
Wed, 01 May 2024 14:38:37 +0200

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Wed, 01 May 2024 14:38:37 +0200
changeset 715
parent 675

Added device_present() function to easy update device present from one-wire and simulator devices. When a simulator temperature sensor present is changed, the device table is changed too. Controlling simulator relays is now for each simulator. The simulator runs under the state machine. If something changed in the running simulator, all data is broadcasted over websocket. Completed the web editor.

/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
(function ($) {
   window.jqxToDash = function(value) {
	return value.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join('-').toLowerCase();
  class DataExporter {
    constructor(exportDetails, groupBy, filterBy, conditionalFormatting) {
        const that = this;

        if (!exportDetails) {
            exportDetails = {};

         * "style" object definition (all properties are optional):
         * «any valid CSS property» - applied to whole table
         * header (Object)
         *      «any valid CSS property» - applied to header cells
         *      «any column name» (Object)
         *          «any valid CSS property» - applied to particular column header cell
         * columns (Object)
         *      «any valid CSS property» - applied to column cells
         *      «any column name» (Object)
         *          «any valid CSS property» - applied to the cells of particular column
         *          format - applicable to numeric and date columns
         *          «n» (Object), where «n» is a row index (related to use of "ConditionalFormatting" object)
         *              background
         *              border
         *              color
         * rows (Object)
         *      «any valid CSS property» - applied to rows
         *      alternationCount
         *      alternationStart
         *      alternationEnd
         *      alternationIndex«n»Color, where «n» is an integer
         *      alternationIndex«n»BorderColor, where «n» is an integer
         *      alternationIndex«n»BackgroundColor, where «n» is an integer
         *      «n» (Object), where «n» is a row index
         *          «any valid CSS property» - applied to particular row
        that.style = exportDetails.style;

        that.header = exportDetails.header;
        that.exportHeader = exportDetails.exportHeader || true;
        that.hierarchical = exportDetails.hierarchical;
        that.expandChar = exportDetails.expandChar || '+';
        that.collapseChar = exportDetails.collapseChar || '-';
        that.pageOrientation = exportDetails.pageOrientation;

        if (!that.hierarchical && groupBy && groupBy.length > 0) {
            that.groupBy = groupBy;
        else {
            that.mergedCells = exportDetails.mergedCells;

        if (!that.groupBy && filterBy && Object.keys(filterBy).length > 0) {
            that.filterBy = filterBy;

        if (conditionalFormatting) {
            that.conditionalFormatting = conditionalFormatting;

        that.timeBetween1900And1970 = new Date(1970, 0, 1).getTime() - new Date(1900, 0, 1).getTime();

     * Generates and downloads a file.
    downloadFile(data, type, fileName) {
        let file;

        if (!fileName) {
            return data;

        if (data instanceof Blob) {
            file = data;
        else {
            file = new Blob([data], { type: type });

        if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { // Edge
            window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, fileName);
        else { // Chrome, Firefox, Safari
            const a = document.createElement('a'),
                url = URL.createObjectURL(file);

            a.href = url;
            a.download = fileName;
            a.style.position = 'absolute';
            a.style.visibility = 'hidden';



            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 0);

     * Exports data.
    exportData(data, format, fileName, callback) {
        const that = this;

        that.actualHierarchy = that.hierarchical;
        format = format.toLowerCase();

        if (that.exportHeader) {
            if (that.header) {
                data = data.slice(0);

                if (data.length === 0) {
                    that.actualHierarchy = false;

                that.processComplexHeader(that.header, data, format);
            else if (data.length === 1) {
                that.actualHierarchy = false;

        if (data.length === 0) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line
            console.warn('No data to export.');

        if (format === 'xlsx') {
            that.xlsxStartIndex = that.complexHeader ? that.complexHeader.length : +that.exportHeader;

        if (that.actualHierarchy) {
            data = that.processHierarchicalData(data, format);


        if (fileName && fileName.slice(fileName.length - format.length - 1, fileName.length) !== '.' + format) {
            fileName += '.' + format;

        let output = null;
        switch (format) {
            case 'csv':
                output = that.exportToCSVAndTSV(data, { delimiter: ', ', MIME: 'text/csv', toRemove: 2 }, fileName);
            case 'html':
                output = that.exportToHTML(data, fileName);
            case 'jpeg':
            case 'png':
                that.exportToImage(data, fileName, format, callback);
            case 'json':
                output = that.exportToJSON(data, fileName);
            case 'pdf':
                output = that.exportToPDF(data, fileName);
            case 'tsv':
                output = that.exportToCSVAndTSV(data, { delimiter: '\t', MIME: 'text/tab-separated-values', toRemove: 1 }, fileName);
            case 'xlsx':
                output = that.exportToXLSX(data, fileName);
            case 'xml':
                output = that.exportToXML(data, fileName);

        if (callback && output) {

        delete that.complexHeader;

        return output;

     * Exports to CSV and TSV.
    exportToCSVAndTSV(data, formatOptions, fileName) {
        const that = this,
            datafields = that.datafields;
        let stringResult = '';

        for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            const currentRecord = data[i];
            let stringifiedCurrentRecord = '';

            for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                if (that.actualHierarchy && j === 0) {
                    stringifiedCurrentRecord += ('""' + formatOptions.delimiter).repeat(currentRecord._level - 1) +
                        '"' + currentRecord[datafields[j]] + '"' + formatOptions.delimiter +
                        ('""' + formatOptions.delimiter).repeat(that.maxLevel - currentRecord._level);

                stringifiedCurrentRecord += '"' + currentRecord[datafields[j]] + '"' + formatOptions.delimiter;

            stringifiedCurrentRecord = stringifiedCurrentRecord.slice(0, stringifiedCurrentRecord.length - formatOptions.toRemove) + '\n';
            stringResult += stringifiedCurrentRecord;

        return this.downloadFile(stringResult, formatOptions.MIME, fileName);

