
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 21:43:45 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 21:43:45 +0200
changeset 6
parent 0
child 30

Updated esp-ide. Removed VNC server corre encoding because no clients would use it. Enabled WiFi error logmessages. Write runtime record is now debug logging. Removed recipe.Record number, not usefull and was wrong too. Removed console print of json log data.

 * @file vnc-server.h
 * @brief VNC server original written for eCos.
 * The VNC server runs on the target platform and waits for a client 
 * (vncviewer program running on a PC) to connect via an ethernet connection
 * (port 5900). Once a client has connected, the target platform has a 
 * virtual screen, keyboard and mouse.
 * This port of the VNC server has been designed with some limitations in 
 * order to keep memory and processor power requirements to a minimum.
 * The VNC client must accept the settings that the VNC server suggests (bits-per-pixel, 
 * number-of-colours and so on as specified at build time with the eCos configuration 
 * tool) or the VNC server will just disconnect.
 * The VNC server only supports CoRRE encoding and RAW encoding for sending 
 * display data to the client.
 * The VNC server does not support password authentication, the client is able 
 * to connect without the user typing in a password.
 * Only one VNC client may connect to the VNC server at a time.
 * In reality these limitations are not a problem.
 * @author Chris Garry <>
 * @author Michiel Broek.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include "lwip/sockets.h"
#include "lwip/netdb.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"

 * @brief Type to hold the frame format details
typedef struct
    uint16_t	frame_width;			///< Frame width
    uint16_t	frame_height;			///< Frame height
    void	*frame_buffer;			///< Frame buffer data
    bool	rgb332;				///< 8 bits RGB format (only one is set).
    bool	rgb555;				///< 15 bits RGB
    bool	rgb565;				///< 16 bits RGB
    bool	bgr233;				///< 8 bits BGR format
    bool	truecolor0888;			///< 24 bits truecolor.
} vnc_frame_format_t;

typedef uint8_t vnc_color_t;

 * @brief Start the VNC server. Two tasks are started, one to handle the
 *        clients and one that serves the updates of the framebuffer.
void VncStartup(void);

 * @brief Clear the display and set a background color.
 * @param color Then RGB color for the background.
void  VncCls(vnc_color_t color);

 * @brief Draw a pixel on the display.
 * @param x The horizontal position of the pixel.
 * @param y The vertical position of the pixel.
 * @param color The RGB value of the pixel.
void VncDrawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, vnc_color_t color);

 * @brief Draw a horizontal line on the display.
 * @param x1 Start horizontal position.
 * @param x2 End of the horizontal position.
 * @param y The vertical position of the line.
 * @param colour The RGB color of the line.
void VncDrawHorzLine(uint16_t x1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y, vnc_color_t color);

 * @brief Draw a vertical line on the display.
 * @param x The jprizontal position of the line.
 * @param y1 The vertical top position of the line.
 * @param y2 The vertical bottom position of the line.
 * @param color The RGB color of the line.
void VncDrawVertLine(uint16_t x, uint16_t y1, uint16_t y2, vnc_color_t color);

 * @brief Fill a rectangle with the given color.
 * @param x1 The top-left horizontal start position.
 * @param y1 The top-left vertical start position.
 * @param x2 The bottom-right horizontal end position.
 * @param y2 The bottom-right vertical end position.
 * @param color The RGB color of the line.
void VncFillRect(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, vnc_color_t color);

 * @brief Sound the bell on the client computer.
void VncSoundBell(void);

/* Macro to convert from RGB to colour values */
#define VNC_RGB2COL(r,g,b) (vnc_color_t)(((((uint8_t)r)&0xE0) >> 0) | ((((uint8_t)g)&0xE0) >> 3) | ((((uint8_t)b)&0xC0) >> 6))

 * @brief Start task for a websocket client.
int VncStartWS(int num);

 * @brief Stop task for a websocket client.
void VncStopWS(int num);

 * @brief Remote websocket message to the VNC server.
void VncGetWSmessage(char *msg, uint16_t len);
