
Sat, 06 Jun 2020 13:28:46 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 06 Jun 2020 13:28:46 +0200
changeset 77
parent 38
child 91

Changed the recipe database so that it is expandable, version 2. More mash fields and allow 16 steps. Allow 20 Additions. Removed separate mash steps from the state machine, the steps are moved to the runtime data. There is no fixed step number for mashout anymore. There is no fixed step for mash-in anymore, just use the first step and heat to the infusion temperature. After malt add, switch to the normal step temperature. Implemented decoction steps.

/* TFT module
 *  Author: LoBo (, loboris.github)
 *  Module supporting SPI TFT displays based on ILI9341 & ILI9488 controllers

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "tft.h"
#include "time.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "esp32/rom/tjpgd.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
#include "tftspi.h"

#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.01745329252
#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513
#define deg_to_rad 0.01745329252 + 3.14159265359
#define swap(a, b) { int16_t t = a; a = b; b = t; }
#define constrain(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
#if !defined(max)
#define max(A,B) ( (A) > (B) ? (A):(B))
#if !defined(min)
#define min(A,B) ( (A) < (B) ? (A):(B))

// Embedded fonts
extern uint8_t tft_SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t tft_DefaultFont[];
extern uint8_t tft_Dejavu18[];
extern uint8_t tft_Dejavu24[];
extern uint8_t tft_Ubuntu16[];
extern uint8_t tft_Comic24[];
extern uint8_t tft_minya24[];
extern uint8_t tft_tooney32[];
extern uint8_t tft_def_small[];

// ==== Color definitions constants ==============
const color_t TFT_BLACK       = {   0,   0,   0 };	///< Black
const color_t TFT_NAVY        = {   0,   0, 128 };	///< Navy blue
const color_t TFT_DARKGREEN   = {   0, 128,   0 };	///< Dark green
const color_t TFT_DARKCYAN    = {   0, 128, 128 };	///< Dark cyan
const color_t TFT_MAROON      = { 128,   0,   0 };	///< Maroon red
const color_t TFT_PURPLE      = { 128,   0, 128 };	///< Purple
const color_t TFT_OLIVE       = { 128, 128,   0 };	///< Olive 
const color_t TFT_LIGHTGREY   = { 192, 192, 192 };	///< Light gray
const color_t TFT_DARKGREY    = { 128, 128, 128 };	///< Dark gray
const color_t TFT_BLUE        = {   0,   0, 255 };	///< Blue
const color_t TFT_GREEN       = {   0, 255,   0 };	///< Green
const color_t TFT_CYAN        = {   0, 255, 255 };	///< Cyan
const color_t TFT_RED         = { 255,   0,   0 };	///< Red
const color_t TFT_MAGENTA     = { 255,   0, 255 };	///< Magenta
const color_t TFT_YELLOW      = { 255, 255,   0 };	///< Yellow
const color_t TFT_WHITE       = { 255, 255, 255 };	///< White
const color_t TFT_ORANGE      = { 255, 164,   0 };	///< Orange
const color_t TFT_GREENYELLOW = { 172, 255,  44 };	///< Green-yellow
const color_t TFT_PINK        = { 255, 192, 202 };	///< Pink
// ===============================================

// ==============================================================
// ==== Set default values of global variables ==================
uint8_t orientation = LANDSCAPE;// screen orientation
uint16_t font_rotate = 0;		// font rotation
uint8_t	font_transparent = 0;
uint8_t	font_forceFixed = 0;
uint8_t	text_wrap = 0;			// character wrapping to new line
color_t	_fg = {  0, 255,   0};
color_t _bg = {  0,   0,   0};
uint8_t image_debug = 0;

float _angleOffset = DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET;

int	TFT_X = 0;
int	TFT_Y = 0;

uint16_t tp_xleft = 300;
uint16_t tp_xright = 3550;
uint16_t tp_ytop = 3800;
uint16_t tp_ybottom = 300;

dispWin_t dispWin = {
  .x1 = 0,
  .y1 = 0,

Font cfont = {
	.font = tft_DefaultFont,
	.x_size = 0,
	.y_size = 0x0B,
	.offset = 0,
	.numchars = 95,
	.bitmap = 1,

uint8_t font_buffered_char = 1;
uint8_t font_line_space = 0;
// ==============================================================

typedef struct {
      uint8_t charCode;
      int adjYOffset;
      int width;
      int height;
      int xOffset;
      int xDelta;
      uint16_t dataPtr;
} propFont;

static dispWin_t dispWinTemp;

static uint8_t *userfont = NULL;
static int TFT_OFFSET = 0;
static propFont	fontChar;

// =========================================================================
// ** All drawings are clipped to 'dispWin' **
// ** All x,y coordinates in public functions are relative to clip window **
// =========== : Public functions
// ----------- : Local functions
// =========================================================================

// draw color pixel on screen
static void _drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, color_t color, uint8_t sel) {

	if ((x < dispWin.x1) || (y < dispWin.y1) || (x > dispWin.x2) || (y > dispWin.y2)) return;
	drawPixel(x, y, color, sel);

void TFT_drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, color_t color, uint8_t sel) {

	_drawPixel(x+dispWin.x1, y+dispWin.y1, color, sel);

color_t TFT_readPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y) {

  if ((x < dispWin.x1) || (y < dispWin.y1) || (x > dispWin.x2) || (y > dispWin.y2)) return TFT_BLACK;

  return readPixel(x, y);

static void _drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, color_t color) {
	// clipping
	if ((x < dispWin.x1) || (x > dispWin.x2) || (y > dispWin.y2)) return;
	if (y < dispWin.y1) {
		h -= (dispWin.y1 - y);
		y = dispWin.y1;
	if (h < 0) h = 0;
	if ((y + h) > (dispWin.y2+1)) h = dispWin.y2 - y + 1;
	if (h == 0) h = 1;
	TFT_pushColorRep(x, y, x, y+h-1, color, (uint32_t)h);

static void _drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, color_t color) {
	// clipping
	if ((y < dispWin.y1) || (x > dispWin.x2) || (y > dispWin.y2)) return;
	if (x < dispWin.x1) {
		w -= (dispWin.x1 - x);
		x = dispWin.x1;
	if (w < 0) w = 0;
	if ((x + w) > (dispWin.x2+1)) w = dispWin.x2 - x + 1;
	if (w == 0) w = 1;

