
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:04:10 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 19:04:10 +0200
changeset 102
parent 4

Finished experimental code to drive the German HendiControl board. Added BoilPower and RampPower buttons during the while boil process. RampPower (going to boil power) is now adjustable. Added PWM driver code to the driver task.

#ifndef	_TASK_TFT_H
#define	_TASK_TFT_H

 * @file task_tft.h
 * @brief BrewBoard TFT and Touch screen driver for a 320x240 ILI9341 based display.
 *        But because the application is controlled using the touch screen, all the
 *        processing of menus is also found here.
 *        It's the first started task, but it does nothing until the Main_Screen 
 *        variable is set.

 * @brief Update the JSON structure with the logdata.
void update_json(void);

 * @brief Initialize the TFT display
int init_tft_display(void);

 * @brief Write a big message at the center top of the screen.
 * @param text The text to display
void TopMessage(char *text);

 * @brief Draw Mash Lauter Tun info
 * @param x X startpoint
 * @param y Y startpoint
 * @param update If update or initial draw.
void MLT_info(int x, int y, bool update);

 * @brief Draw Hot Liquer Tank info
 * @param x X startpoint
 * @param y Y startpoint
 * @param update If update or initial draw.
 * @param small To display a smaller box.
void HLT_info(int x, int y, bool update, bool small);

 * @brief Set the timer.
 * @param seconds The number of seconds in the timer.
void TimerSet(uint32_t seconds);

 * @brief Show the timer.
 * @param Time the time to display.
 * @param X the X position to display the time
 * @param Y the Y position to display the time
void TimerShow(uint32_t Time, int X, int Y);

 * @brief Initialize all values for the webui.
void TFTstartWS(int client);

 * @brief FreeRTOS TFT/Touch task. 
void task_tft(void *);

