Upgraded kicad to version 6

Version 0.3.21. Changed HLT heatup speed calculation to 0.67 degrees/minute. Include the mash ramp times in the calculation for the initial temperature. With a combined HLT and MLT setup, the HLT preheat time is now much shorter. Fixed problems reading beerxml if there is an aroma hop. If the time was 0 or missing it was assumed to be a whirlpool hop. Now it's treated as flameout hop as it should be. Fixed sorting hop/misc additions, this could lead to missing ingredients warnings. The recipe cool temperature was treated as an integer value.

Version 0.3.20 fix for equipment records create and delete.

Version 0.3.19. Real sensors and code cleanup.

Updated the README

Removed Delay Start code leftovers.

Fixed Hendi ON switch and now the switch moment is in a #define HENDI_SWITCH. Currently set at 6. Fixed the web page when going to boil, two buttons were missing. Changed the PWM log line, added information about the ON switch and current temperature.

Version 0.3.18

Fixed Brewfather beerxml import.

Fixed KWh measurement for Hendi equipment.

Removed the 1024 - again.

Revised the equipment edit screen, order is more logical. Changed some label names. Made room for one more setting.

Changed PWM power calculation during PID use.

Version 0.3.17. Made the Hendi PWM change official.

(0) -100 -14 +14 tip