     * Exports to HTML.
    exportToHTML(data, fileName) {
        const that = this,
            datafields = that.datafields,
            style = that.style;
        let header = '',
            startIndex = 0,
            html2canvas = '';

        data = that.processGroupingInformation(data);
        that.data = data;

        if (that.exportHeader) {
            header = that.getHTMLHeader(datafields, data);
            startIndex = 1;

        if (arguments[2]) {
            const scripts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('script')),
                html2canvasScript = scripts.find(script => script.src.indexOf('html2canvas') !== -1);
            html2canvas = `<script type="text/javascript" src="${html2canvasScript.src}"></script>`;

        let htmlContent = `<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style type="text/css">

        const mergedMainCells = {},
            mergedSecondaryCells = {},
            groupsHandled = [];

        that.getMergedCellsInfo(mergedMainCells, mergedSecondaryCells);

            for (let i = startIndex; i < data.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = data[i],
                    row = i - startIndex;
                let n = that.getAlternationIndex(row, ' rowN'),
                    toCollapse = '',
                    level = '',
                    groupId = '',
                    outlineLevel = 0;

                if (that.actualHierarchy) {
                    if (currentRecord._collapsed) {
                        toCollapse = ' collapsed';

                    level = ` level="${currentRecord._level}"`;
                else if (that.groupBy) {
                    for (let k = 0; k < that.groupBy.length; k++) {
                        const datafield = that.groupBy[k],
                            currentGroup = currentRecord[datafield],
                            currentGroupLabel = that.groups[datafield][currentGroup];

                        groupId += currentGroup;

                        if (groupsHandled.indexOf(groupId) === -1) {
                            htmlContent += `            <tr class="row">
                <td class="column group" style="padding-left: ${outlineLevel * 25}px;" colspan="${that.datafields.length}">${currentGroupLabel}</td>
                            continue mainLoop;


                let currentContent = `            <tr class="row row${row}${n}${toCollapse}"${level}`;

                if (!fileName) {
                    currentContent += ' style="page-break-inside: avoid;"'

                currentContent += '>\n';

                for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                    const cellCode = j + ',' + (row);
                    let colspan = 1, rowspan = 1;

                    if (mergedMainCells[cellCode]) {
                        colspan = mergedMainCells[cellCode].colspan;
                        rowspan = mergedMainCells[cellCode].rowspan;
                    else if (mergedSecondaryCells[cellCode]) {

                    const datafield = datafields[j];
                    let value = currentRecord[datafield],
                        indent = '';

                    if (that.actualHierarchy && j === 0) {
                        let sign = '';

                        if (currentRecord._expanded) {
                            sign = that.collapseChar;
                        else if (currentRecord._expanded === false) {
                            sign = that.expandChar;

                        indent = `<div class="toggle-element" style="margin-left: ${25 * (currentRecord._level - 1) + 5}px;" expanded>${sign}</div>`;

                    value = that.getFormattedValue(value, datafield);

                    let css = '';

                    if (style && style.columns && style.columns[datafield] && style.columns[datafield][row]) {
                        const uniqueStyle = style.columns[datafield][row];

                        css += `border-color: ${uniqueStyle.border}; background-color: ${uniqueStyle.background}; color: ${uniqueStyle.color};"`;

                    if (j === 0 && outlineLevel > 1) {
                        css += `padding-left: ${(outlineLevel - 1) * 25}px;"`;

                    if (css) {
                        css = ` style="${css}"`;

                    currentContent += `                <td class="column column${datafield}"${css} colspan="${colspan}" rowspan="${rowspan}">${indent + value}</td>\n`;

                htmlContent += currentContent + '            </tr>\n';

        htmlContent += `        </tbody>

        if (arguments[2]) {
            return htmlContent;

        return this.downloadFile(htmlContent, 'text/html', fileName);

     * Exports to an image (PNG/JPEG).
    exportToImage(data, fileName, fileExtension, callback) {
        const that = this;

        try {
        catch (error) {
            throw new Error('jqx-grid: Missing reference to \'html2canvas.min.js\'.');

        let imageData = null;

        const htmlContent = that.exportToHTML(data, fileName, true),
            iframe = document.createElement('iframe');

        iframe.style.position = 'absolute';
        iframe.style.top = 0;
        iframe.style.left = 0;
        iframe.style.border = 'none';
        iframe.style.width = '100%';
        iframe.style.height = '100%';
        iframe.style.opacity = 0;



        function checkIframePopulated() {
            if (!iframe.contentDocument.body || !iframe.contentDocument.body.firstElementChild) {
            else {
                iframe.contentWindow.html2canvas(iframe.contentDocument.body.firstElementChild).then(canvas => {
                    const draw = $.jqxDraw(document.createElement('div'));

                    imageData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');

                    if (callback) {
                    else {
                        draw.exportImage(undefined, canvas, fileExtension, fileName);



        return imageData;

     * Gets merged cells information (for use in HTML and PDF export).
    getMergedCellsInfo(mergedMainCells, mergedSecondaryCells, mapping) {
        const that = this;

        if (!that.mergedCells) {

        const multipleTables = mapping && mapping[that.datafields.length - 1] !== 0;

        that.mergedCellsPDF = that.mergedCells.slice(0);

        for (let i = 0; i < that.mergedCellsPDF.length; i++) {
            const cellDefinition = that.mergedCellsPDF[i];
            let colspan = cellDefinition.colspan,
                rowspan = cellDefinition.rowspan;

            if (rowspan < 2 && colspan < 2) {

            const row = cellDefinition.cell[1];
            let col = cellDefinition.cell[0];

            if (multipleTables && colspan > 1) {
                const startTable = mapping[col],
                    endTable = mapping[col + colspan - 1],
                    splitCells = [];

                if (endTable > startTable) {
                    let currentTable = startTable,
                        currentColumn = col,
                        overal = 0;

                        for (let i = startTable; i <= endTable; i++) {
                            let start = currentColumn,
                                span = 0;

                            while (mapping[currentColumn] === currentTable) {

                                if (overal === colspan) {
                                    splitCells.push({ start: start, span: span });
                                    break mainLoop;

