
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:05:20 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:05:20 +0200
idf 5.1
changeset 129
parent 29

Start migration to IDF 5.1

 * @file tft.h
 * @brief High level TFT functions
 * @author LoBo 04/2017
 * @see
 * @author M. Broek - removed unused code for this app.

#ifndef _TFT_H_
#define _TFT_H_

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tftspi.h"

 * @brief Window coordinates
typedef struct {
	uint16_t        x1;
	uint16_t        y1;
	uint16_t        x2;
	uint16_t        y2;
} dispWin_t;

 * @brief Font description.
typedef struct {
	uint8_t 	*font;
	uint8_t 	x_size;
	uint8_t 	y_size;
	uint8_t		offset;
	uint16_t	numchars;
	uint16_t	size;
	uint8_t 	max_x_size;
	uint8_t		bitmap;
	color_t		color;
} Font;

// ==== Global variables ===================================================================
extern uint8_t   orientation;			///< current screen orientation
extern uint16_t  font_rotate;			///< current font font_rotate angle (0~395)
extern uint8_t   font_transparent;		///< if not 0 draw fonts transparent
extern uint8_t   font_forceFixed;		///< if not zero force drawing proportional fonts with fixed width
extern uint8_t   font_buffered_char;
extern uint8_t   font_line_space;		///< additional spacing between text lines; added to font height
extern uint8_t   text_wrap;			///< if not 0 wrap long text to the new line, else clip
extern color_t   _fg;				///< current foreground color for fonts
extern color_t   _bg;				///< current background for non transparent fonts
extern dispWin_t dispWin;			///< display clip window
extern float	  _angleOffset;			///< angle offset for arc, polygon and line by angle functions
extern uint8_t	  image_debug;			///< print debug messages during image decode if set to 1

extern Font cfont;				///< Current font structure

extern int	TFT_X;				///< X position of the next character after TFT_print() function
extern int	TFT_Y;				///< Y position of the next character after TFT_print() function

// =========================================================================================

 * @brief rotational offset in degrees defining position of value 0 (-90 will put it at the top of circle)
 *        this can be changed with setAngleOffset function at runtime

#define PI 3.14159265359

// === Color names constants ===
extern const color_t TFT_BLACK;
extern const color_t TFT_NAVY;
extern const color_t TFT_DARKGREEN;
extern const color_t TFT_DARKCYAN;
extern const color_t TFT_MAROON;
extern const color_t TFT_PURPLE;
extern const color_t TFT_OLIVE;
extern const color_t TFT_LIGHTGREY;
extern const color_t TFT_DARKGREY;
extern const color_t TFT_BLUE;
extern const color_t TFT_GREEN;
extern const color_t TFT_CYAN;
extern const color_t TFT_RED;
extern const color_t TFT_MAGENTA;
extern const color_t TFT_YELLOW;
extern const color_t TFT_WHITE;
extern const color_t TFT_ORANGE;
extern const color_t TFT_GREENYELLOW;
extern const color_t TFT_PINK;

// === Special coordinates constants ===
#define CENTER	-9003			///< Center X or Y
#define RIGHT	-9004			///< Right X
#define BOTTOM	-9004			///< Bottom Y

#define LASTX	7000			///< At last X position
#define LASTY	8000			///< At last Y position

// === Embedded fonts constants ===
#define DEFAULT_FONT		0	///< 12 points 95 characters DejaVu font.
#define DEJAVU18_FONT		1	///< 18 points 95 characters DejaVuSans font.
#define DEJAVU24_FONT		2	///< 24 points 95 characters DejaVu font.
#define UBUNTU16_FONT		3	///< 16 points 95 characters Ubuntu font.
#define COMIC24_FONT		4	///< 24 points 95 characters Comic font.
#define MINYA24_FONT		5	///< 24 points 95 characters Minya font.
#define TOONEY32_FONT		6	///< 32 points 95 characters Tooney font.
#define SMALL_FONT		7	///< 8x12 pixels 95 characters fixed font.
#define DEF_SMALL_FONT		8	///<  9 points 95 characters font.
#define FONT_7SEG		9	///< Variable size 14 characters 7 segment font.
#define USER_FONT		10	///< font will be read from file

// ===== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =========================================================================

 * @brief Draw pixel at given x,y coordinates
 * @param x horizontal position
 * @param y vertical position
 * @param color pixel color
 * @param sel if not 0 activate CS before and deactivat after sending pixel data to display
 *            when sending multiple pixels it is faster to activate the CS first,
 *            send all pixels an deactivate CS after all pixela was sent
void TFT_drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, color_t color, uint8_t sel);

 * @brief Read pixel color value from display GRAM at given x,y coordinates
 * @param[in] x horizontal position
 * @param[in] y vertical position
color_t TFT_readPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y);

 * @brief Draw vertical line at given x,y coordinates
 * @param x horizontal start position
 * @param y vertical start position
 * @param h line height in pixels
 * @param color line color
void TFT_drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, color_t color);

 * @brief Draw horizontal line at given x,y coordinates
 * @param x horizontal start position
 * @param y vertical start position
 * @param w line width in pixels
 * @param color line color
void TFT_drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, color_t color);

 * @brief Draw line on screen
 * @param x0 horizontal start position
 * @param y0 vertical start position
 * @param x1 horizontal end position
 * @param y1 vertical end position
 * @param color line color
void TFT_drawLine(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, color_t color);

