
Thu, 02 May 2024 15:49:16 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Thu, 02 May 2024 15:49:16 +0200
changeset 716
parent 708

Version 0.9.19b3. The simulator thread can be paused to be able to add and delete simulators. Added simulated door and PSU status. Devices can now fully use multiple simulators. Better rounding of simulated temperature values. The server SIMULATOR DEL and ADD commands pause the simulator when the linked list is manipulated. Fixed SIGSEGV when a simulator is added. Added socket SO_REUSEADDR again to the server socket.

 * Copyright (C) 2016-2024
 * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
 * This file is part of the mbsePi-apps
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * mbsePi-apps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with ThermFerm; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

#include "thermferm.h"
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/wireless.h>
#include "rdconfig.h"
#include "devices.h"
#include "xutil.h"
#include "delay.h"
#include "mqtt.h"
#include "websocket.h"

extern sys_config       Config;
extern int		debug;
extern int		my_shutdown;
extern int		my_reboot;
extern const char	UNITMODE[5][8];
extern const char	UNITSTAGE[4][12];
extern const char	PROFSTATE[5][6];
extern const char	DEVPRESENT[4][6];

int			Sequence = 0;

/* Global variables for use in callbacks. */
int              	mqtt_qos = 0;
int              	mqtt_status = STATUS_CONNECTING;
int              	mqtt_mid_sent = 0;
int              	mqtt_last_mid = -1;
int              	mqtt_last_mid_sent = -1;
int              	mqtt_connected = TRUE;
int              	mqtt_disconnect_sent = FALSE;
int              	mqtt_connect_lost = FALSE;
int              	mqtt_my_shutdown = FALSE;
int              	mqtt_use = FALSE;
int			keepalive = 60;
unsigned int		max_inflight = 20;
struct mosquitto	*mosq = NULL;
char			*state = NULL;
char			my_hostname[256];


 * Code from wiringPi written by Gordon Henderson.
 * Copied here to have some sort of hardware detection without wiringPi.
const char *piModelNames [20] =
  "Model A",    //  0
  "Model B",    //  1
  "Model A+",   //  2
  "Model B+",   //  3
  "Pi 2",       //  4
  "Alpha",      //  5
  "CM",         //  6
  "Unknown07",  // 07
  "Pi 3",       // 08
  "Pi Zero",    // 09
  "CM3",        // 10
  "Unknown11",  // 11
  "Pi Zero-W",  // 12
  "Pi 3B+",     // 13
  "Pi 3A+",     // 14
  "Unknown15",  // 15
  "CM3+",       // 16
  "Unknown17",  // 17
  "Unknown18",  // 18
  "Unknown19",  // 19
const char *piRevisionNames [16] =
} ;
const char *piMakerNames [16] =
  "Sony",       //       0
  "Egoman",     //       1
  "Embest",     //       2
  "Unknown",    //       3
  "Embest",     //       4
  "Unknown05",  //       5
  "Unknown06",  //       6
  "Unknown07",  //       7
  "Unknown08",  //       8
  "Unknown09",  //       9
  "Unknown10",  //      10
  "Unknown11",  //      11
  "Unknown12",  //      12
  "Unknown13",  //      13
  "Unknown14",  //      14
  "Unknown15",  //      15
} ;
const int piMemorySize [8] =
   256,         //       0
   512,         //       1
  1024,         //       2
     0,         //       3
     0,         //       4
     0,         //       5
     0,         //       6
     0,         //       7
} ;

void piBoardId (int *model, int *rev, int *mem, int *maker, int *warranty)
  FILE *cpuFd ;
  char line [120] ;
  char *c ;
  unsigned int revision ;
  int bRev, bType, bProc, bMfg, bMem, bWarranty ;

    *model = -1;	// Mark no info
    if ((cpuFd = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")) == NULL) {
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Unable to open /proc/cpuinfo") ;

    while (fgets (line, 120, cpuFd) != NULL)
    	if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) == 0)
      	    break ;

    fclose (cpuFd) ;

    if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) != 0) {
    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "No \"Revision\" line");

// Chomp trailing CR/NL

    for (c = &line [strlen (line) - 1] ; (*c == '\n') || (*c == '\r') ; --c)
    	*c = 0 ;
    if (debug)
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "piBoardId: Revision string: %s", line) ;

// Need to work out if it's using the new or old encoding scheme:

// Scan to the first character of the revision number

    for (c = line ; *c ; ++c)
	if (*c == ':')
	    break ;

    if (*c != ':') {
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Bogus \"Revision\" line (no colon)") ;

// Chomp spaces

    ++c ;
    while (isspace (*c))
    	++c ;

    if (!isxdigit (*c))
    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Bogus \"Revision\" line (no hex digit at start of revision)") ;

    revision = (unsigned int)strtol (c, NULL, 16) ; // Hex number with no leading 0x

// Check for new way:

    if ((revision &  (1 << 23)) != 0) {    // New way
	if (debug)
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "piBoardId: New Way: revision is: %08X", revision) ;

	bRev      = (revision & (0x0F <<  0)) >>  0 ;
	bType     = (revision & (0xFF <<  4)) >>  4 ;
	bProc     = (revision & (0x0F << 12)) >> 12 ;       // Not used for now.
	bMfg      = (revision & (0x0F << 16)) >> 16 ;
	bMem      = (revision & (0x07 << 20)) >> 20 ;
	bWarranty = (revision & (0x03 << 24)) != 0 ;
	*model    = bType ;
	*rev      = bRev ;
	*mem      = bMem ;
	*maker    = bMfg  ;
	*warranty = bWarranty ;

	if (debug)
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "piBoardId: rev: %d, type: %d, proc: %d, mfg: %d, mem: %d, warranty: %d", bRev, bType, bProc, bMfg, bMem, bWarranty) ;
    } else {                                 // Old way
	if (debug)
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "piBoardId: Old Way: revision is: %s", c) ;

	if (!isdigit (*c)) {
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Bogus \"Revision\" line (no digit at start of revision)") ;

// Make sure its long enough

	if (strlen (c) < 4) {
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Bogus \"Revision\" line (not long enough)") ;

