
changeset 6
parent 1
child 21
--- a/components/vnc_server/vnc-server.c	Sun Oct 21 23:12:08 2018 +0200
+++ b/components/vnc_server/vnc-server.c	Mon Oct 22 21:43:45 2018 +0200
@@ -574,12 +574,6 @@
-                if (encoding_type.corre) {
-		    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SetEncodings use CORRE");
-		} else {
-		    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SetEncodings use RAW");
-		}
             case FRAME_BUFFER_UPDATE_REQ:
@@ -867,15 +861,6 @@
     uint16_t		x_pos, y_pos;
     int			i, j;
     int			tile_width, tile_height;
-    int			packet_length;
-    static vnc_color_t	tile_buffer[TILE_SIZE][TILE_SIZE];  /* Buffer to hold tile to be encoded */
-    vnc_color_t		pixel_colour;
-    vnc_color_t		bg_colour;
-    int			no_of_subrects, subrect_width, subrect_height;
-    int			k, l;
-    no_of_subrects = 0;  /* Set to no sub-rectangles to start with */
-    packet_length = 20-4+(Bits_Per_Pixel/8);  /* Set to minimum packet length to start with */
     /* Get the X and Y positions of this tile from the packet buffer */
     x_pos = packet_buffer[0] * 256 + packet_buffer[1];
@@ -885,137 +870,6 @@
     tile_width = packet_buffer[4] * 256 + packet_buffer[5];
     tile_height = packet_buffer[6] * 256 + packet_buffer[7];
-    /* Set the encoding type to RRE  */
-    if (!encoding_type.corre) {
-        /* CoRRE encoding is not supported - just use raw encoding */
-        goto use_raw_encoding;
-    }
-    /* Set encoding type to CoRRE encoding in packet buffer */
-    packet_buffer[8+0] = 0;
-    packet_buffer[8+1] = 0;
-    packet_buffer[8+2] = 0;
-    packet_buffer[8+3] = 4;
-    /* Copy tile from the main frame buffer to the local tile buffer */
-    for (i = 0; i < tile_height; i++) {
-        for (j = 0; j < tile_width; j++) {
-            tile_buffer[i][j] = frame_buffer[y_pos + i][x_pos + j];
-        }
-    }
-    /* Find the background colour */
-    /* We just assume the (0, 0) pixel in the tile is the bgcolour */
-    /* Its quick!!! */
-    bg_colour = frame_buffer[y_pos][x_pos];
-    /* Set the background colour in the packet buffer */
-    if (Bits_Per_Pixel == 8) {
-    	packet_buffer[16] = PixelConvert(bg_colour); /* (vnc_color_t) bg_colour; */
-    } else {
-	packet_buffer[16]   = COLOUR2BYTE0(bg_colour);
-	packet_buffer[16+1] = COLOUR2BYTE1(bg_colour);
-    }
-    /* Add an initial sub-rectangle to paint the background the background colour */
-    /* This is required because of a known bug in the VNC viewer (x86 version) */
-//#if BITS_PER_PIXEL == 8
-    packet_buffer[packet_length] = (vnc_color_t) bg_colour;
-    packet_length++;
-//#if BITS_PER_PIXEL == 16
-//    packet_buffer[packet_length]   = packet_buffer[16];
-//    packet_buffer[packet_length+1] = packet_buffer[16+1];
-//    packet_length += 2;
-    packet_buffer[packet_length]   = (uint8_t) 0;  /* Sub-rect x-pos */
-    packet_buffer[packet_length+1] = (uint8_t) 0;  /* Sub-rect y-pos*/
-    packet_buffer[packet_length+2] = (uint8_t) tile_width;  /* Sub-rect width*/
-    packet_buffer[packet_length+3] = (uint8_t) tile_height;  /* Sub-rect height*/
-    packet_length += 4;
-    no_of_subrects++;  /* Increment sub-rectangle count */
-    /* Scan trough tile and find sub-rectangles */
-    for (i = 0; i < tile_height; i++) {
-        for (j = 0; j < tile_width; j++) {
-            if (tile_buffer[i][j] != bg_colour) {
-                /* This is a non-background pixel */
-                subrect_width = 1;
-                pixel_colour = tile_buffer[i][j];
-                /* Extend the sub-rectangle to its maximum width */
-                for (subrect_width = 1; subrect_width <= tile_width-j-1; subrect_width++) {
-                    if (tile_buffer[i][j+subrect_width] != pixel_colour) {
-                        goto got_subrect_width;
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Extend the sub-rectangle to its maximum height */
-                for (subrect_height=1; subrect_height <= tile_height-i-1; subrect_height++) {
-                    for (k = j; k < j+subrect_width; k++) {
-                        if (tile_buffer[i+subrect_height][k] != pixel_colour) {
-                            goto got_subrect_height;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Delete the pixels for the sub-rectangle from the sub-rectangle */
-                for (k = i; k < i+subrect_height; k++) {
-                    for (l = j; l < j+subrect_width; l++) {
-                        tile_buffer[k][l] = bg_colour;
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Append new sub-rectangle data to the packet buffer */
-		if (Bits_Per_Pixel == 8) {
-                    packet_buffer[packet_length] = PixelConvert(pixel_colour); //  (vnc_color_t) pixel_colour;
-                    packet_length++;
-		} else {
-		    packet_buffer[packet_length]   = COLOUR2BYTE0(pixel_colour);
-		    packet_buffer[packet_length+1] = COLOUR2BYTE1(pixel_colour);
-		    packet_length += 2;
-		}
-                packet_buffer[packet_length] = (uint8_t) j;  /* Sub-rect x-pos */
-                packet_length++;
-                packet_buffer[packet_length] = (uint8_t) i;  /* Sub-rect y-pos*/
-                packet_length++;
-                packet_buffer[packet_length] = (uint8_t) subrect_width;  /* Sub-rect width*/
-                packet_length++;
-                packet_buffer[packet_length] = (uint8_t) subrect_height;  /* Sub-rect height*/
-                packet_length++;
-                no_of_subrects++;  /* Increment sub-rectangle count */
-                if (packet_length >= 12 + tile_height*tile_width*(BITS_PER_PIXEL/8) - 6) {
-                    /* The next sub-rectangle will make the packet size   */
-                    /* larger than a rew encoded packet - so just use raw */
-                    goto use_raw_encoding;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Fill in no_of_sub-rectangles field in packet buffer */
-    packet_buffer[12+0] = 0;
-    packet_buffer[12+1] = 0;
-    packet_buffer[12+2] = no_of_subrects / 256;
-    packet_buffer[12+3] = no_of_subrects % 256;
-    /* CoRRE data encoding for tile complete */
-    return packet_length;
     /* Create packet data using RAW encoding */
     for (i = 0; i < tile_height; i++) {
         for (j = 0; j < tile_width; j++) {
