
changeset 570
parent 566
child 575
--- a/thermferm/server.c	Thu Jan 10 16:33:42 2019 +0100
+++ b/thermferm/server.c	Mon Jan 14 22:46:27 2019 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2018
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2019
  * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
@@ -185,57 +185,6 @@
-int delete_Profile(char *uuid)
-    profiles_list	*current = Config.profiles;
-    profiles_list	*previous = NULL;
-    prof_step		*step, *olds;
-    while (current) {
-	if (strcmp(current->uuid, uuid) == 0) {
-	    if (previous == NULL) {
-		Config.profiles = current->next;
-		free(current->uuid);
-		current->uuid = NULL;
-		free(current->name);
-		current->name = NULL;
-		if (current->steps) {
-		    for (step = current->steps; step; step = olds) {
-			olds = step->next;
-			free(step);
-		    }
-		    current->steps = NULL;
-		}
-		free(current);
-		return 1;
-	    } else {
-		free(current->uuid);
-		current->uuid = NULL;
-		free(current->name);
-		current->name = NULL;
-		if (current->steps) {
-		    for (step = current->steps; step; step = olds) {
-			olds = step->next;
-			free(step);
-		    }
-		    current->steps = NULL;
-		}
-		previous->next = current->next;
-		free(current);
-		current = previous->next;
-		return 1;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    previous = current;
-	    current = current->next;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
 void tidy_lslist(ls_list **lap)
     ls_list     *tmp, *old;
@@ -699,7 +648,6 @@
 	    device = (devices_list *)malloc(sizeof(devices_list));
 	    device->next = NULL;
-	    device->version = 1;
 	    device->uuid = malloc(37);
 	    uuid_unparse(uu, device->uuid);
@@ -1200,266 +1148,6 @@
- * PROFILE ADD name	Add a new profile
- * PROFILE DEL uuid	Delete profile with uuid
- * PROFILE LIST		List available profiles
- * PROFILE GET uuid     Get profile record
- * PROFILE PUT uuid     Put profile record
- * PROFILE GETS uuid	Get profile steps list
- * PROFILE PUTS uuid	Put profile steps list
- */
-int cmd_profile(char *buf)
-    char                ibuf[SS_BUFSIZE], *sstep, *rest, *tlarg, *tharg, *frarg, *param, *kwd, *val;
-    int                 j, ival, rlen, istep, irest, ifrarg;
-    float		ftlarg, ftharg, fval;
-    char		*opt;
-    profiles_list	*profile, *tmpp;
-    prof_step		*step, *olds;
-    uuid_t		uu;
-    opt = strtok(buf, " \0");
-    opt = strtok(NULL, " \0");
-    if (opt == NULL) {
-	srv_send((char *)"501 Subcommand missing");
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"HELP") == 0) {
-	srv_send((char *)"100 Help text follows:");
-	srv_send((char *)"Recognized commands:");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE uuid,name             Profile rename");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE ADD name              Add new Profile with name");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE DEL uuid              Delete Profile by uuid");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE LIST                  List available profiles");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE GET uuid              Get Profile record by uuid");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE PUT uuid              Put Profile record by uuid");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE GETS uuid             Profile get steps list");
-	srv_send((char *)"PROFILE PUTS uuid             Profile put steps list");
-	srv_send((char *)".");
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"LIST") == 0) {
-	/*
-	 * Fermenting profiles
-	 */
-	srv_send((char *)"212 Profiles list follows:");
-	for (profile = Config.profiles; profile; profile = profile->next) {
-	    j = 0;
-	    for (step = profile->steps; step; step = step->next)
-		j++;
-	    srv_send((char *)"%s,%s,%d,%d", profile->uuid, profile->name, j, profile->busy);
-	}
-	srv_send((char *)".");
-	return 0;
-    }
-    param = strtok(NULL, "\0");
-    if (param == NULL) {
-	srv_send((char *)"502 Parameter missing");
