Preparations for BLE GATT. Added extra time after INA219 is powered on before measurement. Reduced LEDC frequency to 60 Hz, that makes the LED lights less nervous. Hardware mod on output 4, now needs external pulldown resistor.

Final release and installed for production.

Added INA219 power save mode again, it works now. Don't measure shunt voltage and current, just the shunt voltage and calculate the current.

Adjusted BMP280 default parameters for low power usage.

Version 0.4.0. Disable normal logging mqtt.

A bit simpler mqtt event handling.

Reduced I2C master speed from 400 to 100 Khz. Hope to get power-on init for BMP280 more reliable. Added warnings for I2C devices that are missing. Some logmessages reduced to debug log messages. Added extra 10 mSec delays before read shunt voltage in the INA219 task. Removed and reduced log levels in the MQTT task. Show received data events. Remove WiFi total time debug logging, it's ok now.

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