
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:04:10 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:04:10 +0200
changeset 102
parent 88
child 103

Finished experimental code to drive the German HendiControl board. Added BoilPower and RampPower buttons during the while boil process. RampPower (going to boil power) is now adjustable. Added PWM driver code to the driver task.

 * @file task_ds18b20.c
 * @brief The FreeRTOS task to query the DS18B20 sensors on one or two
 *        one-wire busses. Each bus must have only one sensor. That way
 *        we don't need to care about the DS18B20 internal ROM address.
 *        The task will update the DS18B20_State structure.

#include "owb.h"
#include "owb_rmt.h"
#include "ds18b20.h"
#include "config.h"

#define MAX_DEVICES          (8)
#define SAMPLE_PERIOD        (2000)   // milliseconds

#define SAMPLE_PERIOD        (750)    // milliseconds

float               	Fake_MLT = 18.90;
float			Fake_HLT = 18.70;

static const char	*TAG = "task_ds18b20";

SemaphoreHandle_t	xSemaphoreDS18B20 = NULL;
DS18B20_State		*ds18b20_state;

 * Task to read temperature sensors.
void task_ds18b20(void *pvParameter)
    int			num_devices = 0;
    float		readings = 0;
    bool		found = false;
    DS18B20_ERROR	errors = 0;
    TickType_t		last_wake_time = xTaskGetTickCount();

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting DS18B20 sensors");
    ds18b20_state = malloc(sizeof(DS18B20_State));
    ds18b20_state->mlt_valid = ds18b20_state->hlt_valid = false;
    ds18b20_state->mlt_temperature = ds18b20_state->hlt_temperature = 0.0;
    ds18b20_state->mlt_error = ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_NOSENSOR;

     * Initialize the MLT and HLT one-wire busses.
    OneWireBus *owb_mlt;
    OneWireBus *owb_hlt;
    owb_rmt_driver_info rmt_driver_info_mlt;
    owb_rmt_driver_info rmt_driver_info_hlt;
    owb_mlt = owb_rmt_initialize(&rmt_driver_info_mlt, GPIO_DS18B20_MLT, RMT_CHANNEL_1, RMT_CHANNEL_0);
    owb_hlt = owb_rmt_initialize(&rmt_driver_info_hlt, GPIO_DS18B20_HLT, RMT_CHANNEL_3, RMT_CHANNEL_2);
    owb_use_crc(owb_mlt, true);                     // enable CRC check for ROM code
    owb_use_crc(owb_hlt, true); 

    DS18B20_Info * ds18b20_info = ds18b20_malloc();

     * Task loop forever.
    while (1) {

	last_wake_time = xTaskGetTickCount();

	num_devices = 0;
	OneWireBus_SearchState mlt_search_state = {0};
	found = false;
	owb_search_first(owb_mlt, &mlt_search_state, &found);
	while (found) {
	    owb_search_next(owb_mlt, &mlt_search_state, &found);

	if (num_devices == 1) {
	    ds18b20_init_solo(ds18b20_info, owb_mlt);			// only one device on bus
	    ds18b20_use_crc(ds18b20_info, true);			// enable CRC check for temperature readings
	    ds18b20_set_resolution(ds18b20_info, DS18B20_RESOLUTION);	// returns true if ok.

	    // Read temperatures more efficiently by starting conversions on all devices at the same time

	    errors = ds18b20_read_temp(ds18b20_info, &readings);

	    if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreDS18B20, 25) == pdTRUE) {
	    	if (errors == DS18B20_OK) {
		    ds18b20_state->mlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_NONE;
		    ds18b20_state->mlt_valid = true;
		    ds18b20_state->mlt_temperature = readings;
	    	} else {
		    if (errors == DS18B20_ERROR_CRC)
		    	ds18b20_state->mlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_CRC;
		    if (errors == DS18B20_ERROR_OWB)
		    	ds18b20_state->mlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_READ;
		    if (errors == DS18B20_ERROR_DEVICE)
		    	ds18b20_state->mlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_READ;
		    ds18b20_state->mlt_valid = false;
		    ds18b20_state->mlt_temperature = 0.0;