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"ADD") == 0) {
-	profile = (profiles_list *)malloc(sizeof(profiles_list));
-	profile->next = NULL;
-	profile->version = 1;
-	profile->uuid = malloc(37);
-	uuid_generate(uu);
-	uuid_unparse(uu, profile->uuid);
-	profile->name = xstrcpy(param);
-	profile->busy = profile->fridge_mode = 0;
-	profile->inittemp_lo = 19.8;
-	profile->inittemp_hi = 20.2;
-	profile->steps = NULL;
-	if (Config.profiles == NULL) {
-	    Config.profiles = profile;
-	} else {
-	    for (tmpp = Config.profiles; tmpp; tmpp = tmpp->next) {
-		if (tmpp->next == NULL) {
-		    tmpp->next = profile;
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Profile %s added", profile->uuid);
-	srv_send((char *)"211 Profile %s added", profile->uuid);
-	return 1;
-    } else if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"DEL") == 0) {
-	if (delete_Profile(param)) {
-	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Profile %s deleted", param);
-	    srv_send((char *)"211 Profile %s deleted", param);
-	    return 1;
-	} else {
-	    srv_send((char *)"440 No such profile");
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    } else if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"GET") == 0) {
-	for (profile = Config.profiles; profile; profile = profile->next) {
-	    if (strcmp(profile->uuid, param) == 0) {
-		srv_send((char *)"213 Profile record follows:");
-		srv_send((char *)"UUID,%s", profile->uuid);
-		srv_send((char *)"NAME,%s", profile->name);
-		srv_send((char *)"INITTEMP_LO,%.1f", profile->inittemp_lo);
-		srv_send((char *)"INITTEMP_HI,%.1f", profile->inittemp_hi);
-		srv_send((char *)"FRIDGE_MODE,%d", profile->fridge_mode);
-		srv_send((char *)".");
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	}
-	srv_send((char *)"440 No such profile");
-	return 0;
-    } else if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"PUT") == 0) {
-	for (profile = Config.profiles; profile; profile = profile->next) {
-	    if (strcmp(profile->uuid, param) == 0) {
-		while (1) {
-		    rlen = srv_recv(ibuf);
-		    if (rlen == -1) {
-			return 0;
-		    }
-		    if (strlen(ibuf)) {
-			if (strcmp(ibuf, (char *)".") == 0) {
-			    srv_send((char *)"219 Accepted Profile record");
-			    return 1;
-			}
-			kwd = strtok(ibuf, ",\0");
-			val = strtok(NULL, "\0");
-			if (kwd && val) {
-			    if (strcmp(kwd, (char *)"NAME") == 0) {
-				if (profile->name) {
-				    if (strcmp(profile->name, val))
-					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Profile %s name `%s' to `%s'", profile->uuid, profile->name, val);
-				    free(profile->name);
-				}
-				profile->name = xstrcpy(val);
-			    } else if (strcmp(kwd, (char *)"INITTEMP_LO") == 0) {
-				if (sscanf(val, "%f", &fval) == 1) {
-				    if (profile->inittemp_lo != fval)
-					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Profile %s initial temperature low %.1f to %.1f", profile->uuid, profile->inittemp_lo, fval);
-				    profile->inittemp_lo = fval;
-				}
-			    } else if (strcmp(kwd, (char *)"INITTEMP_HI") == 0) {
-				if (sscanf(val, "%f", &fval) == 1) {
-				    if (profile->inittemp_hi != fval)
-					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Profile %s initial temperature high %.1f to %.1f", profile->uuid, profile->inittemp_hi, fval);
-				    profile->inittemp_hi = fval;
-				}
-			    } else if (strcmp(kwd, (char *)"FRIDGE_MODE") == 0) {
-				if (sscanf(val, "%d", &ival) == 1) {
-				    if (profile->fridge_mode != ival)
-					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Profile %s fridge mode %d to %d", profile->uuid, profile->fridge_mode, ival);
-				    profile->fridge_mode = ival;
-				}
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }               
-	}
-	srv_send((char *)"440 No such profile");
-	return 0;
-    } else if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"GETS") == 0) {
-	for (profile = Config.profiles; profile; profile = profile->next) {
-	    if (strcmp(profile->uuid, param) == 0) {
-		srv_send((char *)"215 Profile steps follow:");
