Removed jpg and bmp support.

Fri, 26 Oct 2018 13:29:14 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Fri, 26 Oct 2018 13:29:14 +0200
changeset 18
parent 17
child 19

Removed jpg and bmp support.

components/tft/tft.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
components/tft/tft.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/components/tft/tft.c	Thu Oct 25 21:10:29 2018 +0200
+++ b/components/tft/tft.c	Fri Oct 26 13:29:14 2018 +0200
@@ -2264,514 +2264,6 @@
-// ================ JPG SUPPORT ================================================
-// User defined device identifier
-typedef struct {
-	FILE		*fhndl;			// File handler for input function
-    int			x;				// image top left point X position
-    int			y;				// image top left point Y position
-    uint8_t		*membuff;		// memory buffer containing the image
-    uint32_t	bufsize;		// size of the memory buffer
-    uint32_t	bufptr;			// memory buffer current position
-    color_t		*linbuf[2];		// memory buffer used for display output
-    uint8_t		linbuf_idx;
-// User defined call-back function to input JPEG data from file
-static UINT tjd_input (
-	JDEC* jd,		// Decompression object
-	BYTE* buff,		// Pointer to the read buffer (NULL:skip)
-	UINT nd			// Number of bytes to read/skip from input stream
-	int rb = 0;
-	// Device identifier for the session (5th argument of jd_prepare function)
-	JPGIODEV *dev = (JPGIODEV*)jd->device;
-	if (buff) {	// Read nd bytes from the input strem
-		rb = fread(buff, 1, nd, dev->fhndl);
-		return rb;	// Returns actual number of bytes read
-	}
-	else {	// Remove nd bytes from the input stream
-		if (fseek(dev->fhndl, nd, SEEK_CUR) >= 0) return nd;
-		else return 0;
-	}
-// User defined call-back function to input JPEG data from memory buffer
-static UINT tjd_buf_input (
-	JDEC* jd,		// Decompression object
-	BYTE* buff,		// Pointer to the read buffer (NULL:skip)
-	UINT nd			// Number of bytes to read/skip from input stream
-	// Device identifier for the session (5th argument of jd_prepare function)
-	JPGIODEV *dev = (JPGIODEV*)jd->device;
-	if (!dev->membuff) return 0;
-	if (dev->bufptr >= (dev->bufsize + 2)) return 0; // end of stream
-	if ((dev->bufptr + nd) > (dev->bufsize + 2)) nd = (dev->bufsize + 2) - dev->bufptr;
-	if (buff) {	// Read nd bytes from the input strem
-		memcpy(buff, dev->membuff + dev->bufptr, nd);
-		dev->bufptr += nd;
-		return nd;	// Returns number of bytes read
-	}
-	else {	// Remove nd bytes from the input stream
-		dev->bufptr += nd;
-		return nd;
-	}
-// User defined call-back function to output RGB bitmap to display device
-static UINT tjd_output (
-	JDEC* jd,		// Decompression object of current session
-	void* bitmap,	// Bitmap data to be output
-	JRECT* rect		// Rectangular region to output
-	// Device identifier for the session (5th argument of jd_prepare function)
-	JPGIODEV *dev = (JPGIODEV*)jd->device;
-	// ** Put the rectangular into the display device **
-	int x;
-	int y;
-	int dleft, dtop, dright, dbottom;
-	BYTE *src = (BYTE*)bitmap;
-	int left = rect->left + dev->x;
-	int top = rect->top + dev->y;
-	int right = rect->right + dev->x;
-	int bottom = rect->bottom + dev->y;
