
changeset 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/esp-idf-lib/	Mon Mar 27 22:13:21 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+# How to contribute to `esp-idf-lib`
+## Table of Contents
+<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
+* [Possible contributions](#possible-contributions)
+    * [Submitting a bug report](#submitting-a-bug-report)
+    * [Submitting a fix](#submitting-a-fix)
+    * [Writing documentation](#writing-documentation)
+    * [Suggesting enhancements](#suggesting-enhancements)
+    * [Promoting the project](#promoting-the-project)
+    * [Writing code](#writing-code)
+* [Development Life Cycle](#development-life-cycle)
+    * [Creating an Issue](#creating-an-issue)
+    * [Creating a feature branch in your fork and develop](#creating-a-feature-branch-in-your-fork-and-develop)
+    * [C Code style](#c-code-style)
+    * [`markdown` Code style](#markdown-code-style)
+    * [`git` branch name convention](#git-branch-name-convention)
+    * [Typical issues you will face in developments](#typical-issues-you-will-face-in-developments)
+    * [Writing a commit message](#writing-a-commit-message)
+    * [Updating](#updating-readmemd)
+    * [Creating a Pull Request](#creating-a-pull-request)
+* [Licenses](#licenses)
+    * [Acceptable licenses](#acceptable-licenses)
+    * [Acceptable license for new code](#acceptable-license-for-new-code)
+    * [Unacceptable licenses](#unacceptable-licenses)
+<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
+## Possible contributions
+If you would like to contribute to `esp-idf-lib`, we would like to say _thank
+you_. We appreciate your efforts and contributions. Here is possible
+contributions you can make.
+* [Submitting a bug report](#submitting-a-bug-report)
+* [Submitting a fix](#submitting-a-fix)
+* [Writing documentation](#writing-documentation)
+* [Suggesting enhancements](#suggesting-enhancements)
+* [Promoting the project](#promoting-the-project)
+* [Writing code](#writing-code)
+### Submitting a bug report
+In embedded device development, finding bugs is more difficult than in other
+software development. There are too many uncontrollable factors: physical
+environment, counterfeit IC chips, deviations in revisions and variations,
+difficulties in automations. Even if the bug turned out to be not a bug, such
+report is still appreciated as it is another proof that the code works as
+expected in a different environment.
+Please include how to reproduce the bug in the Issue. The more context, the
+better. For example:
+* The _full_ error message in text format and the entire code (comment with
+  ` ``` ` for short code, use [Gist]( for long code)
+* The circuit diagram
+* Captured signals by an oscilloscope or a signal analyser ([sigrok](
+A question as a bug report is okay but we expect bug reporters to do their
+homework. The homework include:
+* Reading the data sheets
+* Reading [the official documentation of `esp-idf`](
+  (it's good, really)
+* Understanding C language in general
+For introductory C tutorials, see:
+* [C Tutorial]( by
+  `Tutorialspoint`
+* [C Programming]( by
+  `Wikibooks`
+### Submitting a fix
+If you found a bug and a fix for it, please create a bug report before
+creating a Pull Request unless the bug is subtle, typos, or easy to reproduce
+and fix. Make sure to read [Development Life Cycle](#development-life-cycle)
+as a Pull Request must meet the same standards documented in the section.
+A GitHub Actions workflow,
+[pr-labeler-action](, is used to
+label PRs by branch name. Your fix branch should have prefixes defined in
+[.github/pr-labeler.yml](.github/pr-labeler.yml). Create a branch with one of
+the prefixes. If you are fixing a bug, your branch name should be `bugfix-`.
+The rest of branch name should be short, and descriptive. If the fix has
+related issues, the branch name should include them.
+See also [`git` branch name convention](#git-branch-name-convention).
+git checkout -b bugfix-issue-1
+Change the branch name before creating a PR if your branch name does not
+follow the convention.
+git branch --move bugfix-issue-1
+### Writing documentation
+Even if you are not an author of the code in the repository, you can write
+documentation as a contribution.
