
Sun, 27 Dec 2015 17:52:26 +0100

Michiel Broek <>
Sun, 27 Dec 2015 17:52:26 +0100
changeset 477
parent 473

Renamed Mash-in step to Prepare on the display. Don't run the pump when the mash is added. When preparing the mash, first heat the HLT, and then the MLT so that both have the chance to reach their target temperatures.

 * Copyright (C) 2015
 * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
 * This file is part of the mbsePi-apps
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * mbsePi-apps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with ThermFerm; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
 * Based on the Arduino PID Library 1.1.1 by Brett Beauregard <>
 * This Library is licensed under a GPLv3 License

#include "brewco.h"
#include "pid.h"
#include "util.h"

 * The parameters specified here are those for for which we can't set up
 * reliable defaults, so we need to have the user set them.
void PID_init(pid_var *pid, double *Input, double *Output, double *Setpoint, double Kp, double Ki, double Kd, int ControllerDirection)
    pid->myOutput = Output;
    pid->myInput = Input;
    pid->mySetpoint = Setpoint;
    pid->inAuto = FALSE;
    PID_setOutputLimits(pid, 0, 255);
    pid->SampleTime = 100;
    PID_setDirection(pid, ControllerDirection);
    PID_setTunings(pid, Kp, Ki, Kd);
    pid->lastTime = millis() - pid->SampleTime;

 * Allows the controller Mode to be set to manual (0) or Automatic (non-zero)
 * when the transition from manual to auto occurs, the controller is
 * automatically initialized
void PID_setMode(pid_var *pid, int Mode)
    int		newAuto = (Mode == P_AUTOMATIC);

    if (newAuto != pid->inAuto) {
	 * we just went from manual to auto
	pid->ITerm = *pid->myOutput;
	pid->lastInput = *pid->myInput;
	if (pid->ITerm > pid->outMax)
	    pid->ITerm = pid->outMax;
	else if (pid->ITerm < pid->outMin)
	    pid->ITerm = pid->outMin;
	 * If turned to manual, turn output off.
	if (Mode == P_MANUAL)
	    *pid->myOutput = pid->outMin;
    pid->inAuto = newAuto;

 * This function will be used far more often than SetInputLimits.  while
 * the input to the controller will generally be in the 0-1023 range (which is
 * the default already,)  the output will be a little different.  maybe they'll
 * be doing a time window and will need 0-8000 or something.  or maybe they'll
 * want to clamp it from 0-125.  who knows.  at any rate, that can all be done
 * here.
void PID_setOutputLimits(pid_var *pid, double Min, double Max)
    if (Min >= Max)

    pid->outMin = Min;
    pid->outMax = Max;

    if (pid->inAuto == P_AUTOMATIC) {
	if (*pid->myOutput > pid->outMax)
	    *pid->myOutput = pid->outMax;
	else if (*pid->myOutput < pid->outMin)
	    *pid->myOutput = pid->outMin;

	if (pid->ITerm > pid->outMax)
	    pid->ITerm = pid->outMax;
	else if (pid->ITerm < pid->outMin)
	    pid->ITerm = pid->outMin;

 * This function allows the controller's dynamic performance to be adjusted.
 * it's called automatically from the constructor, but tunings can also
 * be adjusted on the fly during normal operation.
void PID_setTunings(pid_var *pid, double Kp, double Ki, double Kd)
    if (Kp < 0 || Ki < 0 || Kd < 0)
    pid->dispKp = Kp;
    pid->dispKi = Ki;
    pid->dispKd = Kd;

    double SampleTimeInSec = ((double)pid->SampleTime) / 1000;
    pid->Kp = Kp;
    pid->Ki = Ki * SampleTimeInSec;
    pid->Kd = Kd / SampleTimeInSec;

    if (pid->Direction == P_REVERSE) {
	pid->Kp = (0 - pid->Kp);
	pid->Ki = (0 - pid->Ki);
	pid->Kd = (0 - pid->Kd);

 * The PID will either be connected to a DIRECT acting process (+Output leads
 * to +Input) or a REVERSE acting process(+Output leads to -Input.)  we need to
 * know which one, because otherwise we may increase the output when we should
 * be decreasing.  This is called from PID_init().
void PID_setDirection(pid_var *pid, int Direction)
    if (pid->inAuto && Direction != pid->Direction) {
	pid->Kp = (0 - pid->Kp);
	pid->Ki = (0 - pid->Ki);
	pid->Kd = (0 - pid->Kd);
    pid->Direction = Direction;

 * sets the period, in Milliseconds, at which the calculation is performed.
void PID_setSampleTime(pid_var *pid, int NewSampleTime)
    if (NewSampleTime > 0) {
	double	ratio = (double)NewSampleTime / (double)pid->SampleTime;

	pid->Ki *= ratio;
	pid->Kd /= ratio;
	pid->SampleTime = NewSampleTime;

 * Just because you set the Kp=-1 doesn't mean it actually happened.  these
 * functions query the internal state of the PID.  they're here for display
 * purposes.  this are the functions the PID Front-end uses for example
double PID_getKp(pid_var *pid)
    return pid->dispKp;

double PID_getKi(pid_var *pid)
    return pid->dispKi;

double PID_getKd(pid_var *pid)
    return pid->dispKd;

int PID_getMode(pid_var *pid)
    return pid->inAuto ? P_AUTOMATIC : P_MANUAL;

int PID_getDirection(pid_var *pid)
    return pid->Direction;

int PID_getSampleTime(pid_var *pid)
    return pid->SampleTime;

 * This, as they say, is where the magic happens.  this function should be called
 * every time "void loop()" executes.  the function will decide for itself whether a new
 * pid Output needs to be computed.  returns true when the output is computed,
 * false when nothing has been done.
int PID_compute(pid_var *pid)
    if (! pid->inAuto)
	return FALSE;

    long now = millis();
    long timeChange = (now - pid->lastTime);

    if (timeChange >= pid->SampleTime) {
	 * Compute all the working error variables
	double input = *pid->myInput;
	double error = *pid->mySetpoint - input;
	pid->ITerm += (pid->Ki * error);
	if (pid->ITerm > pid->outMax)
	    pid->ITerm = pid->outMax;
	else if (pid->ITerm < pid->outMin)
	    pid->ITerm = pid->outMin;
	double dInput = input - pid->lastInput;

	 * Compute PID output
	double output = pid->Kp * error + pid->ITerm - pid->Kd * dInput;
	if (output > pid->outMax)
	    output = pid->outMax;
	else if (output < pid->outMin)
	    output = pid->outMin;
	*pid->myOutput = output;

	 * Remember some variables for the next time
	pid->lastInput = input;
	pid->lastTime = now;
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