-	if ((left > dispWin.x2) || (top > dispWin.y2)) return 1;	// out of screen area, return
-	if ((right < dispWin.x1) || (bottom < dispWin.y1)) return 1;// out of screen area, return
-	if (left < dispWin.x1) dleft = dispWin.x1;
-	else dleft = left;
-	if (top < dispWin.y1) dtop = dispWin.y1;
-	else dtop = top;
-	if (right > dispWin.x2) dright = dispWin.x2;
-	else dright = right;
-	if (bottom > dispWin.y2) dbottom = dispWin.y2;
-	else dbottom = bottom;
-	if ((dleft > dispWin.x2) || (dtop > dispWin.y2)) return 1;		// out of screen area, return
-	if ((dright < dispWin.x1) || (dbottom < dispWin.y1)) return 1;	// out of screen area, return
-	uint32_t len = ((dright-dleft+1) * (dbottom-dtop+1));	// calculate length of data
-	if ((len > 0) && (len <= JPG_IMAGE_LINE_BUF_SIZE)) {
-		uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t *)(dev->linbuf[dev->linbuf_idx]);
-		for (y = top; y <= bottom; y++) {
-			for (x = left; x <= right; x++) {
-				// Clip to display area
-				if ((x >= dleft) && (y >= dtop) && (x <= dright) && (y <= dbottom)) {
-					*dest++ = (*src++) & 0xFC;
-					*dest++ = (*src++) & 0xFC;
-					*dest++ = (*src++) & 0xFC;
-				}
-				else src += 3; // skip
-			}
-		}
-		wait_trans_finish(1);
-		send_data(dleft, dtop, dright, dbottom, len, dev->linbuf[dev->linbuf_idx]);
-		dev->linbuf_idx = ((dev->linbuf_idx + 1) & 1);
-	}
-	else {
-		wait_trans_finish(1);
-		printf("Data size error: %d jpg: (%d,%d,%d,%d) disp: (%d,%d,%d,%d)\r\n", len, left,top,right,bottom, dleft,dtop,dright,dbottom);
-		return 0;  // stop decompression
-	}
-	return 1;	// Continue to decompression
-// tft.jpgimage(X, Y, scale, file_name, buf, size]
-// X & Y can be < 0 !
-void TFT_jpg_image(int x, int y, uint8_t scale, char *fname, uint8_t *buf, int size)
-    struct stat sb;
-	char *work = NULL;		// Pointer to the working buffer (must be 4-byte aligned)
-	UINT sz_work = 3800;	// Size of the working buffer (must be power of 2)
-	JDEC jd;				// Decompression object (70 bytes)
-	dev.linbuf[0] = NULL;
-	dev.linbuf[1] = NULL;
-    dev.linbuf_idx = 0;
-   	dev.fhndl = NULL;
-    if (fname == NULL) {
-    	// image from buffer
-        dev.membuff = buf;
-        dev.bufsize = size;
-        dev.bufptr = 0;
-    }
-    else {
-    	// image from file
-        dev.membuff = NULL;
-        dev.bufsize = 0;
-        dev.bufptr = 0;
-        if (stat(fname, &sb) != 0) {
-        	if (image_debug) printf("File error: %ss\r\n", strerror(errno));
-            goto exit;
-        }
-        dev.fhndl = fopen(fname, "r");
-        if (!dev.fhndl) {
-        	if (image_debug) printf("Error opening file: %s\r\n", strerror(errno));
-            goto exit;
-        }
-    }
-	if (scale > 3) scale = 3;
-	work = malloc(sz_work);
-	if (work) {
-		if (dev.membuff) rc = jd_prepare(&jd, tjd_buf_input, (void *)work, sz_work, &dev);
-		else rc = jd_prepare(&jd, tjd_input, (void *)work, sz_work, &dev);
-		if (rc == JDR_OK) {
-			if (x == CENTER) x = ((dispWin.x2 - dispWin.x1 + 1 - (int)(jd.width >> scale)) / 2) + dispWin.x1;
-			else if (x == RIGHT) x = dispWin.x2 + 1 - (int)(jd.width >> scale);
-			if (y == CENTER) y = ((dispWin.y2 - dispWin.y1 + 1 - (int)(jd.height >> scale)) / 2) + dispWin.y1;
-			else if (y == BOTTOM) y = dispWin.y2 + 1 - (int)(jd.height >> scale);
