
Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:33:24 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:33:24 +0200
idf 5.1
changeset 137
parent 4

Fixed changing runtime datarecord size during switching between IDF 4.2 and 5.1. Fixed wiping the /spiffs filesystem. The directory listing from the SD card doesn't overwrite parts of the screen anymore. Solved the slow speed issue with the SD card. Try to force the SD card to operate at 20 MHz. More project settings changed to improve performance and memory usage.

 * @file recipes.h
 * @brief Recipes management. If new beerxml recipes are detected in
 *        the /recipe directory on the SD card they will be imported 
 *        when you enter the recipes menu. After successfull import the
 *        xml file extensions will be changed to xok to prevent that
 *        the recipe is imported again. After the import the recipe
 *        editor is shown.

#ifndef	_RECIPES_H
#define	_RECIPES_H

 * @brief Parse a Beerxml file and add the recipe.
 * @param fn The recipe filename.
 * @param code The recipe code serial.
 * @return Zero if no errors were found.
int ParseRecipe(char *fn, char *code);

 * @brief Recipes init fases.
void Recipes_Init(void);

 * @brief Revipes loop screens. Bob-blocking.
void Recipes_Loop(void);

