
changeset 28
child 60
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/EditMisc.cpp	Fri Feb 25 10:51:36 2022 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * EditMisc.cpp is part of bmsapp.
+ *
+ * bmsapp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * bmsapp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "EditMisc.h"
+#include "../ui/ui_EditMisc.h"
+#include "bmsapp.h"
+EditMisc::EditMisc(int id, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::EditMisc)
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    qDebug() << "EditMisc record:" << id;
+    ui->setupUi(this);
+    this->recno = id;
+    WindowTitle();
+    ui->typeEdit->addItem(tr("Spice"));
+    ui->typeEdit->addItem(tr("Herb"));
+    ui->typeEdit->addItem(tr("Flavor"));
+    ui->typeEdit->addItem(tr("Fining"));
+    ui->typeEdit->addItem(tr("Water agent"));
+    ui->typeEdit->addItem(tr("Yeast nutrient"));
+    ui->typeEdit->addItem(tr("Other"));
+    ui->useEdit->addItem(tr("Starter"));
+    ui->useEdit->addItem(tr("Mash"));
+    ui->useEdit->addItem(tr("Boil"));
+    ui->useEdit->addItem(tr("Primary"));
+    ui->useEdit->addItem(tr("Secondary"));
+    ui->useEdit->addItem(tr("Bottling"));
+    if (id >= 0) {
+	query.prepare("SELECT * FROM inventory_miscs WHERE record = :recno");
+	query.bindValue(":recno", id);
+	query.exec();
+	ui->nameEdit->setText(query.value(1).toString());
+	ui->typeEdit->setCurrentIndex(query.value(2).toInt());
+	ui->useEdit->setCurrentIndex(query.value(3).toInt());
+	ui->timeEdit->setValue(query.value(4).toInt());
+	ui->isweightEdit->setChecked(query.value(5).toInt() ? true:false);
+	ui->useforEdit->setPlainText(query.value(6).toString());
+	ui->notesEdit->setPlainText(query.value(7).toString());
+	ui->alwaysEdit->setChecked(query.value(8).toInt() ? true:false);
+	ui->inventoryEdit->setValue(query.value(9).toDouble());
+	ui->costEdit->setValue(query.value(10).toDouble());
+	ui->valueEdit->setValue(query.value(9).toDouble() * query.value(10).toDouble());
+	if (query.value(11).toString().length() == 10) {
+            ui->prodEdit->setDate(query.value(11).toDate());
+        } else {
+            ui->prodEdit->clear();
+        }
+	if (query.value(12).toString().length() == 10) {
+	    ui->thtEdit->setDate(query.value(12).toDate());
+	} else {
+	    ui->thtEdit->clear();
+	}
+    } else {
+	/* Set some defaults */
+	ui->typeEdit->setCurrentIndex(0);
+	ui->useEdit->setCurrentIndex(0);
+	ui->timeEdit->setValue(0);
+	ui->prodEdit->clear();
+	ui->thtEdit->clear();
+    }
+    TimeSet();
+    connect(ui->nameEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->typeEdit, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->useEdit, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->timeEdit, &QSpinBox::textChanged, this, &EditMisc::time_changed);
+    connect(ui->isweightEdit, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->useforEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(is_changed()));
+    connect(ui->notesEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(is_changed()));
+    connect(ui->alwaysEdit, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->inventoryEdit, &QDoubleSpinBox::textChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->costEdit, &QDoubleSpinBox::textChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->prodEdit, &QDateEdit::dateChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->thtEdit, &QDateEdit::dateChanged, this, &EditMisc::is_changed);
+    ui->saveButton->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->deleteButton->setEnabled((ui->inventoryEdit->value() == 0 && id >= 0) ? true:false);
+    qDebug() << "EditMisc done";
+    delete ui;
+    emit entry_changed();
+ * Window header, mark any change with '**'
+ */
+void EditMisc::WindowTitle()
+    QString txt;
+    if (this->recno < 0) {
+	txt = QString(tr("BMSapp - Add new misc ingredient"));
+    } else {
+	txt = QString(tr("BMSapp - Edit misc ingredient %1").arg(this->recno));
+    }
+    if (this->textIsChanged) {
+	txt.append((QString(" **")));
+    }
+    setWindowTitle(txt);
+void EditMisc::on_saveButton_clicked()
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    /* If there are errors in the form, show a message and do "return;" */
+    if (ui->nameEdit->text().length() < 2) {
+	QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Edit Misc"), tr("Name empty or too short."));
+	return;
+    }
+    if (this->textIsChanged) {
+    	if (this->recno == -1) {
+    	    query.prepare("INSERT INTO inventory_miscs SET name=:name, type=:type, use_use=:use, "
+		"time=:time, amount_is_weight=:isweight, use_for=:usefor, notes=:notes, "
+		"always_on_stock=:always, inventory=:inventory, cost=:cost, production_date=:prod, "
+		"tht_date=:tht, uuid = :uuid");
+    	} else {
+	    query.prepare("UPDATE inventory_miscs SET name=:name, type=:type, use_use=:use, "
