
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 17:24:06 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 17:24:06 +0200
changeset 77
parent 0

Version 0.3.0. Backported network code from experimental roaming project. Will now connect after reset to the strongest AP. Id the signal level drops below -67, extra scans are done to see for a better AP. Nothing is done yet. Removed config.conf file, all info is taken from the project menu and live tests. Better log the board type and send it via json mqtt. Send bssid and current channel too.




#include "u8g2.h"

/* local definitions */

typedef int16_t pg_word_t;

struct pg_point_struct
  pg_word_t x;
  pg_word_t y;

typedef struct _pg_struct pg_struct;	/* forward declaration */

struct pg_edge_struct
  pg_word_t x_direction;	/* 1, if x2 is greater than x1, -1 otherwise */
  pg_word_t height;
  pg_word_t current_x_offset;
  pg_word_t error_offset;
  /* --- line loop --- */
  pg_word_t current_y;
  pg_word_t max_y;
  pg_word_t current_x;
  pg_word_t error;

  /* --- outer loop --- */
  uint8_t (*next_idx_fn)(pg_struct *pg, uint8_t i);
  uint8_t curr_idx;

/* maximum number of points in the polygon */
/* can be redefined, but highest possible value is 254 */
#define PG_MAX_POINTS 6

/* index numbers for the pge structures below */
#define PG_LEFT 0
#define PG_RIGHT 1

struct _pg_struct
  struct pg_point_struct list[PG_MAX_POINTS];
  uint8_t cnt;
  uint8_t is_min_y_not_flat;
  pg_word_t total_scan_line_cnt;
  struct pg_edge_struct pge[2];	/* left and right line draw structures */

/* procedures, which should not be inlined (save as much flash ROM as possible */


static uint8_t pge_Next(struct pg_edge_struct *pge) PG_NOINLINE;
static uint8_t pg_inc(pg_struct *pg, uint8_t i) PG_NOINLINE;
static uint8_t pg_dec(pg_struct *pg, uint8_t i) PG_NOINLINE;
static void pg_expand_min_y(pg_struct *pg, pg_word_t min_y, uint8_t pge_idx) PG_NOINLINE;
static void pg_line_init(pg_struct * const pg, uint8_t pge_index) PG_NOINLINE;

/* line draw algorithm */

static uint8_t pge_Next(struct pg_edge_struct *pge)
  if ( pge->current_y >= pge->max_y )
    return 0;
  pge->current_x += pge->current_x_offset;
  pge->error += pge->error_offset;
  if ( pge->error > 0 )
    pge->current_x += pge->x_direction;
    pge->error -= pge->height;
  return 1;

/* assumes y2 > y1 */
static void pge_Init(struct pg_edge_struct *pge, pg_word_t x1, pg_word_t y1, pg_word_t x2, pg_word_t y2)
  pg_word_t dx = x2 - x1;
  pg_word_t width;

  pge->height = y2 - y1;
  pge->max_y = y2;
  pge->current_y = y1;
  pge->current_x = x1;

  if ( dx >= 0 )
    pge->x_direction = 1;
    width = dx;
    pge->error = 0;
    pge->x_direction = -1;
    width = -dx;
    pge->error = 1 - pge->height;
  pge->current_x_offset = dx / pge->height;
  pge->error_offset = width % pge->height;

/* convex polygon algorithm */

static uint8_t pg_inc(pg_struct *pg, uint8_t i)
    if ( i >= pg->cnt )
      i = 0;
    return i;

static uint8_t pg_dec(pg_struct *pg, uint8_t i)
    if ( i >= pg->cnt )
      i = pg->cnt-1;
    return i;

static void pg_expand_min_y(pg_struct *pg, pg_word_t min_y, uint8_t pge_idx)
  uint8_t i = pg->pge[pge_idx].curr_idx;
    i = pg->pge[pge_idx].next_idx_fn(pg, i);
    if ( pg->list[i].y != min_y )
    pg->pge[pge_idx].curr_idx = i;

static uint8_t pg_prepare(pg_struct *pg)
  pg_word_t max_y;
  pg_word_t min_y;
  uint8_t i;

  /* setup the next index procedures */
  pg->pge[PG_RIGHT].next_idx_fn = pg_inc;
  pg->pge[PG_LEFT].next_idx_fn = pg_dec;
  /* search for highest and lowest point */
  max_y = pg->list[0].y;
  min_y = pg->list[0].y;
  pg->pge[PG_LEFT].curr_idx = 0;
  for( i = 1; i < pg->cnt; i++ )
    if ( max_y < pg->list[i].y )
      max_y = pg->list[i].y;
    if ( min_y > pg->list[i].y )
      pg->pge[PG_LEFT].curr_idx = i;
      min_y = pg->list[i].y;

