Removed old experiment to calculate flameout and whirlpool ibu's. Changed Tinseth calculation to use a time window so you can select the ibu contribution during a specified time. Added ibu_method Tinset++. Added calculation extensions for Tinseth++, this calculates the flameout and whirlpool effects on all hops. During cooling is to be done.

Code cleanup

Cooling method dropdown table loads from a global table. Updated the translations.

Added cooling parameters to the toIBU function.

Removed Garetz and Rager IBU calculations, we will only use Tinseth

With beerXML recipe import, the IBU method is always Tinseth.

Added my_height global variable and edit in profile setup. This sets the height of the brewery above or below sealevel. Added calculations for the air pressure, boilpoint and IBU_reduction that all depend on the height. Currently not yet in use. Split out the real IBU calculation from the generic toIBU function. This has no effect on the results.

IBU method names are now global.

The carbonation chart has fixed Y ranges.

Version 0.2.15 with updated translations.

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 tip
