
Mon, 02 May 2016 16:15:37 +0200

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Mon, 02 May 2016 16:15:37 +0200
changeset 499
parent 117
child 511

Created mqtt sourcefiles. Use flags to trigger publish messages. The main source does not know and does not care if MQTT messages will be sent. Version 0.5.5

 * Globalize Culture ja-JP
 * http://github.com/jquery/globalize
 * Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
 * http://jquery.org/license
 * This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
 * Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator

(function( window, undefined ) {

var Globalize;

if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
	typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
	typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
	// Assume CommonJS
	Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
	// Global variable
	Globalize = window.Globalize;

Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ja-JP", "default", {
	name: "ja-JP",
	englishName: "Japanese (Japan)",
	nativeName: "日本語 (日本)",
	language: "ja",
	numberFormat: {
		"NaN": "NaN (非数値)",
		negativeInfinity: "-∞",
		positiveInfinity: "+∞",
		percent: {
			pattern: ["-n%","n%"]
		currency: {
			pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
			decimals: 0,
			symbol: "¥"
	calendars: {
		standard: {
			days: {
				names: ["日曜日","月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日"],
				namesAbbr: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"],
				namesShort: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"]
			months: {
				names: ["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月",""],
				namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""]
			AM: ["午前","午前","午前"],
			PM: ["午後","午後","午後"],
			eras: [{"name":"西暦","start":null,"offset":0}],
			patterns: {
				d: "yyyy/MM/dd",
				D: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日'",
				t: "H:mm",
				T: "H:mm:ss",
				f: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm",
				F: "yyyy'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss",
				M: "M'月'd'日'",
				Y: "yyyy'年'M'月'"
		Japanese: {
			name: "Japanese",
			days: {
				names: ["日曜日","月曜日","火曜日","水曜日","木曜日","金曜日","土曜日"],
				namesAbbr: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"],
				namesShort: ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"]
			months: {
				names: ["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月",""],
				namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""]
			AM: ["午前","午前","午前"],
			PM: ["午後","午後","午後"],
			eras: [{"name":"平成","start":null,"offset":1867},{"name":"昭和","start":-1812153600000,"offset":1911},{"name":"大正","start":-1357603200000,"offset":1925},{"name":"明治","start":60022080000,"offset":1988}],
			twoDigitYearMax: 99,
			patterns: {
				d: "gg y/M/d",
				D: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日'",
				t: "H:mm",
				T: "H:mm:ss",
				f: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm",
				F: "gg y'年'M'月'd'日' H:mm:ss",
				M: "M'月'd'日'",
				Y: "gg y'年'M'月'"

}( this ));
