
Thu, 31 Mar 2022 17:16:44 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Thu, 31 Mar 2022 17:16:44 +0200
changeset 96
parent 92
child 97

Removed the ugly green value text from the ranged slider.

 * RangedSlider.cpp is part bmsapp.
 * Original written for Brewtarget, and is Copyright the following
 * authors 2009-2020
 * - Matt Young <>
 * - Mik Firestone <>
 * - Philip G. Lee <>
 * bmsapp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * bmsapp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include "RangedSlider.h"
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QColor>
#include <QPalette>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QRectF>
#include <QFont>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QLinearGradient>
#include <QPainterPath>

#include <QDebug>

RangedSlider::RangedSlider(QWidget* parent)
   : QWidget(parent),
                       QFont::Normal) // Previously we just did the indicator text in 'default' font
   // Ensure this->heightInPixels is properly initialised

   // In principle we want to set our min/max sizes etc here.  However, if, say, a maximumSize property has been set
   // for this object in a Designer UI File (eg ui/mainWindow.ui) then that setting will override this one, because it
   // will be applied later (in fact pretty much straight after this constructor returns).  So we also make this call
   // inside setValue(), which will be invoked _after_ the setter calls that were auto-generated from the Designer UI
   // File.

   // Generate mouse move events whenever mouse movers over widget.


void RangedSlider::setPreferredRange( double min, double max )
   _prefMin = min;
   _prefMax = max;

   // Only show tooltips if the range has nonzero size.
   setMouseTracking(min < max);

   _tooltipText = QString("%1 - %2").arg(min, 0, 'f', _prec).arg(max, 0, 'f', _prec);


void RangedSlider::setPreferredRange(QPair<double,double> minmax)
   setPreferredRange( minmax.first, minmax.second );

void RangedSlider::setRange( double min, double max )
   _min = min;
   _max = max;

void RangedSlider::setRange(QPair<double,double> minmax)
   setRange( minmax.first, minmax.second );

void RangedSlider::setValue(double value)
   _val = value;
//   _valText = QString("%1").arg(_val, 0, 'f', _prec);

   // See comment in constructor for why we call this here

void RangedSlider::setPrecision(int precision)
   _prec = precision;

void RangedSlider::setBackgroundBrush( QBrush const& brush )
   _bgBrush = brush;

void RangedSlider::setPreferredRangeBrush( QBrush const& brush )
   _prefRangeBrush = brush;

void RangedSlider::setPreferredRangePen( QPen const& pen )
   _prefRangePen = pen;

void RangedSlider::setMarkerBrush( QBrush const& brush )
   _markerBrush = brush;

void RangedSlider::setMarkerText( QString const& text )
   _markerText = text;

void RangedSlider::setMarkerTextIsValue(bool val)
   _markerTextIsValue = val;

void RangedSlider::setTickMarks( double primaryInterval, int secondaryTicks )
   _secondaryTicks = (secondaryTicks<1)? 1 : secondaryTicks;
   _tickInterval = primaryInterval/_secondaryTicks;