+Creating and maintaining FAQ entries is one of great examples. Have you
+encountered seemingly common issues while using a component? That might help
+We encourage code authors to write documentation in the code so that the code
+and the documentation is always synced. However, sometimes they are not.
+Spotting such mistakes is always appreciated.
+Not all contributors are native English speakers. If you are, please let us
+know ambiguity in the documentation, wrong usages of terms, and mistakes in
+English grammar. For this case, please create a Pull Request (creating an
+issue is optional).
+Create a branch that documents features, or fixes existing documentations.
+git checkout -b doc-foo
+See also [`git` branch name convention](#git-branch-name-convention).
+### Suggesting enhancements
+While we are not always able to write a driver for a chip, we still appreciate
+a request for new driver. It is more likely to happen when:
+* the chip is _cool_
+* the chip is easily available
+* the chip is affordable
+### Promoting the project
+If you find the project useful, we are interested in what you did with
+`esp-idf-lib`, and _how_ you did it.
+* Writing a blog post about your porject with `esp-idf-lib`
+* Mentioning the project in SNS
+### Writing code
+If you can write a driver for new chip, that would be great. Please read
+[Development Life Cycle](#development-life-cycle).
+## Development Life Cycle
+In this section, a typical development life cycle is explained.
+### Creating an Issue
+If you are working on a new driver, or an existing one, please create an
+Issue, and assign the Issue to yourself.
+`esp-idf-lib` aims at providing stable drivers for IC chips and general
+components. IC chips are stable, in that a chip is manufactured for a long
+time, retaining backward compatibilities. A driver for a chip usually requires
+minimal maintenance once the driver becomes stable. However, network protocols,
+graphics drivers, libraries for external services, are a moving-target.
+Standards will change, external services will evolve, user expectations will
+change, too. We think that such moving-targets should be maintained in a
+dedicated repository. Do you think your code is a moving target? It might be
+better to create a your own repository for the driver. If you are not sure,
+ask in the Issue.
+### Creating a feature branch in your fork and develop
+_Feature branch workflow_ is adopted in our development.
+[Git Feature Branch Workflow](
+by `atlassian` explains the workflow in details.
+Fork the repository and clone it on your machine.
+See [Fork a repo](
+Create a feature branch in your fork from the `master` branch.
+git checkout master
+Check out the feature branch. The feature branch name should start with
+`feat-` or `feature-`.
+git checkout -b feat-implement-foo
+See also [`git` branch name convention](#git-branch-name-convention).
+Write your code. Test the code in your physical test environment.  Commit your
+changes and push them to your remote fork on GitHub.
+[`components/example`](components/example) has an example component, and
+[`examples/example`](examples/example) has an example application for the
+`example` component.
+git add path/to/files
+git commit -v
+git push --set-upstream origin feat-implement-foo
+See also [Writing a commit message](#writing-a-commit-message).
+At this point, our CI workflows will run to test the changes. The test
+workflows include:
+* building the documentation,
+* building all examples for all supported targets with all supported
+  `esp-idf` versions, and
+* linting code and documentation
+You can see the test results in `Actions` page on your GitHub fork. To
+merge your changes to `master` branch, all the tests must pass.
+Make sure you are working on the latest `master` of `esp-idf-lib`. To sync the
+`master` in your fork and the latest `master` of `esp-idf-lib`, run:
+git checkout master
+git fetch upstream
+git reset --hard upstream/master
+If your branch has many commits, consider `git rebase` to reduce the number of
+commits. This is especially useful when you are actively developing and the
+commit history has many trial-and-error commits.
+git checkout feat-implement-foo
+git rebase -i master
+git push -f
+Note that `git rebase` rewrites the commit history. You should avoid `git
+rebase` after you asked someone to review your code because the reviewer needs
+additional steps to ensure the review result is included.
+### C Code style
+We use a style for source files based on [LLVM Coding Standards](
+except some cases, notably brace wrapping. Here is a brief list of the styles.
+* Use `snake_case`, not `CamelCase`
+* Use `SNAKE_CASE` in uppercase for macro name, e.g. `MACRO_NAME`.