	TFT_pushColorRep(x, y, x+w-1, y, color, (uint32_t)w);

void TFT_drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, color_t color) {
	_drawFastVLine(x+dispWin.x1, y+dispWin.y1, h, color);

void TFT_drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, color_t color) {
	_drawFastHLine(x+dispWin.x1, y+dispWin.y1, w, color);

// Bresenham's algorithm - thx wikipedia - speed enhanced by Bodmer this uses
// the eficient FastH/V Line draw routine for segments of 2 pixels or more
static void _drawLine(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, color_t color)
  if (x0 == x1) {
	  if (y0 <= y1) _drawFastVLine(x0, y0, y1-y0, color);
	  else _drawFastVLine(x0, y1, y0-y1, color);
  if (y0 == y1) {
	  if (x0 <= x1) _drawFastHLine(x0, y0, x1-x0, color);
	  else _drawFastHLine(x1, y0, x0-x1, color);

  int steep = 0;
  if (abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0)) steep = 1;
  if (steep) {
    swap(x0, y0);
    swap(x1, y1);
  if (x0 > x1) {
    swap(x0, x1);
    swap(y0, y1);

  int16_t dx = x1 - x0, dy = abs(y1 - y0);
  int16_t err = dx >> 1, ystep = -1, xs = x0, dlen = 0;

  if (y0 < y1) ystep = 1;

  // Split into steep and not steep for FastH/V separation
  if (steep) {
    for (; x0 <= x1; x0++) {
      err -= dy;
      if (err < 0) {
        err += dx;
        if (dlen == 1) _drawPixel(y0, xs, color, 1);
        else _drawFastVLine(y0, xs, dlen, color);
        dlen = 0; y0 += ystep; xs = x0 + 1;
    if (dlen) _drawFastVLine(y0, xs, dlen, color);
    for (; x0 <= x1; x0++) {
      err -= dy;
      if (err < 0) {
        err += dx;
        if (dlen == 1) _drawPixel(xs, y0, color, 1);
        else _drawFastHLine(xs, y0, dlen, color);
        dlen = 0; y0 += ystep; xs = x0 + 1;
    if (dlen) _drawFastHLine(xs, y0, dlen, color);

void TFT_drawLine(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, color_t color)
	_drawLine(x0+dispWin.x1, y0+dispWin.y1, x1+dispWin.x1, y1+dispWin.y1, color);

// fill a rectangle
static void _fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, color_t color) {
	// clipping
	if ((x >= dispWin.x2) || (y > dispWin.y2)) return;

	if (x < dispWin.x1) {
		w -= (dispWin.x1 - x);
		x = dispWin.x1;
	if (y < dispWin.y1) {
		h -= (dispWin.y1 - y);
		y = dispWin.y1;
	if (w < 0) w = 0;
	if (h < 0) h = 0;

	if ((x + w) > (dispWin.x2+1)) w = dispWin.x2 - x + 1;
	if ((y + h) > (dispWin.y2+1)) h = dispWin.y2 - y + 1;
	if (w == 0) w = 1;
	if (h == 0) h = 1;
	TFT_pushColorRep(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1, color, (uint32_t)(h*w));

void TFT_fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, color_t color) {
	_fillRect(x+dispWin.x1, y+dispWin.y1, w, h, color);

void TFT_fillScreen(color_t color) {
	TFT_pushColorRep(0, 0, _width-1, _height-1, color, (uint32_t)(_height*_width));

void TFT_fillWindow(color_t color) {
	TFT_pushColorRep(dispWin.x1, dispWin.y1, dispWin.x2, dispWin.y2,
			color, (uint32_t)((dispWin.x2-dispWin.x1+1) * (dispWin.y2-dispWin.y1+1)));

// ^^^============= Basics drawing functions ================================^^^

// ================ Graphics drawing functions ==================================

static void _drawRect(uint16_t x1,uint16_t y1,uint16_t w,uint16_t h, color_t color) {
  _drawFastHLine(x1,y1,w, color);
  _drawFastVLine(x1+w-1,y1,h, color);
  _drawFastHLine(x1,y1+h-1,w, color);
  _drawFastVLine(x1,y1,h, color);

void TFT_drawRect(uint16_t x1,uint16_t y1,uint16_t w,uint16_t h, color_t color) {
	_drawRect(x1+dispWin.x1, y1+dispWin.y1, w, h, color);

static void drawCircleHelper(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint8_t cornername, color_t color)
	int16_t f = 1 - r;
	int16_t ddF_x = 1;
	int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
	int16_t x = 0;
	int16_t y = r;

	while (x < y) {
		if (f >= 0) {
			ddF_y += 2;
			f += ddF_y;
		ddF_x += 2;
		f += ddF_x;
		if (cornername & 0x4) {
			_drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color, 0);
			_drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x, color, 0);
		if (cornername & 0x2) {
			_drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color, 0);
			_drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x, color, 0);
		if (cornername & 0x8) {
			_drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x, color, 0);
			_drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color, 0);
		if (cornername & 0x1) {
			_drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x, color, 0);
			_drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color, 0);

// Used to do circles and roundrects
static void fillCircleHelper(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,	uint8_t cornername, int16_t delta, color_t color)
	int16_t f = 1 - r;
	int16_t ddF_x = 1;
	int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
	int16_t x = 0;
	int16_t y = r;
	int16_t ylm = x0 - r;

	while (x < y) {
		if (f >= 0) {
			if (cornername & 0x1) _drawFastVLine(x0 + y, y0 - x, 2 * x + 1 + delta, color);
			if (cornername & 0x2) _drawFastVLine(x0 - y, y0 - x, 2 * x + 1 + delta, color);
			ylm = x0 - y;
			ddF_y += 2;
			f += ddF_y;
		ddF_x += 2;
		f += ddF_x;

		if ((x0 - x) > ylm) {
			if (cornername & 0x1) _drawFastVLine(x0 + x, y0 - y, 2 * y + 1 + delta, color);
			if (cornername & 0x2) _drawFastVLine(x0 - x, y0 - y, 2 * y + 1 + delta, color);

// Draw a rounded rectangle
void TFT_drawRoundRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t r, color_t color)
	x += dispWin.x1;
	y += dispWin.y1;