void RangedSlider::recalculateHeightInPixels() const {
   // We need to be able to tell Qt about our minimum and preferred size in pixels.  This is something that's going
   // to depend on the dots-per-inch (DPI) resolution of the monitor we're being displayed on.  Advice at
   // is that, for best High DPI display support, we should replace hard-coded
   // sizes in layouts and drawing code with values calculated from font metrics or screen size.  For this widget, we
   // use font sizes (as described in more detail later in this comment) as it seems simpler and the height of the
   // widget really is determined by the size of the text it contains.
   // In theory, someone might be running the app on a system with multiple screens with different DPI resolutions,
   // so, in principle we ought to do redo size calculations every time the widget is moved, in case it moves from one
   // screen to another and the resolution changes.  In practice, I'm not sure how big a requirement this is.  So, for
   // now, have just tried to organise things so that it would, in principle, be possible to implement such behaviour
   // in future.
   // We want height to be fixed, as the slider does not get more readable if you make it taller.  So minimum and
   // preferred height are the same.
   // For width, We are OK for them to expand and contract horizontally, within reason, as the size of the main window
   // changes.  Minimum and preferred widths are a bit of a rule-of-thumb, but 2× and 4× height are a sensible stab.
   // Firstly we have to determine what the fixed height is.  We could query the DPI resolution and size of the current
   // screen, but the simplest thing is to use font sizes.  The slider is basically two lines of characters high.  Top
   // line is the "indicator" text that sits above the slider visual in the middle of the "preferred range".  Bottom
   // line is the slider visual and the "value" text that sits to the right of the slider visual.  The fonts for both
   // bits of text are set in device-independent points in the constructor, and we can just query their height etc in
   // pixels.
   // Secondly, the way we tell Qt about minimum and preferred sizes is slightly different:
   //  • setMinimumSize() tells Qt not to make us smaller than the specified size when resizing windows etc, HOWEVER
   //    it does not determine what size we are initially drawn
   //  • instead, Qt calls sizeHint() when doing initial layout, and we must override this to supply our desired
   //    initial dimensions.  NB: Although it makes no sense, there is nothing to stop this method returning dimensions
   //    below the minimums already set via setMinimumSize().  (AIUI, sizeHint() is also called on resize events to
   //    find our preferred dimensions.)
   // The final wrinkle is that the height of the font sort of depends what you mean.  Strictly, using the inter-line
   // spacing (= height plus leading, though the latter is often 0) gives you enough space to show any character of the
   // font.  It is helpful for the indicator text to have a bit of space below it before we draw the graphical bit, and
   // it's not a large font in any case.  However, for large value text font we don't necessarily need all this space
   // because we currently only show digits and decimal points, which don't require space below the baseline.  However,
   // assumptions about space below the baseline are locale-specific, so, say, using ascent() instead of lineSpacing()
   // could end up painting us into a corner.
   QFontMetrics indicatorTextFontMetrics(this->indicatorTextFont);
//   QFontMetrics valueTextFontMetrics(this->valueTextFont);
   this->heightInPixels = indicatorTextFontMetrics.lineSpacing()/* + valueTextFontMetrics.lineSpacing()*/;

void RangedSlider::setSizes() {
   // Caller's responsibility to have recently called this->recalculateHeightInPixels().  (See comment in that function
   // for how we choose minimum width.)
   this->setMinimumSize(2 * this->heightInPixels, this->heightInPixels);

   this->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );

   // There no particular reason to limit our horizontal size, so, in principle, this call asks that there be no such
   // (practical) limit.


QSize RangedSlider::sizeHint() const
   return QSize(4 * this->heightInPixels, this->heightInPixels);

void RangedSlider::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event)

   QPoint tipPoint( mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)) );
   QToolTip::showText( tipPoint, _tooltipText, this );

void RangedSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
   // Simplistically, the high-level layout of the slider is:
   //    |-------------------------------------------------------------|
   //    |                   Indicator text               | B L A N K  |
   //    |------------------------------------------------+------------|
   //    | <--------------- Graphical Area -------------> |
   //    |------------------------------------------------|
   // The graphical area has:
   //  - a background rectangle of the full width of the area, representing the range from this->_min to this->_max
   //  - a foreground rectangle showing the sub-range of this background from this->_prefMin to this->_prefMax
   //  - a line ("the indicator") showing where this->_val lies in the (this->_min to this->_max) range
   // The indicator text sits above the indicator line and shows either its value (this->_valText) or some textual
   // description (eg "Slightly Malty" on the IBU/GU scale) which comes from this->_markerText.
   // In principle, we could have the value text a slightly different height than the graphical area - eg to help
   // squeeze into smaller available vertical space on small screens (as we know there is blank space of
   // indicatorTextHeight pixels above the space for the value text).
   // The value text also shows this->_valText.

   QFontMetrics indicatorTextFontMetrics(this->indicatorTextFont);
   int indicatorTextHeight = indicatorTextFontMetrics.lineSpacing();
   int graphicalAreaHeight = this->height() - indicatorTextHeight;

   // Although the Qt calls take an x- and a y- radius, we want the radius on the rectangle corners to be the same
   // vertically and horizontally, so only define one measure here.
   int rectangleCornerRadius = graphicalAreaHeight / 4;

   static const QPalette palette(QApplication::palette());
   static const int indicatorLineWidth   = 4;
   static const QColor fgRectColor(0,127,0);
   static const QColor indicatorTextColor(0,0,0);
   static const QColor valueTextColor(0,127,0);

   QLinearGradient glassGrad( QPointF(0,0), QPointF(0,graphicalAreaHeight) );
   glassGrad.setColorAt( 0, QColor(255,255,255,127) );
   glassGrad.setColorAt( 1, QColor(255,255,255,0) );
   QBrush glassBrush(glassGrad);

