
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:04:10 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:04:10 +0200
changeset 102
parent 101
child 117

Finished experimental code to drive the German HendiControl board. Added BoilPower and RampPower buttons during the while boil process. RampPower (going to boil power) is now adjustable. Added PWM driver code to the driver task.

 * @file config.h
 * @brief The BrewBoard configuration data. These are stored in the 
 *        spiffs filesystem in a flash partition.

#ifndef	_CONFIG_H
#define	_CONFIG_H

// Global includes for the project

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "driver/i2c.h"
#include "driver/ledc.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_spiffs.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_wifi.h"
#include "esp_wifi_types.h"
#include "esp_system.h"

#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "esp_http_client.h"
#include "esp_https_ota.h"

#include "esp_vfs.h"
#include "esp_vfs_fat.h"
#include "nvs.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "esp32/rom/crc.h"
#include "mdns.h"
#include "lwip/sockets.h"
#include "lwip/api.h"
#include "lwip/err.h"
#include "lwip/netdb.h"
#include "lwip/dns.h"
#include "lwip/opt.h"
#include "lwip/memp.h"
#include "lwip/ip.h"
#include "lwip/raw.h"
#include "lwip/udp.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "esp_sntp.h"
#include "expat.h"

#include "tftspi.h"
#include "tft.h"
#include "PID_v1.h"
#include "websocket_server.h"

#include "buttons.h"
#include "calibration.h"
#include "automation.h"
#include "manual.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "recipes.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "updates.h"

#include "task_tft.h"
#include "task_ds18b20.h"
#include "task_sdcard.h"
#include "task_driver.h"
#include "task_wifi.h"
#include "task_sound.h"
#include "task_http.h"

 * @brief Main mode different screens
typedef enum
    MAIN_MODE_UNKNOWN = -1,		///< During system startup
    MAIN_MODE_FREE = 0,			///< Main menu, do nothing
    MAIN_MODE_CALIBRATION,		///< TFT calibration
    MAIN_INFO,				///< Info/about screen
    MAIN_TOOLS,				///< Main tools screen
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP,			///< Main setup screen
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_CONFIG,		///< Main setup configuration
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_CO_EDIT,		///< Main setup confguration editor
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_EQUIPMENT,		///< Main setup equipment
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_EQ_EDIT,		///< Main setup edit equipment
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_WIFI,		///< Main setup WiFi
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_WIFI_CUR,		///< Main setup WiFi current connection.
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_WIFI_CON,		///< Main setup WiFi connect.
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_WIFI_NEW,		///< Main setup WiFi new connection.
    MAIN_TOOLS_SETUP_CALIBRATION,	///< Main setup TFT calibration
    MAIN_TOOLS_RECIPE,			///< Main recipes screen.
    MAIN_TOOLS_RECIPE_EDIT,		///< Main recipes editor.
    MAIN_TOOLS_FILES,			///< Main files.
    MAIN_TOOLS_FILES_DIR,		///< Main files directory listings.
    MAIN_TOOLS_FILES_RESTORE,		///< Main files restore.
    MAIN_TOOLS_FILES_BACKUP,		///< Main files backup.
    MAIN_TOOLS_UPDATES,			///< Main Updates.
    MAIN_AUTO_INIT1 = 96,		///< Automatic start part 1
    MAIN_AUTO_INIT2,			///< Automatic start part 2
    MAIN_AUTO_DELAYSTART,		///< Delayed start
    MAIN_AUTO_HEATUP,			///< Heatup the HLT
    MAIN_AUTO_MASH = 100,		///< Mash steps
    MAIN_AUTO_TOBOIL = 120,		///< Going to boil
    MAIN_AUTO_BOILING,			///< Boiling
    MAIN_AUTO_WHIRLPOOL9,		///< Whirlpool
    MAIN_AUTO_COOLING_H,		///< Cooling hot type
    MAIN_AUTO_WHIRLPOOL7,		///< Whirlpool
    MAIN_AUTO_COOLING_M,		///< Cooling medium type
    MAIN_AUTO_WHIRLPOOL6,		///< Whirlpool
    MAIN_AUTO_COOLING_C,		///< Cooling cold type
    MAIN_AUTO_WHIRLPOOL2,		///< Whirlpool
    MAIN_AUTO_DONE,			///< Finished
    MAIN_AUTO_ABORT,			///< Aborted
    MAIN_MANUAL_INIT = 200,		///< Manual control init
    MAIN_MANUAL_MAIN,			///< Manual control main menu

 * @brief The differents stages in the mash steps.
typedef enum {
    MASH_NONE = 0,			///< Initial Mash state
    MASH_WAITTEMP,			///< Wait to reach temperature.
    MASH_REST,				///< Mash rest
    MASH_ADD,				///< Wait add mash
    MASH_IODINE,			///< Wait iodine test
    MASH_REMOVE,			///< Wait mash remove
    MASH_INFUSE,			///< Wait infusion prompt
    MASH_DECOCT,			///< Wait decoction prompt

 * @brief The working mode of the second heater SSR.
typedef enum {
    SSR2_OFF = 0,			///< SSR2 not used.
    SSR2_HLT_SHARE,			///< SSR2 for HLT shared with MLT
    SSR2_HLT_IND,			///< SSR2 for HLT independend.
    SSR2_ON_IDLE,			///< SSR2 on when MLT is idle.