	} else {
	     * Zero or more then one device, this is an error.
	    if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreDS18B20, 25) == pdTRUE) {
	    	if (num_devices == 0)
		    ds18b20_state->mlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_NOSENSOR;
		    ds18b20_state->mlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_TOOMANY;
	    	ds18b20_state->mlt_valid = false;
	    	ds18b20_state->mlt_temperature = 0.0;
	} // if num_devices == 1

	num_devices = 0;
	OneWireBus_SearchState hlt_search_state = {0};
	found = false;
	owb_search_first(owb_hlt, &hlt_search_state, &found);
	while (found) {
	    owb_search_next(owb_hlt, &hlt_search_state, &found);

	if (num_devices == 1) {
	    ds18b20_init_solo(ds18b20_info, owb_hlt);                   // only one device on bus
	    ds18b20_use_crc(ds18b20_info, true);                        // enable CRC check for temperature readings
	    ds18b20_set_resolution(ds18b20_info, DS18B20_RESOLUTION);

	    // Read temperatures more efficiently by starting conversions on all devices at the same time
	    errors = ds18b20_read_temp(ds18b20_info, &readings);
	    if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreDS18B20, 25) == pdTRUE) {
	    	if (errors == DS18B20_OK) {
		    ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_NONE;
		    ds18b20_state->hlt_valid = true;
		    ds18b20_state->hlt_temperature = readings;
	    	} else {
		    if (errors == DS18B20_ERROR_CRC)
		    	ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_CRC;
		    if (errors == DS18B20_ERROR_OWB)
		    	ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_READ;
		    if (errors == DS18B20_ERROR_DEVICE)
		    	ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_READ;
		    ds18b20_state->hlt_valid = false;
		    ds18b20_state->hlt_temperature = 0.0;
	} else {
	     * Zero or more then one device, this is an error.
	    if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreDS18B20, 25) == pdTRUE) {
	    	if (num_devices == 0)
		    ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_NOSENSOR;
		    ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_TOOMANY;
	    	ds18b20_state->hlt_valid = false;
	    	ds18b20_state->hlt_temperature = 0.0;
	} // if num_devices == 1

#if 0
	printf("MLT  %.3f  %d err %s, HLT  %.3f,  %d err %s\n",
		ds18b20_state->mlt_temperature, ds18b20_state->mlt_error, (ds18b20_state->mlt_valid) ? "valid":" N/A ",
		ds18b20_state->hlt_temperature, ds18b20_state->hlt_error, (ds18b20_state->hlt_valid) ? "valid":" N/A ");
	vTaskDelayUntil(&last_wake_time, SAMPLE_PERIOD / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);


    float		Plate_MLT = 18.90;
    extern int		MLT_pin, HLT_pin;

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Start Fake sensors");
    ds18b20_state = malloc(sizeof(DS18B20_State));
    ds18b20_state->mlt_valid = ds18b20_state->hlt_valid = true;
    ds18b20_state->mlt_temperature = 18.90;
    ds18b20_state->hlt_temperature = 18.70;
    ds18b20_state->mlt_error = ds18b20_state->hlt_error = DS18B20_ERR_NONE;

     * Task loop forever. Update the temperatures each 750 mSeconds.
    while (1) {

	 * Make this fake heater a bit more real by using a simulated heatplate.
	 * We heatup that plate and then transfer the heat to the water.
	 * That way we get a nice overshoot like in real life.
	if (MLT_pin) {
	    if (Plate_MLT < 250.0)
		Plate_MLT += SAMPLE_PERIOD * 0.001;   // Simulate plate upto 250 degrees
	} else {
	    if (Plate_MLT > Fake_MLT)
		Plate_MLT -= SAMPLE_PERIOD * 0.00002 * (Plate_MLT - Fake_MLT);
	// If plate is hotter then the water with a offset so that cooling later works.
	if (Plate_MLT > (Fake_MLT + 5.0)) {
	    if (Fake_MLT < 100.05)
		Fake_MLT += SAMPLE_PERIOD * 0.000001 * (Plate_MLT - Fake_MLT);
	// Allways loose heat to the air
	if (Fake_MLT > 16.0) {
	    Fake_MLT -= SAMPLE_PERIOD * 0.00000010 * (Fake_MLT - 16.0);

	if ((equipment.SSR2 == SSR2_HLT_SHARE) || (equipment.SSR2 == SSR2_HLT_IND)) {
	     * There is a HLT function configured.
	    if (HLT_pin) {
	    	if (Fake_HLT < 100.05)
		    Fake_HLT += SAMPLE_PERIOD * 0.000055;
	    } else {
	    	if (Fake_HLT > 16.0)
		    Fake_HLT -= SAMPLE_PERIOD * 0.00000006 * (Fake_HLT - 16.0);

	if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreDS18B20, 25) == pdTRUE) {
	    ds18b20_state->mlt_temperature = ((int)(Fake_MLT * 16)) / 16.0;
	    ds18b20_state->hlt_temperature = ((int)(Fake_HLT * 16)) / 16.0;


