
Sun, 27 Dec 2015 17:52:26 +0100

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Sun, 27 Dec 2015 17:52:26 +0100
changeset 477
parent 397
child 517

Renamed Mash-in step to Prepare on the display. Don't run the pump when the mash is added. When preparing the mash, first heat the HLT, and then the MLT so that both have the chance to reach their target temperatures.

 * Copyright (C) 2015
 * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
 * This file is part of ThermFerm
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
 * later version.
 * ThermFerm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with ThermFerm; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

$my_style = 'ui-redmond';

if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    switch ($_GET['action']) {
	case 'dl':              archive_dl();
	case 'view':		archive_view();
	default:                break;
} else {



 * View an archived file in graph format
function archive_view() {

    global	$my_style;

    $name = urldecode($_GET['name']);

    $answer = send_cmd('GLOBAL GET');
    $arr = explode("\r\n", $answer);
    $version = "?";

    if (startsWith($arr[0], "213")) {
	$j = 1;
	while (1) {
	    if (strcmp($arr[$j], ".") == 0)
	    $f = explode(",", $arr[$j]);

	    if ($f[0] == "RELEASE")
		$version = $f[1];

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    $outstr .= '                var h = value.getHours();'.PHP_EOL;
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    $outstr .= '                return value.getDate() + \'-\' + (value.getMonth() + 1) + \'-\' + value.getFullYear()'; 
    $outstr .= ' + \' \' + (h < 10 ? \'0\' + h : h) + \':\' + (m < 10 ? \'0\' + m : m);'.PHP_EOL;
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    $outstr .= '               displayValueAxis: false,'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '               description: "Heat/Cool %"'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '             },'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '             series: ['.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '               { dataField: "CoolUse", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Cool %", opacity: 0.5 },'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '               { dataField: "HeatUse", lineWidth: 1, displayText: "Heat %", opacity: 0.5 }'.PHP_EOL;
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    $outstr .= '             {'.PHP_EOL;
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    $outstr .= '             },'.PHP_EOL;
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    $outstr .= '       $("#pngButton").click(function () {'.PHP_EOL;
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    $outstr .= '    </script>'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= build_footer();
    echo $outstr;

 * Download popup. The file contents is dynamic generated from
 * the thermferm server.
function archive_dl() {

    $name = urldecode($_GET['name']) . ".log";

    header('Content-Type: text/plain');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'"');

    $answer = send_cmd('ARCHIVE GET '.$name);
    $arr = explode("\r\n", $answer);

    $outstr  = '';
    if (startsWith($arr[0], "212")) {
	$j = 1;
	while (1) {
	    if (strcmp($arr[$j], ".") == 0)
	    $outstr .= $arr[$j].PHP_EOL;
    echo $outstr;

 * Show directory
function archive_dir() {

    $answer = send_cmd("ARCHIVE DIR");
    $reply = explode("\r\n", $answer);

    $outstr  = build_header("Archived logfiles");
    $outstr .= '    <div id="errors">'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '    </div> <!-- errors -->'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '    <div id="etable">'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '     <table class="setup">'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '      <tr class="trhead">'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup" style="width: 340px;">File name</td>'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup" style="width:  90px;">Mode</td>'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup" style="width: 100px;">Size</td>'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup" style="width: 140px;">Date</td>'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup" style="width: 110px;">Action</td>'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '      </tr>'.PHP_EOL;

    if (startsWith($reply[0], "212")) {
	$j = 1;
	while (1) {
	    if (strcmp($reply[$j], ".") == 0)
	    $f = explode(",", $reply[$j]);
	    $name = urlencode(basename($f[0], ".log"));
	    $outstr .= '      <tr class="setup">'.PHP_EOL;
	    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup">'.$f[0].'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
	    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup">'.$f[1].'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
	    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup">'.$f[2].'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
	    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup">'.$f[3].'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
	    $outstr .= '       <td class="setup"><a href="archives.php?action=dl&amp;name='.$name.'">Download</a>';
	    $outstr .= ' <a href="archives.php?action=view&amp;name='.$name.'">View</a></td>'.PHP_EOL;
	    $outstr .= '      </tr>'.PHP_EOL;

    $outstr .= '     </table>'.PHP_EOL;
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    $outstr .= '     });'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= '    </script>'.PHP_EOL;
    $outstr .= build_footer();
    echo $outstr;
