
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 22:13:06 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 22:13:06 +0200
changeset 3
parent 1
child 4

Added begin of INA219 measurements. Added raw main state table.

 * @file iotbalkon.c
 * @brief iotbalkon project.

#include "config.h"

static const char *TAG = "iotbalkon";

#define State_Init       0
#define State_Connect    1
#define State_Working    2
#define State_WorkDone   3
#define State_Stop       4
#define State_Wait       5
#define State_Measure    6
#define State_GoSleep    7

static TaskHandle_t			xTaskBMP280 = NULL;
static TaskHandle_t			xTaskINA219 = NULL;

extern BMP280_State			*bmp280_state;			///< I2C state
extern SemaphoreHandle_t		xSemaphoreBMP280;		///< I2C lock semaphore
extern bmp280_params_t			bmp280_params;
extern bmp280_t				bmp280_dev;
extern SemaphoreHandle_t		xSemaphoreINA219;
extern ina219_t				ina219_b_dev;
extern ina219_t				ina219_s_dev;

void app_main(void)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting production");
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting testing");


    memset(&bmp280_dev, 0, sizeof(bmp280_t));
    memset(&ina219_b_dev, 0, sizeof(ina219_t));
    memset(&ina219_s_dev, 0, sizeof(ina219_t));

    i2c_dev_t dev = { 0 };
    dev.cfg.sda_io_num = CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA;
    dev.cfg.scl_io_num = CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL;
    dev.cfg.master.clk_speed = 1000000;

    dev.addr = 0x39;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found ADPS-9930");
    dev.addr = 0x40;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ina219_init_desc(&ina219_b_dev, 0x40, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found INA219 Battery");
    dev.addr = 0x41;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ina219_init_desc(&ina219_s_dev, 0x41, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
        ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found INA219 Solar");
    dev.addr = 0x76;
    if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init_desc(&bmp280_dev, BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS_0, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init(&bmp280_dev, &bmp280_params));
	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found BMP280 @ 0x76 id: 0x%02x",;
    } else {
    	dev.addr = 0x77;
    	if (i2c_dev_probe(&dev, I2C_DEV_WRITE) == 0) {
	    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init_desc(&bmp280_dev, BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS_1, 0, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA, CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL));
	    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(bmp280_init(&bmp280_dev, &bmp280_params));
            ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found BMP280 @ 0x77 id: 0x%02x",;

     * Create FreeRTOS tasks
    xSemaphoreBMP280 = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

    xTaskCreate(&task_bmp280,     "task_bmp280",      2560, NULL, 8, &xTaskBMP280);
    xTaskCreate(&task_ina219,     "task_ina219",      2560, NULL, 8, &xTaskINA219);

     * Main application loop.
    int State = State_Init;
    int OldState = State_Init + 1;

    while (1) {
	if (OldState != State) {
	    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Switch to state %d", State);
	    OldState = State;
	switch (State) {
	    case State_Init:		request_bmp280();
		    			// getTempBaro();
					// getLightValues();
					// getVoltsCurrent();
					State = State_Connect;

	    case State_Connect:		// Wake WiFi ??
					// if (NetworkConnect()) {
					//   State = State_Working;
					//   Alarm &= ~AL_NOWIFI;
					//   DisCounter = 0;
					// } else {
					//   DisCounter++;
					//   if (DisCounter > 30) {
					//     Alarm |= AL_NOWIFI;
					//   }
					//   delay(2000);
					// }

	    case State_Working:		// WorkAgain = false;
      					// client.loop();

      					// // Measure
      					// getVoltsCurrent();
      					// solarVolts = solarCurrent = batteryVolts = batteryCurrent = 0;
      					// loops = 0;
      					// totalTime = 0;
      					// for (int i = 0; i < loopno; i++) {
    					     * If there are only 2 loops, and the flag that we came from deep-sleep is set
    					     * then assume the following:
   					     *   1. No current (or very low for the dc converter) during DS_TIME seconds.
    					     *   2. Low power during 0.5 second (no WiFi yet).
    					     *   3. 5 seconds power usage for the last measurement.
    					     * Calculate the average battery current from this.
    					     * If there are more loops and we came from continues running do the following:
    					     *   1. Take the current use from all exept the last one, weight loops * 10 seconds.
    					     *   2. Take the last one, and weight for 5 seconds.
    					     * Calculate the average battery current from this.
					//      if (m_Valid[i]) {
          				//	solarVolts += s_Volts[i];
          				//	solarCurrent += s_Current[i];
          				//	batteryVolts += b_Volts[i];
          				//	if (i == (loopno - 1)) {
          				//	  // Add the extra time
          				//	  m_Time[i] += SUB_TIME;
          				//	}
          				//	batteryCurrent += b_Current[i] * m_Time[i];
          				//	totalTime += m_Time[i];
          				//	loops++;
        				//  	}
      					//  }

      					// if ( {
        				//    totalTime += * 1000;
        				//    batteryCurrent += DS_CURRENT * * 1000;
					//    //        Serial.printf("Added %d totalTime %d\n", * 1000, totalTime);
      					// }

