
changeset 41
parent 40
child 42
--- a/coolers/mosquitto.c	Sat May 17 23:06:39 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014
- *   
- * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
- *
- * This file is part of the mbsePi-apps
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- * later version.
- *
- * mbsePi-apps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with EC-65K; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include "../lib/mbselib.h"
-#include "mosquitto.h"
-/* Global variables for use in callbacks. */
-struct mosquitto    	*mymosq = NULL;
-char			*myhostname;
-static int		qos = 0;
-static int		status = STATUS_CONNECTING;
-static int		mid_sent = 0;
-static int		last_mid = -1;
-static int		last_mid_sent = -1;
-static bool		connected = true;
-static bool		disconnect_sent = false;
-static bool		connect_lost = false;
-extern bool		my_shutdown;
-extern bool		debug;
-extern sys_config	Config;
-extern int		lcdHandle;
-extern int		lcdupdate;
-void my_connect_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int result)
-    if (connect_lost) {
-	connect_lost = false;
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Reconnect: %s", mosquitto_connack_string(result));
-    }
-    if (!result) {
-    } else {
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "my_connect_callback: %s\n", mosquitto_connack_string(result));
-    }
-void my_disconnect_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int rc)
-    if (my_shutdown) {
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Acknowledged DISCONNECT from %s", Config.mosq_host);
-	connected = false;
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * The remove server was brought down. We must keep running
-	 */
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Received DISCONNECT from %s, connection lost", Config.mosq_host);
-	connect_lost = true;
-    }
-void my_publish_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int mid)
-    last_mid_sent = mid;
-void my_log_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int level, const char *str)
-    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: %s", str);
-    printf("MQTT: %s\n", str);
-int my_mosquitto_init(void)
-    char                *id = NULL, *state = NULL;
-    char                buf[1024];
-    int                 try, rc, keepalive = 60;
-    unsigned int        max_inflight = 20;
-    char                err[1024];
-    w1_therm		*tmp1, *old1;
-    rc_switch		*tmp2, *old2;
-    char		*alias;
-    /*
-     * Initialize mosquitto communication
-     */
-    mosquitto_lib_init();
-    gethostname(buf, 255);
-    myhostname = xstrcpy(buf);
-    /*
-     * Build MQTT id
-     */
-    id = xstrcpy((char *)"coolers/");
-    id = xstrcat(id, myhostname);
-    if(strlen(id) > MOSQ_MQTT_ID_MAX_LENGTH) {
-	/*
-	 * Enforce maximum client id length of 23 characters
-	 */
-    }
-    mymosq = mosquitto_new(id, true, NULL);
-    if (!mymosq) {
-	switch(errno) {
-	    case ENOMEM:
-		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_new: Out of memory");
-		break;
-	    case EINVAL:
-		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_new: Invalid id");
-		break;
-	}
-	mosquitto_lib_cleanup();
-	return 1;
-    }
-    if (debug) {
-	mosquitto_log_callback_set(mymosq, my_log_callback);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Set our will
-     */
-    state = xstrcpy((char *)"clients/");
-    state = xstrcat(state, myhostname);
-    state = xstrcat(state, (char *)"/coolers/state");
-    sprintf(buf, "0");
-    if ((rc = mosquitto_will_set(mymosq, state, strlen(buf), buf, qos, true))) {
-        if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_INVAL) {
-            syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_will_set: input parameters invalid");
-        } else if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM) {
-            syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_will_set: Out of Memory");
-	} else if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_PAYLOAD_SIZE) {
-	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_will_set: invalid payload size");
-        }
-        mosquitto_lib_cleanup();
-        return rc;
-    }
-    mosquitto_max_inflight_messages_set(mymosq, max_inflight);
-    mosquitto_connect_callback_set(mymosq, my_connect_callback);
-    mosquitto_disconnect_callback_set(mymosq, my_disconnect_callback);
-    mosquitto_publish_callback_set(mymosq, my_publish_callback);
-    try = 10; rc = -1;
-    while (try && rc) {
-    	if ((rc = mosquitto_connect(mymosq, Config.mosq_host, Config.mosq_port, keepalive))) {
-	    if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_ERRNO) {
-	    	strerror_r(errno, err, 1024);
-	    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_connect: error: %s, try=%d", err, 11-try);
-	    } else {
-	    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_connect: unable to connect (%d)", rc);
-	    }
-	    sleep(2);
-	    try--;
-    	}
-    }
-    if (rc) {
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mosquitto_connect: too many tries, giving up");
-	mosquitto_lib_cleanup();
-	return rc;
-    }
-    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Connected with %s:%d", Config.mosq_host, Config.mosq_port);