                            splitCells.push({ start: start, span: span });
                            currentTable = mapping[currentColumn];

                    colspan = splitCells[0].span;

                    for (let i = 1; i < splitCells.length; i++) {
                        that.mergedCellsPDF.push({ cell: [splitCells[i].start, row], colspan: splitCells[i].span, rowspan: rowspan, originalCell: col });

            for (let j = col; j < col + colspan; j++) {
                for (let k = row; k < row + rowspan; k++) {
                    const code = j + ',' + k;

                    if (j === col && k === row) {
                        mergedMainCells[code] = { colspan: colspan, rowspan: rowspan, originalCell: cellDefinition.originalCell };

                    mergedSecondaryCells[code] = true;

     * Gets alternation index.
    getAlternationIndex(row, prefix) {
        const that = this;

        if (!that.style) {
            return '';

        const rowsDefinition = that.style.rows,
            alternationCount = rowsDefinition && rowsDefinition.alternationCount;

        if (alternationCount &&
            (((rowsDefinition.alternationStart === undefined || row >= rowsDefinition.alternationStart) &&
                (rowsDefinition.alternationEnd === undefined || row <= rowsDefinition.alternationEnd)) ||
                rowsDefinition.alternationStart === rowsDefinition.alternationEnd)) {
            return prefix + (row % rowsDefinition.alternationCount);

        return '';

     * Gets formatted numeric or date value (for use in HTML and PDF export).
    getFormattedValue(value, datafield) {
        const that = this,
            style = that.style;

        if (datafield && style && style.columns &&
            style.columns[datafield] && style.columns[datafield].format) {
            if (typeof value === 'number') {
                return that.formatNumber(value, style.columns[datafield].format);
            else if (value instanceof Date) {
                return that.formatDate(value, style.columns[datafield].format);
        else if (value instanceof Date) {
            return that.formatDate(value, 'd');

        return value;

     * Exports to JSON.
    exportToJSON(data, fileName) {
        return this.downloadFile(JSON.stringify(data, this.datafields.concat('rows')), 'application/json', fileName);

     * Exports to PDF.
    exportToPDF(data, fileName) {
        const that = this,
            datafields = that.datafields,
            startIndex = +that.exportHeader,
            groupsHandled = [],
            mergedMainCells = {},
            mergedSecondaryCells = {},
            mapping = {},
            headerRows = startIndex ? that.complexHeader ? that.complexHeader.length : 1 : 0,
            docDefinition = {
                pageOrientation: that.pageOrientation || 'portrait'
        let header = [], content = [], tables;

        function createTableRow() {
            let tableRow = [];

            for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {

            return tableRow;

        data = that.processGroupingInformation(data);
        that.data = data;
        that.headerRows = headerRows;

        const styleInfo = that.styleInfo;

        tables = styleInfo ? that.wrapPDFColumns(docDefinition, mapping) : [{ body: header, datafields: datafields }];

        if (startIndex) {
            header = that.getPDFHeader(datafields, tables, mapping);

        that.getMergedCellsInfo(mergedMainCells, mergedSecondaryCells, mapping);

            for (let i = startIndex; i < data.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = data[i];
                let groupId = '',
                    outlineLevel = 0;

                if (that.groupBy) {
                    for (let k = 0; k < that.groupBy.length; k++) {
                        const datafield = that.groupBy[k],
                            currentGroup = currentRecord[datafield],
                            currentGroupLabel = that.groups[datafield][currentGroup];

                        groupId += currentGroup;

                        if (groupsHandled.indexOf(groupId) === -1) {
                            that.createGroupHeaderRow(tables, { text: currentGroupLabel, style: ['row', 'cell', 'group'], marginLeft: outlineLevel * 7.5 });
                            continue mainLoop;


                const tableRow = createTableRow(),
                    row = i - startIndex;
                let n = that.getAlternationIndex(row, '');

                for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                    const datafield = datafields[j],
                        entry = { style: ['row', 'row' + row, 'cell', 'cell' + datafield] },
                        tableIndex = mapping[j] || 0;

                    if (n !== undefined) {
                        entry.style.splice(1, 0, 'rowN' + n);

                    if (that.mergedCellsPDF) {
                        const cellCode = j + ',' + row,
                            mergeInfo = mergedMainCells[cellCode];

                        if (mergeInfo) {
                            entry.colSpan = mergeInfo.colspan;
                            entry.rowSpan = mergeInfo.rowspan;

                            if (mergeInfo.originalCell !== undefined) {
                                entry.text = '';
                                entry.style[entry.style.length - 1] = 'cell' + datafields[mergeInfo.originalCell];
                        else if (mergedSecondaryCells[cellCode]) {

                    const value = that.getFormattedValue(currentRecord[datafield], datafield);

                    entry.text = value.toString();
                    that.getUniqueStylePDF(entry, datafield, row);
                    that.setIndentation(entry, { j: j, currentRecord: currentRecord, value: value, outlineLevel: outlineLevel });

                for (let k = 0; k < tables.length; k++) {

        if (styleInfo) {
            for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
                const body = tables[i].body;

                for (let j = headerRows - 1; j >= 0; j--) {

                    table: {
                        headerRows: headerRows,
                        widths: tables[i].widths,
                        heights: function (row) {
                            if (styleInfo.heights[row]) {
                                return styleInfo.heights[row];

                            if (styleInfo.defaultHeight) {
                                return styleInfo.defaultHeight;
                        body: body
                    pageBreak: 'after'

            delete content[tables.length - 1].pageBreak;
            docDefinition.styles = styleInfo.styles;
        else {
            const body = tables[0].body;

            for (let j = headerRows - 1; j >= 0; j--) {

            content = [{ table: { headerRows: headerRows, body: body } }];
            docDefinition.styles = { header: { bold: true }, group: { bold: true } };

        docDefinition.content = content;

        delete that.mergedCellsPDF;
        delete that.styleInfo;