  /* calculate total number of scan lines */
  pg->total_scan_line_cnt = max_y;
  pg->total_scan_line_cnt -= min_y;
  /* exit if polygon height is zero */
  if ( pg->total_scan_line_cnt == 0 )
    return 0;
  /* if the minimum y side is flat, try to find the lowest and highest x points */
  pg->pge[PG_RIGHT].curr_idx = pg->pge[PG_LEFT].curr_idx;  
  pg_expand_min_y(pg, min_y, PG_RIGHT);
  pg_expand_min_y(pg, min_y, PG_LEFT);
  /* check if the min side is really flat (depends on the x values) */
  pg->is_min_y_not_flat = 1;
  if ( pg->list[pg->pge[PG_LEFT].curr_idx].x != pg->list[pg->pge[PG_RIGHT].curr_idx].x )
    pg->is_min_y_not_flat = 0;
    if ( pg->total_scan_line_cnt == 0 )
      return 0;

  return 1;

static void pg_hline(pg_struct *pg, u8g2_t *u8g2)
  pg_word_t x1, x2, y;
  x1 = pg->pge[PG_LEFT].current_x;
  x2 = pg->pge[PG_RIGHT].current_x;
  y = pg->pge[PG_RIGHT].current_y;
  if ( y < 0 )
  if ( y >= u8g2_GetDisplayHeight(u8g2) )  // does not work for 256x64 display???
  if ( x1 < x2 )
    if ( x2 < 0 )
    if ( x1 >= u8g2_GetDisplayWidth(u8g2) )
    if ( x1 < 0 )
      x1 = 0;
    if ( x2 >= u8g2_GetDisplayWidth(u8g2) )
      x2 = u8g2_GetDisplayWidth(u8g2);
    u8g2_DrawHLine(u8g2, x1, y, x2 - x1);
    if ( x1 < 0 )
    if ( x2 >= u8g2_GetDisplayWidth(u8g2) )
    if ( x2 < 0 )
      x1 = 0;
    if ( x1 >= u8g2_GetDisplayWidth(u8g2) )
      x1 = u8g2_GetDisplayWidth(u8g2);
    u8g2_DrawHLine(u8g2, x2, y, x1 - x2);

static void pg_line_init(pg_struct * const pg, uint8_t pge_index)
  struct pg_edge_struct  *pge = pg->pge+pge_index;
  uint8_t idx;  
  pg_word_t x1;
  pg_word_t y1;
  pg_word_t x2;
  pg_word_t y2;

  idx = pge->curr_idx;  
  y1 = pg->list[idx].y;
  x1 = pg->list[idx].x;
  idx = pge->next_idx_fn(pg, idx);
  y2 = pg->list[idx].y;
  x2 = pg->list[idx].x; 
  pge->curr_idx = idx;
  pge_Init(pge, x1, y1, x2, y2);

static void pg_exec(pg_struct *pg, u8g2_t *u8g2)
  pg_word_t i = pg->total_scan_line_cnt;

  /* first line is skipped if the min y line is not flat */
  pg_line_init(pg, PG_LEFT);		
  pg_line_init(pg, PG_RIGHT);
  if ( pg->is_min_y_not_flat != 0 )

    pg_hline(pg, u8g2);
    while ( pge_Next(&(pg->pge[PG_LEFT])) == 0 )
      pg_line_init(pg, PG_LEFT);
    while ( pge_Next(&(pg->pge[PG_RIGHT])) == 0 )
      pg_line_init(pg, PG_RIGHT);
  } while( i > 0 );

/* API procedures */

static void pg_ClearPolygonXY(pg_struct *pg)
  pg->cnt = 0;

static void pg_AddPolygonXY(pg_struct *pg, int16_t x, int16_t y)
  if ( pg->cnt < PG_MAX_POINTS )
    pg->list[pg->cnt].x = x;
    pg->list[pg->cnt].y = y;

static void pg_DrawPolygon(pg_struct *pg, u8g2_t *u8g2)
  if ( pg_prepare(pg) == 0 )
  pg_exec(pg, u8g2);

pg_struct u8g2_pg;

void u8g2_ClearPolygonXY(void)

void u8g2_AddPolygonXY(U8X8_UNUSED u8g2_t *u8g2, int16_t x, int16_t y)
  pg_AddPolygonXY(&u8g2_pg, x, y);

void u8g2_DrawPolygon(u8g2_t *u8g2)
  pg_DrawPolygon(&u8g2_pg, u8g2);

void u8g2_DrawTriangle(u8g2_t *u8g2, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2)
  u8g2_AddPolygonXY(u8g2, x0, y0);
  u8g2_AddPolygonXY(u8g2, x1, y1);
  u8g2_AddPolygonXY(u8g2, x2, y2);
