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+# FAQ
+<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
+* [How to debug I2C-based drivers?](#how-to-debug-i2c-based-drivers)
+* [Why are semaphores (mutexes) used in i2cdev routines?](#why-are-semaphores-mutexes-used-in-i2cdev-routines)
+* [How can I connect multiple I2C devices?](#how-can-i-connect-multiple-i2c-devices)
+* [How can I change frequency of I2C clock? At default frequency my device is unstable or not working at all.](#how-can-i-change-frequency-of-i2c-clock-at-default-frequency-my-device-is-unstable-or-not-working-at-all)
+* [How to use internal pull-up resistors](#how-to-use-internal-pull-up-resistors)
+* [Can I use I2C device drivers from interrupts?](#can-i-use-i2c-device-drivers-from-interrupts)
+* [Porting I2C libs to I2Cdev](#porting-i2c-libs-to-i2cdev)
+<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
+## How to debug I2C-based drivers?
+Common causes of I2C issues are:
+* wrong wiring
+* wrong pull-up resistors
+* wrong I2C address
+* broken I2C module
+* the driver has a bug
+When any of I2C-based drivers does not work, follow the steps below.
+Build an [_I2C scanner_ device](examples/i2c_scanner). The device is not
+necessarily an ESP device. There are many examples for various platforms.
+Search by keyword `i2c scanner`.
+Connect the I2C module to the I2C scanner device. Make sure appropriate
+pull-up resistors are connected to `SCL` and `SDA` lines.
+Scan devices on the I2C bus. If the scanner does not find the I2C device, then
+your wiring might have issues. If the scanner finds the I2C device, make sure
+the address found is what the driver expects. If you have more than one same
+I2C modules, try them all.
+If the scanner finds the I2C device and you are sure that the wiring is
+correct, see the signals on the wire using an oscilloscope. Most oscilloscopes
+can decode I2C signals and display I2C transactions in human-readable way.
+If the driver does not work after these steps, please [let us
+## Why are semaphores (mutexes) used in i2cdev routines?
+i2cdev uses two types of mutexes: port and transactional.
+Port mutexes (there are only two of them, by the number of I2C ports) are
+necessary to avoid problems in the situation mentioned in the documentation:
+> The I2C APIs are not thread-safe, if you want to use one I2C port in
+different tasks, you need to take care of the multi-thread issue.
+They are taken before executing single I2C transactions and are released
+immediately after them.
+Mutexes of the second type are created one per device and are necessary if
+the same device is used in several tasks:
+static i2c_dev_t some_dev;
+void task1(void *arg)
+     // some_dev used here
+void task2(void *arg)
+     // and here some_dev used too
+xTaskCreate(task1, "task1", ....);
+xTaskCreate(task2, "task2", ....);
+These mutexes are used when single device operation requires several I2C
+transactions in a row.
+## How can I connect multiple I2C devices?
+With i2cdev, you can use almost any way to connect I2C devices.
+For example, in the case of using SSD1306 and two MCP3428s, I would recommend
+connecting them like this:
+* 2 GPIO outputs on ESP32 for dedicated screen connection via I2C bus 0
+* 2 GPIO outputs to the second I2C bus, to which 2 MCP3428 are connected with
+  different addresses.
+If you need to connect more than one sensor with the same addresses and there
+are free GPIOs, then you can directly connect these sensors to individual GPIO
+outputs instead of using the I2C multiplexer. i2cdev will take care of
+reconfiguring I2C driver to the according outputs when you exchange data
+with these devices.
+## How can I change frequency of I2C clock? At default frequency my device is unstable or not working at all.
+You can change the frequency after initializing the device handler, like this:
+#include <esp_idf_lib_helpers.h>
+ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ads111x_init_desc(&dev, addr, I2C_PORT, SDA_GPIO, SCL_GPIO));
+    dev.cfg.master.clk_speed = 100000; // Hz
+ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ads111x_set_mode(&dev, ADS111X_MODE_CONTINUOUS));    // Continuous conversion mode
+ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ads111x_set_data_rate(&dev, ADS111X_DATA_RATE_32)); // 32 samples per second
+## How to use internal pull-up resistors
+Just enable them in `i2c_dev_t` config. For example:
+dev.cfg.scl_pullup_en = true;
+dev.cfg.sda_pullup_en = true;
+ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ads111x_init_desc(&dev, addr, I2C_PORT, SDA_GPIO, SCL_GPIO));
+## Can I use I2C device drivers from interrupts?
+With default configuration you can't. Since the drivers use mutexes, this will
+crash the system.  But you can disable use of any I2C mutexes (both port and
+device) in configuration: just enable CONFIG_I2CDEV_NOLOCK. Keep in mind that
+after enabling this option all i2c device drivers will become non-thread safe.
+## Porting I2C libs to I2Cdev
+See [](docs/
