
Sat, 25 Jun 2022 15:24:55 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 25 Jun 2022 15:24:55 +0200
changeset 121
parent 4

Version 0.3.21. Changed HLT heatup speed calculation to 0.67 degrees/minute. Include the mash ramp times in the calculation for the initial temperature. With a combined HLT and MLT setup, the HLT preheat time is now much shorter. Fixed problems reading beerxml if there is an aroma hop. If the time was 0 or missing it was assumed to be a whirlpool hop. Now it's treated as flameout hop as it should be. Fixed sorting hop/misc additions, this could lead to missing ingredients warnings. The recipe cool temperature was treated as an integer value.

#ifndef	_TASK_SOUND_H
#define	_TASK_SOUND_H

 * @file task_sound.h
 * @brief BrewBoard Sound driver. Uses a simple piezo buzzer.

 * @brief Sound prompt types
typedef enum {
    SOUND_StartUp = 0,			///< Startup sound.
    SOUND_Prompt,                   	///< Prompt sound
    SOUND_TempReached,                  ///< Temperature Reached
    SOUND_TimeOut,                      ///< Time out.
    SOUND_AddHop,                       ///< Add hop sound
    SOUND_End,                          ///< End sound
    SOUND_Warn,                         ///< Warning sound

 * @brief Play sound
 * @param id Sound ID
void SoundPlay(int id);

 * @brief FreeRTOS sound task.
void task_sound(void *);