	// smarter version
	_drawFastHLine(x + r, y, w - 2 * r, color);			// Top
	_drawFastHLine(x + r, y + h - 1, w - 2 * r, color);	// Bottom
	_drawFastVLine(x, y + r, h - 2 * r, color);			// Left
	_drawFastVLine(x + w - 1, y + r, h - 2 * r, color);	// Right

	// draw four corners
	drawCircleHelper(x + r, y + r, r, 1, color);
	drawCircleHelper(x + w - r - 1, y + r, r, 2, color);
	drawCircleHelper(x + w - r - 1, y + h - r - 1, r, 4, color);
	drawCircleHelper(x + r, y + h - r - 1, r, 8, color);

// Fill a rounded rectangle
void TFT_fillRoundRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t r, color_t color)
	x += dispWin.x1;
	y += dispWin.y1;

	// smarter version
	_fillRect(x + r, y, w - 2 * r, h, color);

	// draw four corners
	fillCircleHelper(x + w - r - 1, y + r, r, 1, h - 2 * r - 1, color);
	fillCircleHelper(x + r, y + r, r, 2, h - 2 * r - 1, color);


// Draw a triangle
static void _drawTriangle(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, color_t color)
	_drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
	_drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
	_drawLine(x2, y2, x0, y0, color);

// Fill a triangle
static void _fillTriangle(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, color_t color)
  int16_t a, b, y, last;

  // Sort coordinates by Y order (y2 >= y1 >= y0)
  if (y0 > y1) {
    swap(y0, y1); swap(x0, x1);
  if (y1 > y2) {
    swap(y2, y1); swap(x2, x1);
  if (y0 > y1) {
    swap(y0, y1); swap(x0, x1);

  if(y0 == y2) { // Handle awkward all-on-same-line case as its own thing
    a = b = x0;
    if(x1 < a)      a = x1;
    else if(x1 > b) b = x1;
    if(x2 < a)      a = x2;
    else if(x2 > b) b = x2;
    _drawFastHLine(a, y0, b-a+1, color);

    dx01 = x1 - x0,
    dy01 = y1 - y0,
    dx02 = x2 - x0,
    dy02 = y2 - y0,
    dx12 = x2 - x1,
    dy12 = y2 - y1;
    sa   = 0,
    sb   = 0;

  // For upper part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
  // 0-1 and 0-2.  If y1=y2 (flat-bottomed triangle), the scanline y1
  // is included here (and second loop will be skipped, avoiding a /0
  // error there), otherwise scanline y1 is skipped here and handled
  // in the second loop...which also avoids a /0 error here if y0=y1
  // (flat-topped triangle).
  if(y1 == y2) last = y1;   // Include y1 scanline
  else         last = y1-1; // Skip it

  for(y=y0; y<=last; y++) {
    a   = x0 + sa / dy01;
    b   = x0 + sb / dy02;
    sa += dx01;
    sb += dx02;
    /* longhand:
    a = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y1 - y0);
    b = x0 + (x2 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y2 - y0);
    if(a > b) swap(a,b);
    _drawFastHLine(a, y, b-a+1, color);

  // For lower part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
  // 0-2 and 1-2.  This loop is skipped if y1=y2.
  sa = dx12 * (y - y1);
  sb = dx02 * (y - y0);
  for(; y<=y2; y++) {
    a   = x1 + sa / dy12;
    b   = x0 + sb / dy02;
    sa += dx12;
    sb += dx02;
    /* longhand:
    a = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1);
    b = x0 + (x2 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y2 - y0);
    if(a > b) swap(a,b);
    _drawFastHLine(a, y, b-a+1, color);

void TFT_drawCircle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int radius, color_t color) {
	x += dispWin.x1;
	y += dispWin.y1;
	int f = 1 - radius;
	int ddF_x = 1;
	int ddF_y = -2 * radius;
	int x1 = 0;
	int y1 = radius;

	_drawPixel(x, y + radius, color, 0);
	_drawPixel(x, y - radius, color, 0);
	_drawPixel(x + radius, y, color, 0);
	_drawPixel(x - radius, y, color, 0);
	while(x1 < y1) {
		if (f >= 0) {
			ddF_y += 2;
			f += ddF_y;
		ddF_x += 2;
		f += ddF_x;
		_drawPixel(x + x1, y + y1, color, 0);
		_drawPixel(x - x1, y + y1, color, 0);
		_drawPixel(x + x1, y - y1, color, 0);
		_drawPixel(x - x1, y - y1, color, 0);
		_drawPixel(x + y1, y + x1, color, 0);
		_drawPixel(x - y1, y + x1, color, 0);
		_drawPixel(x + y1, y - x1, color, 0);
		_drawPixel(x - y1, y - x1, color, 0);

void TFT_fillCircle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int radius, color_t color) {
	x += dispWin.x1;
	y += dispWin.y1;

	_drawFastVLine(x, y-radius, 2*radius+1, color);
	fillCircleHelper(x, y, radius, 3, 0, color);

// ================ Font and string functions ==================================

static int load_file_font(const char * fontfile, int info)
	int err = 0;
	char err_msg[256] = {'\0'};

	if (userfont != NULL) {
		userfont = NULL;

    struct stat sb;

    // Open the file
    FILE *fhndl = fopen(fontfile, "r");
    if (!fhndl) {
    	sprintf(err_msg, "Error opening font file '%s'", fontfile);
		err = 1;
		goto exit;

	// Get file size
    if (stat(fontfile, &sb) != 0) {
    	sprintf(err_msg, "Error getting font file size");
		err = 2;
		goto exit;
	int fsize = sb.st_size;
	if (fsize < 30) {
		sprintf(err_msg, "Error getting font file size");
		err = 3;
		goto exit;

	userfont = malloc(fsize+4);
	if (userfont == NULL) {
		sprintf(err_msg, "Font memory allocation error");
		err = 4;
		goto exit;

	int read = fread(userfont, 1, fsize, fhndl);


	if (read != fsize) {
		sprintf(err_msg, "Font read error");
		err = 5;
		goto exit;

	userfont[read] = 0;
	if (strstr((char *)(userfont+read-8), "RPH_font") == NULL) {
		sprintf(err_msg, "Font ID not found");
		err = 6;
		goto exit;

