
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 15:31:57 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 15:31:57 +0200
changeset 92
child 96

Added support to build designer plugins, but it is nog yet complete. Added RangedSlider fro the brewtarget project to make our version of it. Started EditRecipe screen.

 * RangedSlider.h is part bmsapp.
 * Original written for Brewtarget, and is Copyright the following
 * authors 2009-2020
 * - Matt Young <>
 * - Mik Firestone <>
 * - Philip G. Lee <>
 * bmsapp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * bmsapp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include <QWidget>
#include <QSize>
#include <QString>
#include <QBrush>
#include <QPen>
class QPaintEvent;
class QMouseEvent;

 * @brief Widget to display a number with an optional range on a type of read-only slider.
 * @author Philip G. Lee
class RangedSlider : public QWidget

   RangedSlider(QWidget* parent=0);

   Q_PROPERTY( double value READ value WRITE setValue )

   double value() const { return _val; }

   //! \brief Set the background brush for the widget.
   void setBackgroundBrush( QBrush const& brush );
   //! \brief Set the brush for the preffered range.
   void setPreferredRangeBrush( QBrush const& brush );
   //! \brief Set the pen for the preferred range
   void setPreferredRangePen( QPen const& pen );
   //! \brief Set the brush for the marker.
   void setMarkerBrush( QBrush const& brush );
   //! \brief Set the text displayed above the marker.
   void setMarkerText( QString const& text );
   //! \brief If true, the marker text will always be updated to the value given by \c setValue().
   void setMarkerTextIsValue(bool val);

    * \brief Set the tick mark intervals.
    * If either parameter is <= 0, then the tick marks are not drawn.
    * \param primaryInterval How often to draw big tick marks.
    * \param secondaryTicks Number of secondary ticks per primary tick.
   void setTickMarks( double primaryInterval, int secondaryTicks = 1 );

   //! \brief Set the \c precision for displaying values.
   void setPrecision(int precision);

   //! \brief Reimplemented from QWidget.
   virtual QSize sizeHint() const;

public slots:

   //! \brief Set the \c value for the indicator.
   void setValue(double value);

    * \brief Set the range of values considered to be *best*
    * \param range \c range.first and \c range.second are the min and max
    *        values for the preferred range resp.
   void setPreferredRange(QPair<double,double> range);

    * \brief Set the range of values that the widget displays
    * \param range \c range.first and \c range.second are the min and max
    *        values for the preferred range resp.
   void setRange(QPair<double,double> range);

   //! \brief Convenience method for setting the widget range
   void setRange( double min, double max );

   //! \brief Convenience method for setting the preferred range
   //         Note that this is completely unrelated to "preferred size".
   void setPreferredRange( double min, double max );

   //! \brief Reimplemented from QWidget.
   virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);
   //! \brief Reimplemented from QWidget for popup on mouseover.
   virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event);
   //! \brief Reimplemented from QWidget.
   virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event);

    * Sets minimum / maximum sizes and resize policy
   void setSizes();
   void recalculateHeightInPixels() const;

    * Minimum value the widget displays
   double _min;
    * Maximum value the widget displays
   double _max;

    * Minimum value for the "best" sub-range
   double _prefMin;
    * Maximum value for the "best" sub-range
   double _prefMax;
   double _val;
   QString _valText;
   QString _markerText;
   int _prec;
   double _tickInterval;
   int _secondaryTicks;
   QString _tooltipText;
   QBrush _bgBrush;
   QBrush _prefRangeBrush;
   QPen _prefRangePen;
   QBrush _markerBrush;
   bool _markerTextIsValue;

    * The font used for showing the value at the right-hand side of the slider
   QFont const valueTextFont;

    * The font used for showing the indicator above the "needle" on the slider.  Often this is just showing the same as
    * the value - eg OG, FG, ABV - but sometimes it's something else - eg descriptive text such as "slightly hoppy" for
    * the IBU/GU reading.
   QFont const indicatorTextFont;

    * Since preferred and minimum dimensions are all based off a height we need to calculate based on the resolution of
    * the current display (see more detailed comment in implementation of recalculateSizes()), it is useful to store
    * that height here.  However, its value is not really part of the current value/state of the object, hence mutable
    * (ie OK to change in a const function).
   mutable int heightInPixels;

