editors to include water hardness and residual alkalinity. Layout changes. Only total_alkalinity edit, bicarbonate is now only calculated.

Fixed some promps space. Updated translations.

Fixed some promps space. Updated translations.

Added calculation preboild pH in recipes. Added water hardness and residual alkalinity calculations in the water tab.

Calculate and show estimated preboil pH

Updated translations

Only fermenters support control commands.

Added nodes monitor detail screen.

Increased some labels sizes.

Setting mash hopping efficiency now between -95 and +50. Refresh all after changing the IBU method. Added own part for Mash Hopping. Code cleanup.

Removed old experiment to calculate flameout and whirlpool ibu's. Changed Tinseth calculation to use a time window so you can select the ibu contribution during a specified time. Added ibu_method Tinset++. Added calculation extensions for Tinseth++, this calculates the flameout and whirlpool effects on all hops. During cooling is to be done.

Code cleanup

Cooling method dropdown table loads from a global table. Updated the translations.

Added cooling parameters to the toIBU function.

Removed Garetz and Rager IBU calculations, we will only use Tinseth

With beerXML recipe import, the IBU method is always Tinseth.

Added my_height global variable and edit in profile setup. This sets the height of the brewery above or below sealevel. Added calculations for the air pressure, boilpoint and IBU_reduction that all depend on the height. Currently not yet in use. Split out the real IBU calculation from the generic toIBU function. This has no effect on the results.

IBU method names are now global.

The carbonation chart has fixed Y ranges.

Version 0.2.15 with updated translations.

Moved Fermenter and iSpindel charts to their own functions. Added these to DetailFermenter and DetailiSpindel too.

Added carbonation chart to it's own function. Added this chart to DetailCO2meter too.

Version 0.2.14

Updated translations.

Added iSpindel detail screen

Added CO2 meter monitor detail screen.

Updated translations

Extra decimal digit for the pressure.

Workaround for the thermometer scale ranges. Added chiller thermometer settings. Added beer select.

Implemented profile control. Added stage edit. Added manual control. Added temperature setting.

Started with change and signal functions. Implemented mode change for test. The MainWindow webSocket is now global so the Detail screens can send websocket messages.

More Polish to English translations

Force red or black pen color

Changed the 'off' color effect of the led

Translated to English.

Removed LED plugin, now using the one from the AnalogWidgets.

Added DetailFermenter screen

Added led, manometer, thermometer and wallclock from the abandoned AnalogWidgets project as plugins. There is some work to do but it's already usable for the monitor screens.

(0) -224 tip