// If longer than 4, we'll assume it's been overvolted

	*warranty = strlen (c) > 4 ;
// Extract last 4 characters:

	c = c + strlen (c) - 4 ;

// Fill out the replys as appropriate

    	/**/ if (strcmp (c, "0002") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1   ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0003") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }

    	else if (strcmp (c, "0004") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0005") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0006") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }

    	else if (strcmp (c, "0007") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_A  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0008") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_A  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ;  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0009") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_A  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }

    	else if (strcmp (c, "000d") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "000e") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "000f") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B  ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }

    	else if (strcmp (c, "0010") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_BP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0013") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_BP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EMBEST  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0016") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_BP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0019") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_BP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0011") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_CM ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0014") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_CM ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EMBEST  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0017") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_CM ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "001a") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_CM ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }

    	else if (strcmp (c, "0012") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_AP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0015") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_AP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 1 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EMBEST  ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "0018") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_AP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY    ; }
    	else if (strcmp (c, "001b") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_AP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN  ; }

    	else                              { *model = -1          ; *rev = 0              ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = 0 ;               }

char *payload_header(void)
    char	*tmp, buf[128];

    tmp = xstrcpy((char *)"{\"timestamp\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%ld", time(NULL));
    tmp = xstrcat(tmp, buf);
    tmp = xstrcat(tmp, (char *)",\"seq\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Sequence++);
    tmp = xstrcat(tmp, buf);
    tmp = xstrcat(tmp, (char *)",\"metric\":");
    return tmp;

char *topic_base(char *msgtype)
    char	*tmp;

    tmp = xstrcpy((char *)"mbv1.0/fermenters/");
    tmp = xstrcat(tmp, msgtype);
    tmp = xstrcat(tmp, (char *)"/");
    tmp = xstrcat(tmp, my_hostname);
    return tmp;

void my_connect_callback(struct mosquitto *my_mosq, void *obj, int result)
    char	*topic = NULL;

    if (mqtt_connect_lost) {
	mqtt_connect_lost = FALSE;
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: reconnect: %s", mosquitto_connack_string(result));

    if (!result) {
	topic = topic_base((char *)"NCMD");
	topic = xstrcat(topic, (char *)"/#");
	mosquitto_subscribe(mosq, NULL, topic, 0);
	topic = topic_base((char *)"DCMD");
	topic = xstrcat(topic, (char *)"/#");
	mosquitto_subscribe(mosq, NULL, topic, 0);
	topic = NULL;
	mqtt_status = STATUS_CONNACK_RECVD;
    } else {
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: my_connect_callback: %s\n", mosquitto_connack_string(result));

void my_disconnect_callback(struct mosquitto *my_mosq, void *obj, int rc)
    if (mqtt_my_shutdown) {
       syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: acknowledged DISCONNECT from %s", Config.mqtt_host);
       mqtt_connected = FALSE;
    } else {
        * The remote server was brought down. We must keep running
       syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: received DISCONNECT from %s, connection lost", Config.mqtt_host);
       mqtt_connect_lost = TRUE;

void my_publish_callback(struct mosquitto *my_mosq, void *obj, int mid)
    mqtt_last_mid_sent = mid;

void my_subscribe_callback(struct mosquitto *my_mosq, void *userdata, int mid, int qos_count, const int *granted_qos)
    int i;

    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Subscribed (mid: %d): %d", mid, granted_qos[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < qos_count; i++) {
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "     %d", granted_qos[i]);

void my_log_callback(struct mosquitto *my_mosq, void *obj, int level, const char *str)
//    if (debug)
//    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: %s", str);

void my_message_callback(struct mosquitto *my_mosq, void *userdata, const struct mosquitto_message *message)
    char		*message_type, *message_node, *message_alias;
    units_list		*unit;
    prof_step           *step, *oldstep;
    struct json_object	*jobj, *metric, *val, *setpoint, *profile, *profile1, *steps, *step1;
    time_t		timestamp;
    int			timediff;

    if (message->payloadlen) {
	 * Process received commands
	strtok(message->topic, "/");	// Ignore mbv1.0
	strtok(NULL, "/");		// Ignore group_id
	message_type = strtok(NULL, "/");
	message_node = strtok(NULL, "/\0");
	message_alias = strtok(NULL, "\0");

	jobj = json_tokener_parse(message->payload);
	if (json_object_object_get_ex(jobj, "timestamp", &val)) {
	    timestamp = json_object_get_int(val);
	    timediff = (int)timestamp - time(NULL);
	    if ((timediff < 61) && (timediff > -61)) {
		if (json_object_object_get_ex(jobj, "metric", &metric)) {
		    if ((json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "Node Control/Reboot", &val)) && (strcmp(message_type, "NCMD") == 0)) {
			if (json_object_get_boolean(val) == true) {
			    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: `Node Control/Reboot' command");
			     * Restart. The server process will restart which is handled
			     * in the main thread loop.
			    my_reboot = my_shutdown = TRUE;
		    if ((json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "Node Control/Rebirth", &val)) && (strcmp(message_type, "NCMD") == 0)) {
			if (json_object_get_boolean(val) == true) {
			     * Resend all birth certificates.
			    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: `Node Control/Rebirth' command");
			    publishNData(true, 0);