 * @brief Fill given rectangular screen region with color
 * @param x horizontal rect start position
 * @param y vertical rect start position
 * @param w rectangle width
 * @param h rectangle height
 * @param color fill color
void TFT_fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, color_t color);

 * @brief Draw rectangle on screen
 * @param x horizontal rect start position
 * @param y vertical rect start position
 * @param w rectangle width
 * @param h rectangle height
 * @param color rect line color
void TFT_drawRect(uint16_t x1,uint16_t y1,uint16_t w,uint16_t h, color_t color);

 * @brief Draw rectangle with rounded corners on screen
 * @param x horizontal rect start position
 * @param y vertical rect start position
 * @param w rectangle width
 * @param h rectangle height
 * @param r corner radius
 * @param color rectangle color
void TFT_drawRoundRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t r, color_t color);

 * @brief Fill given rectangular screen region with rounded corners with color
 * @param x horizontal rect start position
 * @param y vertical rect start position
 * @param w rectangle width
 * @param h rectangle height
 * @param r corner radius
 * @param color fill color
void TFT_fillRoundRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t r, color_t color);

 * @brief Fill the whole screen with color
 * @param color fill color
void TFT_fillScreen(color_t color);

 * @brief Fill the current clip window with color
 * @param color fill color
void TFT_fillWindow(color_t color);

 * @brief Draw circle on screen
 * @param x circle center x position
 * @param y circle center x position
 * @param r circle radius
 * @param color circle color
void TFT_drawCircle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int radius, color_t color);

 * @brief Fill circle on screen with color
 * @param x circle center x position
 * @param y circle center x position
 * @param r circle radius
 * @param color circle fill color
void TFT_fillCircle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int radius, color_t color);

 * @brief Set the font used for writing the text to display.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * For 7 segment font only characters 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, . , - , : , / are available.
 *   Character ‘/‘ draws the degree sign.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param font font number; use defined font names
 * @param font_file pointer to font file name; NULL for embeded fonts
void TFT_setFont(uint8_t font, const char *font_file);

 * @brief Returns current font height & width in pixels.
 * @param[in] width pointer to returned font width
 * @param[in] height pointer to returned font height
int TFT_getfontsize(int *width, int* height);

 * @brief Returns current font height in pixels.
 * @return The font height in pixels.
int TFT_getfontheight();

 * @brief Write text to display.
 * Rotation of the displayed text depends on 'font_rotate' variable (0~360)
 * if 'font_transparent' variable is set to 1, no background pixels will be printed
 * If the text does not fit the screen width it will be clipped (if text_wrap=0),
 * or continued on next line (if text_wrap=1)
 * Two special characters are allowed in strings:
 * 		‘\r’ CR (0x0D), clears the display to EOL
 * 		‘\n’ LF (ox0A), continues to the new line, x=0
 * @param st pointer to null terminated string to be printed
 * @param x horizontal position of the upper left point in pixels. Special values can be entered:
 *		CENTER, centers the text
 *		RIGHT, right justifies the text
 *		LASTX, continues from last X position; offset can be used: LASTX+n
 * @param y vertical position of the upper left point in pixels. Special values can be entered:
 *		CENTER, centers the text
 *		BOTTOM, bottom justifies the text
 *		LASTY, continues from last Y position; offset can be used: LASTY+n
void TFT_print(char *st, int x, int y);

 * @brief Set atributes for 7 segment vector font
 * @note 7 segment font must be the current font to this function to have effect
 * @param l 6~40; distance between bars in pixels
 * @param w 1~12, max l/2;  bar width in pixels
 * @param outline draw font outline if set to 1
 * @param color	font outline color, only used if outline=1
void set_7seg_font_atrib(uint8_t l, uint8_t w, int outline, color_t color);

 * @brief Sets the clipping area coordinates.
 *        All writing to screen is clipped to that area.
 *        Starting x & y in all functions will be adjusted to the clipping area.
 * @param x1,y1	upper left point of the clipping area
 * @param x2,y2	bottom right point of the clipping area
void TFT_setclipwin(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2);

 * @brief Resets the clipping area to full screen (0,0),(_wodth,_height)
void TFT_resetclipwin();

 * @brief Save current clipping area to temporary variable
void TFT_saveClipWin();

 * @brief Restore current clipping area from temporary variable
void TFT_restoreClipWin();

 * @brief Set the screen rotation
 *        Also resets the clip window and clears the screen with current background color
 * @param rot 0~3; screen rotation; use defined rotation constants:
void TFT_setRotation(uint8_t rot);

 * @brief Select gamma curve
 * @param gm gama curve, values 0~3
void TFT_setGammaCurve(uint8_t gm);

 * @brief returns the string width in pixels. Useful for positions strings on the screen.
 * @return The string width.
int TFT_getStringWidth(char* str);

 * @brief Fills the rectangle occupied by string with current background color
 * @param x X position
 * @param Y Y position
 * @param str The string
void TFT_clearStringRect(int x, int y, char *str);

 * @brief Get the touch panel coordinates.
 *        The coordinates are adjusted to screen orientation if raw=0
 * @param[in] x pointer to X coordinate
 * @param[in] y pointer to Y coordinate
 * @param raw if 0 returns calibrated screen coordinates; if 1 returns raw touch controller coordinates
 * @return 0 if touch panel is not touched; x=y=0
 *         1 if touch panel is touched; x&y are the valid coordinates
int TFT_read_touch(int *x, int* y, uint8_t raw);

