
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:05:20 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:05:20 +0200
idf 5.1
changeset 129
parent 62

Start migration to IDF 5.1

#ifndef	_TASK_SDCARD_H
#define	_TASK_SDCARD_H

 * @file task_sdcard.h
 * @brief SD/MMC driver. This driver is for a slot for the user on
 *        the front panel. It will detect an inserted card and then
 *        mount it. It also detects the removal of the card and then
 *        unmounts it. Be carefull, only do this in the main menu.
 *        Also, brew logging is handled here and finished brewlogs
 *        are copied to the SD card if it is mounted.
 *        Recipes to import must go into the /sdcard/recipe folder
 *        and have extension .xml and the contents be a beerxml file.
 *        Backup and restore is also done to this card.

 * @brief Annotation types for the log graph.
typedef enum
    ANNOTATION_STAGE = 0,		///< Annotate stage event
    ANNOTATION_EVENT,			///< Annotate an event
    ANNOTATION_SYSTEM,			///< Annotate a system event.

 * @brief Structure containing the information of the SD cards task.
typedef struct {
    bool	host_ok;		///< SPI host is Ok.
    bool	card_present;		///< If card is present in the slot.
    char	logfile[64];		///< Current logfile name.
} SDCARD_State;

 * @brief JSON log data
typedef struct {
    char	time[12];		///< Time in the brew.
    float	mlt_sp;			///< MLT setpoint.
    float	mlt_pv;			///< MLT temperature.
    int		mlt_power;		///< MLT power in %
    int		mlt_tempreached;	///< MLT temperature reached (0 or 1).
    int		pump_run;		///< Pump run (0 or 1).
    float	hlt_sp;			///< HLT setpoint.
    float	hlt_pv;			///< HLT temperature.
    int		hlt_power;		///< HLT power in %.
    char	event[64];		///< Event message.
} JSON_log;

 * @brief Write application messages to a logfile on the sdcard. The
 *        logfile is /sdcard/log/sysyyymmdd.log and is only used
 *        when the time is set from NTP and a card is mounted.
 *        Log messages are always copied to ESP_LOGI() too.
 * @param tag is the log tag just as in ESP_LOGx().
 * @param * is the formatted string.
void log_msg(const char *tag, const char *, ...);

 * @brief Begin a new logfile. The logfile is created and written to on
 *        the spiffs filesystem.
 * @param t The time in seconds since the Epoch, to create the filename.
void log_begin(time_t t);

 * @brief Close an open logfile. The logfile is moved to the SD card if
 *        the card is present and mounted. Then, the temporary logfile
 *        is removed.
void log_close(void);

 * @brief Clean logfile directory /spiffs/log/
void log_clean(void);

 * @brief Log to JSON logfile.
void log_json(void);

 * @brief Log annotations for the chart. These are stored in a temporary 
 *        file and later when the logfile is closed they are merged in 
 *        the main json logfile.
 * @param annotation_type The type of annotation, stage/event/system.
 * @param label The label text that will be seen in the chart.
void log_annotation(int annotation_type, char *label);

 * @brief Copy one file.
 * @param ff The from filename
 * @param tf The to filename
 * @return 0 if success.
int FileCopy(char *ff, char *tf);

 * @brief FreeRTOS sd card task. 
void task_sdcard(void *);

