
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 15:54:30 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 15:54:30 +0200
changeset 527
parent 316

Version 0.4.6a1. Added HLT equipment volume and deadspace settings. In EditProduct the target water selection is now sticky. Changed the water treatment tab. Added a row wich displays the salt adjustments. This can be selected between actual and target values. The treated water show can select between mash or sparge water. The total line will become the final water in the boil kettle. Database update function is expanded with the new settings. Added a popup message warning that the database is upgraded and user action is required for the equipment profiles.

 *   Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Tomasz Ziobrowski                          *
 *                                             *
 *   e-mail:                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *


#include "widgetwithbackground.h"

   * Abstract class for Meter/Gauge classes 
   class AbstractMeter : public WidgetWithBackground
	Q_PROPERTY (double minimum READ minimum WRITE setMinimum )
	Q_PROPERTY (double maximum READ maximum WRITE setMaximum )
	Q_PROPERTY (double value   READ value   WRITE setValue )
	Q_PROPERTY (double nominal READ nominal WRITE setNominal);
	Q_PROPERTY (double critical READ critical WRITE setCritical);

	Q_PROPERTY (QString prefix READ prefix WRITE setPrefix)
	Q_PROPERTY (QString suffix READ suffix WRITE setSuffix)
	Q_PROPERTY (QFont valueFont READ valueFont   WRITE setValueFont)
	Q_PROPERTY (double valueOffset READ valueOffset WRITE setValueOffset)
	Q_PROPERTY (QFont digitFont READ digitFont   WRITE setDigitFont)
	Q_PROPERTY (double digitOffset READ digitOffset WRITE setDigitOffset)


    	AbstractMeter(QWidget *parent = 0);
	virtual ~AbstractMeter() {};

	double  minimum() const   { return m_minimum; }
        void setMinimum(double i);
        double  maximum() const   { return m_maximum; }
        void setMaximum(double i);
        double value() const         { return m_value;}

	double nominal() const	  { return m_nominal; 		}
	void setNominal(double i)    { m_nominal = i; updateWithBackground();}
	double critical() const	  { return m_critical;		}
	void setCritical(double i)   { m_critical = i; updateWithBackground();}

	QFont valueFont() const   { return m_valueFont;        }
	void setValueFont(QFont f){ m_valueFont = f; updateWithBackground(); }

	double valueOffset() const   { return m_valueOffset;       }
	void setValueOffset(double v){ m_valueOffset = v; updateWithBackground();}

	double digitOffset() const   { return m_digitOffset;       }
	void setDigitOffset(double v){ m_digitOffset = v; updateWithBackground();}

	QFont digitFont() const   { return m_digitFont;         }
	void setDigitFont(QFont f){ m_digitFont = f; updateWithBackground();  }

        QString prefix() const    { return m_prefix;  }
        void setPrefix(QString s) { m_prefix = s; updateWithBackground(); }

        QString suffix() const    { return m_suffix;  }
        void setSuffix(QString s) { m_suffix = s; updateWithBackground(); }

    public slots:
       	void setValue(int val);
        void setValue(double val); 
    	void valueChanged(int val);
    	void valueChanged(double val);


         * Calculate m_max and m_min values shown on scale 
	 * @return true if m_max or m_min has been changed
	bool calcMaxMin();
	/** Starting value on meter  this value is less than m_minimum */
	double m_min;
	/** Endgind value on meter this value is more than m_maximum*/
	double m_max;
        /** Minimum that has to be on scale */
	double m_minimum;
        /** Maximum that has to be on scale */
	double m_maximum;
        /** Current value */
	double m_value;
        /** Nominal value (allowed value) by convention mark by green look to manometer and thermometer widgets */
	double m_nominal;
        /** Critical value (maximum allowed value) by convention mark by red */
	double m_critical;

        /** Used to place value string on component */
	double m_valueOffset;
        /** Used to place scale digits offset. On manometer distance from the center on thermometer distance form left */
	double m_digitOffset;
        /** Font used to display value */
 	QFont m_valueFont;
        /** Font used to display scale digit/numbers */
	QFont m_digitFont;
        /** Prefix added to value string  like Speed  */
	QString m_prefix;
        /** Postfix added to value string like km/h or mph */ 
	QString m_suffix;

   };// AbstractMeter