	// Check size
	int size = 0;
	int numchar = 0;
	int width = userfont[0];
	int height = userfont[1];
	uint8_t first = 255;
	uint8_t last = 0;
	//int offst = 0;
	int pminwidth = 255;
	int pmaxwidth = 0;

	if (width != 0) {
		// Fixed font
		numchar = userfont[3];
		first = userfont[2];
		last = first + numchar - 1;
		size = ((width * height * numchar) / 8) + 4;
	else {
		// Proportional font
		size = 4; // point at first char data
		uint8_t charCode;
		int charwidth;

		do {
		    charCode = userfont[size];
		    charwidth = userfont[size+2];

		    if (charCode != 0xFF) {
		    	if (charwidth != 0) size += ((((charwidth * userfont[size+3])-1) / 8) + 7);
		    	else size += 6;

		    	if (info) {
	    			if (charwidth > pmaxwidth) pmaxwidth = charwidth;
	    			if (charwidth < pminwidth) pminwidth = charwidth;
	    			if (charCode < first) first = charCode;
	    			if (charCode > last) last = charCode;
		    else size++;
		  } while ((size < (read-8)) && (charCode != 0xFF));

	if (size != (read-8)) {
		sprintf(err_msg, "Font size error: found %d expected %d)", size, (read-8));
		err = 7;
		goto exit;

	if (info) {
		if (width != 0) {
			printf("Fixed width font:\r\n  size: %d  width: %d  height: %d  characters: %d (%d~%d)\n",
					size, width, height, numchar, first, last);
		else {
			printf("Proportional font:\r\n  size: %d  width: %d~%d  height: %d  characters: %d (%d~%d)\n",
					size, pminwidth, pmaxwidth, height, numchar, first, last);

	if (err) {
		if (userfont) {
			userfont = NULL;
		if (info) printf("Error: %d [%s]\r\n", err, err_msg);
	return err;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Individual Proportional Font Character Format:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Character Code
// yOffset				(start Y of visible pixels)
// Width				(width of the visible pixels)
// Height				(height of the visible pixels)
// xOffset				(start X of visible pixels)
// xDelta				(the distance to move the cursor. Effective width of the character.)
// Data[n]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Character drawing rectangle is (0, 0) (xDelta-1, cfont.y_size-1)
// Character visible pixels rectangle is (xOffset, yOffset) (xOffset+Width-1, yOffset+Height-1)


// Set max width & height of the proportional font
static void getMaxWidthHeight()
	uint16_t tempPtr = 4; // point at first char data
	uint8_t cc, cw, ch, cd, cy;

	cfont.numchars = 0;
	cfont.max_x_size = 0;

    cc = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
    while (cc != 0xFF)  {
        cy = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
        cw = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
        ch = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
        cd = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
        cy += ch;
		if (cw > cfont.max_x_size) cfont.max_x_size = cw;
		if (cd > cfont.max_x_size) cfont.max_x_size = cd;
		if (ch > cfont.y_size) cfont.y_size = ch;
		if (cy > cfont.y_size) cfont.y_size = cy;
		if (cw != 0) {
			// packed bits
			tempPtr += (((cw * ch)-1) / 8) + 1;
	    cc = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
    cfont.size = tempPtr;

// Return the Glyph data for an individual character in the proportional font
static uint8_t getCharPtr(uint8_t c) {
  uint16_t tempPtr = 4; // point at first char data

  do {
	fontChar.charCode = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
    if (fontChar.charCode == 0xFF) return 0;

    fontChar.adjYOffset = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
    fontChar.width = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
    fontChar.height = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
    fontChar.xOffset = cfont.font[tempPtr++];
    fontChar.xOffset = fontChar.xOffset < 0x80 ? fontChar.xOffset : -(0xFF - fontChar.xOffset);
    fontChar.xDelta = cfont.font[tempPtr++];

    if (c != fontChar.charCode && fontChar.charCode != 0xFF) {
      if (fontChar.width != 0) {
        // packed bits
        tempPtr += (((fontChar.width * fontChar.height)-1) / 8) + 1;
  } while ((c != fontChar.charCode) && (fontChar.charCode != 0xFF));

  fontChar.dataPtr = tempPtr;
  if (c == fontChar.charCode) {
    if (font_forceFixed > 0) {
      // fix width & offset for forced fixed width
      fontChar.xDelta = cfont.max_x_size;
      fontChar.xOffset = (fontChar.xDelta - fontChar.width) / 2;
  else return 0;

  return 1;

void TFT_setFont(uint8_t font, const char *font_file)
    cfont.font = NULL;

    if (font == FONT_7SEG) {
	cfont.bitmap = 2;
	cfont.x_size = 24;
	cfont.y_size = 6;
	cfont.offset = 0;
	cfont.color  = _fg;
    } else {
	if (font == USER_FONT) {
	    if (load_file_font(font_file, 0) != 0)
		cfont.font = tft_DefaultFont;
		cfont.font = userfont;
	} else if (font == DEJAVU18_FONT)
	    cfont.font = tft_Dejavu18;
	else if (font == DEJAVU24_FONT) 
	    cfont.font = tft_Dejavu24;
	else if (font == UBUNTU16_FONT) 
	    cfont.font = tft_Ubuntu16;
	else if (font == COMIC24_FONT)
	    cfont.font = tft_Comic24;
	else if (font == MINYA24_FONT)
	    cfont.font = tft_minya24;
	else if (font == TOONEY32_FONT)
	    cfont.font = tft_tooney32;
	else if (font == SMALL_FONT)
	    cfont.font = tft_SmallFont;
	else if (font == DEF_SMALL_FONT)
	    cfont.font = tft_def_small;
	    cfont.font = tft_DefaultFont;

	cfont.bitmap = 1;
	cfont.x_size = cfont.font[0];
	cfont.y_size = cfont.font[1];
	if (cfont.x_size > 0) {
	    cfont.offset = cfont.font[2];
	    cfont.numchars = cfont.font[3];
	    cfont.size = cfont.x_size * cfont.y_size * cfont.numchars;
	} else {
	    cfont.offset = 4;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Individual Proportional Font Character Format:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Character Code
// yOffset				(start Y of visible pixels)
// Width				(width of the visible pixels)
// Height				(height of the visible pixels)
// xOffset				(start X of visible pixels)
// xDelta				(the distance to move the cursor. Effective width of the character.)
// Data[n]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Character drawing rectangle is (0, 0) (xDelta-1, cfont.y_size-1)
// Character visible pixels rectangle is (xOffset, yOffset) (xOffset+Width-1, yOffset+Height-1)

