
Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:31:12 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:31:12 +0200
changeset 7
parent 6
child 8

Added volts/current loop calculations. Added millis() timer running on the hardware clock. Completed most of the main state loop. Added MQTT wait for disconnect. MQTT disconnect in two passes, disconnect and stop.

 * @file iotbalkon.c
 * @brief iotbalkon project.

#include "config.h"

static const char *TAG = "iotbalkon";

#define State_Init       0
#define State_Connect    1
#define State_Working    2
#define State_WorkDone   3
#define State_Stop       4
#define State_Wait       5
#define State_Measure    6
#define State_GoSleep    7

static TaskHandle_t			xTaskBMP280 = NULL;
static TaskHandle_t			xTaskINA219 = NULL;
static TaskHandle_t			xTaskMQTT = NULL;
static TaskHandle_t			xTaskWifi = NULL;

#define	MAX_LOOPS			32
#define SUB_TIME			1000

float					temperature;
float					pressure;
float					solarVolts, solarCurrent, solarPower;
float					batteryVolts, batteryCurrent, batteryPower;
int					batteryState;
float					s_Volts[MAX_LOOPS + 1];
float					s_Current[MAX_LOOPS + 1];
float					b_Volts[MAX_LOOPS + 1];
float					b_Current[MAX_LOOPS + 1];
bool					m_Valid[MAX_LOOPS + 1];
uint64_t				m_Time[MAX_LOOPS + 1];
uint64_t				gLastTime;
uint64_t				gTimeNext;

uint8_t					loopno = 0;
uint8_t					loops = 0;
uint8_t					ST_LOOPS = 6;

bool					WorkAgain = false;
int					DisCounter = 0;

extern BMP280_State			*bmp280_state;			///< I2C state
extern SemaphoreHandle_t		xSemaphoreBMP280;		///< I2C lock semaphore
extern bmp280_params_t			bmp280_params;
extern bmp280_t				bmp280_dev;
extern SemaphoreHandle_t		xSemaphoreINA219;
extern ina219_t				ina219_b_dev;
extern ina219_t				ina219_s_dev;
extern INA219_State			*ina219_state;
extern SemaphoreHandle_t		xSemaphoreWiFi;
extern WIFI_State			*wifi_state;			///< WiFi state

uint32_t				Alarm = 0;

 * Alarm bits
#define AL_ACCULOW			0x01
#define AL_NOWIFI			0x02

#define ST_INTERVAL			10000
#define MAX_LOOPS			32

//                              0%    10%    20%    30%    40%    50%    60%    70%    80%    90%   100%
float Charge_C_5[11]     = { 12.40, 12.60, 12.75, 12.95, 13.20, 13.35, 13.55, 13.67, 14.00, 15.25, 15.94 };
float Charge_C_10[11]    = { 12.20, 12.38, 12.60, 12.80, 13.05, 13.20, 13.28, 13.39, 13.60, 14.20, 15.25 };
float Charge_C_20[11]    = { 12.00, 12.07, 12.42, 12.70, 12.85, 13.02, 13.11, 13.15, 13.25, 13.60, 14.15 };
float Charge_C_40[11]    = { 11.55, 11.80, 12.25, 12.57, 12.70, 12.80, 12.90, 12.95, 13.00, 13.20, 13.50 };
float Rest[11]           = { 11.50, 11.70, 11.88, 12.10, 12.22, 12.30, 12.40, 12.50, 12.57, 12.64, 12.72 };
float Load_C_20[11]      = { 11.45, 11.70, 11.80, 12.05, 12.20, 12.28, 12.37, 12.48, 12.55, 12.57, 12.60 };
float Load_C_10[11]      = { 10.98, 11.27, 11.50, 11.65, 11.85, 12.00, 12.10, 12.20, 12.30, 12.40, 12.50 };
float Load_C_5[11]       = { 10.20, 10.65, 10.90, 11.15, 11.35, 11.55, 11.63, 11.75, 11.90, 12.00, 12.08 };