-			if (x < ((dispWin.x2-1) * -1)) x = (dispWin.x2-1) * -1;
-			if (y < ((dispWin.y2-1)) * -1) y = (dispWin.y2-1) * -1;
-			if (x > (dispWin.x2-1)) x = dispWin.x2 - 1;
-			if (y > (dispWin.y2-1)) y = dispWin.y2-1;
-			dev.x = x;
-			dev.y = y;
-			dev.linbuf[0] = heap_caps_malloc(JPG_IMAGE_LINE_BUF_SIZE*3, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
-			if (dev.linbuf[0] == NULL) {
-				if (image_debug) printf("Error allocating line buffer #0\r\n");
-				goto exit;
-			}
-			dev.linbuf[1] = heap_caps_malloc(JPG_IMAGE_LINE_BUF_SIZE*3, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
-			if (dev.linbuf[1] == NULL) {
-				if (image_debug) printf("Error allocating line buffer #1\r\n");
-				goto exit;
-			}
-			// Start to decode the JPEG file
-			disp_select();
-			rc = jd_decomp(&jd, tjd_output, scale);
-			disp_deselect();
-			if (rc != JDR_OK) {
-				if (image_debug) printf("jpg decompression error %d\r\n", rc);
-			}
-			if (image_debug) printf("Jpg size: %dx%d, position; %d,%d, scale: %d, bytes used: %d\r\n", jd.width, jd.height, x, y, scale, jd.sz_pool);
-		}
-		else {
-			if (image_debug) printf("jpg prepare error %d\r\n", rc);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		if (image_debug) printf("work buffer allocation error\r\n");
-	}
-	if (work) free(work);  // free work buffer
-	if (dev.linbuf[0]) free(dev.linbuf[0]);
-	if (dev.linbuf[1]) free(dev.linbuf[1]);
-    if (dev.fhndl) fclose(dev.fhndl);  // close input file
-int TFT_bmp_image(int x, int y, uint8_t scale, char *fname, uint8_t *imgbuf, int size)
-	FILE *fhndl = NULL;
-	struct stat sb;
-	int i, err=0;
-	int img_xsize, img_ysize, img_xstart, img_xlen, img_ystart, img_ylen;
-	int img_pos, img_pix_pos, scan_lines, rd_len;
-	uint8_t tmpc;
-	uint16_t wtemp;
-	uint32_t temp;
-	int disp_xstart, disp_xend, disp_ystart, disp_yend;
-	uint8_t buf[56];
-	char err_buf[64];
-	uint8_t *line_buf[2] = {NULL,NULL};
-	uint8_t lb_idx = 0;
-	uint8_t *scale_buf = NULL;
-	uint8_t scale_pix;
-	uint16_t co[3] = {0,0,0};			// RGB sum
-	uint8_t npix;
-	if (scale > 7) scale = 7;
-	scale_pix = scale+1;	// scale factor ( 1~8 )
-    if (fname) {
-    	// * File name is given, reading image from file
-    	if (stat(fname, &sb) != 0) {
-			sprintf(err_buf, "opening file");
-    		err = -1;
-    		goto exit;
-    	}
-    	size = sb.st_size;
-		fhndl = fopen(fname, "r");
-		if (!fhndl) {
-			sprintf(err_buf, "opening file");
-			err = -2;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		i = fread(buf, 1, 54, fhndl);  // read header
-    }
-    else {
-    	// * Reading image from buffer
-    	if ((imgbuf) && (size > 54)) {
-    		memcpy(buf, imgbuf, 54);
-    		i = 54;
-    	}
-    	else i = 0;
-    }
-    sprintf(err_buf, "reading header");
-	if (i != 54) {err = -3;	goto exit;}
-	// ** Check image header and get image properties
-	if ((buf[0] != 'B') || (buf[1] != 'M')) {err=-4; goto exit;} // accept only images with 'BM' id
-	memcpy(&temp, buf+2, 4);				// file size
-	if (temp != size) {err=-5; goto exit;}
-	memcpy(&img_pos, buf+10, 4);			// start of pixel data
-	memcpy(&temp, buf+14, 4);				// BMP header size
-	if (temp != 40) {err=-6; goto exit;}