-		for (step = profile->steps; step; step = step->next) {
-		    srv_send((char *)"%d,%d,%.1f,%.1f,%d", step->steptime, step->resttime, step->target_lo, step->target_hi, step->fridge_mode);
-		}
-		srv_send((char *)".");
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	}
-	srv_send((char *)"440 No such profile");
-	return 0;
-    } else if (strcmp(opt, (char *)"PUTS") == 0) {
-	for (profile = Config.profiles; profile; profile = profile->next) {
-	    if (strcmp(profile->uuid, param) == 0) {
-		if (profile->steps) {
-		    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "PROFILE PUTS %s erased all old steps", profile->uuid);
-		    for (step = profile->steps; step; step = olds) {
-			olds = step->next;
-			free(step);
-		    }
-		    profile->steps = NULL;		    
-		}
-		j = 0;
-            	while (1) {	
-		    rlen = srv_recv(ibuf);
-	    	    if (rlen == -1) {
-		    	return 0;
-	    	    } else {
-	    	    	if (strlen(ibuf)) {
-		    	    if (strcmp(ibuf, (char *)".") == 0) {
-		    	    	srv_send((char *)"219 Accepted Profile steps");
-		    	    	return 1;
-		    	    }
-			    sstep = strtok(ibuf, ",\0");
-			    rest = strtok(NULL, ",\0");
-			    tlarg = strtok(NULL, ",\0");
-			    tharg = strtok(NULL, ",\0");
-			    frarg = strtok(NULL, "\0");
-			    if ((sscanf(sstep, "%d", &istep) == 1) &&
-				(sscanf(rest, "%d", &irest) == 1) &&
-				(sscanf(tlarg, "%f", &ftlarg) == 1) && 
-				(sscanf(tharg, "%f", &ftharg) == 1) &&
-				(sscanf(frarg, "%d", &ifrarg) == 1)) {
-				j++;
-				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "PROFILE PUTS %s add step %d: steptime=%d resttime=%d target=%.1f..%.1f fridge_mode=%d", 
-						profile->uuid, j, istep, irest, ftlarg, ftharg, ifrarg);
-				step = (prof_step *)malloc(sizeof(prof_step));
-				step->next = NULL;
-				step->version = 1;
-				step->steptime = istep;
-				step->resttime = irest;
-				step->target_lo = ftlarg;
-				step->target_hi = ftharg;
-				step->fridge_mode = ifrarg;
-				if (profile->steps == NULL) {
-				    profile->steps = step;
-				} else {
-				    for (olds = profile->steps; olds; olds = olds->next) {
-					if (olds->next == NULL) {
-					    olds->next = step;
-					    break;
-					}
-				    }
-				}
-			    }
-		    	}
-	    	    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	srv_send((char *)"440 No such profile");
-	return 0;
-    }
-    srv_send((char *)"504 Subcommand error");
-    return 0;
 int delete_Simulator(char *uuid)
@@ -1558,7 +1246,6 @@
 	simulator = (simulator_list *)malloc(sizeof(simulator_list));
 	simulator->next = NULL;
-	simulator->version = 1;
 	simulator->uuid = malloc(37);
 	uuid_unparse(uu, simulator->uuid);
@@ -1794,6 +1481,7 @@
     units_list  *current = Config.units;
     units_list	*previous = NULL;
+    prof_step	*step, *olds;
     while (current) {
 	if (strcmp(current->uuid, uuid) == 0) {
@@ -1837,15 +1525,25 @@
 		if (current->psu_address)
 		current->psu_address = NULL;
-		if (current->profile)
-		    free(current->profile);
-		current->profile = NULL;
+		if (current->profile_uuid)
+		    free(current->profile_uuid);
+		current->profile_uuid = NULL;
+		if (current->profile_name)
+		    free(current->profile_name);
+		current->profile_name = NULL;
 		if (current->PID_cool)
 		current->PID_cool = NULL;
 		if (current->PID_heat)
 		current->PID_heat = NULL;
+		if (current->profile_steps) {
+		    for (step = current->profile_steps; step; step = olds) {
+			olds = step->next;
+			free(step);
+		    }
+		    current->profile_steps = NULL;
+		}
 		return 1;
 	    } else {
@@ -1887,15 +1585,25 @@
 		if (current->psu_address)
 		current->psu_address = NULL;
-		if (current->profile)
-		    free(current->profile);
-		current->profile = NULL;
+		if (current->profile_uuid)
+		    free(current->profile_uuid);
+		current->profile_uuid = NULL;
+		if (current->profile_name)
+		    free(current->profile_name);
+		current->profile_name = NULL;
 		if (current->PID_cool)
 		current->PID_cool = NULL;
 		if (current->PID_heat)