 * @brief Global configuration. File /spiffs/config.conf
struct strConfig {
    uint8_t		Version;			///< Record version number for updates.
    uint8_t		Unit;				///< Celsius or Farenheit (not used yet).
    float		BoilTemperature;		///< The temperature when water boils.
    bool		AskAdd;				///< Ask to add the mash.
    bool		AskRemove;			///< Ask to remove the mash.
    bool		AskIodine;			///< Ask to confirm the iodine test.
    uint8_t		IodineTime;			///< Continue after this time if not confirmed.
    int			EquipmentRec;			///< Equipment record number.
    char		ntp_server[32];			///< Preffered NTP server.
    char		hostname[32];			///< Our hostname.
    char		xap_ssid[32];			///< AP SSID.
    char		xap_pwd[64];			///< AP password.
    uint8_t		xap_channel;			///< AP channel.
    uint8_t		xap_ssid_hidden;		///< AP SSID hidden.
    wifi_bandwidth_t	xap_bandwidth;			///< AP channel bandwidth.
    uint16_t		ts_xleft;			///< TS calibration X left.
    uint16_t		ts_xright;			///< TS calibration X right.
    uint16_t		ts_ytop;			///< TS calibration Y top.
    uint16_t		ts_ybottom;			///< TS calibration Y bottom.
    int			RecipeRec;			///< Current recipe record.
    char		uuid[37];			///< Sort of uuid code.
    char		lastSSID[32];			///< Last connected station.
} config;						///< Config record.

 * @brief Write configuration to disk.
void write_config(void);

/** @brief Read configuration file. If it doesn't exist create and
 *         write a new configuration file with sane defaults.
void read_config(void);

#define EQUIPMENT_VERSION	3		///< Equipment file version

 * @brief Equipment configuration. File /spiffs/equipments.conf
struct hdrEquipment {
    uint32_t            version;		///< Structure version.
    uint32_t            hdrsize;		///< Size of this header.
    uint32_t            recsize;		///< Size of a record.
} equipment_hdr;

struct strEquipment {
    int		MLT_watt;			///< MLT watts.
    int		HLT_watt;			///< HLT watts.
    char	Name[32];			///< Equipment name.
    int		BoilPower;			///< The power percentage needed to keep the wort boiling.
    int		MashPower;			///< The power percentage needed to heat during mash.
    int		PumpCycle;			///< Minutes to run the pump during mash rest.
    int		PumpRest;			///< Minutes to pause the pump during mash rests.
    bool	PumpPreMash;			///< Pump on before mash-in.
    bool	PumpOnMash;			///< Pump on during mashing.
    bool	PumpMashOut;			///< Pump on during mash remove.
    bool	PumpOnBoil;			///< Pump on during the boil.
    int		PumpMaxTemp;			///< Turn pump off above this temperature.
    bool	PIDPipe;			///< Run PID during mash removal.
    int		SSR2;				///< Use second SSR (HLT) or not.
    float	TempHLT;			///< The temperature of the sparge water.
    double	PID_kP;				///< PID P setting.
    double	PID_kI;				///< PID I setting.
    double	PID_kD;				///< PID D setting.
    bool	xPID_POn;
    int		SampleTime;			///< PID sample time in seconds.
    bool	Hendi;				///< HendiControl in use.
    int		RampPower;			///< The power percentage to ramp to boil.
    int		Max_watt;			///< MLT plus HLT peak, shut off HLT if higher.
} equipment;					///< Equipment record.

 * @brief Append equipments record to disk.
void append_equipment(void);

 * @brief Read equipments file. If it doesn't exist create and
 *        write a new equipment file with sane defaults.
 *        This is then the first and default brew equipment.
 * @param RecNo Read the record with Record is RecNo. Start at 1.
void read_equipment(int RecNo);

 * @brief Write rquipment record. It should exist.
 * @param RecNo The equipment record in memory to write at record. Records start at 1.
void write_equipment(int RecNo);

 * @brief Delete equipment record, renumber remaining records.
 * @param RecNo The record to remove.
void delete_equipment(int RecNo);

 * @brief Records with WiFi stations we have succesfully connected.
struct strStations {
    char	SSID[32];			///< Station SSID
    char	Password[64];			///< Station password
    bool	hide;				///< Hide from AP scan.
} wifiStation;					///< Station record.