-	memcpy(&wtemp, buf+26, 2);				// the number of color planes
-	if (wtemp != 1) {err=-7; goto exit;}
-	memcpy(&wtemp, buf+28, 2);				// the number of bits per pixel
-	if (wtemp != 24) {err=-8; goto exit;}
-	memcpy(&temp, buf+30, 4);				// the compression method being used
-	if (temp != 0) {err=-9; goto exit;}
-	memcpy(&img_xsize, buf+18, 4);			// the bitmap width in pixels
-	memcpy(&img_ysize, buf+22, 4);			// the bitmap height in pixels
-	// * scale image dimensions
-	img_xlen = img_xsize / scale_pix;		// image display horizontal size
-	img_ylen = img_ysize / scale_pix;		// image display vertical size
-	if (x == CENTER) x = ((dispWin.x2 - dispWin.x1 + 1 - img_xlen) / 2) + dispWin.x1;
-	else if (x == RIGHT) x = dispWin.x2 + 1 - img_xlen;
-	if (y == CENTER) y = ((dispWin.y2 - dispWin.y1 + 1 - img_ylen) / 2) + dispWin.y1;
-	else if (y == BOTTOM) y = dispWin.y2 + 1 - img_ylen;
-	if ((x < ((dispWin.x2 + 1) * -1)) || (x > (dispWin.x2 + 1)) || (y < ((dispWin.y2 + 1) * -1)) || (y > (dispWin.y2 + 1))) {
-		sprintf(err_buf, "out of display area (%d,%d", x, y);
-		err = -10;
-		goto exit;
-	}
-	// ** set display and image areas
-	if (x < dispWin.x1) {
-		disp_xstart = dispWin.x1;
-		img_xstart = -x;	// image pixel line X offset
-		img_xlen += x;
-	}
-	else {
-		disp_xstart = x;
-		img_xstart = 0;
-	}
-	if (y < dispWin.y1) {
-		disp_ystart = dispWin.y1;
-		img_ystart = -y;	// image pixel line Y offset
-		img_ylen += y;
-	}
-	else {
-		disp_ystart = y;
-		img_ystart = 0;
-	}
-	disp_xend = disp_xstart + img_xlen - 1;
-	disp_yend = disp_ystart + img_ylen - 1;
-	if (disp_xend > dispWin.x2) {
-		disp_xend = dispWin.x2;
-		img_xlen = disp_xend - disp_xstart + 1;
-	}
-	if (disp_yend > dispWin.y2) {
-		disp_yend = dispWin.y2;
-		img_ylen = disp_yend - disp_ystart + 1;
-	}
-	if ((img_xlen < 8) || (img_ylen < 8) || (img_xstart >= (img_xsize-2)) || ((img_ysize - img_ystart) < 2)) {
-		sprintf(err_buf, "image too small");
-		err = -11;
-		goto exit;
-	}
-	// ** Allocate memory for 2 lines of image pixels
-	line_buf[0] = heap_caps_malloc(img_xsize*3, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
-	if (line_buf[0] == NULL) {
-	    sprintf(err_buf, "allocating line buffer #1");
-		err=-12;
-		goto exit;
-	}
-	line_buf[1] = heap_caps_malloc(img_xsize*3, MALLOC_CAP_DMA);
-	if (line_buf[1] == NULL) {
-	    sprintf(err_buf, "allocating line buffer #2");
-		err=-13;
-		goto exit;
-	}
-	if (scale) {
-		// Allocate memory for scale buffer
-		rd_len = img_xlen * 3 * scale_pix;
-		scale_buf = malloc(rd_len*scale_pix);
-		if (scale_buf == NULL) {
-			sprintf(err_buf, "allocating scale buffer");
-			err=-14;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-	}
-	else rd_len = img_xlen * 3;
-	// ** ***************************************************** **
-	// ** BMP images are stored in file from LAST to FIRST line **
-	// ** ***************************************************** **
-	/* Used variables:
-		img_xsize		horizontal image size in pixels
-		img_ysize		number of image lines
-		img_xlen 		image display horizontal scaled size in pixels
-		img_ylen		image display vertical scaled size in pixels
-		img_xstart		first pixel in line to be displayed
-		img_ystart		first image line to be displayed