+* Use spaces. The indent width is four
+* Use `\n`, or `LF` for line breaks
+* Use `//` for inline comments. Use `/* */` for multi line comments after an
+  empty line
+* Break before braces in *most cases* (functions, conditionals, control
+  statements, etc)
+* Always check given arguments
+* Always check return code, return value, or `errno`
+* Return `esp_err_t` from functions where possible
+* Document public functions, data types, and macros in header files
+* Use suffix `_t` for `typedef`, e.g. `foo_t`
+* Use suffix `_cb_t` for function `typedef`, e.g.`my_function_cb_t`
+* Use suffix `_s` for `struct`, e.g. `my_struct_s`
+* Wrap numbers in macro definition with parenthesis, e.g. `#define N_FOO (1)`
+* Use `#include <foo.h> for headers that are not part of the component, such
+  as `string.h`, `esp_log,h`, and `i2cdev.h`. Use `#include "foo.h" when the
+  header is private, i.e. the header is the part of the component.
+The style should be followed for all new code. In general, code can be
+considered "new code" when it makes up about 50% or more of the file(s)
+involved. This is enough to break precedents in the existing code and use the
+current style guidelines.
+See an example source files under [`components/exmaple`](components/example)
+and, for complete rules, see [`.clang-format`](.clang-format) and the output
+of `clang-format --dump-config`.
+New code will be tested in the CI, using `clang-format` (currently `LLVM`
+version 10).
+To format your code without modifying the code, run:
+clang-format10 components/example/example.c
+To format your code in-place, run:
+clang-format10 -i components/example/example.c
+### `markdown` Code style
+We use [the default `markdownlint` rules](
+with some non-defaults. Our style can be found in [`.mdlstyle.rb`](.mdlstyle.rb).
+| Rule                                 | non-default options                            |
+| ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
+| `MD003` - Header style               | use `#` for headers                            |
+| `MD007` - Unordered list indentation | indent with 4 spaces                           |
+| `MD013` - Line length                | ignore line length in code blocks and tables   |
+| `MD024` - Multiple headers with the same content | `allow_different_nesting` is true  |
+| `MD029` - Ordered list item prefix   | `style` is `ordered`, i.e. incremental numbers |
+In the CI, we use ruby version of `markdownlint`, or [`mdl`](
+gem, but [markdownlint for node.js](
+should also work.
+To test `markdown` style of a file, you need:
+* `ruby` 2.6
+* `bundler` 2.x
+bundle install
+bundle exec mdl path/to/file
+The output shows path to the file, line number, and the rule.  An example
+output is shown below.
+examples/led_strip_spi/ MD040 Fenced code blocks should have a language specified
+### `git` branch name convention
+We use the following convention for git branch name. Use one of branch name
+prefixes when creating a branch.
+| Branch name prefix | Description |
+| `feat-`, and `feature-` | A feature branch that implements feature(s), or add enhancement(s) to existing code |
+| `fix-`, and `bugfix-` | A bug fix branch that fixes bug(s). The rest of the branch name should include issue number, such as `fix-issue-1` |
+| `ci-` | A branch that implements enhancement(s), or fixes issue(s) in CI |
+| `chore-` | A branch that does not affect code or its behavior, such as updating `.gitignore` |
+| `doc-`, and `documentation-` | Adding or updating documentation only, such as documenting undocumented features, or fixing existing documentation(s) |
+A GitHub Actions workflow automatically labels PRs depending on the branch
+name prefixes so that the PR is automatically included in release notes.
+The rest of the branch name should be short, and descriptive. If your branch
+fixes, implements, or relates to, an Issue, include the Issue number. Say, if
+your branch fixes a bug reported Issue ${N}, the branch name should be
+`fix-issue-${N}` so that reviewer immediately understand there is a related
+Issue with your branch. Replace `${N}` with the Issue number, such as
+`fix-issue-123` when the Issue number is 123.
