
Sun, 13 Jul 2014 21:01:18 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Sun, 13 Jul 2014 21:01:18 +0200
changeset 109
parent 103
child 143

Updated dependencies

#ifndef	_BEERXML_H
#define	_BEERXML_H

 * See for more information.
 * This standard isn't perfect, but it works. Note that some
 * fields are not well defined. Some precentages are safe if you
 * declare them as float instead of intergers.
 * The function parseBeerXML() reads the file and puts the
 * contents in the following tree:
 * recipes recipe hops hop
 *                     hop
 *                fermentables fermentable
 *                             fermentable
 *                yeasts yeast
 *                       yeast
 *                miscs misc
 *                      misc
 *                waters water
 *                       water
 *                style
 *                mash mash_step
 *                     mash_step
 *                equipment
 *         recipe hops hop 
 *           and so on.

typedef struct _hop_rec {
    struct _hop_rec	*next;
    char		*name;			/* Name of the hops				*/
    int			version;		/* Should be 1 for this version of the standard	*/
    float		alpha;			/* Percent alpha of hops			*/
    float		amount;			/* Weight in Kilograms of the hops used.	*/
    char		*use;			/* "Boil", "Dry Hop", "Mash", "First Wort" or "Aroma"	*/
    float		time;			/* The time as measured in minutes. 		*/
    char		*notes;			/* Textual notes about the hops.		*/
    char		*type;			/* "Bittering", "Aroma" or "Both"		*/
    char		*form;			/* "Pellet", "Plug" or "Leaf"			*/
    float		beta;			/* Hop beta percentage.				*/
    float		hsi;			/* Hop Stability Index				*/
    char		*origin;		/* Place of origin for the hops			*/
    char		*substitutes;		/* Substitutes that can be used for this hops	*/
    float		humulene;		/* Humulene level in percent.			*/
    float		caryophyllene;		/* Caryophyllene level in percent.		*/
    float		cohumulone;		/* Cohumulone level in percent			*/
    float		myrcene;		/* Myrcene level in percent			*/
} hop_rec;

typedef struct _fermentable_rec {
    struct _fermentable_rec	*next;
    char		*name;			/* Name						*/
    int			version;		/* Record version				*/
    char		*type;			/* "Grain", "Sugar", "Extract", "Dry Extract" or "Adjunct"	*/
    char		*notes;			/* Notes					*/
    float		amount;			/* Weight in KG					*/
    float		yield;			/* Percent dry yield (fine grain)		*/
    float		color;			/* The color of the item in Lovibond		*/
    bool		add_after_boil;		/* May be TRUE.					*/
    char		*origin;		/* Country or place of origin			*/
    char		*supplier;		/* Supplier of the grain/extract/sugar		*/
    float		coarse_fine_diff;	/* Percent difference between the coarse grain yield and fine grain yield.	*/
    float		moisture;		/* Percent moisture in the grain.		*/
    float		diastatic_power;	/* The diastatic power of the grain		*/
    float		protein;		/* The percent protein in the grain.		*/
    float		max_in_batch;		/* The recommended maximum percentage		*/
    bool		recommend_mash;		/* TRUE if it is recommended to mash		*/
} fermentable_rec;

typedef struct _equipment_rec {
    char		*name;			/* Name of the equipment profile		*/
    int			version;		/* Version of the equipment record.		*/
    float		boil_size;		/* The pre-boil volume used.			*/
    float		batch_size;		/* The target volume of the batch.		*/
    float		tun_volume;		/* Volume of the mash tun in liters.		*/
    float		tun_weight;		/* Weight of the mash tun in kilograms.		*/
    float		tun_specific_heat;	/* The specific heat of the mash tun.		*/
    float		top_up_water;		/* The amount of top up water normally added.	*/
    float		trub_chiller_loss;	/* The amount of wort normally lost.		*/
    float		evap_rate;		/* Perc of wort lost to evaporation per hour.	*/
    float		boil_time;		/* The normal amount of time one boils		*/
    bool		calc_boil_volume;	/* Flag denoting to calculate the boil size.	*/
    float		lauter_deadspace;	/* Amount lost to the lauter tun.		*/
    float		top_up_kettle;		/* Amount normally added to the boil 		*/
    float		hop_utilization;	/* Large batch hop utilization.			*/
    char		*notes;			/* Notes associated with the equipment.		*/
} equipment_rec;