 * Calculate the load state of the battery.
void BatteryState(float Voltage, float Current) {
  int i;

  batteryState = 0;
  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Batt %.4fV %.4fmA", Voltage, Current);

  if (Current < -750) {
    // Load current > C/5, 1A
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Load_C_5[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Load C/5   %d%%", batteryState);

  } else if (Current < -375) {
    // Load current > C/10, 500mA
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Load_C_10[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Load C/10  %d%%", batteryState);

  } else if (Current < -125) {
    // Load current > C/20, 250mA
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Load_C_20[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Load C/20  %d%%", batteryState);

  } else if (Current > 750) {
    // Charge > C/5, 1A
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Charge_C_5[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Charge C/5  %d%%", batteryState);

  } else if (Current > 375) {
    // Charge > C/10, 500mA
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Charge_C_10[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Charge C/10 %d%%", batteryState);

  } else if (Current > 187.5) {
    // Charge > C/20, 250 mA
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Charge_C_20[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Charge C/20 %d%%", batteryState);

  } else if (Current > 62.5) {
    // Charge > C/40, 125 mA
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Charge_C_40[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Charge C/40 %d%%", batteryState);

  } else {
    // Rest
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (Rest[i + 1] >= Voltage) {
    batteryState = i * 10;
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Rest   %d%%", batteryState);

uint64_t millis(void) {
    return esp_timer_get_time() / 1000;

 * Read the temperature and pressure from the BMP280.
void getTempBaro() {
    temperature = 20;
    pressure = 1000;


    while (! ready_bmp280()) {
	vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

    if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreBMP280, 25) == pdTRUE) {
	temperature = bmp280_state->temperature;
	pressure = bmp280_state->pressure / 100.0;
	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Temperature: %.3f Pressure: %.1f hPa\n", temperature, pressure);
    } else {
	ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Can't lock xSemaphoreBMP280");

 * Read voltage and current from both INA219 boards. The results
 * are stored in an array so that we later can average the results.
void getVoltsCurrent() {


    while (! ready_ina219()) {
        vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

    if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphoreINA219, 25) == pdTRUE) {

	s_Volts[loopno] = ina219_state->Solar.volts + (ina219_state->Solar.shunt / 1000);
	s_Current[loopno] = ina219_state->Solar.current;
	b_Volts[loopno] = ina219_state->Battery.volts + (ina219_state->Battery.shunt / 1000);
        b_Current[loopno] = ina219_state->Battery.current;
	m_Valid[loopno] = ina219_state->valid;

	 * Check for crazy values
	if ((b_Volts[loopno] < 10) || (b_Volts[loopno] > 15.0)) {
	    m_Valid[loopno] = false;
	if ((b_Current[loopno] < 0) || (b_Current[loopno] > 2000)) {
	    m_Valid[loopno] = false;
	if (s_Volts[loopno] < 0) {
	    s_Volts[loopno] = 0.0;
	if (s_Volts[loopno] > 24) {
	    m_Valid[loopno] = false;
	if (s_Current[loopno] < 0) {
	    s_Current[loopno] = 0.0;
	if (s_Current[loopno] > 2000) {
	    m_Valid[loopno] = false;

    uint64_t  ms = millis();
    m_Time[loopno] = ms - gLastTime;
    gLastTime = ms;

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Measure: %d  Valid: %s  Solar: %.4fV %.4fmA  Battery: %.4fV %.4fmA  time %llu",
		  loopno, (m_Valid[loopno]) ? "true":"false", s_Volts[loopno], s_Current[loopno], b_Volts[loopno], b_Current[loopno], m_Time[loopno]);

    if (loopno < (MAX_LOOPS - 1))

void app_main(void)
    uint64_t	totalTime, gTimeInMillis;

