
Mon, 11 Apr 2022 22:32:04 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 11 Apr 2022 22:32:04 +0200
changeset 130
parent 126
child 131

Finished the water tab ui. For now.


#include <QDialog>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QDoubleSpinBox>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QList>
#include <QLabel>

 * Fermentables, Hops, Miscs, Yeasts and Mashs are stored in the 
 * database in json arrays. These are the QList structures.
struct Fermentables
    QString	f_name;
    QString	f_origin;
    QString	f_supplier;
    double	f_amount;
    double	f_cost;
    int		f_type;
    double	f_yield;
    double	f_color;
    double	f_coarse_fine_diff;
    double	f_moisture;
    double	f_diastatic_power;
    double	f_protein;
    double	f_dissolved_protein;
    double	f_max_in_batch;
    int		f_graintype;
    int		f_added;
    bool	f_recommend_mash;
    bool	f_add_after_boil;
    bool	f_adjust_to_total_100;
    double	f_percentage;
    double	f_di_ph;
    double	f_acid_to_ph_57;

struct Hops
    QString	h_name;
    QString	h_origin;
    double	h_amount;
    double	h_cost;
    int		h_type;
    int		h_form;
    int		h_useat;
    double	h_time;
    double	h_alpha;
    double	h_beta;
    double	h_hsi;
    double	h_humulene;
    double	h_caryophyllene;
    double	h_cohumulone;
    double	h_myrcene;
    double	h_total_oil;

struct Miscs
    QString	m_name;
    double	m_amount;
    int		m_type;
    int		m_use_use;
    double	m_time;
    bool	m_amount_is_weight;
    double	m_cost;

struct Yeasts
    QString	y_name;
    QString	y_laboratory;
    QString	y_product_id;
    double	y_amount;
    int		y_type;
    int		y_form;
    double	y_min_temperature;
    double	y_max_temperature;
    int		y_flocculation;
    double	y_attenuation;
    double	y_cells;
    double	y_tolerance;
    double	y_inventory;
    int		y_use;
    bool	y_sta1;
    bool	y_bacteria;
    bool	y_harvest_top;
    int		y_harvest_time;
    double	y_pitch_temperature;
    bool	y_pofpos;
    int		y_zymocide;
    int		y_gr_hl_lo;
    double	y_sg_lo;
    int		y_gr_hl_hi;
    double	y_sg_hi;
    double	y_cost;

struct Mashs
    QString	step_name;
    int		step_type;
    double	step_volume;		// May not be present
    double	step_infuse_amount;	// May not be present
    double	step_infuse_temp;	// May not be present
    double	step_temp;
    double	step_time;
    double	ramp_time;
    double	end_temp;
    double	step_wg_ratio;		// May not be present

 * The main recipe record stored in the database.
struct Recipe
    int		record;
    QString	uuid;
    bool	locked;
    QString	st_name;
    QString	st_letter;
    QString	st_guide;
    QString	st_category;
    int		st_category_number;
    int		st_type;
    double	st_og_min;
    double	st_og_max;
    double	st_fg_min;
    double	st_fg_max;
    double	st_ibu_min;
    double	st_ibu_max;
    double	st_color_min;
    double	st_color_max;
    double	st_carb_min;
    double	st_carb_max;
    double	st_abv_min;
    double	st_abv_max;

    QString	name;
    QString	notes;
    int		type;
    double	batch_size;
    double	boil_size;
    double	boil_time;
    double	efficiency;
    double	est_og;
    double	est_fg;
    double	est_abv;
    double	est_color;
    int		color_method;
    double	est_ibu;
    int		ibu_method;
    double	est_carb;

    double	sparge_temp;
    double	sparge_ph;
    double	sparge_volume;
    int		sparge_source;
    int		sparge_acid_type;
    double	sparge_acid_perc;
    double	sparge_acid_amount;
    double	mash_ph;
    QString	mash_name;
    bool	calc_acid;

    QString	w1_name;			///< Water source 1
    double	w1_amount;
    double	w1_calcium;
    double	w1_sulfate;
    double	w1_chloride;
    double	w1_sodium;
    double	w1_magnesium;
    double	w1_total_alkalinity;
    double	w1_ph;
    double	w1_cost;
    QString     w2_name;			///< Water source 2
    double      w2_amount;
    double      w2_calcium;
    double      w2_sulfate;
    double      w2_chloride;
    double      w2_sodium;
    double      w2_magnesium;
    double      w2_total_alkalinity;
    double      w2_ph;
    double      w2_cost;
    double      wg_amount;			///< Mixed water
    double      wg_calcium;
    double      wg_sulfate;
    double      wg_chloride;
    double      wg_sodium;
    double      wg_magnesium;
    double      wg_total_alkalinity;
    double      wg_ph;
    double      wb_calcium;			///< Treated water
    double      wb_sulfate;
    double      wb_chloride;
    double      wb_sodium;
    double      wb_magnesium;
    double      wb_total_alkalinity;
    double      wb_ph;
    int		wa_acid_name;
    double	wa_acid_perc;
    int		wa_base_name;

