
changeset 387
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ImportBrew.cpp	Tue Aug 02 20:18:05 2022 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * ImportBrew.cpp is part of bmsapp.
+ *
+ * bmsapp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * bmsapp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "ImportBrew.h"
+#include "../ui/ui_ImportBrew.h"
+#include "global.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+#include "database/db_product.h"
+#include "MainWindow.h"
+ImportBrew::ImportBrew(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::ImportBrew)
+    qDebug() << "ImportBrew start";
+    ui->setupUi(this);
+    WindowTitle();
+    ui->progressBar->setValue(0);
+    connect(ui->quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, SLOT(fromImportBrew()));
+    qDebug() << "ImportBrew done";
+    delete ui;
+void ImportBrew::WindowTitle()
+    QString txt = QString(tr("BMSapp - Import Brewlog"));
+    setWindowTitle(txt);
+void ImportBrew::on_openButton_clicked()
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    QString   log, sql, code, name, uuid;
+    int total = 0, errors = 0, updates = 0;
+    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), QDir::homePath() + "/*.json", tr("Files (*.json)"));
+    if (fileName == 0) {
+        QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Open File"), tr("No Brewlog JSON file selected."));
+        return;
+    }
+    ui->fileEdit->setText(fileName);
+    QFile file(fileName);
+    qint64 fsize = file.size();
+    log = "Import Brewlog file `" + fileName + "`\n\n"; 
+    qInfo() << "Import Brewlog" << fileName << "length" << fsize << "bytes";
+    QByteArray val = file.readAll();
+    file.close();
+    QJsonParseError parseError;
+    QJsonDocument brewlog = QJsonDocument::fromJson(val, &parseError);
+    if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
+	qWarning() << "Parse error: " << parseError.errorString() << "at" << parseError.offset ;
+    } else {
+	QJsonObject root = brewlog.object();
+	QJsonValue value = root.value(QString("brew"));
+	/*
+	 * The logfile is a array with just 1 item.
+	 */
+	QJsonArray array = value.toArray();
+	foreach (const QJsonValue & v, array) {
+	    /*
+	     * 4 items in a object is a complete brewlog.
+	     */
+	    QString Recipe = v.toObject().value("Recipe").toString();
+	    QDateTime Date = QDateTime::fromString(v.toObject().value("Date").toString());
+	    QJsonArray data = v.toObject().value("brewdata").toArray();
+	    QJsonArray events = v.toObject().value("annotations").toArray();
+	    qDebug() << Recipe << Date << data.size() << events.size();
+	    code = Recipe.split(" ").at(0);
+	    name = Recipe.remove(0, code.size() + 1);
+	    log.append(QString(tr("Brew: ") + code + " " + name + "\n"));
+	    sql = "SELECT uuid FROM products WHERE code='" + code + "'";
+	    query.exec(sql);
+	    if (query.first()) {
+		uuid = query.value(0).toString();
+		qDebug() << uuid;
+	    } else {
+		uuid = "";
+		errors++;
+		qWarning() << "ImportBrew" << code << "product not found";
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    sql = "DELETE FROM log_brews WHERE code='" + code + "'";
+	    query.exec(sql);
+	    if (query.numRowsAffected() > 0) {
+		log.append(QString(tr("Deleted %1 old records\n")).arg(query.numRowsAffected()));
+	    	qDebug() << "ImportBrew deleted" << query.numRowsAffected();
+	    }
+	    for (int j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) {
+		QJsonObject obj =;
+		/*
+		 * It's fucking crazy that despite all Googling this cannot be
+		 * done with an internal function. All examples are not working
+		 * for this very very simple problem, add the time string converted
+		 * to QTime to a QDateTime.
+		 *
+		 * Solution that always works, split the string, and do the math.
+		 */
+		QStringList Times = obj["Label"].toString().split(":");
+		int seconds = Times[0].toInt() * 3600 + Times[1].toInt() * 60;
+		QDateTime logDate = Date.addSecs(seconds);
+		QString dt = logDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+		sql = "INSERT INTO log_brews SET version='2', datetime='" + dt + "'";
+		sql.append(", uuid='" + uuid + "'");
+		sql.append(", code='" + code + "'");
+		sql.append(", name='" + name + "'");
+		sql.append(", pv_mlt='" + obj["MLT_pv"].toString() + "'");
+		sql.append(", sp_mlt='" + obj["MLT_sp"].toString() + "'");
+		sql.append(", pwm_mlt='" + obj["MLT_pwm"].toString() + "'");
+		if (obj["HLT_pv"].toString().size()) {
+		    sql.append(", pv_hlt='" + obj["HLT_pv"].toString() + "'");
+		    sql.append(", sp_hlt='" + obj["HLT_sp"].toString() + "'");
+		    sql.append(", pwm_hlt='" + obj["HLT_pwm"].toString() + "'");
+		}
+		//qDebug() << sql;
+		query.exec(sql);
+		if (query.lastError().isValid()) {
+        	    qWarning() << "ImportBrew" << query.lastError();
+		    errors++;
+		}
+		total++;
+		/*
+		 * The first 90% is for the normal data
+		 */
+		ui->progressBar->setValue((total * 90) / data.size());
+	    }
+	    log.append(QString(tr("Inserted %1 new records\n")).arg(total - errors));
+	    /*
+	     * Update events, they are annotations in the json file.
+	     */
+	    for (int j = 0; j < events.size(); j++) {
+                QJsonObject obj =;
+		QStringList Times = obj["value"].toString().split(":");
+                int seconds = Times[0].toInt() * 3600 + Times[1].toInt() * 60;
+                QDateTime logDate = Date.addSecs(seconds);
+                QString dt = logDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+		QJsonObject label = obj["label"].toObject();
+		QString evt = label["content"].toString();
+		sql = "UPDATE log_brews SET event='" + evt + "' WHERE datetime='" + dt + "' AND uuid='" + uuid + "'";
+		//qDebug() << sql;
+		query.exec(sql);
+                if (query.lastError().isValid()) {
+                    qWarning() << "ImportBrew" << query.lastError();
+                    errors++;
+                } else {
+		    updates++;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * The last 10% is for the updates.
+		 */
+		ui->progressBar->setValue(((updates * 10) / events.size()) + 90);
+	    }
+	    log.append(QString(tr("Updated %1 records with events\n")).arg(updates));
+	    if (errors == 0) {
+		sql = "UPDATE products SET log_brew=1 WHERE code='" + code + "'";
+		query.exec(sql);
+		if (query.numRowsAffected())
+		    log.append(QString(tr("Marked brew graph available in product\n")));
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    ui->logEdit->setPlainText(log);
+    qInfo() << "Import" << total << "records, " << total - errors << "ok, " << errors << "errors";
+    ui->progressBar->setValue(100);