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting production");
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting testing");

    gLastTime = millis();

    memset(&bmp280_dev, 0, sizeof(bmp280_t));
    memset(&ina219_b_dev, 0, sizeof(ina219_t));
    memset(&ina219_s_dev, 0, sizeof(ina219_t));

    i2c_dev_t dev = { 0 };
    dev.cfg.sda_io_num = CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA;
    dev.cfg.scl_io_num = CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL;
    dev.cfg.master.clk_speed = 1000000;

    dev.addr = 0x39;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found ADPS-9930");
    dev.addr = 0x40;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ina219_init_desc(&ina219_b_dev, 0x40, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found INA219 Battery");
    dev.addr = 0x41;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ina219_init_desc(&ina219_s_dev, 0x41, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found INA219 Solar");
    dev.addr = 0x76;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init_desc(&bmp280_dev, BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS_0, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init(&bmp280_dev, &bmp280_params));
	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found BMP280 @ 0x76 id: 0x%02x",;
    } else {
    	dev.addr = 0x77;
    	if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init_desc(&bmp280_dev, BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS_1, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
	    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init(&bmp280_dev, &bmp280_params));
            ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found BMP280 @ 0x77 id: 0x%02x",;

     * Create FreeRTOS tasks
    xSemaphoreBMP280 = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
    xSemaphoreINA219 = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

    xTaskCreate(&task_bmp280,  "task_bmp280",      2560, NULL, 8, &xTaskBMP280);
    xTaskCreate(&task_ina219,  "task_ina219",      2560, NULL, 8, &xTaskINA219);
    // esp_log_level_set("MQTT_CLIENT", ESP_LOG_ERROR);
    xTaskCreate(&task_mqtt,    "task_mqtt",     4096, NULL, 5, &xTaskMQTT);
    // esp_log_level_set("wifi", ESP_LOG_ERROR);
    xTaskCreate(&task_wifi,    "task_wifi",        4096, NULL, 3, &xTaskWifi);

    vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

     * Main application loop.
    int State = State_Init;
    int OldState = State_Init + 1;

    while (1) {
	if (OldState != State) {
	    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Switch to state %d", State);
	    OldState = State;

	gTimeInMillis = millis();

	switch (State) {
	    case State_Init:		getTempBaro();
					// getLightValues();
					State = State_Connect;
					DisCounter = 0;

	    case State_Connect:		if (ready_WiFi() && ready_mqtt()) {
					    State = State_Working;
					    Alarm &= ~AL_NOWIFI;
					    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connected counter %d", DisCounter);
					    DisCounter = 0;
					} else {
					    if (DisCounter > 30) {
						Alarm |= AL_NOWIFI;
						State = State_Init;
					    vTaskDelay(2000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

	    case State_Working:		WorkAgain = false;

      					// Measure
					solarVolts = solarCurrent = solarPower = batteryVolts = batteryCurrent = batteryPower = 0;
					loops = 0;
      					totalTime = 0;
					for (int i = 0; i < loopno; i++) {
    					     * If there are only 2 loops, and the flag that we came from deep-sleep is set
    					     * then assume the following:
   					     *   1. No current (or very low for the dc converter) during DS_TIME seconds.
    					     *   2. Low power during 0.5 second (no WiFi yet).
    					     *   3. 5 seconds power usage for the last measurement.
    					     * Calculate the average battery current from this.
    					     * If there are more loops and we came from continues running do the following:
    					     *   1. Take the current use from all exept the last one, weight loops * 10 seconds.
    					     *   2. Take the last one, and weight for 5 seconds.
    					     * Calculate the average battery current from this.
					    if (m_Valid[i]) {
						solarVolts += s_Volts[i];
						solarCurrent += s_Current[i];
						batteryVolts += b_Volts[i];
						if (i == (loopno - 1)) {
						    // Add the extra time
						    m_Time[i] += SUB_TIME;
						batteryCurrent += b_Current[i] * m_Time[i];
						totalTime += m_Time[i];

      					// if ( {
        				//    totalTime += * 1000;
        				//    batteryCurrent += DS_CURRENT * * 1000;
					//    //        Serial.printf("Added %d totalTime %d\n", * 1000, totalTime);
      					// }