      					// If valid measurements
      					// if (loops) {
        				//    solarVolts = solarVolts / loops;
        				//    solarCurrent = solarCurrent / loops;
        				//    solarPower = solarVolts * solarCurrent;
       					//    batteryVolts = batteryVolts / loops;
        				//    batteryCurrent = batteryCurrent / totalTime;
        				//    batteryPower = batteryVolts * batteryCurrent;
        				//    BatteryState(batteryVolts, (0 - batteryCurrent) + solarCurrent);

        				//    //#if Debug == true
        				//    Serial.print(F("  Solar Volts: "));
        				//    Serial.print(solarVolts, 4);
        				//    Serial.print(F("V  Current: "));
        				//    Serial.print(solarCurrent, 4);
        				//    Serial.print(F("mA  Power: "));
        				//    Serial.print(solarPower, 4);
        				//    Serial.println(F("mW"));

					//    Serial.print(F("Battery Volts: "));
        				//    Serial.print(batteryVolts, 4);
        				//    Serial.print(F("V  Current: "));
        				//    Serial.print(batteryCurrent, 4);
        				//    Serial.print(F("mA  Power: "));
        				//    Serial.print(batteryPower, 4);
        				//    Serial.print(F("mW  Capacity "));
        				//    Serial.print(batteryState);
        				//    Serial.println(F("%"));
        				//    //#endif

        				/*   Check alarm conditions */
        				//   if (batteryState <= 10) {
        				//     Alarm |= AL_ACCULOW;
        				//   } else {
        				//     Alarm &= ~AL_ACCULOW;
        				//   }
      					// }
      					// getTempHumi();
      					// Publish();
      					// Subscribe
					// #if Production == true
      					// client.subscribe("balkon/output/set/#");
					// #else
      					// client.subscribe("wemos/output/set/#");
					// #endif
      					// client.loop();
      					// State = State_WorkDone;
      					// gTimeNext = millis() + SUB_TIME;

	    case State_WorkDone:	// Hang around for a while to process the subscriptions.
					// client.loop();
      					// delay(1);
      					// if (WorkAgain) {
        				//    // Some command was executed.
        				//    State = State_Working;
      					// }
      					// if (gTimeInMillis > gTimeNext) {
        				//    State = State_Stop;
      					// }

	    case State_Stop:		// #if Production == true
      					// client.unsubscribe("balkon/output/set/#");
					// #else
      					// client.unsubscribe("wemos/output/set/#");
					// #endif
      					// delay(1);
      					// client.loop();
      					// client.disconnect();
      					// delay(1);
      					// WiFi.mode( WIFI_OFF );
      					// // Reset values for average current measurement.
      					// HaveIP = false;
      					// loopno = 0;
      					// gLastTime = millis();
      					// delay(10);
					// #if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_WEMOS_D1MINI)
      					// WiFi.forceSleepBegin(0);  // 0 == forever
					// #endif

      					 *  If any output is on, use 6 10 seconds loops.
      					 *  If nothing on, do a deep sleep.
					// if ( || || || {
        				//    if ( {
          				//	EEPROM.write(EM_DS_Active, 0);
          				//	EEPROM.commit();
        				//    }

        				//    // Active mode, 60 seconds loop
        				//    ST_LOOPS = 6;
        				//    gTimeNext = millis() + ST_INTERVAL;
					//    #if Debug == true
        				//    Serial.println(F("Start sleeploops"));
					//    #endif
        				//    State = State_Wait;
      					// } else {
					//    ds_time = DS_TIME;
        				//    if (solarVolts < 6) {
          				//      // At night, increase the deep-sleep time.
          				//	ds_time *= 4;
        				//    }
        				//    if ((! || ( != ds_time)) {
          				//      EEPROM.write(EM_DS_Active, 1);
          				//      EEPROM.write(EM_DS_Time, ds_time);
          				//      EEPROM.commit();
          				//      Serial.println("wrote new deep-sleep settings");
        				//    }
        				//    State = State_GoSleep;
      					// }
      					 * Update CRC and write rtcData.
      					// rtcData.crc32 = calculateCRC32((uint8_t*) &, sizeof(rtcData)-4);
					// #if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_WEMOS_D1MINI)
      					// if (ESP.rtcUserMemoryWrite(0, (uint32_t*) &rtcData, sizeof(rtcData))) {
					// #if Debug == true
        				//    Serial.print("Write: ");
        				//    printMemory();
					// #endif
      					// } else {
        				//    Serial.println("Write error rtcData");
      					// }
					// #endif

	    case State_Wait:		// if (gTimeInMillis > gTimeNext) {
      					//   State = State_Measure;
      					// }

	    case State_Measure:		// getVoltsCurrent();
					// if (isnan(Temperature)) {
      					//   getTempHumi();
      					// }
      					// gTimeNext = millis() + ST_INTERVAL;
      					// if (loopno >= ST_LOOPS) {
        				//    getLightValues();
        				//    State = State_Connect;
      					// } else {
        				//    State = State_Wait;
      					// }

	    case State_GoSleep:		// ds_time =;
					// #if Debug == true
      					// Serial.printf("Going to deep-sleep for %d seconds\n", ds_time);
					// #endif
      					// ESP.deepSleep(ds_time * 1e6);
        vTaskDelay(20 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
    // Not reached.