typedef struct _yeast_rec {
    struct _yeast_rec	*next;
    char		*name;			/* Name of the yeast.				*/
    int			version;		/* Version of the standard.			*/
    char		*type;			/* “Ale”, “Lager”, “Wheat”, “Wine”, “Champagne”	*/
    char		*form;			/* “Liquid”, “Dry”, “Slant” or “Culture”	*/
    float		amount;			/* The amount of yeast, measured in liters.	*/
    bool		amount_is_weight;	/* TRUE if the amount measurement is a weight	*/
    char		*laboratory;		/* The laboratory that produced the yeast.	*/
    char		*product_id;		/* The manufacturer’s product ID label		*/
    float		min_temperature;	/* The minimum recommended temperature		*/
    float		max_temperature;	/* The maximum recommended temperature		*/
    char		*flocculation;		/* “Low”, “Medium”, “High” or “Very High”	*/
    float		attenuation;		/* Average attenuation for this yeast strain.	*/
    char		*notes;			/* Notes on this yeast strain.			*/
    char		*best_for;		/* Beerstyle this yeast is best suited for.	*/
    int			times_cultured;		/* Number of times this yeast has been reused	*/
    int			max_reuse;		/* Recommended maximum reuse times		*/
    bool		add_to_secondary;	/* Flag this yeast was added for a secondary	*/
} yeast_rec;

typedef struct _misc_rec {
    struct _misc_rec	*next;
    char		*name;			/* Name of the misc item.			*/
    int			version;		/* Version number of this element.		*/
    char		*type;			/* “Spice”, “Fining”, “Water Agent”, “Herb”, “Flavor”, “Other”	*/
    char		*use;			/* “Boil”, “Mash”, “Primary”, “Secondary”, “Bottling”	*/
    float		time;			/* Time the misc was boiled, steeped, mashed, etc in minutes.	*/
    float		amount;			/* Amount of item used. Liters or Weight	*/
    bool		amount_is_weight;	/* TRUE if amount is weight			*/
    char		*use_for;		/* Desc. of what the ingredient is used for	*/
    char		*notes;			/* Detailed notes on the item including usage.	*/
} misc_rec;

typedef struct _water_rec {
    struct _water_rec	*next;
    char		*name;			/* Name of the water profile			*/
    int			version;		/* Version of the water record.			*/
    float		amount;			/* Volume of water to use in a recipe in liters	*/
    float		calcium;		/* The amount of calcium (Ca) in ppm		*/
    float		bicarbonate;		/* The amount of bicarbonate (HCO3) in ppm.	*/
    float		sulfate;		/* The amount of Sulfate (SO4) in ppm.		*/
    float		chloride;		/* The amount of Chloride (Cl) in ppm.		*/
    float		sodium;			/* The amount of Sodium (Na) in ppm.		*/
    float		magnesium;		/* The amount of Magnesium (Mg) in ppm.		*/
    float		ph;			/* The PH of the water.				*/
    char		*notes;			/* Notes about the water profile.		*/
} water_rec;

typedef struct _style_rec {
    char		*name;			/* Name of the style profile			*/
    char		*category;		/* Category that this style belongs to		*/
    int			version;		/* Version of the style record.			*/
    char		*category_number;	/* Number or identifier for this style category	*/
    char		*style_letter;		/* The specific style number or subcategory	*/
    char		*style_guide;		/* The name of the style guide			*/
    char		*type;			/* “Lager”, “Ale”, “Mead”, “Wheat”, “Mixed” or “Cider”	*/
    float		og_min;			/* Original gracity				*/
    float		og_max;
    float		fg_min;			/* Final gravity				*/
    float		fg_max;
    float		ibu_min;		/* Bitterness for this style as measured	*/
    float		ibu_max;		/* in International Bitterness Units (IBUs)	*/
    float		color_min;		/* The recommended color in SRM			*/
    float		color_max;
    float		carb_min;		/* The recommended carbonation for this style	*/
    float		carb_max;		/* in volumes of CO2				*/
    float		abv_min;		/* Alcohol by volume as a percentage.		*/
    float		abv_max;
    char		*notes;			/* Description of the style, history		*/
    char		*profile;		/* Flavor and aroma profile for this style	*/
    char		*ingredients;		/* Suggested ingredients for this style		*/
    char		*examples;		/* Example beers of this style.			*/
} style_rec;

typedef struct _mash_step {
    struct _mash_step	*next;
    char		*name;			/* Name of this step				*/
    int			version;		/* Record version				*/
    char		*type;			/* “Infusion”, “Temperature” or “Decoction”	*/
    float		infuse_amount;		/* Wateri vol. in liters to infuse in this step	*/
    float		infuse_temp;		/* niet officieel - berekenen	*/
    float		step_temp;		/* The target temperature for this step		*/
    float		end_temp;		/* The final temperature you can expect		*/
    float		step_time;		/* The number of minutes to spend		*/
    float		ramp_time;		/* Time to achieve the desired step temperature	*/
    float		water_grain_ratio;	/* niet officieel - berekenen	*/
    float		decotion_amt;		/* niet officieel	*/
} mash_step;