    QList<Fermentables>	fermentables;
    QList<Hops>		hops;
    QList<Miscs>	miscs;
    QList<Yeasts>	yeasts;
    QList<Mashs>	mashs;

     * These are not in the MySL database, but are global variables
     * that belong with the loaded recipe data and are present to
     * make things easier.
    int		fermentables_row;	///< Current row, -1 is invalid.
    bool	fermentables_use100;	///< Use percentages instead of amount
    int		hops_row;
    int		misc_row;
    int		yeasts_row;
    int		mashs_row;
    double	preboil_sg;

namespace Ui {
class EditRecipe;

class EditRecipe : public QDialog

    void entry_changed();

    explicit EditRecipe(int id, QWidget *parent = 0);

private slots:
    void on_saveButton_clicked();
    void on_quitButton_clicked();
    void on_deleteButton_clicked();
    void is_changed();
    void name_changed(QString);
    void notes_changed();
    void style_changed();
    void colormethod_changed();
    void refreshFermentables();
    void refreshHops();
    void refreshMiscs();
    void refreshYeasts();
    void refreshMashs();
    void refreshAll();
    void ferment_amount_changed(double val);
    void ferment_pct_changed(double val);
    void ferment_to100_changed(bool val);
    void ferment_select_changed(int val);
    void ferment_instock_changed(bool val);
    void ferment_added_changed(int val);
    void hop_amount_changed(double val);
    void hop_time_changed(int val);
    void hop_select_changed(int val);
    void hop_instock_changed(bool val);
    void hop_useat_changed(int val);
    void on_addFermentRow_clicked();
    void on_deleteFermentRow_clicked();
    void on_editFermentRow_clicked();
    void on_addHopRow_clicked();
    void on_deleteHopRow_clicked();
    void on_editHopRow_clicked();

    void on_perc_mash_valueChanged(int value);
    void on_perc_sugars_valueChanged(int value);
    void on_perc_cara_valueChanged(int value);
    void on_lintner_valueChanged(int value);
    void on_Flavour_valueChanged(int value);
    void on_Aroma_valueChanged(int value);

    Ui::EditRecipe *ui;
    QStringList s_types = { tr("Lager"), tr("Ale"), tr("Mead"), tr("Wheat"), tr("Mixed"), tr("Cider") };
    QStringList f_types = { tr("Grain"), tr("Sugar"), tr("Extract"), tr("Dry extract"), tr("Adjunct") };
    QStringList f_graintypes = { tr("Base"), tr("Roast"), tr("Crystal"), tr("Kilned"), tr("Sour Malt"), tr("Special"), tr("No malt")};
    QStringList f_added = { tr("Mash"), tr("Boil"), tr("Fermentation"), tr("Lagering"), tr("Bottle"), tr("Kegs") };
    QStringList h_types = { tr("Bittering"), tr("Aroma"), tr("Both") };
    QStringList h_forms = { tr("Pellet"), tr("Plug"), tr("Leaf"), tr("Leaf wet"), tr("Cryo") };
    QStringList h_useat = { tr("Mash"), tr("First wort"), tr("Boil"), tr("Aroma"), tr("Whirlpool"), tr("Dry hop") };
    QString bar_red = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #FF0000;}";
    QString bar_orange = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #EB7331;}";
    QString bar_green = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #008C00;}";
    QString bar_20 = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #004D00;}";
    QString bar_40 = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #008C00;}";
    QString bar_60 = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #00BF00;}";
    QString bar_80 = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #00FF00;}";
    QString bar_100 = "QProgressBar::chunk {background: #80FF80;}";
    int recno;
    bool textIsChanged = false;
    bool ignoreChanges = false;
    Recipe *recipe;
     * Variables for popup ingredients editing.
    QComboBox *fselectEdit, *faddedEdit, *hselectEdit,*haddedEdit, *useatEdit;
    QLineEdit *fnameEdit, *fsupplierEdit, *hnameEdit, *horiginEdit;
    QDoubleSpinBox *famountEdit, *pctEdit, *fmaxEdit, *hamountEdit, *ibuEdit;
    QSpinBox *htimeEdit;
    QCheckBox *to100Edit, *finstockEdit, *hinstockEdit;
    QLabel *htimeLabel;

    void to100Fermentables(int row);
    static bool ferment_sort_test(const Fermentables &D1, const Fermentables &D2);
    static bool hop_sort_test(const Hops &D1, const Hops &D2);
    void WindowTitle();
    void calcFermentables();
    void calcIBUs();