     * Gets the header content when exporting to PDF.
    getPDFStyle() {
        const that = this,
            style = that.style;

        if (!style) {
            return '';

        const sampleRecord = that.data[0],
            headerDefinition = style.header,
            columnsDefinition = style.columns,
            rowsDefinition = style.rows,
            styleInfo = {
                heights: [],
                widths: Array(that.datafields.length).fill('*'),
                styles: {
                    header: {},
                    row: {},
                    cell: {},
                    group: { fillColor: '#FFFFFF', color: '#000000', bold: true }

        that.styleInfo = styleInfo;

        function processStyleDefinition(definition, type) {
            if (!definition) {

            for (let prop in definition) {
                if (!definition.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

                if (sampleRecord[prop] === undefined) {
                    if (prop === 'height' && type === 'header') {
                        for (let i = 0; i < that.headerRows; i++) {
                            styleInfo.heights[i] = (parseInt(definition[prop], 10) / that.headerRows) / 1.57;
                    else {
                        that.storePDFStyle({ prop: prop, value: definition[prop], toUpdate: type });
                else {
                    for (let columnProp in definition[prop]) {
                        if (!isNaN(columnProp) || !definition[prop].hasOwnProperty(columnProp)) {

                        const value = definition[prop][columnProp],
                            index = that.datafields.indexOf(prop);

                        if (columnProp === 'width' && styleInfo.widths[index] === '*') {
                            styleInfo.widths[index] = parseFloat(value);
                        else {
                            that.storePDFStyle({ prop: columnProp, value: value, toUpdate: type + prop });

        processStyleDefinition(headerDefinition, 'header');
        processStyleDefinition(columnsDefinition, 'cell');

        if (!rowsDefinition) {

        for (let prop in rowsDefinition) {
            if (!rowsDefinition.hasOwnProperty(prop) || prop.indexOf('alt') !== -1) {

            const value = rowsDefinition[prop];

            if (!isNaN(prop)) {
                for (let rowProp in value) {
                    if (value.hasOwnProperty(rowProp)) {
                        if (rowProp === 'height') {
                            styleInfo.heights[parseFloat(prop) + that.headerRows] = parseFloat(value[rowProp]) / 1.57;
                        else {
                            that.storePDFStyle({ prop: rowProp, value: value[rowProp], toUpdate: 'row' + prop });


            if (prop === 'height') {
                styleInfo.defaultHeight = parseFloat(value) / 1.57;
            else {
                that.storePDFStyle({ prop: prop, value: value, toUpdate: 'row' });

        if (!rowsDefinition.alternationCount) {

        for (let i = 0; i < rowsDefinition.alternationCount; i++) {
            const styleN = {};

            if (rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}Color`]) {
                styleN.color = rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}Color`];

            if (rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}BackgroundColor`]) {
                styleN.fillColor = rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}BackgroundColor`];

            styleInfo.styles['rowN' + i] = styleN;

     * Stores style in object to be applied to generated PDF.
    storePDFStyle(details) {
        const that = this;
        let objectToUpdate = that.styleInfo.styles[details.toUpdate];

        if (!objectToUpdate) {
            objectToUpdate = {};
            that.styleInfo.styles[details.toUpdate] = objectToUpdate;

        let value = details.value;

        switch (details.prop) {
            case 'backgroundColor':
                objectToUpdate.fillColor = value;
            case 'color':
                objectToUpdate.color = value;
            case 'fontSize':
                objectToUpdate.fontSize = parseFloat(value);
            case 'fontStyle':
                if (value === 'italic') {
                    objectToUpdate.italics = true;

            case 'fontWeight':
                if (value === 'bold') {
                    objectToUpdate.bold = true;

            case 'textAlign':
                objectToUpdate.alignment = value;

     * Enables column wrapping when exporting to PDF.
    wrapPDFColumns(docDefinition, mapping) {
        const that = this,
            styleInfo = this.styleInfo,
            maxPerPage = docDefinition.pageOrientation === 'portrait' ? 775 : 1155, // maximum of 775px (portrait) or 1155px (landscape) per A4 page
            tables = [];
        let currentPage = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < styleInfo.widths.length; i++) {
            let currentWidth = styleInfo.widths[i],
                numericWidth = currentWidth;

            if (currentWidth === '*') {
                numericWidth = 150;
            else if (currentWidth >= maxPerPage) {
                numericWidth = maxPerPage
                currentWidth = '*';
            else {
                currentWidth /= 1.57;

            if (tables[currentPage] === undefined) {
                const body = [];

                tables[currentPage] = {
                    body: body,
                    width: numericWidth,
                    widths: [currentWidth],
                    datafields: [that.datafields[i]]
                mapping[i] = currentPage;

            const table = tables[currentPage];

            if (table.width + numericWidth > maxPerPage) {

            mapping[i] = currentPage;
            table.width += numericWidth;

        return tables;

     * Gets the header content when exporting to PDF.
    getPDFHeader(datafields, tables, mapping) {
        const that = this,
            headerArray = [],
            headerRows = that.headerRows,
            headerStructure = that.complexHeader ? that.complexHeader : [Object.values(that.data[0])],
            headers = [];
        let result = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < headerRows; i++) {
            const row = headerStructure[i];

            for (let k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {
                let tableIndex = mapping[k] || 0;

                if (!headers[tableIndex]) {
                    headers[tableIndex] = [];

                if (!headers[tableIndex][i]) {
                    headers[tableIndex][i] = [];


        function processHeader(header, result, table) {
            for (let j = 0; j < headerRows; j++) {
                const row = header[j];
                const tableRow = [];

                for (let k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {
                    const currentLabel = row[k];
                    let colspan = 1, rowspan = 1;

                    if ((row[k - 1] && row[k - 1] === currentLabel) ||
                        (header[j - 1] && (header[j - 1][k] === currentLabel))) {

                    let iterator = k + 1;

                    while (row[iterator] && row[iterator] === row[iterator - 1]) {

                    iterator = j + 1;

                    while (header[iterator] && header[iterator][k] === currentLabel) {

                    const datafield = j === headerRows - 1 || rowspan + j === headerRows ?
                        table.datafields[k] : null,
                        entry = {
                            text: currentLabel, colSpan: colspan, rowSpan: rowspan

                    if (!datafield) {
                        entry.alignment = 'center';
                        entry.style = 'header';
                    else {
                        entry.style = ['header', 'header' + datafield];



        for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
            result = [];
            processHeader(headers[i], result, tables[i]);

        return headerArray;