		     * DCMD, commands and configuration changes for a single fermenter.
		    if ((strcmp(message_type, "DCMD") == 0) && message_node && message_alias) {
			syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s", (char *)json_object_get_string(metric));
			for (unit = Config.units ; unit; unit = unit->next) {
			    if (strcmp(unit->alias, message_alias) == 0) {
				syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: DCMD for %s/%s", (char *)message_node, (char *)message_alias);
			    	if (json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "stage", &val)) {
				    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
					if (strcmp((char *)json_object_get_string(val), UNITSTAGE[i]) == 0) {
				    	    if (unit->stage != i) {
						syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: stage to %s", message_alias, UNITSTAGE[i]);
						unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
				    	    	unit->stage = i;
						if ((unit->mode != UNITMODE_OFF) && ! unit->event_msg)
						    unit->event_msg = xstrcpy((char *)UNITSTAGE[i]);

				if (json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "mode", &val)) {
				    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
					if (strcmp((char *)json_object_get_string(val), UNITMODE[i]) == 0) {
					    if (unit->mode != i) {
						unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
						/* Initialize log if the unit is turned on */
						if ((unit->mode == UNITMODE_OFF) && (i != UNITMODE_OFF)) {
						    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_BIRTH;
						if (i == UNITMODE_PROFILE) {
						    /* Do some checks and refuse profile mode cannot be set */
						    if (unit->profile_uuid == NULL) {
							syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Fermenter unit %s refuse profile, not loaded", message_alias);
						syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: mode to %s", message_alias, UNITMODE[i]);
						unit->mode = i;
						if ((unit->mode != UNITMODE_OFF) && ! unit->event_msg)
						    unit->event_msg = xstrcpy((char *)UNITMODE[i]);
						/* Allways turn everything off after a mode change */
						unit->PID_cool->OutP = unit->PID_heat->OutP = 0.0;
						unit->PID_cool->Mode = unit->PID_heat->Mode = PID_MODE_NONE;
						unit->heater_state = unit->cooler_state = unit->fan_state = unit->light_state = unit->light_timer = 0;
						unit->heater_wait = unit->cooler_wait = unit->fan_wait = unit->light_wait = 0;
						device_out(unit->heater_address, unit->heater_state);
						device_out(unit->cooler_address, unit->cooler_state);
						device_out(unit->fan_address, unit->fan_state);
						device_out(unit->light_address, unit->light_state);
						if (unit->mode == UNITMODE_PROFILE) {
						     * Set a sane default until it will be overruled by the
						     * main processing loop.
						    unit->prof_target_lo = unit->profile_inittemp_lo;
						    unit->prof_target_hi = unit->profile_inittemp_hi;;
						    unit->prof_fridge_mode = 0;
						    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_OFF;
						    unit->prof_started = unit->prof_paused = unit->prof_primary_done = 0;
						    unit->prof_peak_abs = unit->prof_peak_rel = 0.0;

				if (json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "setpoint", &setpoint)) {
				    if ((unit->mode == UNITMODE_FRIDGE) || (unit->mode == UNITMODE_BEER)) {
					 * Only set new setpoints if running in FRIDGE or in BEER mode.
				        if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "low", &val))
					    unit->PID_heat->SetP = json_object_get_double(val);
				    	if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "high", &val))
					    unit->PID_cool->SetP = json_object_get_double(val);
					if (unit->mode == UNITMODE_FRIDGE) {
					    unit->fridge_set_lo = unit->PID_heat->SetP;
					    unit->fridge_set_hi = unit->PID_cool->SetP;
					} else {
					    unit->beer_set_lo = unit->PID_heat->SetP;
					    unit->beer_set_hi = unit->PID_cool->SetP;
					unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: setpoints %.1f %.1f", message_alias, unit->PID_heat->SetP, unit->PID_cool->SetP);

				if ((json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "heater", &setpoint)) && (unit->mode == UNITMODE_NONE)) {
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "state", &val)) {
					if (json_object_get_int(val) != unit->heater_state) {
					    unit->heater_state = json_object_get_int(val);
					    if (unit->heater_state)	// Safety
						    unit->cooler_state = 0;
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: heater_state to %d", message_alias, unit->heater_state);

				if ((json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "cooler", &setpoint)) && (unit->mode == UNITMODE_NONE)) {
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "state", &val)) {
					if (json_object_get_int(val) != unit->cooler_state) {
					    unit->cooler_state = json_object_get_int(val);
					    if (unit->cooler_state)
					    	unit->heater_state = 0;
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: cooler_state to %d", message_alias, unit->cooler_state);

				if ((json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "fan", &setpoint)) && (unit->mode == UNITMODE_NONE)) {
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "state", &val)) {
					if (json_object_get_int(val) != unit->fan_state) {
					    unit->fan_state = json_object_get_int(val);
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: fan_state to %d", message_alias, unit->fan_state);

				if (json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "light", &setpoint)) {
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "state", &val)) {
					if (json_object_get_int(val) > 0) {
					    unit->light_timer = 300;	// 5 minutes
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD set fermenter %s: light_timer 300", message_alias);
					    if (!unit->light_state) {
					    	unit->light_state = 1;
					    	unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: light_state to %d", message_alias, unit->light_state);

				if ((json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "product", &setpoint)) && (unit->mode == UNITMODE_OFF)) {
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "code", &val)) {
					if (strcmp((char *)json_object_get_string(val), unit->product_code)) {
					    unit->product_code = xstrcpy((char *)json_object_get_string(val));
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: product_code to `%s'", message_alias, unit->product_code);
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "name", &val)) {
					if (strcmp((char *)json_object_get_string(val), unit->product_name)) {
					    unit->product_name = xstrcpy((char *)json_object_get_string(val));
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: product_name to `%s'", message_alias, unit->product_name);
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "uuid", &val)) {
					if (strcmp((char *)json_object_get_string(val), unit->product_uuid)) {
					    unit->product_uuid = xstrcpy((char *)json_object_get_string(val));
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: product_uuid to `%s'", message_alias, unit->product_uuid);
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "yeast_lo", &val)) {
					unit->yeast_lo = json_object_get_double(val);
					unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: yeast_lo to `%.1f'", message_alias, unit->yeast_lo);
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "yeast_hi", &val)) {
					unit->yeast_hi = json_object_get_double(val);
					unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: yeast_hi to `%.1f'", message_alias, unit->yeast_hi);

