Adjusted more strings for new compiler warnings. There should now be no buffer overflows in the app. Changed the date display on the mainscreen.

Fix compiler warning

Upgraded esp-ide and compilers. Adjusted the sources for the new compiler warnings.

Version 0.3.2, if WiFi connection is lost or AP is not available at startup, scan form another known AP and connect to that AP.


Changed NTP default pool name. Added 10 seconds timeout after the wifi_connect function. In that timeout do a proper disconnect and connect request so that a AP that was down will be used again if it's up again.

Version 0.3.1

SNTP uses a callback function to mark the system time is valid. SNTP is started after we received a DHCP ip address. Added an config option to set a preffered NTP server name, most likely on your most used LAN. It will always fal back to

Code cleanup.

Fixed css path in chart.html. Show errors in console when writing logfiles.json. Upgraded esp-idf.

Merged with default version 0.3.0 stable

Merge branch novnc

Version 0.3.0 and back to real sensors. novnc

Fixed missing whirlpool 88+ degrees. Some code cleanup. novnc

Finished websockets screens. novnc

Websocket interface is working for the main screen and manual mode. novnc

Work on web interface using websockets. novnc

Use PROJECT_VER for version number. Updated README and info screen. novnc

Removed the noVNC code and web pages. novnc

Start removing noVNC novnc

merge stable into default

Added tag rel-0.2.10 for changeset 5c92103c5e72 stable

Version 0.2.10. Fixed spelling error in websocket component. Updated esp-idf to v4.0-dev-459-gba1ff1692 and adjusted several sources for changed headers. Finalized keeping the AP running at all times. Increased websocket server stack depth from 6000 to 7000. rel-0.2.10

Fix for annotation log before normal log in the json brewlog.

Fixed a spelling error. Version 0.2.7

Updated the README

Swapped MLT and HLT SSR pins to match he real hardware. More doxygen changes.

Updates for doxygen

README update

Fixed placement of infusion event in the graph.

Graph title includes beer code. Hop additions now only display the additions themselfes.

Show clock on the main screen, but only if the ntp time has been set.

Annotatie einde infusie

Screen startup a bit later. Decreased task sound stack size.

Boot now checks got IP status before installing the http and vnc servers.

Removed some unused code from the vnc websocket connection

Version 0.2.6. Removed dead code in the tft component.

Implemented infusion mash.

Removed jpg and bmp support.

Version 0.2.5. Removed debug console messages during recipe import. Removed old SyncDirs code to install /spiffs from the SD card since we now do this via the internet.

Improved recipes import.

Added extra mash step fields for infusion steps. Added these fields in recipe import too.

Removed some fonts, we need that space.

Update /spiffs via internet. is now the update server.

Removed old logfiles

Renamed www directory to w to prevent too long filenames for the spiffs filesystem.

Added files for /spiffs internet updates.

Updated README

Updated README

Bumped to version 0.2.4

Updated esp-ide. Removed VNC server corre encoding because no clients would use it. Enabled WiFi error logmessages. Write runtime record is now debug logging. Removed recipe.Record number, not usefull and was wrong too. Removed console print of json log data.

De README flink bijgewerkt.

Updated documentation

Two small fixes

Added database backup and restore.

Updated lots of doxygen comments

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