
Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:23:02 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:23:02 +0200
changeset 24
parent 1

Reduced I2C master speed from 400 to 100 Khz. Hope to get power-on init for BMP280 more reliable. Added warnings for I2C devices that are missing. Some logmessages reduced to debug log messages. Added extra 10 mSec delays before read shunt voltage in the INA219 task. Removed and reduced log levels in the MQTT task. Show received data events. Remove WiFi total time debug logging, it's ok now.

# Metadata

## Table of Contents

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* [Purpose](#purpose)
* [Files](#files)
    * [`.eil.yml`](#eilyml)
    * [`persons.yml`](#personsyml)
    * [`groups.yml`](#groupsyml)
    * [`targets.yml`](#targetsyml)
* [Resources](#resources)
    * [Person](#person)
    * [Target](#target)
    * [License](#license)
    * [Copyright](#copyright)
    * [Group](#group)
    * [Metadata](#metadata)
    * [Component](#component)
* [Usages of metadata in the project](#usages-of-metadata-in-the-project)
    * [Validating metadata of components](#validating-metadata-of-components)
    * [Generating ``](#generating-readmemd)
* [Known issues](#known-issues)
    * [conditional `depends`](#conditional-depends)

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This document describes metadata used in the project. The status of the
document is beta.

## Purpose

The purpose of metadata in the project is to automate works in development and
project management, to ensure the project policies, and to extend the project
to support third-party projects.

## Files

### `.eil.yml`

The metadata file of a component.  Each component must have `.eil.yml` in the
root directory of the component. The file format is YAML.

An example path: `components/ads111x/.eil.yml`.

### `persons.yml`

`persons.yml` is a YAML file that contains a list of `Person`s.

### `groups.yml`

`groups.yml` is a YAML file that contains a list of `Group`s.

### `targets.yml`

`targets.yml` is a YAML file that contains a list of `Target`s.

## Resources

Resources defined here represents various objects used in the metadata.

A resource has unique `name` as a primary key.

When referring to a resource in another resource, use `name` as key and its
value to identify the resource. As a shorthand, you may use the name of a
resource as `String`. In this case, the value is assumed to be `name: $VALUE`.

When a resource expects a `Person` as a value,

  name: trombik

This is a shorthand version of the above example:

foo: trombik

### Person

A `Person` represents a person. `Person` is used to describe a copyrights
holder and a code owner. A `Person` must be defined in `persons.yml` file.

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | A unique ID string of the person. Use GitHub account or GitHub project if the person has one | Yes |
| `full_name` | `String` | Full name of the person or the project | No |
| `gh_id` | `String` | GitHub account name or project name | No |
| `email` | `String` | Email address of the person | No |
| `website` | `String` | Web site URL | No |

When any of `gh_id`, `email`, or `website` is not available, `person` must
have a full name because it is used to identify the source of code.

If the person does not have `gh_id`, use the full name for `name`. For example,
when the full name is "Foo Bar", use `name: FooB`.

`Person` should have one or more of optional keys so that one can contact the


name: trombik
gh_id: trombik
full_name: Tomoyuki Sakurai

name: foo
full_name: Foo `bar` buz
# XXX other keys are optional, but strongly recommended.

### Target

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | Name of the build target in `esp-idf`, or `esp8266`. | Yes |

An example:

name: esp32

### License

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | SPDX License Identifier (see [the list of licenses]( | Yes |

An example:

name: BSD-3

### Copyright

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `author` | `Person` | Copyrights holder. See also `Person`. | No |
| `name` | `String` | The value of `name` of `Person`. A shorthand for `author` | No |
| `year` | `Integer` | Registration year of the copyrights | Yes |

`Copyright` must have only one of `author` and `name`, not both.


name: trombik
year: 2021

The above example is a shorthand form of:

  name: trombik
year: 2021

### Group

A `Group` represents a group of `Component`s. A `Group` must be in

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | A unique ID of the group | Yes |
| `description` | `String` | Description of the group | Yes |

`name` should be short, and memorable. Use `-` as a word separator. It must
not include spaces (`[0-9a-zA-Z-]+` in regular expression).

An example:

name: adc-dac
description: ADC/DAC libraries

### Metadata

`Metadata` is the content of `.eil.yml`. `Metadata` includes non-empty list of
`Component` under `components` top level key.

An example:

  - name: foo
  # ... other keys go here ...

### Component

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | The name of the component. Must be unique. | Yes |
| `description` | `String` | A short description of the component. | Yes |
| `group` | `Group` | The primary group name of the component. | Yes |
| `groups` | A list of `Group` | A list of zero or more of `Group` | No |
| `code_owners` | A list of `Person` | A list of one or more of `Person` | Yes |
| `depends` | A list of `Component` | Zero or more of `component` that the component depends on | No |
| `thread_safe` | `Strnig` | One of `yes`, `no`, and `N/A` | Yes |
| `targets` | A list of `Target` | One or more of supported `target` | Yes |
| `licenses` | A list of `License` | One or more of licenses used in the component | Yes |
| `copyrights` | A list of `Copyright` | One or more of copyright holder | Yes |

FIXME `depends` must be a list because some drivers have conditional `REQUIRES`
in `CMakeLists.txt`.

## Usages of metadata in the project

The current implementation uses `ruby` and `rspec` ruby gem to validate
metadata in all components, and generate ``.

Requirements are:

* `ruby` 2.7 (other version should also work)
* [`bundler`](

After installing requirements, run:

bundle install

### Validating metadata of components

To validate metadata, run:

bundle exec rake -C devtools rspec

The implementation uses `rspec` to validate metadata because:

1. the output is readable
2. requires less `ruby` knowledge to maintain the spec than validating
   everything in ruby code
3. porting tests to other languages is easier than porting ruby code

Under `spec` directory, there are:

* `spec_helper.rb`, which is a helper for the test
* `*_spec.rb`, which is a test script
* other ruby files, such as `person.rb`, which are class definitions used in
  the test

The ruby classes for the test validate minimum requirements only, such as the
`.eil.yml` file exists, or a resource has a required primary key. Actual
test should be performed in `*_spec.rb` files.

### Generating ``

`` is generated from the metadata and ``. To update
``, run the following command at the repository root directory:

bundle exec rake -C devtools readme >

## Known issues

### conditional `depends`

Some `CMakeLists.txt` conditionally sets `REQUIRES`. `depends` does not handle
the following case.

# for esp32
  - name: driver
  - name: freertos
  - name: log

# for esp8266
  - name: esp8266
  - name: freertos
  - name: log

A possible solution:

  - name: driver
      - name: esp32
      - name: esp32s2
      - name: esp32c3
  - name: esp8266
      - name: esp8266
  - name: freertos
  - name: log
