
Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:33:42 +0100

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:33:42 +0100
changeset 569
parent 529
child 593

Version 0.9.0. Implemented DCMD via mqtt to set stage, mode, setpoint low and high. Implemeted DCMD via mqtt to set heater, cooler, fan and light state. Implemented DCMD via mqtt to set product code and name. Set the PID's in fridge mode without idle range offset, that was an old leftover setting that was obsolete.


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 *  +-------------panel_top--------------+
 *  |+----------------++----------------+|
 *  ||                ||    powerled    ||
 *  ||    selector    |+----------------+|
 *  ||                |+----------------+|
 *  ||                ||  mode_control  ||
 *  |+----------------++----------------+|
 *  +------------------------------------+
 *  +-----------panel_display------------+
 *  |+----------++----------++----------+|
 *  || display1 || display2 || display3 ||
 *  |+----------++----------++----------+|
 *  +------------------------------------+
 *  +-----------panel_control------------+
 *  |+----------++----------++----------+|
 *  ||   led1   ||   led2   ||   led3   ||
 *  |+----------++----------++----------+|
 *  |+----------++----------++----------+|
 *  || switch1  || switch2  || switch3  ||
 *  |+----------++----------++----------+|
 *  +------------------------------------+
 *  +----------pannel_buttons------------+
 *  |                                    |
 *  +------------------------------------+

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input.select {
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