				if (json_object_object_get_ex(metric, "profile", &profile)) {
				    if (json_object_object_get_ex(profile, "command", &profile1)) {
					syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "profile command");
					if (unit->mode == UNITMODE_PROFILE) {
					    char *cmd = xstrcpy((char *)json_object_get_string(profile1));
					    if (! strcmp(cmd, (char *)"off")) {
						if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_DONE) {
						    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_OFF;
						    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter `%s' profile to OFF", message_alias);
						    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    } else if (! strcmp(cmd, (char *)"pause")) {
					    	if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_RUN) {
						    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_PAUSE;
						    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter `%s' profile to PAUSE", message_alias);
						    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    	} else if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_PAUSE) {
						    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_RUN;
						    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter `%s' profile resume RUN", message_alias);
						    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
				    	    } else if (! strcmp(cmd, (char *)"start")) {
						if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_OFF) {
						    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_RUN;
						    unit->prof_started = time(NULL);
						    unit->prof_paused = unit->prof_primary_done = 0;
						    unit->prof_peak_abs = unit->prof_peak_rel = 0.0;
						    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter `%s' profile start RUN", message_alias);
						    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
						    if (! unit->event_msg)
							unit->event_msg = xstrcpy((char *)"Profile start");
				            } else if (! strcmp(cmd, (char *)"abort")) {
						if ((unit->prof_state == PROFILE_RUN) || (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_PAUSE)) {
						    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_OFF;
						    unit->prof_started = unit->prof_paused = unit->prof_primary_done = 0;
						    unit->prof_peak_abs = unit->prof_peak_rel = 0.0;
						    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter `%s' profile ABORT", message_alias);
						    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
						    if (! unit->event_msg)
							unit->event_msg = xstrcpy((char *)"Profile abort");
					    } else if (! strcmp(cmd, (char *)"done")) {
						if (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_DONE) {
						    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_OFF;
						    unit->prof_started = unit->prof_paused = unit->prof_primary_done = 0;
						    unit->prof_peak_abs = unit->prof_peak_rel = 0.0;
						    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter `%s' profile OFF", message_alias);
						    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    cmd = NULL;
				    } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(profile, "uuid", &profile1)) {
					if ((unit->prof_state == PROFILE_OFF) || (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_DONE) || (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_ABORT)) {
					    if (unit->profile_uuid)
					    if (unit->profile_name)
					    if (unit->profile_steps) {
						for (step = unit->profile_steps; step; step = oldstep) {
						    if (step->name)
						    oldstep = step->next;
					    unit->profile_steps = NULL;
					    unit->profile_duration = unit->profile_totalsteps = 0;
					    unit->profile_uuid = xstrcpy((char *)json_object_get_string(profile1));
					    if (json_object_object_get_ex(profile, "name", &val)) {
						unit->profile_name = xstrcpy((char *)json_object_get_string(val));
					    if (json_object_object_get_ex(profile, "inittemp", &setpoint)) {
						if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "low", &val)) {
						    unit->profile_inittemp_lo = json_object_get_double(val);
						if (json_object_object_get_ex(setpoint, "high", &val)) {
						    unit->profile_inittemp_hi = json_object_get_double(val);
					    if (json_object_object_get_ex(profile, "fridgemode", &val)) {
						unit->profile_fridge_mode = json_object_get_int(val);
						if (unit->profile_fridge_mode)
						    unit->profile_fridge_mode = 100;
					    if (json_object_object_get_ex(profile, "steps", &steps)) {
						int arraylen = json_object_array_length(steps);
						syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "profile new profile: start %d steps", arraylen);
						for (int i = 0; i < arraylen; i++) {
						     * Parse the array of steps
						    step1 = json_object_array_get_idx(steps, i);

						    step = (prof_step *)malloc(sizeof(prof_step));
						    step->next = NULL;
						    step->name = NULL;
						    step->steptime = step->resttime = step->fridge_mode = 0;
						    step->target_lo = step->target_hi = 20.0;

						    if (json_object_object_get_ex(step1, "name", &val)) {
							step->name = xstrcpy((char *)json_object_get_string(val));
						    if (json_object_object_get_ex(step1, "steptime", &val)) {
							step->steptime = json_object_get_int(val);
							unit->profile_duration += step->steptime;
						    if (json_object_object_get_ex(step1, "resttime", &val)) {
							step->resttime = json_object_get_int(val);
							unit->profile_duration += step->resttime;
						    if (json_object_object_get_ex(step1, "fridgemode", &val)) {
							step->fridge_mode = json_object_get_int(val);
							if (step->fridge_mode)
							    step->fridge_mode = 100;
						    if (json_object_object_get_ex(step1, "target_lo", &val)) {
							step->target_lo = json_object_get_double(val);
						    if (json_object_object_get_ex(step1, "target_hi", &val)) {
							step->target_hi = json_object_get_double(val);

						    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "profile new profile: add step %d", unit->profile_totalsteps);
						    if (unit->profile_steps == NULL) {
							unit->profile_steps = step;
						    } else {
							for (oldstep = unit->profile_steps; oldstep; oldstep = oldstep->next) {
							    if (oldstep->next == NULL) {
								oldstep->next = step;
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: install profile `%s'", message_alias, unit->profile_name);
				    } else {
					if ((unit->prof_state == PROFILE_OFF) || (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_DONE) || (unit->prof_state == PROFILE_ABORT)) {
					    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "DCMD change fermenter %s: delete profile `%s'", message_alias, unit->profile_name);
					    if (unit->profile_uuid)
					    if (unit->profile_name)
					    unit->profile_uuid = unit->profile_name = NULL;
					    if (unit->profile_steps) {
						for (step = unit->profile_steps; step; step = oldstep) {
						    if (step->name)
						    oldstep = step->next;
					    unit->profile_steps = NULL;
					    unit->profile_inittemp_lo = unit->profile_inittemp_hi = 20.0;
					    unit->prof_percent = unit->profile_fridge_mode = 0;
					    unit->prof_state = PROFILE_OFF;
					    unit->profile_duration = unit->profile_totalsteps = 0;
					    unit->prof_started = unit->prof_paused = unit->prof_primary_done = (time_t)0;
					    unit->prof_peak_abs = unit->prof_peak_rel = 0.0;
					    unit->mqtt_flag |= MQTT_FLAG_DATA;

			    if (unit->mqtt_flag) {
			    	if (unit->mqtt_flag & MQTT_FLAG_BIRTH) {
			    	} else {
				if (unit->mqtt_flag & MQTT_FLAG_DEATH) {
		    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: %s payload not understood\n", (char *)message->payload);
	    } else {
		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: got payload with timestamp %d seconds error", timediff);