// print non-rotated proportional character
// character is already in fontChar
static int printProportionalChar(int x, int y) {
    uint8_t	ch = 0;
    int		i, j, char_width;

    char_width = ((fontChar.width > fontChar.xDelta) ? fontChar.width : fontChar.xDelta);

    if ((font_buffered_char) && (!font_transparent)) {
	int len, bufPos;

	// === buffer Glyph data for faster sending ===
	len = char_width * cfont.y_size;
	color_t *color_line = heap_caps_malloc(len*3, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	if (color_line) {
	    // fill with background color
	    for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) {
		color_line[n] = _bg;
	    // set character pixels to foreground color
	    uint8_t mask = 0x80;
	    for (j = 0; j < fontChar.height; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < fontChar.width; i++) {
		    if (((i + (j*fontChar.width)) % 8) == 0) {
			mask = 0x80;
			ch = cfont.font[fontChar.dataPtr++];
		    if ((ch & mask) != 0) {
			// visible pixel
			bufPos = ((j + fontChar.adjYOffset) * char_width) + (fontChar.xOffset + i);  // bufY + bufX
			color_line[bufPos] = _fg;
		    mask >>= 1;
	    // send to display in one transaction
	    send_data(x, y, x+char_width-1, y+cfont.y_size-1, len, color_line);

	    return char_width;

    int cx, cy;

    if (!font_transparent)
	_fillRect(x, y, char_width+1, cfont.y_size, _bg);

    // draw Glyph
    uint8_t mask = 0x80;
    for (j=0; j < fontChar.height; j++) {
		for (i=0; i < fontChar.width; i++) {
			if (((i + (j*fontChar.width)) % 8) == 0) {
				mask = 0x80;
				ch = cfont.font[fontChar.dataPtr++];

			if ((ch & mask) !=0) {
				cx = (uint16_t)(x+fontChar.xOffset+i);
				cy = (uint16_t)(y+j+fontChar.adjYOffset);
				_drawPixel(cx, cy, _fg, 0);
			mask >>= 1;

    return char_width;

// non-rotated fixed width character
static void printChar(uint8_t c, int x, int y) {
    uint8_t	i, j, ch, fz, mask;
    uint16_t	k, temp, cx, cy, len;

    // fz = bytes per char row
    fz = cfont.x_size/8;
    if (cfont.x_size % 8)

    // get character position in buffer
    temp = ((c-cfont.offset)*((fz)*cfont.y_size))+4;

    if ((font_buffered_char) && (!font_transparent)) {
	// === buffer Glyph data for faster sending ===
	len = cfont.x_size * cfont.y_size;
	color_t *color_line = heap_caps_malloc(len*3, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
	if (color_line) {
	    // fill with background color
	    for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) {
		color_line[n] = _bg;
	    // set character pixels to foreground color
	    for (j = 0; j < cfont.y_size; j++) {
		for (k = 0; k < fz; k++) {
		    ch = cfont.font[temp + k];
		    mask = 0x80;
		    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			if ((ch & mask) !=0) {
			    color_line[(j*cfont.x_size) + (i+(k*8))] = _fg;
			mask >>= 1;
		temp += (fz);
	    // send to display in one transaction
	    send_data(x, y, x+cfont.x_size-1, y+cfont.y_size-1, len, color_line);


    if (!font_transparent)
	_fillRect(x, y, cfont.x_size, cfont.y_size, _bg);

    for (j = 0; j < cfont.y_size; j++) {
	for (k = 0; k < fz; k++) {
	    ch = cfont.font[temp + k];
	    mask = 0x80;
	    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		if ((ch & mask) !=0) {
		    cx = (uint16_t)(x+i+(k*8));
		    cy = (uint16_t)(y+j);
		    _drawPixel(cx, cy, _fg, 0);
		mask >>= 1;
	temp += (fz);

// print rotated proportional character
// character is already in fontChar
static int rotatePropChar(int x, int y, int offset) {
  uint8_t ch = 0;
  double radian = font_rotate * DEG_TO_RAD;
  float cos_radian = cos(radian);
  float sin_radian = sin(radian);

  uint8_t mask = 0x80;
  for (int j=0; j < fontChar.height; j++) {
    for (int i=0; i < fontChar.width; i++) {
      if (((i + (j*fontChar.width)) % 8) == 0) {
        mask = 0x80;
        ch = cfont.font[fontChar.dataPtr++];

      int newX = (int)(x + (((offset + i) * cos_radian) - ((j+fontChar.adjYOffset)*sin_radian)));
      int newY = (int)(y + (((j+fontChar.adjYOffset) * cos_radian) + ((offset + i) * sin_radian)));

      if ((ch & mask) != 0) _drawPixel(newX,newY,_fg, 0);
      else if (!font_transparent) _drawPixel(newX,newY,_bg, 0);

      mask >>= 1;

  return fontChar.xDelta+1;

// rotated fixed width character
static void rotateChar(uint8_t c, int x, int y, int pos) {
  uint8_t i,j,ch,fz,mask;
  uint16_t temp;
  int newx,newy;
  double radian = font_rotate*0.0175;
  float cos_radian = cos(radian);
  float sin_radian = sin(radian);
  int zz;

  if( cfont.x_size < 8 ) fz = cfont.x_size;
  else fz = cfont.x_size/8;

  for (j=0; j<cfont.y_size; j++) {
    for (zz=0; zz<(fz); zz++) {
      ch = cfont.font[temp+zz];
      mask = 0x80;
      for (i=0; i<8; i++) {

        if ((ch & mask) != 0) _drawPixel(newx,newy,_fg, 0);
        else if (!font_transparent) _drawPixel(newx,newy,_bg, 0);
        mask >>= 1;
  // calculate x,y for the next char
  TFT_X = (int)(x + ((pos+1) * cfont.x_size * cos_radian));
  TFT_Y = (int)(y + ((pos+1) * cfont.x_size * sin_radian));

static int _7seg_width()
	return (2 * (2 * cfont.y_size + 1)) + cfont.x_size;

static int _7seg_height()
	return (3 * (2 * cfont.y_size + 1)) + (2 * cfont.x_size);