+### Typical issues you will face in developments
+**Your code assumes a single target, such as `esp32`**. `esp-idf-lib` supports
+other targets, notably `esp8266`. Make sure the driver supports various other
+targets. If it cannot, such as the peripheral is not available on the target
+chip, your code should bailout during the build by using `#error` C
+preprocessor macro, and your driver must be excluded from the CI (TODO
+document how).
+**Your code assumes a single SDK**. `esp-idf-lib` supports `master` and stable
+versions of `esp-idf` and `ESP8266 RTOS SDK`. Generally, the SDKs retain
+backward compatibilities, but sometimes not. Make sure to use `if` C
+preprocessor macro to support different versions. [`esp_idf_lib_helpers`](components/esp_idf_lib_helpers)
+component can help you. `ESP8266 RTOS SDK` shares many functions and
+libraries, backported from `esp-idf`, but they are not identical. `I2C`
+drivers written with [`i2cdev`](components/i2cdev) should work fine on ESP32
+and ESP8266, while SPI drivers need serious workarounds to support ESP8266.
+[`led_strip_spi`](components/led_strip_spi) attempted to support both, but you
+might want to write a different driver for each.
+**Your code assumes a single build method, such as ``**. Although `GNU make`
+build method is considered as legacy, it is still a supported build method.
+The CI builds your code twice; with `` and with `GNU make`. Both must be
+successful. In ESP8266 RTOS SDK, `` is lagged behind from the one in
+`esp-idf`. For ESP8266 target, the CI builds examples with `GNU make` only.
+Check return codes (most of functions in `esp-idf`), return values (e.g.
+`malloc(3)`), or `errno` (e.g. some standard C functions).  Propagate the
+error by returning it from your function. An example:
+#include <esp_err.h>
+#include <esp_log.h>
+esp_err_t do_something()
+    esp_err_t err;
+    err = foo();
+    if (err != ESP_OK)
+    {
+        ESP_LOGE("bar", "foo(): %s", esp_err_to_name(err));
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    return err;
+Note that newer `esp-idf` supports useful macros for error handling, such as
+[Error Handling](,
+but older versions do not have them yet.
+Check given arguments in functions, and return an appropriate error from one
+of predefined errors (see
+[Error Codes Reference](
+### Writing a commit message
+When you commit, prefix the first line of your commit message with `foo:`,
+where `foo` is the name of component you are working on. Sometimes, it is not
+possible because you are working on multiple components, i.e. fixing common
+bugs in multiple components. In such cases, use `bugfix:`. Other commonly used
+prefix words are:
+* `feature:` for features, or improvements, in multiple components
+* `ci:` for fixes or improvements in the CI process
+* `doc:` for fixes and improvements in the documentation
+These prefix words are for conventional purposes. Use common sense and make
+the commit message clear so that others can understand what the change is.
+The rest of the first line should start with a verb. Examples:
+foo: fix typos
+foo: resolve race condition in bar()
+The first line should make sense when reading _"When you merge this, it will
+The second line of the commit message must be an empty line.
+In the rest of the commit message, write details of the change if necessary.
+Explain what it does _and_ *why*.  The lines in the commit message should be
+limited to 72 characters or less where possible.
+Include a reference to an Issue when the commit fixes an Issue.
+When an Issue number or a Pull Request number is prefixed with certain
+keywords, the referenced Issue or Pull Request will be closed. See [Linking a
+pull request to an issue using a keyword](
+for the supported keywords.
+### Updating
+Each component has a `.eil.yml` file in its component directory. The file is a
+metadata file of the component. If you change the file, you need to update the
+`` in the project root directory. The `` is generated from
+the metadata and a template, ``. Generate `` by:
+bundle exec rake -C devtools readme >
+See also [``](
+### Creating a Pull Request
+To test your code, you need to create a Pull Request. It is not practical to
+test code manually because you have to perform many tests. For instance, the
+number of tests is all targets (`esp32`, `esp8266`, `esp32s2`, etc) * build
+methods (`make` and ``) * supported `esp-idf` versions. Let the CI do it
+for you.