-    /*
-     * Initialise is complete, report our presence state
-     */
-    mosquitto_loop_start(mymosq);
-    sprintf(buf, "1");
-    rc = mosquitto_publish(mymosq, &mid_sent, state, strlen(buf), buf, qos, 1);
-    /*
-     * Report alias names
-     */
-    for (tmp1 = Config.w1therms; tmp1; tmp1 = old1) {
-	old1 = tmp1->next;
-	alias = xstrcpy((char *)"/raw/");
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, myhostname);
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/coolers/w1/");
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, tmp1->master);
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/");
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, tmp1->name);
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/alias");
-	sprintf(buf, "%s", tmp1->alias);
-	if ((rc = mosquitto_publish(mymosq, &mid_sent, alias, strlen(buf), buf, qos, 1))) {
-	    if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_NO_CONN)
-		mosquitto_reconnect(mymosq);
-	    else
-		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mainloop: error %d from mosquitto_publish", rc);
-	}
-	free(alias);
-	alias = NULL;
-    }
-    for (tmp2 = Config.rcswitch; tmp2; tmp2 = old2) {
-	old2 = tmp2->next;
-	alias = xstrcpy((char *)"/raw/");
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, myhostname);
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/coolers/rcswitch/");
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, tmp2->address);
-	alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/alias");
-	sprintf(buf, "%s", tmp2->alias);
-	if ((rc = mosquitto_publish(mymosq, &mid_sent, alias, strlen(buf), buf, qos, 1))) {
-	    if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_NO_CONN)
-		mosquitto_reconnect(mymosq);
-	    else
-		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "my_mosquitto_init: error %d from mosquitto_publish", rc);
-	}
-	free(alias);
-	alias = NULL;
-	my_mosquitto_switch(tmp2->address, 0);
-    }
-    return 0;
-int my_mosquitto_switch(char *address, int state)
-    char    *cmd = NULL, buf[10];
-    int	    rc;
-    cmd = xstrcpy(address);
-    if (state)
-	cmd = xstrcat(cmd, (char *)",1");
-    else
-        cmd = xstrcat(cmd, (char *)",0");
-    rc = toggleSwitch(cmd);
-    if (debug)
-	fprintf(stdout, "Switch %s rc=%d\n", cmd, rc);
-    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Switch %s rc=%d", cmd, rc);
-    free(cmd);
-    cmd = xstrcpy((char *)"/raw/");
-    cmd = xstrcat(cmd, myhostname);
-    cmd = xstrcat(cmd, (char *)"/coolers/rcswitch/");
-    cmd = xstrcat(cmd, address);
-    cmd = xstrcat(cmd, (char *)"/state");
-    sprintf(buf, "%d", state);
-    if ((rc = mosquitto_publish(mymosq, &mid_sent, cmd, strlen(buf), buf, qos, 1))) {
-	if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_NO_CONN)
-	    mosquitto_reconnect(mymosq);
-	else
-	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "my_mosquitto_switch: error %d from mosquitto_publish", rc);
-    }
-    free(cmd);
-    cmd = NULL;
-    return rc;
-int my_mosquitto_loop(void)
-    w1_therm		*tmp1, *old1;
-    char		buf[1024], *alias, *state = NULL;
-    int			rc;
-	if (status == STATUS_CONNACK_RECVD) {
-	    /*
-	     * Here send our 1-wire sensors values
-	     */
-	    for (tmp1 = Config.w1therms; tmp1; tmp1 = old1) {
-		old1 = tmp1->next;
-		if (tmp1->update) {
-		    /*
-		     * Build path and alias topic
-		     */
-		    alias = xstrcpy((char *)"/raw/");
-		    alias = xstrcat(alias, myhostname);
-		    alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/coolers/w1/");
-		    alias = xstrcat(alias, tmp1->master);
-		    alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/");
-		    alias = xstrcat(alias, tmp1->name);
-		    alias = xstrcat(alias, (char *)"/temperature");
-		    /*
-		     * Publish the temperature.
-		     */
-		    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", tmp1->lastval / 1000.0);
-		    if ((rc = mosquitto_publish(mymosq, &mid_sent, alias, strlen(buf), buf, qos, 1))) {
-			if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_NO_CONN)
-			    mosquitto_reconnect(mymosq);
-			else
-			    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "mainloop: error %d from mosquitto_publish", rc);
-		    }
-		    tmp1->update = FALSE;
-		    lcdupdate = TRUE;
-		    free(alias);
-		    alias = NULL;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (my_shutdown) {
-		/*
-		 * Final publish 0 to clients/<hostname>/coolers/state
-		 */
-		sprintf(buf, "0");
-		mosquitto_publish(mymosq, &mid_sent, state, strlen(buf), buf, qos, true);
-		last_mid = mid_sent;
-		status = STATUS_WAITING;
-		mb_lcdClear(lcdHandle);
-//		lcdPosition(lcdHandle, 0, 0);
-		mb_lcdPuts(lcdHandle, "Shuting down ...");
-	    }
-	} else if (status == STATUS_WAITING) {
-	    if (debug)
-	    	fprintf(stdout, (char *)"Waiting\n");
-	    if (last_mid_sent == last_mid && disconnect_sent == false) {
-		mosquitto_disconnect(mymosq);
-		disconnect_sent = true;
-	    }
-	}
-    return (rc == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS && connected);
-void my_mosquitto_exit(void)
-    mosquitto_loop_stop(mymosq, false);
-    mosquitto_destroy(mymosq);
-    mosquitto_lib_cleanup();