-		img_xlen		number of pixels in image line to be displayed, starting with 'img_xstart'
-		img_ylen		number of lines in image to be displayed, starting with 'img_ystart'
-		rd_len			length of color data which are read from image line in bytes
-	 */
-	// Set position in image to the first color data (beginning of the LAST line)
-	img_pos += (img_ystart * (img_xsize*3));
-	if (fhndl) {
-		if (fseek(fhndl, img_pos, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
-			sprintf(err_buf, "file seek at %d", img_pos);
-			err = -15;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-	}
-	if (image_debug) printf("BMP: image size: (%d,%d) scale: %d disp size: (%d,%d) img xofs: %d img yofs: %d at: %d,%d; line buf: 2* %d scale buf: %d\r\n",
-			img_xsize, img_ysize, scale_pix, img_xlen, img_ylen, img_xstart, img_ystart, disp_xstart, disp_ystart, img_xsize*3, ((scale) ? (rd_len*scale_pix) : 0));
-	// * Select the display
-	disp_select();
-	while ((disp_yend >= disp_ystart) && ((img_pos + (img_xsize*3)) <= size)) {
-		if (img_pos > size) {
-			sprintf(err_buf, "EOF reached: %d > %d", img_pos, size);
-			err = -16;
-			goto exit1;
-		}
-		if (scale == 0) {
-			// Read the line of color data into color buffer
-			if (fhndl) {
-				i = fread(line_buf[lb_idx], 1, img_xsize*3, fhndl);  // read line from file
-				if (i != (img_xsize*3)) {
-					sprintf(err_buf, "file read at %d (%d<>%d)", img_pos, i, img_xsize*3);
-					err = -16;
-					goto exit1;
-				}
-			}
-			else memcpy(line_buf[lb_idx], imgbuf+img_pos, img_xsize*3);
-			if (img_xstart > 0)	memmove(line_buf[lb_idx], line_buf[lb_idx]+(img_xstart*3), rd_len);
-			// Convert colors BGR-888 (BMP) -> RGB-888 (DISPLAY) ===
-			for (i=0; i < rd_len; i += 3) {
-				tmpc = line_buf[lb_idx][i+2] & 0xfc;				// save R
-				line_buf[lb_idx][i+2] = line_buf[lb_idx][i] & 0xfc;	// B -> R
-				line_buf[lb_idx][i] = tmpc;							// R -> B
-				line_buf[lb_idx][i+1] &= 0xfc;						// G
-			}
-			img_pos += (img_xsize*3);
-		}
-		else {
-			// scale image, read 'scale_pix' lines and find the average color
-			for (scan_lines=0; scan_lines<scale_pix; scan_lines++) {
-				if (img_pos > size) break;
-				if (fhndl) {
-					i = fread(line_buf[lb_idx], 1, img_xsize*3, fhndl);  // read line from file
-					if (i != (img_xsize*3)) {
-						sprintf(err_buf, "file read at %d (%d<>%d)", img_pos, i, img_xsize*3);
-						err = -17;
-						goto exit1;
-					}
-				}
-				else memcpy(line_buf[lb_idx], imgbuf+img_pos, img_xsize*3);
-				img_pos += (img_xsize*3);
-				// copy only data which are displayed to scale buffer
-				memcpy(scale_buf + (rd_len * scan_lines), line_buf[lb_idx]+img_xstart, rd_len);
-			}
-			// Populate display line buffer
-			for (int n=0;n<(img_xlen*3);n += 3) {
-				memset(co, 0, sizeof(co));	// initialize color sum
-				npix = 0;					// initialize number of pixels in scale rectangle
-				// sum all pixels in scale rectangle
-				for (int sc_line=0; sc_line<scan_lines; sc_line++) {
-					// Get colors position in scale buffer
-					img_pix_pos = (rd_len * sc_line) + (n * scale_pix);
-					for (int sc_col=0; sc_col<scale_pix; sc_col++) {
-						co[0] += scale_buf[img_pix_pos];
-						co[1] += scale_buf[img_pix_pos + 1];