     * Creates group header rows when exporting to PDF.
    createGroupHeaderRow(tables, entryTemplate) {
        for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
            const entry = Object.assign({}, entryTemplate),
                colspan = tables[i].datafields.length,
                tableRow = [entry];

            entry.colSpan = colspan;
            tableRow.length = colspan;
            tableRow.fill({}, 1, colspan - 1);


     * Gets unique cell style when exporting to PDF.
    getUniqueStylePDF(entry, datafield, row) {
        const style = this.style;

        function toHex(background) {
            const parts = /rgba\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\,(\d*.\d+|\d+)\)/gi.exec(background.replace(/\s/g, '')),
                r = parseFloat(parts[1]).toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                g = parseFloat(parts[2]).toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                b = parseFloat(parts[3]).toString(16).toUpperCase();

            return '#' + ('0').repeat(2 - r.length) + r +
                ('0').repeat(2 - g.length) + g +
                ('0').repeat(2 - b.length) + b;

        if (!style || !style.columns || !style.columns[datafield]) {

        const uniqueStyle = style.columns[datafield][row];

        if (!uniqueStyle) {

        entry.fillColor = toHex(uniqueStyle.background);
        entry.color = uniqueStyle.color.toLowerCase();

     * Sets the indentation of a PDF cell.
    setIndentation(entry, details) {
        if (details.j !== 0) {

        const that = this;

        if (that.actualHierarchy) {
            const currentRecord = details.currentRecord;

            if (currentRecord._expanded !== undefined) {
                entry.marginLeft = 25 * (currentRecord._level - 1);
                entry.text = that.collapseChar + ' ' + details.value;
            else {
                entry.marginLeft = 25 * (currentRecord._level - 1) + 6;
        else if (details.outlineLevel > 1) {
            entry.marginLeft = (details.outlineLevel - 1) * 7.5;

     * Exports to XLSX.
    exportToXLSX(data, fileName) {
        const that = this;
        let style = that.style;

        data = that.processGroupingInformation(data, true);
        that.data = data;

        that.complexHeaderMergedCells = [];

        if (that.complexHeaderMergeInfo) {
            for (let cell in that.complexHeaderMergeInfo) {
                if (that.complexHeaderMergeInfo.hasOwnProperty(cell)) {
                    const currentEntry = that.complexHeaderMergeInfo[cell];

                    if (currentEntry.from[0] === currentEntry.to[0] &&
                        currentEntry.from[1] === currentEntry.to[1]) {

                        from: that.columnsArray[currentEntry.from[1]] + (currentEntry.from[0] + 1),
                        to: that.columnsArray[currentEntry.to[1]] + (currentEntry.to[0] + 1)


        if (!style) {
            style = that.generateDefaultStyle(data);

        const sharedStrings = that.generateSharedStrings(data),
            sharedStringsCollection = sharedStrings.collection,
            sharedStringsXML = sharedStrings.xml,
            stylesXML = that.generateStyles(style),
            sheet1XML = that.groupBy ? that.generateSheet1WithGrouping(data, sharedStringsCollection) :
                that.generateSheet1(data, sharedStringsCollection),
            auxiliaryFiles = that.generateAuxiliaryFiles(),

            // eslint-disable-next-line
            zip = new JSZip(),
            _rels = zip.folder('_rels'),
            docProps = zip.folder('docProps'),
            xl = zip.folder('xl'),
            xl_rels = xl.folder('_rels'),
            theme = xl.folder('theme'),
            worksheets = xl.folder('worksheets');

        _rels.file('.rels', auxiliaryFiles._relsRels);
        docProps.file('app.xml', auxiliaryFiles.docPropsAppXml);
        docProps.file('core.xml', auxiliaryFiles.docPropsCoreXml);
        xl_rels.file('workbook.xml.rels', auxiliaryFiles.xl_relsWorkbookXmlRels);
        theme.file('theme1.xml', auxiliaryFiles.xlThemeTheme1Xml);
        worksheets.file('sheet1.xml', sheet1XML);
        xl.file('sharedStrings.xml', sharedStringsXML);
        xl.file('styles.xml', stylesXML);
        xl.file('workbook.xml', auxiliaryFiles.xlWorkbookXml);
        zip.file('[Content_Types].xml', auxiliaryFiles.Content_TypesXml);

            type: 'blob',
            .then(function (content) {
                return that.downloadFile(content, 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', fileName);

        delete that.conditionalFormattingXLSX;
        delete that.complexHeaderMergeInfo;
        delete that.defaultRowHeight;
        delete that.rowHeight;

     * Processes grouping information.
    processGroupingInformation(data, xlsx) {
        const that = this;

        if (!that.groupBy) {
            return data;

        let header;

        data = data.slice(0);

        if (that.exportHeader) {
            if (xlsx && that.complexHeader) {
                header = data.slice(0, that.complexHeader.length);
                data.splice(0, that.complexHeader.length);
            else {
                header = [data[0]];
                data.splice(0, 1);

        if (data.length > 1) {
            const getCompareFunction = function (a, knownDataType) {
                // gets data type of column (not necessary if the Grid provides this information)
                const dataType = knownDataType || typeof a;
                let compareFunction;

                switch (dataType) {
                    case 'string':
                        compareFunction = new Intl.Collator().compare;
                    case 'number':
                        compareFunction = function (a, b) {
                            return a - b;
                    case 'boolean':
                    case 'bool':
                        compareFunction = function (a, b) {
                            if (a === b) {
                                return 0;
                            else if (a === false) {
                                return -1;
                            else {
                                return 1;
                    case 'date':
                    case 'time':
                    case 'dateTime':
						if (a instanceof Date) {
                            compareFunction = function (a, b) {
                                return a.compare(b);
                    case 'object':
                        if (a instanceof Date) {
                            compareFunction = function (a, b) {
                                return a.getTime() - b.getTime();


                return compareFunction;