 		current->PID_heat = NULL;
+		if (current->profile_steps) {
+		    for (step = current->profile_steps; step; step = olds) {
+			olds = step->next;
+			free(step);
+		    }
+		    current->profile_steps = NULL;
+		}
 		previous->next = current->next;
 		current = previous->next;
@@ -1972,7 +1680,6 @@
 	unit = (units_list *)malloc(sizeof(units_list));
 	unit->next = NULL;
-	unit->version = 1;
 	unit->uuid = malloc(37);
 	uuid_unparse(uu, unit->uuid);
@@ -1982,13 +1689,15 @@
 	unit->alias = xstrcpy(an);
 	unit->air_address = unit->beer_address = unit->chiller_address = unit->heater_address = unit->cooler_address = \
 			    unit->fan_address = unit->door_address = unit->light_address = \
-			    unit->psu_address = unit->profile = NULL;
+			    unit->psu_address = unit->profile_uuid = unit->profile_name = NULL;
 	unit->air_idx = unit->beer_idx = unit->chiller_idx = unit->heater_idx = unit->cooler_idx = unit->fan_idx = \
-			unit->door_idx = unit->light_idx = unit->psu_idx = 0;
+			unit->door_idx = unit->light_idx = unit->psu_idx = unit->profile_fridge_mode = \
+			unit->profile_duration = unit->profile_totalsteps = 0;
+	unit->profile_steps = NULL;
 	unit->volume = unit->prof_peak_abs = unit->prof_peak_rel = 0.0;
 	unit->air_state = unit->beer_state = unit->chiller_state = 1;
 	unit->air_temperature = unit->beer_temperature = unit->chiller_temperature = 20000;
-	unit->beer_set = unit->fridge_set = 20.0;
+	unit->beer_set = unit->fridge_set = unit->profile_inittemp_lo = unit->profile_inittemp_hi =20.0;
 	unit->heater_state = unit->cooler_state = unit->fan_state = unit->door_state = unit->mode = \
 			     unit->light_state = unit->psu_state = unit->prof_state = unit->stage = 0;
 	unit->heater_delay = unit->cooler_delay = unit->fan_delay = 20;	/* 5 minutes delay	*/
@@ -2124,19 +1833,27 @@
 		srv_send((char *)"PSU_IDX,%d", unit->psu_idx);
 		srv_send((char *)"FRIDGE_SET,%.1f", unit->fridge_set);
 		srv_send((char *)"BEER_SET,%.1f", unit->beer_set);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROFILE,%s", unit->profile);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROF_STARTED,%d", (int)unit->prof_started);
-		if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_RUN) {
-		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_STATE,%s %d%%", PROFSTATE[unit->prof_state], unit->prof_percent);
-		} else {
-		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_STATE,%s", PROFSTATE[unit->prof_state]);
+		if (unit->profile_uuid) {
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROFILE_UUID,%s", unit->profile_uuid);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROFILE_NAME,%s", unit->profile_name);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROFILE_INITTEMP_LO,%.1f", unit->profile_inittemp_lo);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROFILE_INITTEMP_HI,%.1f", unit->profile_inittemp_hi);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROFILE_FRIDGE_MODE,%d", unit->profile_fridge_mode);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROFILE_DURATION,%d", unit->profile_duration);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROFILE_TOTALSTEPS,%d", unit->profile_totalsteps);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_STARTED,%d", (int)unit->prof_started);
+		    if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_RUN) {
+		    	srv_send((char *)"PROF_STATE,%s %d%%", PROFSTATE[unit->prof_state], unit->prof_percent);
+		    } else {
+		    	srv_send((char *)"PROF_STATE,%s", PROFSTATE[unit->prof_state]);
+		    }
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_TARGET_LO,%.3f", unit->prof_target_lo);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_TARGET_HI,%.3f", unit->prof_target_hi);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_FRIDGE_MODE,%d", unit->prof_fridge_mode);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_PEAK_ABS,%.3f", unit->prof_peak_abs);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_PEAK_REL,%.3f", unit->prof_peak_rel);