// Returns the string width in pixels.
// Useful for positions strings on the screen.
int TFT_getStringWidth(char* str)
    int strWidth = 0;

	if (cfont.bitmap == 2) strWidth = ((_7seg_width()+2) * strlen(str)) - 2;	// 7-segment font
	else if (cfont.x_size != 0) strWidth = strlen(str) * cfont.x_size;			// fixed width font
	else {
		// calculate the width of the string of proportional characters
		char* tempStrptr = str;
		while (*tempStrptr != 0) {
			if (getCharPtr(*tempStrptr++)) {
				strWidth += (((fontChar.width > fontChar.xDelta) ? fontChar.width : fontChar.xDelta) + 1);
	return strWidth;

void TFT_clearStringRect(int x, int y, char *str)
	int w = TFT_getStringWidth(str);
	int h = TFT_getfontheight();
	TFT_fillRect(x+dispWin.x1, y+dispWin.y1, w, h, _bg);

 * bit-encoded bar position of all digits' bcd segments
 *           6
 * 		  +-----+
 * 		3 |  .	| 2
 * 		  +--5--+
 * 		1 |  .	| 0
 * 		  +--.--+
 * 		     4
static const uint16_t font_bcd[] = {
  0x200, // 0010 0000 0000  // -
  0x080, // 0000 1000 0000  // .
  0x06C, // 0100 0110 1100  // /, degree
  0x05f, // 0000 0101 1111, // 0
  0x005, // 0000 0000 0101, // 1
  0x076, // 0000 0111 0110, // 2
  0x075, // 0000 0111 0101, // 3
  0x02d, // 0000 0010 1101, // 4
  0x079, // 0000 0111 1001, // 5
  0x07b, // 0000 0111 1011, // 6
  0x045, // 0000 0100 0101, // 7
  0x07f, // 0000 0111 1111, // 8
  0x07d, // 0000 0111 1101  // 9
  0x900  // 1001 0000 0000  // :

static void barVert(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t l, color_t color, color_t outline) {
  _fillTriangle(x+1, y+2*w, x+w, y+w+1, x+2*w-1, y+2*w, color);
  _fillTriangle(x+1, y+2*w+l+1, x+w, y+3*w+l, x+2*w-1, y+2*w+l+1, color);
  _fillRect(x, y+2*w+1, 2*w+1, l, color);
  if (cfont.offset) {
    _drawTriangle(x+1, y+2*w, x+w, y+w+1, x+2*w-1, y+2*w, outline);
    _drawTriangle(x+1, y+2*w+l+1, x+w, y+3*w+l, x+2*w-1, y+2*w+l+1, outline);
    _drawRect(x, y+2*w+1, 2*w+1, l, outline);

static void barHor(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t l, color_t color, color_t outline) {
  _fillTriangle(x+2*w, y+2*w-1, x+w+1, y+w, x+2*w, y+1, color);
  _fillTriangle(x+2*w+l+1, y+2*w-1, x+3*w+l, y+w, x+2*w+l+1, y+1, color);
  _fillRect(x+2*w+1, y, l, 2*w+1, color);
  if (cfont.offset) {
    _drawTriangle(x+2*w, y+2*w-1, x+w+1, y+w, x+2*w, y+1, outline);
    _drawTriangle(x+2*w+l+1, y+2*w-1, x+3*w+l, y+w, x+2*w+l+1, y+1, outline);
    _drawRect(x+2*w+1, y, l, 2*w+1, outline);

static void _draw7seg(int16_t x, int16_t y, int8_t num, int16_t w, int16_t l, color_t color) {
  /* TODO: clipping */
  if (num < 0x2D || num > 0x3A) return;

  int16_t c = font_bcd[num-0x2D];
  int16_t d = 2*w+l+1;

  // === Clear unused segments ===
  if (!(c & 0x001)) barVert(x+d, y+d, w, l, _bg, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x002)) barVert(x,   y+d, w, l, _bg, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x004)) barVert(x+d, y, w, l, _bg, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x008)) barVert(x,   y, w, l, _bg, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x010)) barHor(x, y+2*d, w, l, _bg, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x020)) barHor(x, y+d, w, l, _bg, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x040)) barHor(x, y, w, l, _bg, _bg);

  if (!(c & 0x080)) {
    // low point
    _fillRect(x+(d/2), y+2*d, 2*w+1, 2*w+1, _bg);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+(d/2), y+2*d, 2*w+1, 2*w+1, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x100)) {
    // down middle point
    _fillRect(x+(d/2), y+d+2*w+1, 2*w+1, l/2, _bg);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+(d/2), y+d+2*w+1, 2*w+1, l/2, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x800)) {
	// up middle point
    _fillRect(x+(d/2), y+(2*w)+1+(l/2), 2*w+1, l/2, _bg);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+(d/2), y+(2*w)+1+(l/2), 2*w+1, l/2, _bg);
  if (!(c & 0x200)) {
    // middle, minus
    _fillRect(x+2*w+1, y+d, l, 2*w+1, _bg);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+2*w+1, y+d, l, 2*w+1, _bg);

  // === Draw used segments ===
  if (c & 0x001) barVert(x+d, y+d, w, l, color, cfont.color);	// down right
  if (c & 0x002) barVert(x,   y+d, w, l, color, cfont.color);	// down left
  if (c & 0x004) barVert(x+d, y, w, l, color, cfont.color);		// up right
  if (c & 0x008) barVert(x,   y, w, l, color, cfont.color);		// up left
  if (c & 0x010) barHor(x, y+2*d, w, l, color, cfont.color);	// down
  if (c & 0x020) barHor(x, y+d, w, l, color, cfont.color);		// middle
  if (c & 0x040) barHor(x, y, w, l, color, cfont.color);		// up

  if (c & 0x080) {
    // low point
    _fillRect(x+(d/2), y+2*d, 2*w+1, 2*w+1, color);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+(d/2), y+2*d, 2*w+1, 2*w+1, cfont.color);
  if (c & 0x100) {
    // down middle point
    _fillRect(x+(d/2), y+d+2*w+1, 2*w+1, l/2, color);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+(d/2), y+d+2*w+1, 2*w+1, l/2, cfont.color);
  if (c & 0x800) {
	// up middle point
    _fillRect(x+(d/2), y+(2*w)+1+(l/2), 2*w+1, l/2, color);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+(d/2), y+(2*w)+1+(l/2), 2*w+1, l/2, cfont.color);
  if (c & 0x200) {
    // middle, minus
    _fillRect(x+2*w+1, y+d, l, 2*w+1, color);
    if (cfont.offset) _drawRect(x+2*w+1, y+d, l, 2*w+1, cfont.color);