            const sortByMultipleColumns = function (dataSource, sortColumns, directions, customSortingCallback) {
                if (!dataSource || !(Array.isArray(dataSource)) || dataSource.length === 0 ||
                    !sortColumns || Array.isArray(sortColumns) && sortColumns.length === 0) {

                if (typeof sortColumns === 'string') {
                    sortColumns = [sortColumns];

                const directionCoefficients = [],
                    compareFunctions = [];

                if (directions === undefined) {
                    directions = [];

                for (let i = 0; i < sortColumns.length; i++) {
                    if (directions[i] === undefined || directions[i] === 'asc' || directions[i] === 'ascending') {
                        directionCoefficients[i] = 1;
                    else {
                        directionCoefficients[i] = -1;

                    compareFunctions[i] = getCompareFunction(dataSource[0][sortColumns[i]]);

                if (customSortingCallback) {
                    customSortingCallback(dataSource, sortColumns, directions, compareFunctions);

                dataSource.sort(function (a, b) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < sortColumns.length; i++) {
                        const result = compareFunctions[i](a[sortColumns[i]], b[sortColumns[i]]);

                        if (result === 0) {
                            if (sortColumns[i + 1]) {
                            else if (a._index !== undefined) {
                                // makes sorting stable
                                return (a._index - b._index) * directionCoefficients[i];

                            return 0;

                        return result * directionCoefficients[i];

            sortByMultipleColumns(data, that.groupBy);

        if (header) {
            data = header.concat(data);


        return data;

     * Exports to XML.
    exportToXML(data, fileName) {
        const datafields = this.datafields.slice(0);
        let xmlContent = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n<table>\n';

        if (datafields.indexOf('rows') === -1) {

        function recursion(records, indent) {
            let content = '';

            for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = records[i];

                content += indent + '<row>\n';

                for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                    const datafield = datafields[j];

                    if (datafield === 'rows') {
                        if (!currentRecord.rows) {

                        content += `${indent}    <rows>\n${recursion(currentRecord.rows, indent + '        ')}${indent}    </rows>\n`;

                    content += indent + `    <${datafield}>${currentRecord[datafield]}</${datafield}>\n`;

                content += indent + '</row>\n';

            return content;

        xmlContent += recursion(data, '    ') + '</table>';

        return this.downloadFile(xmlContent, 'application/xml', fileName);

     * Formats a date.
    formatDate(value, format) {
		var date = $.jqx.formatDate(value, format);

		return date;

     * Formats a number.
    formatNumber(value, format) {
    	var number = $.jqx.formatNumber(value, format);

		return number;

     * Generates auxiliary files necessary for XLSX.
    generateAuxiliaryFiles() {
        // _rels\.rels
        const _relsRels = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"><Relationship Id="rId3" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/extended-properties" Target="docProps/app.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId2" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties" Target="docProps/core.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId1" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument" Target="xl/workbook.xml"/></Relationships>`;

        // docProps\app.xml
        const docPropsAppXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Properties xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties" xmlns:vt="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes"><Application>Microsoft Excel</Application><DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity><ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop><HeadingPairs><vt:vector size="2" baseType="variant"><vt:variant><vt:lpstr>Worksheets</vt:lpstr></vt:variant><vt:variant><vt:i4>1</vt:i4></vt:variant></vt:vector></HeadingPairs><TitlesOfParts><vt:vector size="1" baseType="lpstr"><vt:lpstr>Sheet1</vt:lpstr></vt:vector></TitlesOfParts><Company></Company><LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate><SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc><HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged><AppVersion>16.0300</AppVersion></Properties>`;

        // docProps\core.xml
        const now = new Date().toISOString(),
            docPropsCoreXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/metadata/core-properties" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dcmitype="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><dc:creator>Smart HTML Elements</dc:creator><cp:lastModifiedBy>Smart HTML Elements</cp:lastModifiedBy><dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">${now}</dcterms:created><dcterms:modified xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">${now}</dcterms:modified></cp:coreProperties>`;

        // xl\_rels\workbook.xml.rels
        const xl_relsWorkbookXmlRels = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"><Relationship Id="rId3" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles" Target="styles.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId2" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId1" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet" Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml"/><Relationship Id="rId4" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings" Target="sharedStrings.xml"/></Relationships>`;