	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: message callback %s :: %d", message->topic, message->payloadlen);
    } else {
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: message callback %s (null)", message->topic);

void publisher(struct mosquitto *my_mosq, char *topic, char *payload, bool retain) {
    // publish the data
    if (payload)
        mosquitto_publish(my_mosq, &mqtt_mid_sent, topic, strlen(payload), payload, mqtt_qos, retain);
	mosquitto_publish(my_mosq, &mqtt_mid_sent, topic, 0, NULL, mqtt_qos, retain);

void pub_domoticz_temp(int idx, int value) {
    char	*dload = NULL;
    char	sidx[10], sval[20];

    if (idx == 0)

    sprintf(sidx, "%d", idx);
    sprintf(sval, "%.3f", value / 1000.0);

    dload = xstrcpy((char *)"{\"command\":\"udevice\",\"idx\":");
    dload = xstrcat(dload, sidx);
    dload = xstrcat(dload, (char *)",\"nvalue\":0,\"svalue\":\"");
    dload = xstrcat(dload, sval);
    dload = xstrcat(dload, (char *)"\"}");
    publisher(mosq, (char *)"domoticz/in", dload, false);
    dload = NULL;

void pub_domoticz_output(int idx, int value) {
    char        *dload = NULL;
    char        sidx[10], sval[10];

    if (idx == 0)

    sprintf(sidx, "%d", idx);
    sprintf(sval, "%d", value);

    dload = xstrcpy((char *)"{\"command\":\"udevice\",\"idx\":");
    dload = xstrcat(dload, sidx);
    dload = xstrcat(dload, (char *)",\"nvalue\":");
    if (value >= 50)
	dload = xstrcat(dload, (char *)"1");
	dload = xstrcat(dload, (char *)"0");
    dload = xstrcat(dload, (char *)",\"svalue\":\"");
    dload = xstrcat(dload, sval);
    dload = xstrcat(dload, (char *)"\"}");
    publisher(mosq, (char *)"domoticz/in", dload, false);
    dload = NULL;

char *unit_data(units_list *unit, bool birth)
    char		*payload = NULL;
    char		buf[128];
    bool		comma = false;
    prof_step           *pstep;

    payload = xstrcpy((char *)"{");

     * Fixed unit values, never change these!
    if (birth) {
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"uuid\":\"");
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->uuid);
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"alias\":\"");
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->alias);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",");

     * Product (beer) loaded information.
    if ((unit->product_name && strlen(unit->product_name)) || 
	(unit->product_code && strlen(unit->product_code)) || 
	(unit->product_uuid && strlen(unit->product_uuid))) { 
	comma = false;
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"product\":{");
	if (unit->product_uuid && strlen(unit->product_uuid) && strcmp((char *)"(null)", unit->product_uuid)) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"uuid\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->product_uuid);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
	    comma = true;
	if (unit->product_code && strlen(unit->product_code)) {
	    if (comma)
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"code\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->product_code);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
	    comma = true;
	if (unit->product_name && strlen(unit->product_name)) {
	    if (comma)
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"name\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->product_name);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
	sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->yeast_lo);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"yeast_lo\":");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->yeast_hi);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"yeast_hi\":");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");

     * Air temperature sensor
    if (unit->air_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"air\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->air_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)DEVPRESENT[unit->air_state]);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"temperature\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->air_temperature / 1000.0);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->air_idx);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_temp(unit->air_idx, unit->air_temperature);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"air\":null");

     * Beer temperature sensor
    if (unit->beer_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"beer\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->beer_address);
	if (unit->beer_address2) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"address2\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->beer_address2);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)DEVPRESENT[unit->beer_state]);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"temperature\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->beer_temperature / 1000.0);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->beer_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_temp(unit->beer_idx, unit->beer_temperature);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"beer\":null");

     * External chiller temperature sensor
    if (unit->chiller_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"chiller\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->chiller_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)DEVPRESENT[unit->chiller_state]);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"temperature\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->chiller_temperature / 1000.0);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->chiller_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_temp(unit->chiller_idx, unit->chiller_temperature);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"chiller\":null");

     * Heater control, power 0..100% and usage count.
    if (unit->heater_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"heater\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->heater_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->heater_state);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"usage\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->heater_usage);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->heater_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"delay\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->heater_delay);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_output(unit->heater_idx, unit->heater_state);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"heater\":null");
     * Cooler control, power 0..100% and usage counter.
    if (unit->cooler_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"cooler\":{\"address\":\"");
 	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->cooler_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->cooler_state);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"usage\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->cooler_usage);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->cooler_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"delay\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->cooler_delay);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_output(unit->cooler_idx, unit->cooler_state);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"cooler\":null");

     * Fan control, 0..100% and usage counter.
    if (unit->fan_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"fan\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->fan_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->fan_state);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"usage\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->fan_usage);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->fan_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"delay\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->fan_delay);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_output(unit->fan_idx, unit->fan_state);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"fan\":null");

     * Interior lights control, 0..100% and usage counter.
    if (unit->light_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"light\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->light_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->light_state);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"usage\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->light_usage);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->light_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"delay\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->light_delay);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_output(unit->light_idx, unit->light_state);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"light\":null");

     * Door sensor.
    if (unit->door_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"door\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->door_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", (unit->door_state) ? 0:1);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->door_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_output(unit->door_idx, unit->door_state);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"door\":null");

     * PSU status
    if (unit->psu_address) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"psu\":{\"address\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->psu_address);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->psu_state);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idx\":");
        sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->psu_idx);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	pub_domoticz_output(unit->psu_idx, unit->psu_state);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"psu\":null");

     * Working mode and setpoints
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"stage\":\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)UNITSTAGE[unit->stage]);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"mode\":\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)UNITMODE[unit->mode]);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"setpoint\":{\"low\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->PID_heat->SetP);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"high\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->PID_cool->SetP);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"},\"alarm\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->alarm_flag);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);

    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"pidc\":{\"P\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->PID_cool->pGain);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"I\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->PID_cool->iGain);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"D\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->PID_cool->dGain);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"imax\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->PID_cool->iMax);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idle\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.2f", unit->PID_cool->idleRange);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"},\"pidh\":{\"P\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->PID_heat->pGain);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"I\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->PID_heat->iGain);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"D\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->PID_heat->dGain);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"imax\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->PID_heat->iMax);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"idle\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%.2f", unit->PID_heat->idleRange);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");