void TFT_print(char *st, int x, int y) {
	int stl, i, tmpw, tmph, fh;
	uint8_t ch;

	if (cfont.bitmap == 0) return; // wrong font selected

	// ** Rotated strings cannot be aligned
	if ((font_rotate != 0) && ((x <= CENTER) || (y <= CENTER))) return;

	if ((x < LASTX) || (font_rotate == 0)) TFT_OFFSET = 0;

	if ((x >= LASTX) && (x < LASTY)) x = TFT_X + (x-LASTX);
	else if (x > CENTER) x += dispWin.x1;

	if (y >= LASTY) y = TFT_Y + (y-LASTY);
	else if (y > CENTER) y += dispWin.y1;

	// ** Get number of characters in string to print
	stl = strlen(st);

	// ** Calculate CENTER, RIGHT or BOTTOM position
	tmpw = TFT_getStringWidth(st);	// string width in pixels
	fh = cfont.y_size;			// font height
	if ((cfont.x_size != 0) && (cfont.bitmap == 2)) {
		// 7-segment font
		fh = (3 * (2 * cfont.y_size + 1)) + (2 * cfont.x_size);  // 7-seg character height

	if (x == RIGHT) x = dispWin.x2 - tmpw + dispWin.x1;
	else if (x == CENTER) x = (((dispWin.x2 - dispWin.x1 + 1) - tmpw) / 2) + dispWin.x1;

	if (y == BOTTOM) y = dispWin.y2 - fh + dispWin.y1;
	else if (y==CENTER) y = (((dispWin.y2 - dispWin.y1 + 1) - (fh/2)) / 2) + dispWin.y1;

	if (x < dispWin.x1) x = dispWin.x1;
	if (y < dispWin.y1) y = dispWin.y1;
	if ((x > dispWin.x2) || (y > dispWin.y2)) return;

	TFT_X = x;
	TFT_Y = y;

	// ** Adjust y position
	tmph = cfont.y_size; // font height
	// for non-proportional fonts, char width is the same for all chars
	tmpw = cfont.x_size;
	if (cfont.x_size != 0) {
		if (cfont.bitmap == 2) {	// 7-segment font
			tmpw = _7seg_width();	// character width
			tmph = _7seg_height();	// character height
	else TFT_OFFSET = 0;	// fixed font; offset not needed

	if ((TFT_Y + tmph - 1) > dispWin.y2) return;

	int offset = TFT_OFFSET;

	for (i=0; i<stl; i++) {
		ch = st[i]; // get string character

		if (ch == 0x0D) { // === '\r', erase to eol ====
			if ((!font_transparent) && (font_rotate==0)) _fillRect(TFT_X, TFT_Y,  dispWin.x2+1-TFT_X, tmph, _bg);

		else if (ch == 0x0A) { // ==== '\n', new line ====
			if (cfont.bitmap == 1) {
				TFT_Y += tmph + font_line_space;
				if (TFT_Y > (dispWin.y2-tmph)) break;
				TFT_X = dispWin.x1;

		else { // ==== other characters ====
			if (cfont.x_size == 0) {
				// for proportional font get character data to 'fontChar'
				if (getCharPtr(ch)) tmpw = fontChar.xDelta;
				else continue;

			// check if character can be displayed in the current line
			if ((TFT_X+tmpw) > (dispWin.x2)) {
				if (text_wrap == 0) break;
				TFT_Y += tmph + font_line_space;
				if (TFT_Y > (dispWin.y2-tmph)) break;
				TFT_X = dispWin.x1;

			// Let's print the character
			if (cfont.x_size == 0) {
				// == proportional font
				if (font_rotate == 0) TFT_X += printProportionalChar(TFT_X, TFT_Y) + 1;
				else {
					// rotated proportional font
					offset += rotatePropChar(x, y, offset);
					TFT_OFFSET = offset;
			else {
				if (cfont.bitmap == 1) {
					// == fixed font
					if ((ch < cfont.offset) || ((ch-cfont.offset) > cfont.numchars)) ch = cfont.offset;
					if (font_rotate == 0) {
						printChar(ch, TFT_X, TFT_Y);
						TFT_X += tmpw;
					else rotateChar(ch, x, y, i);
				else if (cfont.bitmap == 2) {
					// == 7-segment font ==
					_draw7seg(TFT_X, TFT_Y, ch, cfont.y_size, cfont.x_size, _fg);
					TFT_X += (tmpw + 2);

// ================ Service functions ==========================================

// Change the screen rotation.
// Input: m new rotation value (0 to 3)
void TFT_setRotation(uint8_t rot) {
    if (rot > 3) {
        uint8_t madctl = (rot & 0xF8); // for testing, manually set MADCTL register
		if (disp_select() == ESP_OK) {
			disp_spi_transfer_cmd_data(TFT_MADCTL, &madctl, 1);
	else {
		orientation = rot;

	dispWin.x1 = 0;
	dispWin.y1 = 0;
	dispWin.x2 = _width-1;
	dispWin.y2 = _height-1;


// Select gamma curve
// Input: gamma = 0~3
void TFT_setGammaCurve(uint8_t gm) {
  uint8_t gamma_curve = 1 << (gm & 0x03);
  disp_spi_transfer_cmd_data(TFT_CMD_GAMMASET, &gamma_curve, 1);

void TFT_setclipwin(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2)
	dispWin.x1 = x1;
	dispWin.y1 = y1;
	dispWin.x2 = x2;
	dispWin.y2 = y2;

	if (dispWin.x2 >= _width) dispWin.x2 = _width-1;
	if (dispWin.y2 >= _height) dispWin.y2 = _height-1;
	if (dispWin.x1 > dispWin.x2) dispWin.x1 = dispWin.x2;
	if (dispWin.y1 > dispWin.y2) dispWin.y1 = dispWin.y2;

void TFT_resetclipwin()
	dispWin.x2 = _width-1;
	dispWin.y2 = _height-1;
	dispWin.x1 = 0;
	dispWin.y1 = 0;