        // xl\theme\theme1.xml
        const xlThemeTheme1Xml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
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script="Sinh" typeface="Iskoola Pota"/><a:font script="Mong" typeface="Mongolian Baiti"/><a:font script="Viet" typeface="Times New Roman"/><a:font script="Uigh" typeface="Microsoft Uighur"/><a:font script="Geor" typeface="Sylfaen"/><a:font script="Armn" typeface="Arial"/><a:font script="Bugi" typeface="Leelawadee UI"/><a:font script="Bopo" typeface="Microsoft JhengHei"/><a:font script="Java" typeface="Javanese Text"/><a:font script="Lisu" typeface="Segoe UI"/><a:font script="Mymr" typeface="Myanmar Text"/><a:font script="Nkoo" typeface="Ebrima"/><a:font script="Olck" typeface="Nirmala UI"/><a:font script="Osma" typeface="Ebrima"/><a:font script="Phag" typeface="Phagspa"/><a:font script="Syrn" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/><a:font script="Syrj" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/><a:font script="Syre" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/><a:font script="Sora" typeface="Nirmala UI"/><a:font script="Tale" typeface="Microsoft Tai Le"/><a:font script="Talu" typeface="Microsoft New Tai Lue"/><a:font script="Tfng" typeface="Ebrima"/></a:majorFont><a:minorFont><a:latin typeface="Calibri" panose="020F0502020204030204"/><a:ea typeface=""/><a:cs typeface=""/><a:font script="Jpan" typeface="游ゴシック"/><a:font script="Hang" typeface="맑은 고딕"/><a:font script="Hans" typeface="等线"/><a:font script="Hant" typeface="新細明體"/><a:font script="Arab" typeface="Arial"/><a:font script="Hebr" typeface="Arial"/><a:font script="Thai" typeface="Tahoma"/><a:font script="Ethi" typeface="Nyala"/><a:font script="Beng" typeface="Vrinda"/><a:font script="Gujr" typeface="Shruti"/><a:font script="Khmr" typeface="DaunPenh"/><a:font script="Knda" typeface="Tunga"/><a:font script="Guru" typeface="Raavi"/><a:font script="Cans" typeface="Euphemia"/><a:font script="Cher" typeface="Plantagenet Cherokee"/><a:font script="Yiii" typeface="Microsoft Yi Baiti"/><a:font script="Tibt" typeface="Microsoft Himalaya"/><a:font script="Thaa" typeface="MV Boli"/><a:font script="Deva" typeface="Mangal"/><a:font script="Telu" typeface="Gautami"/><a:font script="Taml" typeface="Latha"/><a:font script="Syrc" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/><a:font script="Orya" typeface="Kalinga"/><a:font script="Mlym" typeface="Kartika"/><a:font script="Laoo" typeface="DokChampa"/><a:font script="Sinh" typeface="Iskoola Pota"/><a:font script="Mong" typeface="Mongolian Baiti"/><a:font script="Viet" typeface="Arial"/><a:font script="Uigh" typeface="Microsoft Uighur"/><a:font script="Geor" typeface="Sylfaen"/><a:font script="Armn" typeface="Arial"/><a:font script="Bugi" typeface="Leelawadee UI"/><a:font script="Bopo" typeface="Microsoft JhengHei"/><a:font script="Java" typeface="Javanese Text"/><a:font script="Lisu" typeface="Segoe UI"/><a:font script="Mymr" typeface="Myanmar Text"/><a:font script="Nkoo" typeface="Ebrima"/><a:font script="Olck" typeface="Nirmala UI"/><a:font script="Osma" typeface="Ebrima"/><a:font script="Phag" typeface="Phagspa"/><a:font script="Syrn" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/><a:font script="Syrj" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/><a:font script="Syre" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/><a:font script="Sora" typeface="Nirmala UI"/><a:font script="Tale" typeface="Microsoft Tai Le"/><a:font script="Talu" typeface="Microsoft New Tai Lue"/><a:font script="Tfng" typeface="Ebrima"/></a:minorFont></a:fontScheme><a:fmtScheme name="Office"><a:fillStyleLst><a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"/></a:solidFill><a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"><a:gsLst><a:gs pos="0"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:lumMod val="110000"/><a:satMod val="105000"/><a:tint val="67000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs><a:gs pos="50000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:lumMod val="105000"/><a:satMod val="103000"/><a:tint val="73000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs><a:gs pos="100000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:lumMod val="105000"/><a:satMod val="109000"/><a:tint val="81000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs></a:gsLst><a:lin ang="5400000" scaled="0"/></a:gradFill><a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"><a:gsLst><a:gs pos="0"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:satMod val="103000"/><a:lumMod 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lim="800000"/></a:ln></a:lnStyleLst><a:effectStyleLst><a:effectStyle><a:effectLst/></a:effectStyle><a:effectStyle><a:effectLst/></a:effectStyle><a:effectStyle><a:effectLst><a:outerShdw blurRad="57150" dist="19050" dir="5400000" algn="ctr" rotWithShape="0"><a:srgbClr val="000000"><a:alpha val="63000"/></a:srgbClr></a:outerShdw></a:effectLst></a:effectStyle></a:effectStyleLst><a:bgFillStyleLst><a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"/></a:solidFill><a:solidFill><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="95000"/><a:satMod val="170000"/></a:schemeClr></a:solidFill><a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"><a:gsLst><a:gs pos="0"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="93000"/><a:satMod val="150000"/><a:shade val="98000"/><a:lumMod val="102000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs><a:gs pos="50000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:tint val="98000"/><a:satMod val="130000"/><a:shade val="90000"/><a:lumMod val="103000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs><a:gs pos="100000"><a:schemeClr val="phClr"><a:shade val="63000"/><a:satMod val="120000"/></a:schemeClr></a:gs></a:gsLst><a:lin ang="5400000" scaled="0"/></a:gradFill></a:bgFillStyleLst></a:fmtScheme></a:themeElements><a:objectDefaults/><a:extraClrSchemeLst/><a:extLst><a:ext uri="{05A4C25C-085E-4340-85A3-A5531E510DB2}"><thm15:themeFamily xmlns:thm15="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/thememl/2012/main" name="Office Theme" id="{62F939B6-93AF-4DB8-9C6B-D6C7DFDC589F}" vid="{4A3C46E8-61CC-4603-A589-7422A47A8E4A}"/></a:ext></a:extLst></a:theme>`;

        // xl\workbook.xml
        const xlWorkbookXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<workbook xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x15 xr xr6 xr10 xr2" xmlns:x15="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2010/11/main" xmlns:xr="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2014/revision" xmlns:xr6="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2016/revision6" xmlns:xr10="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2016/revision10" xmlns:xr2="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2015/revision2"><fileVersion appName="xl" lastEdited="7" lowestEdited="7" rupBuild="20325"/><workbookPr defaultThemeVersion="166925"/><mc:AlternateContent xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"><mc:Choice Requires="x15"><x15ac:absPath url="C:\Users\jqwidgets\Desktop\" xmlns:x15ac="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2010/11/ac"/></mc:Choice></mc:AlternateContent><xr:revisionPtr revIDLastSave="0" documentId="13_ncr:1_{0DEDCB6D-5403-4CD8-AAA5-59B6D238A8B6}" xr6:coauthVersionLast="34" xr6:coauthVersionMax="34" xr10:uidLastSave="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"/><bookViews><workbookView xWindow="0" yWindow="0" windowWidth="19200" windowHeight="6950" xr2:uid="{0CB664E6-3800-4A88-B158-B46A682E7484}"/></bookViews><sheets><sheet name="Sheet1" sheetId="1" r:id="rId1"/></sheets><calcPr calcId="179021"/><extLst><ext uri="{140A7094-0E35-4892-8432-C4D2E57EDEB5}" xmlns:x15="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2010/11/main"><x15:workbookPr chartTrackingRefBase="1"/></ext></extLst></workbook>`;

