
Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:22:01 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:22:01 +0200
changeset 151
parent 133
child 155

New recipe, calculate the boil_size. Lot's of ignoreChanges removeals and where needed QSignalBlocker is used. Bottle priming calculation added. In fermentables editor block and release to100 settings only in mash to fermentation steps, bottle and kegging are ignored. Update the IBU slider after hop changes. Set the mash name when another mash profile is selected. Don't backup initial infuse amount if there was no mash table. A small cosmetic layout change on the mash tab.

 * Printer.cpp is part of bmsapp.
 * bmsapp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * bmsapp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#include "PrinterDialog.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "global.h"

#include <QPrintPreviewDialog>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QtSql>

PrinterDialog::PrinterDialog(int job, int rec, QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent)
    qDebug() << "PrinterDialog start job" << job << "rec" << rec;

    p_job = job;
    p_rec = rec;

    QPrinter printer(QPrinter::ScreenResolution);
    QPrintPreviewDialog preview(&printer, this);
    connect(&preview, &QPrintPreviewDialog::paintRequested, this, &PrinterDialog::printDocument);

PrinterDialog::~PrinterDialog() {}

void PrinterDialog::printDocument(QPrinter *printer)
    qDebug() << "PrinterDialog printDocument()";

    QRect rectangle;
    QRect boundingRect;
    QPainter painter;
    QString w;
    QSqlQuery query;

    const QColor c_header(255, 150, 100, 255);
    const QColor c_line1(210, 245, 255, 255);
    const QColor c_line2(255, 255, 210, 255);
    const QStringList f_types({tr("Grain"), tr("Sugar"), tr("Extract"), tr("Dry extract"), tr("Adjunct")});
    const QStringList h_form({tr("Pellet"), tr("Plug"), tr("Leaf"), tr("Leaf Wet"), tr("Cryo")});
    const QStringList m_types({tr("Spice"), tr("Herb"), tr("Flavor"), tr("Fining"), tr("Water agent"), tr("Yeast nutrient"), tr("Other")});
    const QStringList y_unit({tr("pkg"), tr("gr"), tr("ml"), tr("ml"), tr("ml"), tr("ml"), tr("gr")});
    const QStringList y_types({tr("Lager"), tr("Ale"), tr("Wheat"), tr("Wine"), tr("Champagne"), tr("Brett"), tr("Kveik"), tr("Hybrid")});
    const QStringList y_form({tr("Liquid"), tr("Dry"), tr("Slant"), tr("Culture"), tr("Frozen"), tr("Bottle"), tr("Dried")});

    qreal y = 0;

    if (p_job == PR_SUPPLIES) {
	 * Print supplies in stock
	double	tot_fermentables = 0, tot_hops = 0, tot_yeasts = 0, tot_miscs = 0;

	y = 120;
	/* Fermentables supplies header */
	painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Bold));
	painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
	painter.drawText(  0, y+4,  90, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Type"));
	painter.drawText( 90, y+4, 100, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Supplier"));
	painter.drawText(190, y+4, 270, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Fermentable"));
	painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Stock"));
	painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Price/Kg"));
	painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Value"));
	y += 20;
	painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Normal));
	query.exec("SELECT type,name,supplier,inventory,cost FROM inventory_fermentables WHERE inventory > 0 ORDER BY type,supplier,name");
	for (int i = 0 ; i < query.size() ; i++ ) {
	    if ((y + 20) > painter.device()->height()) {
                y = 120;
	    painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, (i % 2) ? c_line1:c_line2);
	    painter.drawText(  0, y+4,  90, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, f_types[query.value(0).toInt()]);
	    painter.drawText( 90, y+4, 100, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(2).toString());
	    painter.drawText(190, y+4, 270, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(1).toString());
	    w = QString("%1 kg").arg(query.value(3).toDouble(), 10, 'f', 3);
	    painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
	    w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(4).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
	    painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
	    w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(3).toDouble() * query.value(4).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
	    tot_fermentables += (query.value(3).toDouble() * query.value(4).toDouble());
	    painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);;
	    y += 20;
	painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
	painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 100, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Total"));
	w = QString("%1 €").arg(tot_fermentables, 8, 'f', 2);
	painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
	y += 20;