      					// If valid measurements
      					if (loops) {
					    solarVolts = solarVolts / loops;
					    solarCurrent = solarCurrent / loops;
					    solarPower = solarVolts * solarCurrent;
					    batteryVolts = batteryVolts / loops;
					    batteryCurrent = batteryCurrent / totalTime;
					    batteryPower = batteryVolts * batteryCurrent;
					    BatteryState(batteryVolts, (0 - batteryCurrent) + solarCurrent);

					    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "  Solar Volts: %.4fV Current %.4fmA Power %.4fmW", solarVolts, solarCurrent, solarPower);
					    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Battery Volts: %.4fV Current %.4fmA Power %.4fmW", batteryVolts, batteryCurrent, batteryPower);

        				    /*   Check alarm conditions */
					    if (batteryState <= 10) {
					    	Alarm |= AL_ACCULOW;
					    } else {
					    	Alarm &= ~AL_ACCULOW;
      					State = State_WorkDone;
      					gTimeNext = millis() + SUB_TIME;

	    case State_WorkDone:	vTaskDelay(2 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
					// Hang around for a while to process the subscriptions.
      					if (WorkAgain) {
					    // Some command was executed.
					    State = State_Working;
					if (gTimeInMillis > gTimeNext) {
					    State = State_Stop;

	    case State_Stop:		request_WiFi(false);
      					// // Reset values for average current measurement.
      					// HaveIP = false;
					loopno = 0;
					gLastTime = millis();
					vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
					// #if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_WEMOS_D1MINI)
      					// WiFi.forceSleepBegin(0);  // 0 == forever
					// #endif

      					 *  If any output is on, use 6 10 seconds loops.
      					 *  If nothing on, do a deep sleep.
					// if ( || || || {
        				//    if ( {
          				//	EEPROM.write(EM_DS_Active, 0);
          				//	EEPROM.commit();
        				//    }

        				//    // Active mode, 60 seconds loop
					ST_LOOPS = 6;
					gTimeNext = millis() + ST_INTERVAL;
					ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Start sleeploops");
					State = State_Wait;
					//    #if Debug == true
        				//    Serial.println(F("Start sleeploops"));
					//    #endif
        				//    State = State_Wait;
      					// } else {
					//    ds_time = DS_TIME;
        				//    if (solarVolts < 6) {
          				//      // At night, increase the deep-sleep time.
          				//	ds_time *= 4;
        				//    }
        				//    if ((! || ( != ds_time)) {
          				//      EEPROM.write(EM_DS_Active, 1);
          				//      EEPROM.write(EM_DS_Time, ds_time);
          				//      EEPROM.commit();
          				//      Serial.println("wrote new deep-sleep settings");
        				//    }
        				//    State = State_GoSleep;
      					// }
      					 * Update CRC and write rtcData.
      					// rtcData.crc32 = calculateCRC32((uint8_t*) &, sizeof(rtcData)-4);
					// #if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_WEMOS_D1MINI)
      					// if (ESP.rtcUserMemoryWrite(0, (uint32_t*) &rtcData, sizeof(rtcData))) {
					// #if Debug == true
        				//    Serial.print("Write: ");
        				//    printMemory();
					// #endif
      					// } else {
        				//    Serial.println("Write error rtcData");
      					// }
					// #endif

	    case State_Wait:		if (gTimeInMillis > gTimeNext) {
					    State = State_Measure;
					vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

	    case State_Measure:		getVoltsCurrent();
					// if (isnan(Temperature)) {
      					//   getTempHumi();
      					// }
					gTimeNext = millis() + ST_INTERVAL;
					if (loopno >= ST_LOOPS) {
					    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Enough loops, do connect");
        				//    getLightValues();
					    State = State_Connect;
					    DisCounter = 0;
					} else {
					    State = State_Wait;

	    case State_GoSleep:		ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Entered GoSleep -- not supported");
					// ds_time =;
					// #if Debug == true
      					// Serial.printf("Going to deep-sleep for %d seconds\n", ds_time);
					// #endif
      					// ESP.deepSleep(ds_time * 1e6);
        vTaskDelay(20 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
    // Not reached.