     * Loaded profile and state
    if (unit->profile_uuid) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"profile\":{\"uuid\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->profile_uuid);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"name\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->profile_name);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)PROFSTATE[unit->prof_state]);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"percent\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->prof_percent);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"inittemp\":{\"low\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->profile_inittemp_lo);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"high\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->profile_inittemp_hi);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"},\"fridgemode\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->profile_fridge_mode);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	comma = false;
	if (unit->profile_steps) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"steps\":[");
	    for (pstep = unit->profile_steps; pstep; pstep = pstep->next) {
		if (comma)
		    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"{\"resttime\":");
		sprintf(buf, "%d", pstep->resttime);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"steptime\":");
		sprintf(buf, "%d", pstep->steptime);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"target\":{\"low\":");
		sprintf(buf, "%.1f", pstep->target_lo);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"high\":");
		sprintf(buf, "%.1f", pstep->target_hi);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"},\"fridgemode\":");
		sprintf(buf, "%d", pstep->fridge_mode);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
		if (pstep->name) {
		    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"name\":\"");
		    payload = xstrcat(payload, pstep->name);
		    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
		comma = true;
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"]");
	} else {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"steps\":null");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"profile\":null");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");

    return payload;

 * @brief Publish DBIRTH for all active units. If there are no active units, don't
 *        publish anything. This function should be called at program start.
void publishDBirthAll(void)
    char	*topic = NULL, *payload = NULL, *payloadu = NULL;
    units_list	*unit;
    int		comma = FALSE;

    payload = payload_header();
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"{\"units\":[");
    for (unit = Config.units; unit; unit = unit->next) {
//	if (unit->mode != UNITMODE_OFF) {
	    if (comma)
	    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	    payloadu = unit_data(unit, true);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, payloadu);
	    comma = TRUE;
	    payloadu = NULL;
//	}
    if (comma) {	// Only publish if there is at least one unit active.
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"]}}");
	topic = topic_base((char *)"DBIRTH");
    	publisher(mosq, topic, payload, true);
	topic = NULL;
    payload = NULL;

void publishDData(units_list *unit)
    char	*payload = NULL, *payloadu = NULL, *topic = NULL;

    if (mqtt_use) {
	payload = payload_header();
	payloadu = unit_data(unit, false);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, payloadu);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	topic = xstrcat(topic_base((char *)"DDATA"), (char *)"/");
	topic = xstrcat(topic, unit->alias);
	publisher(mosq, topic, payload, false);
	payload = NULL;
	payloadu = NULL;
	topic = NULL;

     * Build and send websocket message.
    payload = xstrcpy((char *)"{\"type\":\"fermenter\",\"unit\":\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->alias);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"metric\":");
    payloadu = unit_data(unit, false);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, payloadu);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
    payload = NULL;
    payloadu = NULL;

    unit->mqtt_flag &= ~MQTT_FLAG_DATA;

void publishDBirth(units_list *unit)
    char        *payload = NULL, *topic = NULL;

    if (mqtt_use) {
	payload = payload_header();
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit_data(unit, true));
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	topic = xstrcat(topic_base((char *)"DBIRTH"), (char *)"/");
	topic = xstrcat(topic, unit->alias);
	publisher(mosq, topic, payload, true);
	payload = NULL;
	topic = NULL;

void publishDDeath(units_list *unit)
    char        *topic = NULL;

    if (mqtt_use) {
	// First delete presistent DBIRTH topic
	topic = xstrcat(topic_base((char *)"DBIRTH"), (char *)"/");
	topic = xstrcat(topic, unit->alias);
	publisher(mosq, topic, NULL, true);
	topic = NULL;
	topic = xstrcat(topic_base((char *)"DDEATH"), (char *)"/");
	topic = xstrcat(topic, unit->alias);
	publisher(mosq, topic, NULL, true);
	topic = NULL;

void publishDLog(units_list *unit)
    char        buf[32], *payload = NULL, *topic = NULL;
    bool	comma = false;

    if (mqtt_use) {
	payload = payload_header();
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"{");

	if ((unit->product_name && strlen(unit->product_name)) || 
	    (unit->product_code && strlen(unit->product_code)) || 
	    (unit->product_uuid && strlen(unit->product_uuid))) {
	    comma = false;
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"product\":{");
	    if (unit->product_uuid && strlen(unit->product_uuid) && strcmp((char *)"(null)", unit->product_uuid)) {
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"uuid\":\"");
		payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->product_uuid);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
		comma = true;
	    if (unit->product_code && strlen(unit->product_code)) {
		if (comma)
		    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"code\":\"");
		payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->product_code);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
		comma = true;
	    if (unit->product_name && strlen(unit->product_name)) {
		if (comma)
		    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"name\":\"");
		payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->product_name);
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	    comma = true;

	if (comma)
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"stage\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)UNITSTAGE[unit->stage]);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"mode\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)UNITMODE[unit->mode]);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"temperature\":{");
	comma = false;
	if (unit->air_address) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"air\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->air_temperature / 1000.0);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    comma = true;
	if (unit->beer_address) {
	    if (comma)
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"beer\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->beer_temperature / 1000.0);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    comma = true;
	if (unit->chiller_address) {
	    if (comma)
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"chiller\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%.3f", unit->chiller_temperature / 1000.0);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    comma = true;
	if (Config.temp_uuid) {
	    if (comma)
		payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"room\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", Config.temp_value / 1000.0);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"},\"setpoint\":{\"low\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->PID_heat->SetP);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"high\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%.1f", unit->PID_cool->SetP);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	if (unit->heater_address) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"heater\":{\"power\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->heater_state);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"usage\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->heater_usage);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	if (unit->cooler_address) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"cooler\":{\"power\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->cooler_state);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"usage\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->cooler_usage);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	if (unit->fan_address) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"fan\":{\"power\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->fan_state);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"usage\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%d", unit->fan_usage);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	// sg
	if (unit->event_msg) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"event\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->event_msg);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"fermenter_uuid\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, unit->uuid);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"}}");

