Save one devices loop when handling a 2413 device. default tip

Version 0.9.20a2. Renamed one-wire struct resolution to rd_cache and added wr_cache. The rd_cache and wr_cache values are used by the DS2413. Added these values to the grid so we can see them live.

Much faster shutdown of the websocket service.

Made devices loop a bit slower.

Version 0.9.20a1. Analyse threads cpu usage. One-wire added a resolution flag to prevent continuous resolution checks, now only for new sensors and replugged known sensors. Added two 40 sSec delays in the state machine. In the panel thread moved a few locks so these expensive calls are called only when needed.

Different gettid() test

Added test for gettid()

Version 0.9.19

Log pid of each started thread so we can see which uses the most cpu time.

Fixed initial show instead of hide of the toggle switches. Block edit fermenter when the fermenter is in use.

In fermenter screen fix errors during page load.

Fixed updating PID parameters. Jqwidgets javascripts cleanup.

Removed some unused files

Last changes to fermenter.js (maybe). Simulator custom labels for the door switch. Some extra columns in the simulators grid.

(0) -300 -100 -14 tip