+		"time=:time, amount_is_weight=:isweight, use_for=:usefor, notes=:notes, "
+		"always_on_stock=:always, inventory=:inventory, cost=:cost, production_date=:prod, "
+                "tht_date=:tht WHERE record = :recno");
+    	}
+	query.bindValue(":name", ui->nameEdit->text());
+	query.bindValue(":type", ui->typeEdit->currentIndex());
+	query.bindValue(":use", ui->useEdit->currentIndex());
+	query.bindValue(":time", ui->timeEdit->value());
+	query.bindValue(":isweight", ui->isweightEdit->isChecked() ? 1:0);
+	query.bindValue(":usefor", ui->useforEdit->toPlainText());
+	query.bindValue(":notes", ui->notesEdit->toPlainText());
+	query.bindValue(":always", ui->alwaysEdit->isChecked() ? 1:0);
+	query.bindValue(":inventory", QString("%1").arg(ui->inventoryEdit->value() / 1000.0, 5, 'f', 4, '0'));
+	query.bindValue(":cost", QString("%1").arg(ui->costEdit->value(), 3, 'f', 2, '0'));
+	/* Uses */
+	query.bindValue(":prod", ui->prodEdit->nullDate());
+	query.bindValue(":tht", ui->thtEdit->nullDate());
+	if (this->recno == -1) {
+	    query.bindValue(":uuid", QUuid::createUuid().toString().mid(1, 36));
+	} else {
+	    query.bindValue(":recno", this->recno);
+	}
+	query.exec();
+	if (query.lastError().isValid()) {
+	    qDebug() << "EditMisc" << query.lastError();
+	    QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Database error"),
+                        tr("MySQL error: %1\n%2\n%3")
+                        .arg(query.lastError().nativeErrorCode())
+                        .arg(query.lastError().driverText())
+                        .arg(query.lastError().databaseText()));
+	} else {
+	    qDebug() << "EditMisc Saved";
+	}
+    }
+    ui->saveButton->setEnabled(false);
+    this->textIsChanged = false;
+    WindowTitle();
+void EditMisc::on_deleteButton_clicked()
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    query.prepare("DELETE FROM inventory_miscs WHERE record = :recno");
+    query.bindValue(":recno", this->recno);
+    query.exec();
+    if (query.lastError().isValid()) {
+	qDebug() << "EditMisc" << query.lastError();
+	QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Database error"),
+                        tr("MySQL error: %1\n%2\n%3")
+                        .arg(query.lastError().nativeErrorCode())
+                        .arg(query.lastError().driverText())
+                        .arg(query.lastError().databaseText()));
+    } else {
+	qDebug() << "EditMisc Deleted" << this->recno;
+    }
+    this->close();
+    this->setResult(1);
+void EditMisc::TimeSet()
+    int	time = ui->timeEdit->value();
+    QString w = QString("");
+    if (time == 0) {
+	ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(1);
+    } else if (time == 1) {
+	w = QString("1 minute");
+	ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(1);
+    } else if (time < 180) {
+	w = QString("%1 minutes").arg(time);
+	ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(1);
+    } else if (time == 180) {
+	w = QString("3 hours");
+	if (lasttime == 240)
+	    ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(1);	/* Going down */
+	else
+	    ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(60);
+    } else if (time < 1440) {
+	w = QString("%1 hours").arg(time / 60);
+	ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(60);
+    } else if (time == 1440) {
+	w = QString("1 day");
+	if (lasttime == 2880)
+	    ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(60);	/* Going down */
+	else
+	    ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(1440);
+    } else {
+	w = QString("%1 days").arg(time / 1440);
+	ui->timeEdit->setSingleStep(1440);
+    }
+    ui->timeShow->setText(w);
+    lasttime = time;
+void EditMisc::is_changed()
+    ui->valueEdit->setValue(ui->inventoryEdit->value() * ui->costEdit->value());
+    ui->saveButton->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->deleteButton->setEnabled((ui->inventoryEdit->value() == 0 && this->recno >= 0) ? true:false);
+    this->textIsChanged = true;
+    WindowTitle();
+void EditMisc::time_changed()
+    TimeSet();
+    is_changed();
+void EditMisc::on_quitButton_clicked()
+    if (this->textIsChanged) {
+	int rc = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Misc changed"), tr("The ingredient has been modified\n Save changes?"),
+                                QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Save);
+        switch (rc) {
+            case QMessageBox::Save:
+                        on_saveButton_clicked();
+                        break;  /* Saved and then Quit */
+            case QMessageBox::Discard:
+                        break;  /* Quit without Save */
+            case QMessageBox::Cancel:
+                        return; /* Return to the editor page */
+        }
+    }
+    this->close();
+    this->setResult(1);