	topic = xstrcat(topic_base((char *)"DLOG"), (char *)"/");
	topic = xstrcat(topic, unit->alias);
	publisher(mosq, topic, payload, false);
	payload = NULL;
	topic = NULL;

char *global_json(void)
    char		*payload, buf[64];
    struct utsname	ubuf;

    payload = xstrcpy((char *)"{\"type\":\"global\",\"name\":\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload,;
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"uuid\":\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, Config.uuid);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"node\":\"");
    if (uname(&ubuf) == 0) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, ubuf.nodename);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"os\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, ubuf.sysname);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"os_version\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, ubuf.release);
    } else {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"Unknown\",\"os\":\"Unknown\",\"os_version\":\"Unknown");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"FW\":\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)VERSION);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"server_port\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.server_port);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"websocket_port\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.websocket_port);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"nextunit\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.next_unit);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);

    if (Config.temp_uuid || Config.hum_uuid) {
        payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"THB\":{");
        if (Config.temp_uuid) {
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"temperature\":{\"uuid\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, Config.temp_uuid);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)DEVPRESENT[Config.temp_state]);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"value\":");
            sprintf(buf, "%.1f", Config.temp_value / 1000.0);
            payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
        if (Config.temp_uuid && Config.hum_uuid)
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
        if (Config.hum_uuid) {
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"humidity\":{\"uuid\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, Config.hum_uuid);
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"state\":\"");
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)DEVPRESENT[Config.hum_state]);
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"value\":");
            sprintf(buf, "%.1f", Config.hum_value / 1000.0);
            payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
	if (Config.temp_uuid || Config.hum_uuid)
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"index\":");
	sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.temp_hum_idx);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
        payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"LCD\":{\"address\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.lcd_address);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"cols\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.lcd_cols);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"rows\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.lcd_rows);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"},\"MQTT\":{\"host\":\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, Config.mqtt_host);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"port\":");
    sprintf(buf, "%d", Config.mqtt_port);
    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
    if (Config.mqtt_username) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"username\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, Config.mqtt_username);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
    	if (Config.mqtt_password) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"password\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, Config.mqtt_password);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}}");
    return payload;

void node_ws(void)
    char	*payload = NULL;

    payload = global_json();
    payload = NULL;

void publishNData(bool birth, int flag)
    char		*topic = NULL, *payload = NULL, sidx[10], buf[64];
    struct utsname	ubuf;
    bool		comma = false;
    int			model, rev, mem, maker, warranty;

    payload = payload_header();
    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"{");

    if (birth) {
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"uuid\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, Config.uuid);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",");
	 * Get the info from the WiringPi libary
	piBoardId (&model, &rev, &mem, &maker, &warranty);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"properties\":{\"hardwaremake\":\"Raspberry Pi ");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)piMakerNames[maker]);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"hardwaremodel\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)piModelNames[model]);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)" rev ");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)piRevisionNames[rev]);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
	 * Get the info from the internal function
	piBoardId (&model, &rev, &mem, &maker, &warranty);
	if (model != -1) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"properties\":{\"hardwaremake\":\"Raspberry Pi ");
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)piMakerNames[maker]);
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"hardwaremodel\":\"");
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)piModelNames[model]);
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)" rev ");
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)piRevisionNames[rev]);
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
	} else if (uname(&ubuf) == 0) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"properties\":{\"hardwaremake\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, ubuf.machine);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"hardwaremodel\":\"Unknown\"");
	} else {
    	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"properties\":{\"hardwaremake\":\"Unknown\",\"hardwaremodel\":\"Unknown\"");
	if (uname(&ubuf) == 0) {
            payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"os\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, ubuf.sysname);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"os_version\":\"");
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, ubuf.release);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");
    	} else {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"os\":\"Unknown\",\"os_version\":\"Unknown\"");

    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"FW\":\"");
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)VERSION);
    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"}");
	comma = true;

    if (Config.temp_uuid || Config.hum_uuid) {
	if (comma)
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"THB\":{");
	if (Config.temp_uuid) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"temperature\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", Config.temp_value / 1000.0);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	if (Config.temp_uuid && Config.hum_uuid)
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",");
	if (Config.hum_uuid) {
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"humidity\":");
	    sprintf(buf, "%.1f", Config.hum_value / 1000.0);
	    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");

     * Find our network information
    FILE		*f;
    char		line[100], *ifname, *c, ip[NI_MAXHOST];
    struct ifaddrs	*ifaddr, *ifa;
    int			family, s, sock, rssi;
    struct iwreq	wrq;
    struct iw_statistics	iwstats;
    char		essid[IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE+1];

    if ((f = fopen("/proc/net/route" , "r"))) {
	while (fgets(line, 100, f)) {
	    ifname = strtok(line , " \t");
	    c = strtok(NULL , " \t");

	    // Take the entry with destination '00000000'
	    if (ifname != NULL && c != NULL && (strcmp(c , "00000000") == 0)) {

		if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == -1) {
		    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "error getifaddrs error %d", errno);
		    goto neterr;

		//Walk through linked list, maintaining head pointer so we can free list later
		for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
		    if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL) {

		    family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family;

		    if ((strcmp( ifa->ifa_name, ifname) == 0) && (family == AF_INET)) {
			s = getnameinfo(ifa->ifa_addr, (family == AF_INET) ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), ip, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
			if (s != 0) {
			    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "getnameinfo() error=%d for %s", errno, ifname);
			    goto neterr;
			payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"net\":{\"address\":\"");
			payload = xstrcat(payload, ip);
			payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\",\"ifname\":\"");
			payload = xstrcat(payload, ifname);
			payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");