   // Per, for best High DPI display support, we need to:
   //  • Always use the qreal versions of the QPainter drawing API
   //  • Size windows and dialogs in relation to the corresponding screen size
   //  • Replace hard-coded sizes in layouts and drawing code with values calculated from font metrics or screen size
   QPainter painter(this);

   // Work out the left-to-right (ie x-coordinate) positions of things in the graphical area
   double graphicalAreaWidth  = this->width()/* - valueTextWidth*/;
   double range               = this->_max - this->_min;
   double fgRectLeft          = graphicalAreaWidth * ((this->_prefMin - this->_min    )/range);
   double fgRectWidth         = graphicalAreaWidth * ((this->_prefMax - this->_prefMin)/range);
   double indicatorLineMiddle = graphicalAreaWidth * ((this->_val     - this->_min    )/range);
   double indicatorLineLeft   = indicatorLineMiddle - (indicatorLineWidth / 2);

   // Make sure all coordinates are valid.
   fgRectLeft          = qBound(0.0, fgRectLeft,          graphicalAreaWidth);
   fgRectWidth         = qBound(0.0, fgRectWidth,         graphicalAreaWidth - fgRectLeft);
   indicatorLineMiddle = qBound(0.0, indicatorLineMiddle, graphicalAreaWidth - (indicatorLineWidth / 2));
   indicatorLineLeft   = qBound(0.0, indicatorLineLeft,   graphicalAreaWidth - indicatorLineWidth);

   // The left-to-right position of the indicator text (also known as marker text) depends on where the slider is.
   // First we ask the painter what size rectangle it will need to display this text
   QRectF indicatorTextRect = painter.boundingRect(QRectF(), Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, this->_markerText);

   // Then we use the size of this rectangle to try to make the middle of the text sit over the indicator marker on
   // the slider - but bounding things so that the text doesn't go off the edge of the slider.
   double indicatorTextLeft = qBound(0.0,
                                    indicatorLineMiddle - (indicatorTextRect.width() / 2),
                                    graphicalAreaWidth - indicatorTextRect.width());

   // Now we can draw the indicator text
      indicatorTextLeft, 0,
      indicatorTextRect.width(), indicatorTextRect.height(),
      Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, this->_markerText

   // All the rest of what we need to do is inside the graphical area, so move the origin to the top-left corner of it
   painter.translate(0, indicatorTextRect.height());

   // Make sure anything we draw "inside" the "glass rectangle" stays inside.
   QPainterPath clipRect;
   clipRect.addRoundedRect( QRectF(0, 0, graphicalAreaWidth, graphicalAreaHeight),
                            rectangleCornerRadius );

   // Draw the background rectangle.
   painter.drawRoundedRect( QRectF(0, 0, graphicalAreaWidth, graphicalAreaHeight),
                            rectangleCornerRadius );
   painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);

   // Draw the style "foreground" rectangle.;
      painter.drawRoundedRect( QRectF(fgRectLeft, 0, fgRectWidth, graphicalAreaHeight),
                               rectangleCornerRadius );

   // Draw the indicator.
   painter.drawRect( QRectF(indicatorLineLeft, 0, indicatorLineWidth, graphicalAreaHeight) );

   // Draw a white-to-clear gradient to suggest "glassy."
   painter.drawRoundedRect( QRectF(0, 0, graphicalAreaWidth, graphicalAreaHeight),
                            rectangleCornerRadius );
   painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);

   // Draw the ticks.
   if( _tickInterval > 0.0 )
      int secTick = 1;
      for( double currentTick = _min+_tickInterval; _max - currentTick > _tickInterval-1e-6; currentTick += _tickInterval )
         painter.translate( graphicalAreaWidth/(_max-_min) * _tickInterval, 0);
         if( secTick == _secondaryTicks )
            painter.drawLine( QPointF(0,0.25*graphicalAreaHeight), QPointF(0,0.75*graphicalAreaHeight) );
            secTick = 1;
            painter.drawLine( QPointF(0,0.333*graphicalAreaHeight), QPointF(0,0.666*graphicalAreaHeight) );


void RangedSlider::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event) {
   // If we've moved, we might be on a new screen with a different DPI resolution...
   // .:TBD:. This almost certainly needs further work and further testing.  It's far from clear whether our font size
   //         querying will give different answers just because the app has been moved from one screen to another.

