
Sat, 28 Nov 2015 13:47:00 +0100

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 28 Nov 2015 13:47:00 +0100
changeset 440
parent 438
child 441

Added prompts for the LCD. Basic processing loop written.

#ifndef _BREWCO_H
#define	_BREWCO_H

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

#include "../config.h"
#include "pid.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <pthread.h>
#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/encoding.h>
#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>

/* wiringPi */
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <pcf8574.h>
#include <lcd.h>

 * Thread locks
#define LOCK_DEVICES            0
#define LOCK_LCD                1
#define LOCK_MENU               2
#define LOCK_SPARE2             3


 * 1-Wire devices
#define W1_FAMILY_DEFAULT       0
#define W1_FAMILY_SMEM_01       0x01
#define W1_FAMILY_SMEM_81       0x81
#define W1_THERM_DS18S20        0x10
#define W1_FAMILY_DS28E04       0x1C
#define W1_COUNTER_DS2423       0x1D
#define W1_THERM_DS1822         0x22
#define W1_EEPROM_DS2433        0x23
#define W1_THERM_DS18B20        0x28
#define W1_FAMILY_DS2408        0x29
#define W1_EEPROM_DS2431        0x2D
#define W1_FAMILY_DS2760        0x30
#define W1_FAMILY_DS2780        0x32
#define W1_FAMILY_DS2413        0x3A
#define W1_THERM_DS1825         0x3B
#define W1_FAMILY_DS2781        0x3D
#define W1_THERM_DS28EA00       0x42

#define MBSE_SS(x) (x)?(x):"(null)"

 * Sensor strcuture
typedef struct _sensor_var {
    char		uuid[37];		/* sensor uuid			*/
    int			state;			/* sensor state			*/
    int			value;			/* sensor value			*/
} sensor_var;

 * Switch structure
typedef struct _switch_var {
    char		uuid[37];		/* switch uuid			*/
    int			value;			/* switch value (0..100)	*/
    int			delay;			/* switch delay			*/
} switch_var;

 * Brewing units. The sensors of the units are connected via the 1-wire bus.
 * The heaters, pumps (or mixer) are connected on the Pi GPIO. The hardware
 * is configured in the devices lists.
typedef struct _units_list {
    struct _units_list  *next;
    int                 version;                /* Record version               */
    char		*uuid;			/* uuid code			*/
    char                *name;                  /* Unit name                    */
    sensor_var		*hlt_sensor;		/* HLT sensor			*/
    switch_var		*hlt_heater;		/* HLT heater			*/
    int			hlt_heater_mltfirst;	/* HLT heater MLT high priority	*/
    sensor_var		*mlt_sensor;		/* MLT sensor			*/
    switch_var		*mlt_heater;		/* MLT heater			*/
    switch_var		*mlt_pump;		/* MLT pump			*/
    int			pump_cycle;		/* 5..15 minutes 		*/
    int			pump_rest;		/* 1..5 minutes			*/
    int			pump_premash;		/* 0/1				*/
    int			pump_onmash;		/* 0/1				*/
    int			pump_mashout;		/* 0/1				*/
    int			pump_onboil;		/* 0/1 pump during boiling	*/
    int			pump_stop;		/* 80..105 C			*/
    int			skip_add;		/* 0/1 skip Add phase		*/
    int			skip_remove;		/* 0/1 skip Remove phase	*/
    int			skip_iodine;		/* 0/1 skip Iodine test		*/
    int			iodine_time;		/* 0..90 minutes		*/
    int			whirlpool;		/* off/cold/hot			*/
    pid_var		*PID_hlt;		/* HLT PID			*/
    pid_var		*PID_mlt;		/* MLT PID			*/
} units_list;

 * External devices like sensors, relays, SSR.
typedef struct _dev_list {
    struct _dev_list    *next;
    int                 version;                /* Version 1                    */
    char                *uuid;                  /* UUID of this device          */
    int                 type;                   /* Device type                  */
    int                 direction;              /* Device direction             */
    int                 value;                  /* Device value                 */
    int                 offset;                 /* Device offset value          */
    int                 present;                /* Device present               */
    char                *address;               /* Device address               */
    int                 subdevice;              /* Device sub address           */
    int                 gpiopin;                /* Device GPIO pin or -1        */
    char                *description;           /* Device description           */
    int                 inuse;                  /* In use counter               */
    char                *comment;               /* What we think it is          */
    time_t              timestamp;              /* Last updated                 */
} devices_list;