 * @brief Add a new station record.
 * @param SSID The SSID
 * @param Password The password for this SSID
 * @return The record number, or -1 if error.
int add_station(uint8_t *SSID, uint8_t *Password);

 * @brief Read station info record.
 * @param SSID Search for the SSID and load the record if found.
 * @return Return -1 if not found, else the record number and the wifiStation record is filled.
int read_station(uint8_t *SSID);

 * @brief Remove station record.
 * @param SSID The SSID to remove.
void remove_station(uint8_t *SSID);

 * @brief Blacklist station SSID
 * @param SSID The SSID to blacklist.
 * @return -1 if error, else the record number.
int blacklist_station(uint8_t *SSID);

 * @brief Runtime configuration. File /spiffs/runtime.conf
struct strRuntime {
    uint8_t		Version;			///< Record version number for updates.
    bool		AutoModeStarted;		///< Running automode.
    int			StageResume;			///< Current Resume Stage.
    int			StageTimeLeft;			///< Current Stage Time left.
    uint8_t		HopAddition;			///< Current Hop Addition.
    float		ManualMLT;			///< Last used MLT temperature.
    float		ManualHLT;			///< Last used HLT temperature.
    time_t		BrewStart;			///< Brew start time.
    char		Logfile[64];			///< Brew logfile.
    bool		UseHLT;				///< Use HLT during brew.
    bool		PumpCooling;			///< Pump during cooling.
    uint32_t		TimeBrewing;			///< Time we are brewing.
    uint8_t		MashStep;			///< Current mash step.
    bool		MaltAdded;			///< If malt was added.
    TickType_t		MLT_usage;			///< MLT usage counter.
    TickType_t		HLT_usage;			///< HLT usage counter.
} runtime;						///< Runtime record.

 * @brief Write runtime information to disk.
void write_runtime(void);

 * @brief Read runtime information file. If it doesn't exist create and
 *        write a new runtime file with sane defaults.
void read_runtime(void);

#define	RECIPE_VERSION		2		///< Recipe file version
#define MASH_MAX		16		///< Maximum 16 mash steps
#define ADDITION_MAX		20		///< Maximum 20 additions

 * @brief Mash step types
typedef enum {

 * @brief Addition types
typedef enum {

 * @brief Mash steps
typedef struct strMashStep {
    char                Name[32];                       ///< Step name.
    uint8_t             Type;                           ///< Step Type.
    float               Step_temp;                      ///< Step start temperature.
    uint16_t            Step_time;                      ///< Step rest time.
    uint16_t            Ramp_time;                      ///< Step time to reach temp.
    float               End_temp;                       ///< Step end temperature.
    float               Infuse_amount;                  ///< Infuse/decoct amount in liters.
    float               Infuse_temp;                    ///< Infuse temperature.
} mashstep_t;

 * @brief Hop and other additions
typedef struct strAddition {
    uint16_t		Time;				///< Time for addition.
    uint8_t		Type;				///< Addition type, Hop, Syrop ...
    char		Name[64];			///< Addition name.
} addition_t;

 * @brief Recipes database. Starts with a header block for future upgrades,
 *        followed by the actual recpie records.
struct hdrRecipe {
    uint32_t		version;			///< Structure version.
    uint32_t		hdrsize;			///< Size of this header.
    uint32_t		recsize;			///< Size of a record.
    uint8_t		mashmax;			///< Maximum mash steps.
    uint8_t		additionmax;			///< Maximum additions.
} recipe_hdr;

struct strRecipe {
    char		Name[128];			///< Recipe name.
    char		Code[32];			///< Recipe code.
    uint16_t		BoilTime;			///< Boil time.
    uint8_t		Mashsteps;			///< Number of mashsteps.
    uint8_t		Additions;			///< Number of additions.
    float		CoolTemp;			///< Cool temperature.
    uint16_t		Whirlpool9;			///< Zero or the Hot Whirlpool time 88..100 °
    uint16_t		Whirlpool7;			///< Zero or the Sub Isomerization Whirlpool time 71..77 °
    uint16_t		Whirlpool6;			///< Zero or the "Tepid" Whirlpool time 60..66 °
    uint16_t		Whirlpool2;			///< Zero or the Cold Whirlpool time < 30 °
    float		SpargeTemp;			///< Sparge water temperature.
    mashstep_t		MashStep[MASH_MAX];		///< Mash steps.
    addition_t		Addition[ADDITION_MAX];		///< Additions.
} recipe;						///< Recipe record.

 * @brief Append a recipe record. Create file if it doesn't exist.
void append_recipe(void);

 * @brief Write current recipe
 * @param RecNo Record number starting at 1.
void write_recipe(int RecNo);

 * @brief Read current recipe
 * @param RecNo The record to read, start at 1.
void read_recipe(int RecNo);

 * @brief Delete recipe record, renumber remaining records.
 * @param RecNo The record to remove.
void delete_recipe(int RecNo);