typedef struct _mash_profile {
    char                *name;                  /* Name of mash method                          */
    int			version;		/* Record version				*/
    char                *notes;                 /* Additional notes                             */
    float               grain_temp;             /* The temperature of the grain                 */
    mash_step           *mash_steps;            /* List of mash steps                           */
    float               tun_temp;               /* Grain tun temperature                        */
    float               sparge_temp;            /* Temperature of the sparge water              */
    float               ph;                     /* PH of the sparge.                            */
    float               tun_weight;             /* Weight of the mash tun in kilograms          */
    float               tun_specific_heat;      /* Specific heat of the tun material            */
    bool                equip_adjust;		/* Adjust for tun heat loss			*/
} mash_profile;

typedef struct _brew_equipment {
    char 		*name;			/* Name of the equipment profile		*/
    float		boil_size;		/* The pre-boil volume for this equipment setup	*/
    float		batch_size;		/* The target volume of the batch		*/
    float		tun_volume;		/* Volume of the mash tun in liters.		*/
    float		tun_weight;		/* Weight of the mash tun in kilograms.		*/
    float		tun_specific_heat;	/* The specific heat of the mash tun.		*/
    float		top_up_water;		/* The amount of top up water b4 fermenting	*/
    float		trub_chiller_loss;	/* Amount of wort lost during cooling		*/
    float		evap_rate;		/* Perc of wort lost to evaporation per hour.	*/
    float		boil_time;		/* The normal amount of boil time for this eq.	*/
    bool		calc_boil_volume;	/* Should the program calculate the boil size.	*/
    float		lauter_dead_space;	/* Amount lost to the lauter tun.		*/
    float		top_up_kettle;		/* Amount added to the boil kettle b4 the boil.	*/
    float		hop_utilization;	/* Large batch hop utilization.			*/
    char		*notes;			/* Notes for this equipment.			*/
} brew_equipment;

typedef struct _recipe_rec {
    struct _recipe_rec 	*next;
    int			version;		/* Current version is 1				*/
    char                *name;                  /* Name of the recipe                           */
    char                *type;                  /* “Extract”, “Partial Mash” or “All Grain”     */
    style_rec		*style;			/* style record					*/
    equipment_rec	*equipment;		/* equipemnt record				*/
    char                *brewer;                /* Name of the brewer                           */
    char		*asst_brewer;		/* Name of the assistent brewer			*/
    float               batch_size;             /* Target size of the finished batch in liters. */
    float               boil_size;              /* Starting size for the main boil in liters    */
    float               boil_time;              /* The total time to boil the wort in minutes.  */
    float               efficiency;             /* The percent brewhouse efficiency             */
    hop_rec		*hops;			/* hops						*/
    fermentable_rec	*fermentables;		/* Fermentables list				*/
    misc_rec		*miscs;			/* Misc ingredients				*/
    yeast_rec		*yeasts;		/* Yeasts					*/
    water_rec		*waters;		/* Water profiles				*/
    mash_profile	*mash;			/* Mash profile					*/
    char		*notes;			/* Notes associated with this recipe		*/
    char		*taste_notes;		/* Tasting notes – may be multiline.		*/
    float		taste_rating;		/* Number between zero and 50.0 (BJCP system)	*/
    float		og;			/* The measured original specific gravity.	*/
    float		fg;			/* The measured final gravity of the beer.	*/
    int			fermentation_stages;	/* The number of fermentation stages used	*/
    int			primary_age;		/* Time spent in the primary in days		*/
    float		primary_temp;		/* Temp in Celsius for the primary fermentation	*/
    int			secondary_age;		/* Time spent in the secondary in days.		*/
    float		secondary_temp;		/* Temp in C for the secondary fermentation.	*/
    int			tertiary_age;		/* Time spent in the third fermenter in days.	*/
    float		tertiary_temp;		/* Temperature in the tertiary fermenter.	*/
    int			age;			/* Time to age the beer in days after bottling.	*/
    float		age_temp;		/* Temperature for aging after bottling.	*/
    char		*date;			/* Date brewed in a easily recognizable format.	*/
    float		carbonation;		/* Volume of CO2 used to carbonate this beer.	*/
    bool		forced_carbonation;	/* TRUE if forced carbonated using CO2 pressure	*/
    char		*priming_sugar_name;	/* Text describing the priming agent.		*/
    float		carbonation_temp;	/* Temp for either bottling/forced carbonation.	*/
    float		priming_sugar_equiv;	/* Factor used to convert this priming agent	*/
    float		keg_priming_factor;	/* Used 2 factor amount of sugar for containers	*/
} recipe_rec;

int parseBeerXML(char *);
void printBeerXML(void);