+Before creating a Pull Request, make sure:
+1. You compiled the code and the build succeeded
+1. Functions, macros, data types are documented in the code
+1. An example application is provided under [`examples`](examples). In the
+   directory, create a directory `${COMPONENT_NAME}/default`. For instance, a
+   component `foo` must have `examples/foo/default`. Create an example
+   application in that directory.
+1. Update [.github/labeler.yml](.github/labeler.yml). The component should
+   have a label for it.
+1. You compiled the example code and the example application ran on a
+   physical device as expected and documented
+1. All files are licensed under one of [Acceptable Licenses](#acceptable-licenses)
+   by including the license at the top of file
+1. One of your commits in the feature branch, or the PR itself, mentions Issue
+   number so that the Issue will be automatically closed when the PR is merged
+When a PR is created, GitHub Actions workflows will:
+* label the PR with various labels, such as type of the PR (bug fix, or
+  feature)
+* perform necessary tests depending on the changes (build the examples in a
+  matrix if the source code is modified, build the documentation if files
+  under `docs` are modified)
+After the CI processes complete, you will see "All checks have passed" or some
+failures in the PR. To merge the PR, all checks must pass. Log is available
+from the link, `Details`, in the failed test.
+If the PR does not pass the CI, update the branch with a fix. At this point,
+`git rebase` may be used. For instance, if a commit has a typo and one of the
+test fails because of syntax error, commit a fix of the syntax error and do
+`git rebase` to merge the fix into the original commit that has introduced the
+syntax error.
+git add path/to/file
+git commmit -v
+git rebase -i master
+`-i`, or `--interactive`, flag will launch a text editor where the history of
+the branch can be edited with commands. The buffer of the editor will look
+pick f7f3f6d bugfix: fix issue foo
+pick 310154e bugfix: fix a syntax error in f7f3f6d
+The second commit, `310154e`, should be part of the previous, `f7f3f6d`. To
+rewrite the commit history, replace `pick` with `fixup`.
+pick f7f3f6d bugfix: fix issue foo
+fixup 310154e bugfix: fix a syntax error in f7f3f6d
+When you save and exit the editor, `git` rewrites the commit history as if
+`310154e` was never committed. The commit `310154e` is now part of `f7f3f6d`.
+If you don't save or modify the buffer, `git` will not rewrite the commit
+`git rebase` can be used to tidy up the commits. To `rebase` or not to
+`rebase` depends on the nature of commits. A single commit per PR is preferred,
+but is not mandatory.
+See also
+[7.6 Git Tools - Rewriting History](
+When all the tests pass, ask the code owner to review the PR. The code owner
+can be found in `.eli.yml` file in the component directory.  From this point,
+you should avoid to `git rebase` your feature branch. Otherwise, the reviewer
+would have to review the PR from scratch.
+Developers who has write access to the repository will leave comments, ask
+rewrites, and merge the PR.
+## Licenses
+We provide code that can be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed by
+anyone and for any purpose.
+### Acceptable licenses
+We accept permissive licenses such as:
+* [ISC]( License
+* [MIT]( License
+* [BSD-2-Clause]( License
+A list of licenses are available at
+[SPDX License List](
+### Acceptable license for new code
+New code is the one you own (you wrote it from scratch). The preferred
+license to be applied to new code is a simplified ISC License. The license
+must be included at the top in every files as long as practically possible.
+The following is a preferred wording of the license.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) YYYY YOUR NAME HERE <user@your.dom.ain>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+ ```
+Add `SPDX-License-Identifier: $YOUR_LICENSE` to your license header.
+`$YOUR_LICENSE` is a SPDX License Identifier.
+* [ISC](
+* [BSD-2-Clause](
+### Unacceptable licenses
+We do NOT accept `copyleft` licenses such as:
+* GPL License
+* LGPL License
+* GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
+We do NOT accept _long_ licenses. A license is considered as _long_ when
+it has more than four clauses.
+We do NOT accept protective licenses that have additional restrictions, such
+* Apache license version 2 or later
+* various so-called _Shareware_ or _Freeware_
