
changeset 16
parent 15
child 17
--- a/src/Setup.cpp	Wed Feb 16 22:11:29 2022 +0100
+++ b/src/Setup.cpp	Thu Feb 17 19:57:32 2022 +0100
@@ -23,11 +23,84 @@
 Setup::Setup(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Setup)
+    QSqlQuery query;
     qDebug() << "Setup start";
+    setWindowTitle( QString("BMSapp - %1 - Setup").arg(VERSIONSTRING) );
-    setWindowTitle( QString("BMSapp - %1 - Setup").arg(VERSIONSTRING) );
+    query.prepare("SELECT * FROM profile_setup WHERE record='1'");
+    query.exec();
+    ui->breweryEdit->setText(query.value(1).toString()); // max 128
+    ui->fwhEdit->setValue(query.value(4).toInt());
+    ui->mashhopEdit->setValue(query.value(3).toInt());
+    ui->pelletEdit->setValue(query.value(5).toInt());
+    ui->hopplugEdit->setValue(query.value(6).toInt());
+    ui->wethopEdit->setValue(query.value(7).toInt());
+    ui->cryohopEdit->setValue(query.value(8).toInt());
+    connect(ui->fwhEdit, &QSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->mashhopEdit, &QSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->pelletEdit, &QSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->hopplugEdit, &QSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->wethopEdit, &QSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->cryohopEdit, &QSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    ui->grainEdit->setValue(query.value(12).toDouble());
+    ui->brixEdit->setValue(query.value(11).toDouble());
+    connect(ui->grainEdit, &QDoubleSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    connect(ui->brixEdit, &QDoubleSpinBox::textChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    ui->colorEdit->addItem(tr("Morey"));
+    ui->colorEdit->addItem(tr("Mosher"));
+    ui->colorEdit->addItem(tr("Daniels"));
+    ui->colorEdit->addItem(tr("Halberstadt"));
+    ui->colorEdit->addItem(tr("Naudts"));
+    ui->colorEdit->setEditable(true);
+    ui->colorEdit->setCurrentIndex(query.value(10).toInt());
+    connect(ui->colorEdit, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    ui->ibuEdit->addItem(tr("Tinseth"));
+    ui->ibuEdit->addItem(tr("Rager"));
+    ui->ibuEdit->addItem(tr("Daniels"));
+    ui->ibuEdit->setEditable(true);
+    ui->ibuEdit->setCurrentIndex(query.value(9).toInt());
+    connect(ui->ibuEdit, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    QSqlQuery query2("SELECT record,name FROM inventory_waters");
+    query2.first();
+    int pos = -1;
+    ui->waterEdit->setEditable(true);
+    ui->waterEdit->setPlaceholderText(tr("Choose default water"));
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < query2.size() ; i++ ) {
+	ui->waterEdit->addItem(query2.value(1).toString());
+	if (query2.value(0).toInt() == query.value(13).toInt()) {
+	    pos = i;
+	}
+    }
+    if (pos >= 0)
+	ui->waterEdit->setCurrentIndex(pos);
+    connect(ui->waterEdit, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    QSqlQuery query3("SELECT DISTINCT laboratory FROM inventory_yeasts ORDER BY laboratory");
+    query3.first();
+    pos = -1;
+    ui->yeastEdit->setEditable(true);
+    ui->yeastEdit->setPlaceholderText(tr("Choose laboratory"));
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < query3.size() ; i++ ) {
+	ui->yeastEdit->addItem(query3.value(0).toString());
+	if (QString::compare(query.value(14).toString(), query3.value(0).toString(), Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0)
+	    pos = i;
+    }
+    if (pos >= 0)
+	ui->yeastEdit->setCurrentIndex(pos);
+    connect(ui->yeastEdit, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &Setup::is_changed);
+    // query.value(2).toString() logo varchar(1024)
@@ -38,8 +111,79 @@
+ * Also called from the Quit button if there are changes to save.
+ */
+void Setup::on_saveButton_clicked()
+    QSqlQuery query;
+    /*
+     * Search record number of the current water.
+     */
+    query.prepare("SELECT record FROM inventory_waters WHERE name=:name");
+    query.bindValue(":name", ui->waterEdit->currentText());
+    query.exec();
+    query.first();
+    int record = query.value(0).toInt();
+    /*
+     * Update all other data
+     */
+    query.prepare("UPDATE profile_setup SET brewery_name=:brewery, factor_mashhop=:mashhop, factor_fwh=:fwh, factor_pellet=:pellet, "
+		  "factor_plug=:plug, factor_wethop=:wet, factor_cryohop=:cryo, color_method=:color, ibu_method=:ibu, "
+		  "brix_correction=:brix, grain_absorbtion=:grain, default_water=:water, my_yeastlab=:yeast WHERE record='1'");
+    query.bindValue(":brewery", ui->breweryEdit->text());
+    query.bindValue(":mashhop", ui->mashhopEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":fwh", ui->fwhEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":pellet", ui->pelletEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":plug", ui->hopplugEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":wet", ui->wethopEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":cryo", ui->cryohopEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":color", ui->colorEdit->currentIndex());
+    query.bindValue(":ibu", ui->ibuEdit->currentIndex());
+    query.bindValue(":brix", ui->brixEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":grain", ui->grainEdit->value());
+    query.bindValue(":water", record);
+    query.bindValue(":yeast", ui->yeastEdit->currentText());
+    query.exec();
+    if (query.lastError().isValid()) {
+	qDebug() << "Setup Save error:" << query.lastError();
+	QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Database error"),
+			tr("MySQL error: %1\n%2\n%3")
+			.arg(query.lastError().nativeErrorCode())
+			.arg(query.lastError().driverText())
+			.arg(query.lastError().databaseText()));
+    } else {
+	qDebug() << "Setup Saved";
+    }
+    this->fieldIsChanged = false;
+    setWindowTitle( QString("BMSapp - %1 - Setup").arg(VERSIONSTRING) );
 void Setup::on_quitButton_clicked()
+    if (this->fieldIsChanged) {
+	int rc = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Setup changed"), tr("The setup has been modified\n Save changes?"),
+				QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Save);
+	switch (rc) {
+	    case QMessageBox::Save:
+			on_saveButton_clicked();
+			break;	/* Saved and then Quit */
+	    case QMessageBox::Discard:
+			break;	/* Quit without Save */
+	    case QMessageBox::Cancel:
+			return;	/* Return to the setup page */
+	}
+    }
     emit firstWindow();
+void Setup::is_changed()
+    this->fieldIsChanged = true;
+    setWindowTitle( QString("BMSapp - %1 - Setup **").arg(VERSIONSTRING) );
