
Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:37:17 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:37:17 +0200
changeset 25
parent 1

A bit simpler mqtt event handling.

# Metadata

## Table of Contents

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* [Purpose](#purpose)
* [Files](#files)
    * [`.eil.yml`](#eilyml)
    * [`persons.yml`](#personsyml)
    * [`groups.yml`](#groupsyml)
    * [`targets.yml`](#targetsyml)
* [Resources](#resources)
    * [Person](#person)
    * [Target](#target)
    * [License](#license)
    * [Copyright](#copyright)
    * [Group](#group)
    * [Metadata](#metadata)
    * [Component](#component)
* [Usages of metadata in the project](#usages-of-metadata-in-the-project)
    * [Validating metadata of components](#validating-metadata-of-components)
    * [Generating ``](#generating-readmemd)
* [Known issues](#known-issues)
    * [conditional `depends`](#conditional-depends)

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This document describes metadata used in the project. The status of the
document is beta.

## Purpose

The purpose of metadata in the project is to automate works in development and
project management, to ensure the project policies, and to extend the project
to support third-party projects.

## Files

### `.eil.yml`

The metadata file of a component.  Each component must have `.eil.yml` in the
root directory of the component. The file format is YAML.

An example path: `components/ads111x/.eil.yml`.

### `persons.yml`

`persons.yml` is a YAML file that contains a list of `Person`s.

### `groups.yml`

`groups.yml` is a YAML file that contains a list of `Group`s.

### `targets.yml`

`targets.yml` is a YAML file that contains a list of `Target`s.

## Resources

Resources defined here represents various objects used in the metadata.

A resource has unique `name` as a primary key.

When referring to a resource in another resource, use `name` as key and its
value to identify the resource. As a shorthand, you may use the name of a
resource as `String`. In this case, the value is assumed to be `name: $VALUE`.

When a resource expects a `Person` as a value,

  name: trombik

This is a shorthand version of the above example:

foo: trombik

### Person

A `Person` represents a person. `Person` is used to describe a copyrights
holder and a code owner. A `Person` must be defined in `persons.yml` file.

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | A unique ID string of the person. Use GitHub account or GitHub project if the person has one | Yes |
| `full_name` | `String` | Full name of the person or the project | No |
| `gh_id` | `String` | GitHub account name or project name | No |
| `email` | `String` | Email address of the person | No |
| `website` | `String` | Web site URL | No |

When any of `gh_id`, `email`, or `website` is not available, `person` must
have a full name because it is used to identify the source of code.

If the person does not have `gh_id`, use the full name for `name`. For example,
when the full name is "Foo Bar", use `name: FooB`.

`Person` should have one or more of optional keys so that one can contact the


name: trombik
gh_id: trombik
full_name: Tomoyuki Sakurai

name: foo
full_name: Foo `bar` buz
# XXX other keys are optional, but strongly recommended.

### Target

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | Name of the build target in `esp-idf`, or `esp8266`. | Yes |

An example:

name: esp32

### License

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | SPDX License Identifier (see [the list of licenses]( | Yes |

An example:

name: BSD-3

### Copyright

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `author` | `Person` | Copyrights holder. See also `Person`. | No |
| `name` | `String` | The value of `name` of `Person`. A shorthand for `author` | No |
| `year` | `Integer` | Registration year of the copyrights | Yes |

`Copyright` must have only one of `author` and `name`, not both.


name: trombik
year: 2021

The above example is a shorthand form of:

  name: trombik
year: 2021

### Group

A `Group` represents a group of `Component`s. A `Group` must be in

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | A unique ID of the group | Yes |
| `description` | `String` | Description of the group | Yes |

`name` should be short, and memorable. Use `-` as a word separator. It must
not include spaces (`[0-9a-zA-Z-]+` in regular expression).

An example:

name: adc-dac
description: ADC/DAC libraries

### Metadata

`Metadata` is the content of `.eil.yml`. `Metadata` includes non-empty list of
`Component` under `components` top level key.

An example:

  - name: foo
  # ... other keys go here ...

### Component

| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| `name` | `String` | The name of the component. Must be unique. | Yes |
| `description` | `String` | A short description of the component. | Yes |
| `group` | `Group` | The primary group name of the component. | Yes |
| `groups` | A list of `Group` | A list of zero or more of `Group` | No |
| `code_owners` | A list of `Person` | A list of one or more of `Person` | Yes |
| `depends` | A list of `Component` | Zero or more of `component` that the component depends on | No |
| `thread_safe` | `Strnig` | One of `yes`, `no`, and `N/A` | Yes |
| `targets` | A list of `Target` | One or more of supported `target` | Yes |
| `licenses` | A list of `License` | One or more of licenses used in the component | Yes |
| `copyrights` | A list of `Copyright` | One or more of copyright holder | Yes |

FIXME `depends` must be a list because some drivers have conditional `REQUIRES`
in `CMakeLists.txt`.

## Usages of metadata in the project

The current implementation uses `ruby` and `rspec` ruby gem to validate
metadata in all components, and generate ``.

Requirements are:

* `ruby` 2.7 (other version should also work)
* [`bundler`](

After installing requirements, run:

bundle install

### Validating metadata of components

To validate metadata, run:

bundle exec rake -C devtools rspec

The implementation uses `rspec` to validate metadata because:

1. the output is readable
2. requires less `ruby` knowledge to maintain the spec than validating
   everything in ruby code
3. porting tests to other languages is easier than porting ruby code

Under `spec` directory, there are:

* `spec_helper.rb`, which is a helper for the test
* `*_spec.rb`, which is a test script
* other ruby files, such as `person.rb`, which are class definitions used in
  the test

The ruby classes for the test validate minimum requirements only, such as the
`.eil.yml` file exists, or a resource has a required primary key. Actual
test should be performed in `*_spec.rb` files.

### Generating ``

`` is generated from the metadata and ``. To update
``, run the following command at the repository root directory:

bundle exec rake -C devtools readme >

## Known issues

### conditional `depends`

Some `CMakeLists.txt` conditionally sets `REQUIRES`. `depends` does not handle
the following case.

# for esp32
  - name: driver
  - name: freertos
  - name: log

# for esp8266
  - name: esp8266
  - name: freertos
  - name: log

A possible solution:

  - name: driver
      - name: esp32
      - name: esp32s2
      - name: esp32c3
  - name: esp8266
      - name: esp8266
  - name: freertos
  - name: log