	/* Hops supplies */
	query.exec("SELECT name,form,origin,inventory,cost FROM inventory_hops WHERE inventory > 0 ORDER BY origin,name");
	if ((y + 80 + (query.size() * 20)) > painter.device()->height()) {	/* Rows + header + footer + blank */
	    y = 120;
	} else {
	    y += 40;
        painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Bold));
        painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
        painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Country"));
	painter.drawText(120, y+4, 260, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Hop name"));
	painter.drawText(380, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Form"));
	painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Stock"));
        painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Price/Kg"));
        painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Value"));
	y += 20;
        painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Normal));
	for (int i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
	    if ((y + 20) > painter.device()->height()) {
		y = 120;
	    painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, (i % 2) ? c_line1:c_line2);
            painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(2).toString());
	    painter.drawText(120, y+4, 260, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(0).toString());
	    painter.drawText(380, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, h_form[query.value(1).toInt()]);
	    if (query.value(3).toDouble() < 0.6)
		w = QString("%1 gr").arg(query.value(3).toDouble() * 1000.0, 10, 'f', 1);
	        w = QString("%1 kg").arg(query.value(3).toDouble(), 10, 'f', 3);
            painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(4).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
            painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(3).toDouble() * query.value(4).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
            tot_hops += (query.value(3).toDouble() * query.value(4).toDouble());
            painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            y += 20;
	painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
        painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 100, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Total"));
        w = QString("%1 €").arg(tot_hops, 8, 'f', 2);
        painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
	y += 20;

	/* Yeasts supplies */
	query.exec("SELECT name,laboratory,product_id,form,inventory,cost FROM inventory_yeasts WHERE inventory > 0 ORDER BY laboratory,product_id");
	if ((y + 80 + (query.size() * 20)) > painter.device()->height()) {      /* Rows + header + footer + blank */
            y = 120;
        } else {
            y += 40;
        painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Bold));
        painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
        painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Laboratory"));
        painter.drawText(120, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Product"));
        painter.drawText(240, y+4, 220, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Yeast"));
        painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Stock"));
        painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Price/Kg"));
        painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Value"));
        y += 20;
        painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Normal));
	for (int i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
	    if ((y + 20) > painter.device()->height()) {
                y = 120;
            painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, (i % 2) ? c_line1:c_line2);
            painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(1).toString());
	    painter.drawText(120, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(2).toString());
	    painter.drawText(240, y+4, 220, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(0).toString());
	    if (query.value(3).toInt() == 0)
		w = QString("%1 %2").arg(query.value(4).toDouble(), 10, 'f', 1).arg(y_unit[query.value(3).toInt()]);
		w = QString("%1 %2").arg(query.value(4).toDouble() * 1000.0, 10, 'f', 1).arg(y_unit[query.value(3).toInt()]);
            painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(5).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
            painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(4).toDouble() * query.value(5).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
            tot_yeasts += (query.value(4).toDouble() * query.value(5).toDouble());
            painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            y += 20;
	painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
        painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 100, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Total"));
        w = QString("%1 €").arg(tot_yeasts, 8, 'f', 2);
        painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
        y += 20;