			 * Now detect WiFi on this interface.
			strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, ifa->ifa_name, IFNAMSIZ-1);

			if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) {
			    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error %d opening INET socket", errno);
			} else {
			    wrq.u.essid.pointer = essid;
			    if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIWESSID, &wrq) != -1) {
			    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"ssid\":\"");
			    	payload = xstrcat(payload, wrq.u.essid.pointer);
			    	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"");

			    memset(&iwstats, 0, sizeof(iwstats)); = &iwstats; = sizeof(struct iw_statistics); = 1;
			    if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIWSTATS, &wrq) != -1) {
				if ((iwstats.qual.updated & (IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID | IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID)) == 0) {
				    /* iwstats.qual.level is __u8 */
				    if (iwstats.qual.updated & IW_QUAL_DBM) {
					rssi = (iwstats.qual.level > 63) ?  iwstats.qual.level - 0x100 : iwstats.qual.level;
				    } else {
					/* level seems 0..100% */
					if (iwstats.qual.level > 90)
					    rssi = -10;
					    rssi = (iwstats.qual.level - 100);
				    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"rssi\":");
				    sprintf(buf, "%d", rssi);
				    payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
				} else {
				    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Signal level is invalid");
			payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}");


    payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"}}");
    if (birth) {
	topic = topic_base((char *)"NBIRTH");
    	publisher(mosq, topic, payload, true);
    } else {
	topic = topic_base((char *)"NDATA");
	publisher(mosq, topic, payload, false);
    topic = NULL;
    payload = NULL;

    if ((Config.temp_uuid || Config.hum_uuid) && Config.temp_hum_idx) {
	sprintf(sidx, "%d", Config.temp_hum_idx);
	sprintf(buf, "%.1f;%.1f;0", Config.temp_value / 1000.0, Config.hum_value / 1000.0);

	payload = xstrcpy((char *)"{\"command\":\"udevice\",\"idx\":");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, sidx);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)",\"nvalue\":0,\"svalue\":\"");
	payload = xstrcat(payload, buf);
	payload = xstrcat(payload, (char *)"\"}");
	publisher(mosq, (char *)"domoticz/in", payload, false);
	payload = NULL;


void mqtt_connect(void)
    char	*id = NULL, *topic;
    char	err[1024];
    int		rc;

     * Initialize mosquitto communication
    gethostname(my_hostname, 255);
    if (strchr(my_hostname, '.')) {
	char *p = strchr(my_hostname, '.');
	*p = '\0';
    id = xstrcpy((char *)"thermferm/");
    id = xstrcat(id, my_hostname);
    if (strlen(id) > MOSQ_MQTT_ID_MAX_LENGTH) {
        * Enforce maximum client id length of 23 characters
       id[MOSQ_MQTT_ID_MAX_LENGTH] = '\0';

    mosq = mosquitto_new(id, TRUE, NULL);
    if (!mosq) {
       switch(errno) {
           case ENOMEM:
               syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: mosquitto_new: Out of memory");
           case EINVAL:
               syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: mosquitto_new: Invalid id");
    id = NULL;

     * Set our will
    topic = topic_base((char *)"NDEATH");
    if ((rc = mosquitto_will_set(mosq, topic, 0, NULL, mqtt_qos, false))) {
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: mosquitto_will_set: %s", mosquitto_strerror(rc));

    if (debug)
    	mosquitto_log_callback_set(mosq, my_log_callback);
    mosquitto_max_inflight_messages_set(mosq, max_inflight);
    mosquitto_connect_callback_set(mosq, my_connect_callback);
    mosquitto_disconnect_callback_set(mosq, my_disconnect_callback);
    mosquitto_publish_callback_set(mosq, my_publish_callback);
    mosquitto_message_callback_set(mosq, my_message_callback);
    mosquitto_subscribe_callback_set(mosq, my_subscribe_callback);

    if (Config.mqtt_username) {
	if (Config.mqtt_password) {
	    rc = mosquitto_username_pw_set(mosq, Config.mqtt_username, Config.mqtt_password);
	} else {
	    rc = mosquitto_username_pw_set(mosq, Config.mqtt_username, NULL);
	if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_INVAL) {
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: mosquitto_username_pw_set: Invalid id");
	} else if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM) {
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: mosquitto_username_pw_set: Out of memory");
	if (rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) {

    if ((rc = mosquitto_connect(mosq, Config.mqtt_host, Config.mqtt_port, keepalive))) {
        if (rc == MOSQ_ERR_ERRNO) {
            strerror_r(errno, err, 1024);
            syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: mosquitto_connect: error: %s", err);
        } else {
            syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: mosquitto_connect: unable to connect (%d)", rc);
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: will run without an MQTT broker.");
    } else {
        mqtt_use = TRUE;
        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT: connected with %s:%d", Config.mqtt_host, Config.mqtt_port);

         * Initialise is complete, report our presence state
	publishNData(true, 0);

void mqtt_disconnect(void)
    int		rc;
    char	*topic;

    if (mqtt_use) {
         * Final publish 0 to clients/<hostname>/thermferm/state
	 * After that, remove the retained topic.
        syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT disconnecting");
	topic = topic_base((char *)"DBIRTH");
	publisher(mosq, topic, NULL, true);	// Not always needed, but ...
	topic = topic_base((char *)"DDEATH");
	publisher(mosq, topic, NULL, true);
	topic = topic_base((char *)"NBIRTH");
	publisher(mosq, topic, NULL, true);
	topic = topic_base((char *)"NDEATH");
	publisher(mosq, topic, NULL, true);
        mqtt_last_mid = mqtt_mid_sent;
        mqtt_status = STATUS_WAITING;
	mqtt_my_shutdown = TRUE;

        do {
            if (mqtt_status == STATUS_WAITING) {
                if (mqtt_last_mid_sent == mqtt_last_mid && mqtt_disconnect_sent == FALSE) {
                    mqtt_disconnect_sent = TRUE;
            rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS;
        } while (rc == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS && mqtt_connected);

        mosquitto_loop_stop(mosq, FALSE);
	mqtt_use = FALSE;
	mqtt_status = STATUS_CONNECTING;
	mqtt_mid_sent = 0;
	mqtt_last_mid = -1;
	mqtt_last_mid_sent = -1;
	mqtt_connected = TRUE;
	mqtt_disconnect_sent = FALSE;
	mqtt_connect_lost = FALSE;
	mqtt_my_shutdown = FALSE;
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "MQTT disconnected");