#define DEVTYPE_NA              0               /* Unknown device type          */
#define DEVTYPE_W1              1               /* 1-Wire bus                   */
#define DEVTYPE_GPIO            2               /* GPIO I/O device              */
#define DEVTYPE_I2C             3               /* I2C bus device               */
#define DEVTYPE_SPI             4               /* SPI bus device               */
#define DEVTYPE_SIM             5               /* Simulated device             */

#define DEVPRESENT_UNDEF        0               /* Precence not testable        */
#define DEVPRESENT_NO           1               /* Device is missing            */
#define DEVPRESENT_YES          2               /* Device is detected           */
#define DEVPRESENT_ERROR        3               /* Device is in error           */

#define DEVDIR_UNDEF            0               /* Undefined                    */
#define DEVDIR_IN_BIN           1               /* Binary input                 */
#define DEVDIR_OUT_BIN          2               /* Binary output                */
#define DEVDIR_IN_ANALOG        3               /* Temperature input etc.       */
#define DEVDIR_OUT_ANALOG       4               /* Analog steering              */
#define DEVDIR_OUT_PWM          5               /* PWM outout                   */
#define DEVDIR_INTERN           6               /* Internal function            */

 * Recipes.
typedef struct _mash_step {
    char		name[21];		/* Step name			*/
    int			min;			/* Minimum temperature		*/
    int			max;			/* Maximum temperature		*/
    int			canskip;		/* 0/1 can we skip this step	*/
    int			setpoint;		/* Temperature setpoint		*/
    int			skip;			/* Skip this step		*/
    int			duration;		/* Step duration		*/
} mash_step;

// mash-in	20	80	noskip
// fitasi	25	55	canskip
// glucanasi	35	50	canskip
// proteasi	45	60	canskip
// B-amilasi	50	70	canskip
// A-amilasi 1	60	76	canskip
// A-amilasi 2	60	76	noskip
// mash-out	75	80	noskip

typedef struct _hop_addition {
    char		name[21];		/* Hop name			*/
    int			boil_duration;		/* -1=fwh, 0..boiltime		*/
} hop_addition;

typedef struct _a_recipe {
    char		uuid[37];		/* Recipe uuid			*/
    char		code[21];		/* Recipe code			*/
    char		name[21];		/* Recipe name			*/
    mash_step		mash[8];		/* 8 mash steps			*/
    hop_addition	hops[10];		/* 10 hop additions		*/
    int			boiltime;		/* 1..240 minutes		*/
    time_t		started;		/* Start time			*/
    time_t		endtime;		/* Ending time			*/
} a_recipe;


 * Simulate a HLT and MLT.
typedef struct _simulator {
    double		room_temperature;	/* Simulated envionment temp	*/
    double		hlt_temperature;	/* Simulated HLT temperature	*/
    double		hlt_heater_temp;	/* Maximum heater temp		*/
    int			hlt_heater_time;	/* Time to reach temperature	*/
    float		hlt_heater_size;	/* Size of the heater		*/
    int			hlt_heater_state;	/* Heater status		*/
    double		mlt_temperature;	/* Simulated MLT temperature	*/
    double		mlt_heater_temp;	/* Maximum heater temp		*/
    int			mlt_heater_time;	/* Time to reach temperature	*/
    float		mlt_heater_size;	/* Size of the heater		*/
    int			mlt_heater_state;	/* Heater status		*/
     * Status values, maintained by the simulator but stored
     * here so they don't get lost over program restarts.
    double		s_hlt_temp;		/* Temp HLT			*/
    double		s_mlt_temp;		/* Temp MLT			*/
} simulator_var;


typedef struct _sys_config {
    char		*name;			/* Configuration name		*/
    int			my_port;		/* my client/server port	*/
    unsigned char	tempFormat;		/* Temperature format, C or F	*/
    sensor_var		*roomtemp;		/* Environment temperature      */
    int			lcd_cols;		/* LCD display columns		*/
    int			lcd_rows;		/* LCD display rows		*/
    int			lcd_address;		/* LCD display i2c address	*/
    units_list		*units;			/* Brewing units		*/
    devices_list	*devices;		/* Sensors and switches		*/
    simulator_var	*simulator;		/* Simulator			*/
} sys_config;