	/* Miscs supplies */
	query.exec("SELECT name,type,amount_is_weight,inventory,cost FROM inventory_miscs WHERE inventory > 0 ORDER BY type,name");
	if ((y + 80 + (query.size() * 20)) > painter.device()->height()) {      /* Rows + header + footer + blank */
            y = 120;
        } else {
            y += 40;
        painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Bold));
        painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
        painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Type"));
        painter.drawText(120, y+4, 340, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Ingredient"));
        painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Stock"));
        painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Price/Kg"));
        painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Value"));
        y += 20;
        painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Normal));
	for (int i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
            if ((y + 20) > painter.device()->height()) {
                y = 120;
            painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, (i % 2) ? c_line1:c_line2);
            painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 120, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, m_types[query.value(1).toInt()]);
            painter.drawText(120, y+4, 340, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(0).toString());
            if (query.value(2).toInt())
                w = QString("%1 gr").arg(query.value(3).toDouble() * 1000.0, 10, 'f', 1);
                w = QString("%1 ml").arg(query.value(3).toDouble() * 1000.0, 10, 'f', 1);
            painter.drawText(460, y+4, 115, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(4).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
            painter.drawText(575, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            w = QString("%1 €").arg(query.value(3).toDouble() * query.value(4).toDouble(), 8, 'f', 2);
            tot_miscs += (query.value(3).toDouble() * query.value(4).toDouble());
            painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
            y += 20;
	painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
        painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 100, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Total"));
        w = QString("%1 €").arg(tot_miscs, 8, 'f', 2);
        painter.drawText(655, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
        y += 20;

    } else if (p_job == PR_YEASTBANK) {
	 * Print yeast in the private yeast bank.
        y = 120;

	painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Bold));
        painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, c_header);
        painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 200, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Yeast"));
        painter.drawText(200, y+4, 230, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Description"));
	painter.drawText(430, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("Type"));
	painter.drawText(510, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("Form"));
        painter.drawText(590, y+4,  70, 20, Qt::AlignRight, tr("Stock"));
        painter.drawText(665, y+4,  70, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Date"));
        y += 20;
        painter.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont::Normal));
	query.prepare("SELECT name,type,form,inventory,production_date,short_desc "
		       "FROM inventory_yeasts WHERE inventory > 0 AND laboratory = :my_lab ORDER BY product_id");
	query.bindValue(":my_lab", my_yeastlab);
	for (int i = 0; i < query.size(); i++) {
	    painter.fillRect(  0, y,   735, 20, (i % 2) ? c_line1:c_line2);
            painter.drawText(  0, y+4, 200, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(0).toString());
	    painter.drawText(200, y+4, 230, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(5).toString());
	    painter.drawText(430, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignCenter, y_types[query.value(1).toInt()]);
	    painter.drawText(510, y+4,  80, 20, Qt::AlignCenter, y_form[query.value(2).toInt()]);

	    if (query.value(2).toInt() == 0)
                w = QString("%1 %2").arg(query.value(3).toDouble(), 10, 'f', 1).arg(y_unit[query.value(2).toInt()]);
                w = QString("%1 %2").arg(query.value(3).toDouble() * 1000.0, 10, 'f', 1).arg(y_unit[query.value(2).toInt()]);
	    painter.drawText(590, y+4,  70, 20, Qt::AlignRight, w);
	    painter.drawText(665, y+4,  70, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, query.value(4).toString());;
	    y += 20;


void PrinterDialog::printHeader(QPainter *painter)
    QPixmap outPixmap = QPixmap();
    int w = outPixmap.width();
    int h = outPixmap.height();
    /* Make sure to keep the logo aspect ratio */
    if (w == h) {
	painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, 100, 100, outPixmap);
    } else if (w > h) {
	painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, 100, (h * 100) / w, outPixmap);
    } else {
	painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, (w * 100) / h, 100, outPixmap);

    /* The fat header line */
    painter->setFont(QFont("Helvetica",18, QFont::Bold));
    if (p_job == PR_SUPPLIES) {
	painter->drawText(120, 0,  500, 40, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Inventory") + " " + my_brewery_name);
    } else if (p_job == PR_YEASTBANK) {
	painter->drawText(120, 0,  500, 40, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Yeastbank") + " " + my_brewery_name);
    } else {
        painter->drawText(120, 0,  500, 40, Qt::AlignLeft, "?? " + my_brewery_name);
    /* The first normal header line */
    painter->setFont(QFont("Helvetica",10, QFont::Normal));
    painter->drawText(120,35,  80, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, tr("Date and time"));
    painter->drawText(200,35, 400, 20, Qt::AlignLeft, ": " + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm"));
    /* The report itself may print more lines from y = 55. */