-						co[2] += scale_buf[img_pix_pos + 2];
-						npix++;
-					}
-				}
-				// Place the average in display buffer, convert BGR-888 (BMP) -> RGB-888 (DISPLAY)
-				line_buf[lb_idx][n+2] = (uint8_t)(co[0] / npix);	// B
-				line_buf[lb_idx][n+1] = (uint8_t)(co[1] / npix);	// G
-				line_buf[lb_idx][n] = (uint8_t)(co[2] / npix);		// R
-			}
-		}
-		wait_trans_finish(1);
-		send_data(disp_xstart, disp_yend, disp_xend, disp_yend, img_xlen, (color_t *)line_buf[lb_idx]);
-		lb_idx = (lb_idx + 1) & 1;  // change buffer
-		disp_yend--;
-	}
-	err = 0;
-	disp_deselect();
-	if (scale_buf) free(scale_buf);
-	if (line_buf[0]) free(line_buf[0]);
-	if (line_buf[1]) free(line_buf[1]);
-	if (fhndl) fclose(fhndl);
-	if ((err) && (image_debug)) printf("Error: %d [%s]\r\n", err, err_buf);
-	return err;
 // ============= Touch panel functions =========================================
--- a/components/tft/tft.h	Thu Oct 25 21:10:29 2018 +0200
+++ b/components/tft/tft.h	Fri Oct 26 13:29:14 2018 +0200
@@ -519,38 +519,6 @@
 color_t HSBtoRGB(float _hue, float _sat, float _brightness);
- * @brief Decodes and displays JPG image
- *        Limits:
- * 		Baseline only. Progressive and Lossless JPEG format are not supported.
- *		Image size: Up to 65520 x 65520 pixels
- *		Color space: YCbCr three components only. Gray scale image is not supported.
- *		Sampling factor: 4:4:4, 4:2:2 or 4:2:0.
- *
- * @param x image left position; constants CENTER & RIGHT can be used; negative value is accepted
- * @param y image top position;  constants CENTER & BOTTOM can be used; negative value is accepted
- * @param scale image scale factor: 0~3; if scale>0, image is scaled by factor 1/(2^scale) (1/2, 1/4 or 1/8)
- * @param fname pointer to the name of the file from which the image will be read
- *   		if set to NULL, image will be read from memory buffer pointed to by 'buf'
- * @param buf pointer to the memory buffer from which the image will be read; used if fname=NULL
- * @param size size of the memory buffer from which the image will be read; used if fname=NULL & buf!=NULL
- */
-void TFT_jpg_image(int x, int y, uint8_t scale, char *fname, uint8_t *buf, int size);
- * @brief Decodes and displays BMP image
- *        Only uncompressed RGB 24-bit with no color space information BMP images can be displayed
- *
- * @param x image left position; constants CENTER & RIGHT can be used; negative value is accepted
- * @param y image top position;  constants CENTER & BOTTOM can be used; negative value is accepted
- * @param scale image scale factor: 0~7; if scale>0, image is scaled by factor 1/(scale+1)
- * @param fname pointer to the name of the file from which the image will be read
- *   		if set to NULL, image will be read from memory buffer pointed to by 'imgbuf'
- * @param imgbuf pointer to the memory buffer from which the image will be read; used if fname=NULL
- * @param size size of the memory buffer from which the image will be read; used if fname=NULL & imgbuf!=NULL
- */
-int TFT_bmp_image(int x, int y, uint8_t scale, char *fname, uint8_t *imgbuf, int size);
  * @brief Get the touch panel coordinates.
  *        The coordinates are adjusted to screen orientation if raw=0