+		    srv_send((char *)"PROF_PRIMARY_DONE,%d", (int)unit->prof_primary_done);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROF_TARGET_LO,%.3f", unit->prof_target_lo);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROF_TARGET_HI,%.3f", unit->prof_target_hi);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROF_FRIDGE_MODE,%d", unit->prof_fridge_mode);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROF_PEAK_ABS,%.3f", unit->prof_peak_abs);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROF_PEAK_REL,%.3f", unit->prof_peak_rel);
-		srv_send((char *)"PROF_PRIMARY_DONE,%d", (int)unit->prof_primary_done);
 		srv_send((char *)"TEMP_SET_MIN,%.1f", unit->temp_set_min);
 		srv_send((char *)"TEMP_SET_MAX,%.1f", unit->temp_set_max);
 		srv_send((char *)"ALARM,%d", unit->alarm_flag);
@@ -2499,7 +2216,7 @@
 					    unit->prof_target_lo = unit->prof_target_hi = 20.0;
 					    unit->prof_fridge_mode = 0;
-					    if (unit->profile) {
+					    if (unit->profile_uuid) {
 						unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
@@ -2593,35 +2310,7 @@
 				    unit->PID_heat->idleRange = fval;
-			    } else if (strcmp(kwd, (char *)"PROFILE") == 0) {
-				if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_OFF) {
-				    /*
-				     * Only change profile if it is not active, else drop this one.
-				     */
-				    if (unit->profile && val && strcmp(unit->profile, val))
-					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Fermenter unit %s profile name `%s' to `%s'", unit->uuid, unit->profile, val);
-				    if (unit->profile)
-				    	free(unit->profile);
-				    if (val)
-				    	unit->profile = xstrcpy(val);
-				    else
-				    	unit->profile = NULL;
-				    /*
-				     * Reset all output devices
-				     */
-				    unit->PID_cool->OutP = unit->PID_heat->OutP = 0.0;
-				    unit->PID_cool->Mode = unit->PID_heat->Mode = PID_MODE_NONE;
-				    unit->heater_state = unit->cooler_state = unit->fan_state = unit->light_state = 0;
-				    unit->heater_wait = unit->cooler_wait = unit->fan_wait = unit->light_wait = 0;
-				    device_out(unit->heater_address, unit->heater_state);
-				    device_out(unit->cooler_address, unit->cooler_state);
-				    device_out(unit->fan_address, unit->fan_state);
-				    device_out(unit->light_address, unit->light_state);
-				    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
-				}
-			    } else if (val && (strcmp(kwd, (char *)"PROF_STATE") == 0)) {
+			    } else if (val && (strcmp(kwd, (char *)"PROF_STATE") == 0) && unit->profile_uuid) {
 				for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 				    if (strcmp(val, PROFSTATE[i]) == 0) {
 					switch (i) {
@@ -2649,7 +2338,8 @@
 						case PROFILE_DONE:	break;	/* Command is illegal */
 						case PROFILE_ABORT:	if ((unit->prof_state == PROFILE_RUN) || (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_PAUSE)) {
 									    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_OFF;
-									    unit->prof_started = 0;
+									    unit->prof_started = unit->prof_paused = unit->prof_primary_done = 0;
+									    unit->prof_peak_abs = unit->prof_peak_rel = 0.0;
 									    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Fermenter unit %s profile ABORT", unit->uuid);
@@ -2739,8 +2429,6 @@
 		srv_send((char *)"LIST <CMD> [parameters]       List commands");
 		srv_send((char *)"LIST HELP                     List help screen");
 		srv_send((char *)"PING                          Check if server is alive");
-		srv_send((char *)"PROFILE <CMD> [parameters]    Profile commands");
-		srv_send((char *)"PROFILE HELP                  Profile help screen");
 		srv_send((char *)"SIMULATOR <CMD> [parameters]  Simulator commands");
 		srv_send((char *)"SIMULATOR HELP                Simulator help screen");
@@ -2755,10 +2443,6 @@
 	    } else if (strncmp(buf, "PING", 4) == 0) {
 		srv_send((char *)"101 PONG");
-	    } else if (strncmp(buf, "PROFILE", 7) == 0) {
-		if (cmd_profile(buf))
-		    wrconfig();
 	    } else if (strncmp(buf, "SIMULATOR", 9) == 0) {
 		if (cmd_simulator(buf))