void set_7seg_font_atrib(uint8_t l, uint8_t w, int outline, color_t color) {
	if (cfont.bitmap != 2) return;

	if (l < 6) l = 6;
    if (l > 40) l = 40;
    if (w < 1) w = 1;
    if (w > (l/2)) w = l/2;
    if (w > 12) w = 12;

    cfont.x_size = l;
	cfont.y_size = w;
	cfont.offset = outline;
	cfont.color  = color;

int TFT_getfontsize(int *width, int* height)
  if (cfont.bitmap == 1) {
    if (cfont.x_size != 0) *width = cfont.x_size;	// fixed width font
    else *width = cfont.max_x_size;					// proportional font
    *height = cfont.y_size;
  else if (cfont.bitmap == 2) {
	// 7-segment font
    *width = _7seg_width();
    *height = _7seg_height();
  else {
    *width = 0;
    *height = 0;
    return 0;
  return 1;

int TFT_getfontheight()
  if (cfont.bitmap == 1) return cfont.y_size;			// Bitmap font
  else if (cfont.bitmap == 2) return _7seg_height();	// 7-segment font
  return 0;

void TFT_saveClipWin()
	dispWinTemp.x1 = dispWin.x1;
	dispWinTemp.y1 = dispWin.y1;
	dispWinTemp.x2 = dispWin.x2;
	dispWinTemp.y2 = dispWin.y2;

void TFT_restoreClipWin()
	dispWin.x1 = dispWinTemp.x1;
	dispWin.y1 = dispWinTemp.y1;
	dispWin.x2 = dispWinTemp.x2;
	dispWin.y2 = dispWinTemp.y2;

// ============= Touch panel functions =========================================

static int tp_get_data_xpt2046(uint8_t type, int samples)
	if (ts_spi == NULL) return 0;

	int n, result, val = 0;
	uint32_t i = 0;
	uint32_t vbuf[18];
	uint32_t minval, maxval, dif;

    if (samples < 3) samples = 1;
    if (samples > 18) samples = 18;

    // one dummy read
    result = touch_get_data(type);

    // read data
	while (i < 10) {
    	minval = 5000;
    	maxval = 0;
		// get values
		for (n=0;n<samples;n++) {
		    result = touch_get_data(type);
			if (result < 0) break;

			vbuf[n] = result;
			if (result < minval) minval = result;
			if (result > maxval) maxval = result;
		if (result < 0) break;
		dif = maxval - minval;
		if (dif < 40) break;
	if (result < 0) return -1;

	if (samples > 2) {
		// remove one min value
		for (n = 0; n < samples; n++) {
			if (vbuf[n] == minval) {
				vbuf[n] = 5000;
		// remove one max value
		for (n = 0; n < samples; n++) {
			if (vbuf[n] == maxval) {
				vbuf[n] = 5000;
		for (n = 0; n < samples; n++) {
			if (vbuf[n] < 5000) val += vbuf[n];
		val /= (samples-2);
	else val = vbuf[0];

    return val;

static int TFT_read_touch_xpt2046(int *x, int* y)
    int res = 0, result = -1;
    if (spi_lobo_device_select(ts_spi, 0) != ESP_OK)
	return 0;

    result = tp_get_data_xpt2046(0xB0, 3);  	// Z; pressure; touch detect
    if (result <= 15) goto exit;		// Z was 50, but near the origin it's just above 10.
   						// 26-6-2018 from 10 to 15.

	// touch panel pressed
	result = tp_get_data_xpt2046(0xD0, 6);
	if (result < 0) goto exit;
	*x = result;

	result = tp_get_data_xpt2046(0x90, 6);
	if (result < 0) goto exit;
	*y = result;
	res = 1;

	return res;

int TFT_read_touch(int *x, int* y, uint8_t raw)
    *x = 0;
    *y = 0;
    if (ts_spi == NULL)
	return 0;
    return 0;
    int result = -1;
    int X=0, Y=0;

    result = TFT_read_touch_xpt2046(&X, &Y);
    if (result == 0)
	return 0;
    uint32_t tp_calx = TP_CALX_STMPE610;
    uint32_t tp_caly = TP_CALY_STMPE610;
    uint16_t Xx, Yy, Z=0;
    result = stmpe610_get_touch(&Xx, &Yy, &Z);
    if (result == 0) return 0;
    X = Xx;
    Y = Yy;
    return 0;

    if (raw) {
    	*x = X;
    	*y = Y;
    	return 1;

    // Calibrate the result
    int tmp;
    int xleft   = tp_xleft;   //(tp_calx >> 16) & 0x3FFF;
    int xright  = tp_xright;  //tp_calx & 0x3FFF;
    int ytop    = tp_ytop;    //(tp_caly >> 16) & 0x3FFF;
    int ybottom = tp_ybottom; //tp_caly & 0x3FFF;

   if (((xright - xleft) <= 0) || ((ytop - ybottom) <= 0))
	return 0;

//  printf("Raw %dx%d ", X, Y);
    // Received coordinates are always in portrait, origin left bottom.
    X = ((X - xleft) * width)  / (xright - xleft);
    Y = ((Y - ybottom) * height) / (ytop - ybottom);

    if (X < 0)
	X = 0;
    if (X > width-1)
	X = width-1;
    if (Y < 0)
	Y = 0;
    if (Y > height-1)
	Y = height-1;

    switch (orientation) {
		Y = height - Y - 1;
		tmp = X;
		X = height - Y - 1;
		Y = width - tmp - 1;
		X = width - X - 1;
		tmp = X;
		X = Y;
		Y = tmp;
//  printf("Cal %dx%d %dx%d  XxY %dx%d\n", xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, X, Y);
    int width = _width;
    int height = _height;
    if (_width > _height) {
	width = _height;
	height = _width;
    X = ((X - xleft) * width) / (xright - xleft);
    Y = ((Y - ytop) * height) / (ybottom - ytop);

    if (X < 0) X = 0;
    if (X > width-1) X = width-1;
    if (Y < 0) Y = 0;
    if (Y > height-1) Y = height-1;

    switch (orientation) {
		X = width - X - 1;
		Y = height - Y - 1;
		tmp = X;
		X = Y;
		Y = width - tmp -1;
		tmp = X;
		X = height - Y -1;
		Y = tmp;
    *x = X;
    *y = Y;
    return 1;
