
changeset 709
parent 708
child 710
--- a/www-thermferm/global.php	Thu Apr 25 14:26:47 2024 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014-2018
- *   
- * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
- *
- * This file is part of ThermFerm
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- * later version.
- *
- * ThermFerm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with ThermFerm; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
-if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
-    if ($_POST['action'] == "testdata")
-	testdata();
-} else {
-    edit_screen("");
- *
- */
-function global_update() {
-    if ($_POST['key'] == 'Save') {
-	$cmd = array("GLOBAL PUT");
-	$cmd[] = "NAME,".$_POST['Name'];
-	$cmd[] = "PORT,".$_POST['Port'];
-	$cmd[] = "TEMP_UUID,".$_POST['TempAddress'];
-	$cmd[] = "HUM_UUID,".$_POST['HumAddress'];
-	$cmd[] = "TEMP_HUM_IDX,".$_POST['TempHumIdx'];
-	if (isset($_POST['LCDcols']))
-	    $cmd[] = "LCD_COLS,".$_POST['LCDcols'];
-	if (isset($_POST['LCDrows']))
-		$cmd[] = "LCD_ROWS,".$_POST['LCDrows'];
-	$cmd[] = "MQTT_HOST,".$_POST['MQTThost'];
-	$cmd[] = "MQTT_POST,".$_POST['MQTTport'];
-	$cmd[] = "MQTT_USER,".$_POST['MQTTuser'];
-	$cmd[] = "MQTT_PASS,".$_POST['MQTTpass'];
-	$cmd[] = ".";
-	send_array($cmd);
-    }
-    unset($_POST['Name']);
-    unset($_POST['Port']);
-    unset($_POST['TempAddress']);
-    unset($_POST['HumAddress']);
-    unset($_POST['TempHumIdx']);
-    unset($_POST['LCDcols']);
-    unset($_POST['LCDrows']);
-    unset($_POST['MQTThost']);
-    unset($_POST['MQTTport']);
-    unset($_POST['MQTTuser']);
-    unset($_POST['MQTTpass']);
-    unset($_POST['key']);
-    load('maintenance.php');
-function test_thedata() {
-    if (isset($_POST['Name']) && isset($_POST['Port']) &&
-	isset($_POST['TempAddress']) && isset($_POST['HumAddress']) &&
-	isset($_POST['TempHumIdx']) && isset($_POST['key']) &&
-	isset($_POST['MQTThost']) && isset($_POST['MQTTport']) &&
-	isset($_POST['MQTTuser']) && isset($_POST['MQTTpass'])) {
-	if ($_POST['key'] == 'Cancel')
-	    return 99;
-	if (isset($_POST['LCDcols']) && (($_POST['LCDcols'] != 16) && ($_POST['LCDcols'] != 20)))
-	    return 2;
-	if (isset($_POST['LCDrows']) && (($_POST['LCDrows'] != 2) && ($_POST['LCDrows'] != 4)))
-	    return 3;
-    } else {
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-function testdata()
-    $result = test_thedata();
-    $error = '';
-    switch ($result) {
-	case 0:	global_update();
-		return;
-		break;
-	case 1:	$error = 'Missing data';
-		break;
-	case 2: $error = 'LCD columns must be 16 or 20';
-		break;
-	case 3: $error = 'LCD rows must be 2 or 4';
-		break;
-	case 99:
-		load('maintenance.php');
-		break;
-    }
-    edit_screen($error);
-function edit_screen($error_message)
-    /*
-     * Get list of devices, we need it later
-     */
-    $answer = send_cmd("DEVICE LIST");
-    $devices = explode("\r\n", $answer);
-    /*
-     * Get current global data
-     */
-    $answer = send_cmd("GLOBAL GET");
-    $reply = explode("\r\n", $answer);
-    $outstr  = build_header("ThermFerm - Global Setup");
-    $outstr .= '    <div id="errors">'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '     '.$error_message.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '    </div> <!-- errors -->'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '    <div id="etable">'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '     <form method="POST" action="global.php">'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '      <table class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '      <tr class="trhead">'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup" colspan="2" style="text-align: center; height: 20px; padding-top: 5px;">Global Setup</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '      </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-    if (startsWith($reply[0], "213")) {
-	$i = 1;
-	while (1) {
-	    if (strcmp($reply[$i], ".") == 0)
-		break;
-	    $f = explode(",", $reply[$i]);
-	    if ($f[0] == "NAME") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">System Name</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="Name" size="50" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "PORT") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">Telnet port</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="Port" size="5" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "TEMP_UUID") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">Room temperature sensor</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><select name="TempAddress">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '         <option value="">Not Assigned</option>'.PHP_EOL;
-		if (startsWith($devices[0], "212")) {
-		    $j = 1;
-		    while (1) {
-			if (strcmp($devices[$j], ".") == 0)
-			    break;
-			$g = explode(",", $devices[$j]);
-			if ($g[5] == "IN_ANALOG") {
-			    ($f[1] == $g[0]) ? $se = " selected" : $se = "";
-			    $outstr .= '         <option value="'.$g[0].'"'.$se.'>'.$g[1].' '.$g[4].'</option>'.PHP_EOL;
-			}
-			$j++;
-		    }
-		}
-		$outstr .= '        </select></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "HUM_UUID") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">Room humidity sensor</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><select name="HumAddress">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '         <option value="">Not Assigned</option>'.PHP_EOL;
-		if (startsWith($devices[0], "212")) {
-		    $j = 1;
-		    while (1) {
-			if (strcmp($devices[$j], ".") == 0)
-			    break;
-			$g = explode(",", $devices[$j]);
-			if ($g[5] == "IN_ANALOG") {
-			    ($f[1] == $g[0]) ? $se = " selected" : $se = "";
-			    $outstr .= '         <option value="'.$g[0].'"'.$se.'>'.$g[1].' '.$g[4].'</option>'.PHP_EOL;
-			}
-			$j++;
-		    }
-		}
-		$outstr .= '        </select></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "TEMP_HUM_IDX") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">Domoticz TH index</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="TempHumIdx" size="5" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "LCD_COLS") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">LCD columns</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="LCDcols" size="5" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "LCD_ROWS") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">LCD rows</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="LCDrows" size="5" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "MQTT_HOST") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">MQTT host</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="MQTThost" size="50" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "MQTT_PORT") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">MQTT port</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="MQTTport" size="5" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "MQTT_USER") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">MQTT username</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		if (strcmp($f[1], "(null)") == 0) {
-		    $f[1] = "";
-		}
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="MQTTuser" size="50" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    if ($f[0] == "MQTT_PASS") {
-		$outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editname">MQTT password</td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		if (strcmp($f[1], "(null)") == 0) {
-		    $f[1] = "";
-		}
-		$outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="text" name="MQTTpass" size="50" value="'.$f[1].'"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-		$outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-	    }
-	    $i++;
-	}
-    }
-    $outstr .= '       <tr class="editor">'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '        <td class="editname"><input type="submit" value="Save" name="key"></td>'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '        <td class="editfield"><input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="key">';
-    $outstr .= '<input type="hidden" value="testdata" name="action">';
-    $outstr .= '       </tr>'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '      </table>'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '     </form>'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '    </div> <!-- etable -->'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '    <script type="text/javascript">'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '     $(document).ready(function () {'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '      $("#maintenance").jqxButton({ width: 150, height: 25, theme: \'ui-redmond\' });'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '     });'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= '    </script>'.PHP_EOL;
-    $outstr .= build_footer();
-    echo $outstr;