        // [Content_Types].xml
        const Content_TypesXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Types xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types"><Default Extension="bin" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.printerSettings"/><Default Extension="rels" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"/><Default Extension="xml" ContentType="application/xml"/><Override PartName="/xl/workbook.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml"/><Override PartName="/xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"/><Override PartName="/xl/theme/theme1.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml"/><Override PartName="/xl/styles.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml"/><Override PartName="/xl/sharedStrings.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml"/><Override PartName="/docProps/core.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"/><Override PartName="/docProps/app.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml"/></Types>`;

        return {
            _relsRels: _relsRels,
            docPropsAppXml: docPropsAppXml,
            docPropsCoreXml: docPropsCoreXml,
            xl_relsWorkbookXmlRels: xl_relsWorkbookXmlRels,
            xlThemeTheme1Xml: xlThemeTheme1Xml,
            xlWorkbookXml: xlWorkbookXml,
            Content_TypesXml: Content_TypesXml

     * Generates default style object (for use in XLSX export).
    generateDefaultStyle(data) {
        const that = this,
            defaultStyle = {},
            datafields = that.datafields,
            firstRecord = that.complexHeader ? data[that.complexHeader.length] : data[+that.exportHeader];

        if (!firstRecord) {
            return defaultStyle;

        for (let i = 0; i < datafields.length; i++) {
            const sampleValue = firstRecord[datafields[i]];

            if (sampleValue instanceof Date) {
                if (!defaultStyle.columns) {
                    defaultStyle.columns = [];

                defaultStyle.columns[datafields[i]] = { format: 'd' };

        return defaultStyle;

     * Generates group row.
    generateGroupRow(details) {
        const rowNumber = details.rowNumber,
            from = 'A' + rowNumber,
            recordXML = `        <row r="${rowNumber}" outlineLevel="${details.outlineLevel}" spans="1:${details.numberOfColumns}"${this.getCustomRowHeight(rowNumber - 1)} x14ac:dyDescent="0.45">
            <c r="${from}" t="s" s="0">

        details.mergedCells.push({ from: from, to: this.columnsArray[details.numberOfColumns - 1] + rowNumber });

        return recordXML;

     * Generates sharedStrings.xml.
    generateSharedStrings(data) {
        const that = this,
            datafields = that.datafields,
            collection = [];
        let xml = '',
            count = 0,
            uniqueCount = 0;

        function addSharedString(currentValue) {

            if (collection.indexOf(currentValue) === -1) {

                currentValue = currentValue.replace(/&(?!amp;)/g, '&amp;');
                currentValue = currentValue.replace(/'/g, '&apos;');
                currentValue = currentValue.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
                currentValue = currentValue.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
                currentValue = currentValue.replace(/</g, '&lt;');

                xml += `<si><t>${currentValue}</t></si>`;

        for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            const currentRecord = data[i];

            for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                let currentValue = currentRecord[datafields[j]];

                if (typeof currentValue !== 'string') {


        if (that.groupLabels) {
            for (let i = 0; i < that.groupLabels.length; i++) {

        xml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<sst xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" count="${count}" uniqueCount="${uniqueCount}">${xml}</sst>`;

        return { collection: collection, xml: xml };

     * Generates sheet1.xml.
    generateSheet1(data, sharedStrings) {
        const that = this,
            numberOfColumns = that.columnsArray.length,
            numberOfRows = data.length,
            dimensionEnd = that.columnsArray[numberOfColumns - 1] + numberOfRows,
            datafields = that.datafields,
            autoFilter = that.getFilters(),
            mergedCells = [].concat(that.complexHeaderMergedCells);

        let xmlContent = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x14ac xr xr2 xr3" xmlns:x14ac="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac" xmlns:xr="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2014/revision" xmlns:xr2="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2015/revision2" xmlns:xr3="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2016/revision3" xr:uid="{7F25248B-C640-4C64-AD47-C0EA0E5D90D0}">
    <sheetPr filterMode="${autoFilter !== ''}" />
    <dimension ref="A1:${dimensionEnd}" />
        <sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0" />
    <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="14.5" x14ac:dyDescent="0.35" />${that.getCustomColumnWidths()}

        function r(col, row) {
            return that.columnsArray[col] + row;

        for (let i = 0; i <= data.length; i++) {
            const currentRecord = data[i],
                rowNumber = i + 1;
            let collapsed = '';

            if (that.actualHierarchy) {
                const previousRecord = data[i - 1];

                if (previousRecord && previousRecord._collapsed &&
                    (!currentRecord || previousRecord._level > currentRecord._level)) {
                    collapsed = ' collapsed="true"';

            if (i === data.length) {
                if (collapsed) {
                    xmlContent += `        <row r="${rowNumber}" outlineLevel="${Math.max(data[i - 1]._level - 2, 0)}" hidden="false" collapsed="true" />\n`;


            let recordXML = `        <row r="${rowNumber}"${that.getOutlineLevel(currentRecord)} hidden="${currentRecord._hidden || currentRecord._collapsed || false}"${collapsed} spans="1:${numberOfColumns}"${that.getCustomRowHeight(rowNumber - 1)} x14ac:dyDescent="0.45">\n`;

            for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                const s = that.getXLSXCellStyle(r(j, rowNumber));

                recordXML += that.getActualCellData(currentRecord[datafields[j]], { r: r(j, rowNumber), s: s }, sharedStrings);

            recordXML += '        </row>\n';
            xmlContent += recordXML;

        xmlContent += `    </sheetData>${that.conditionalFormattingXLSX.conditions}${autoFilter}${that.getMergedCells(mergedCells)}
    <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3" />
    <pageSetup paperSize="9" orientation="portrait" r:id="rId1" />

        return xmlContent;

     * Generates sheet1.xml with grouping.
    generateSheet1WithGrouping(data, sharedStrings) {
        const that = this,
            numberOfColumns = that.columnsArray.length,
            numberOfRows = data.length,
            dimensionEnd = that.columnsArray[numberOfColumns - 1] + numberOfRows,
            datafields = that.datafields,
            mergedCells = [].concat(that.complexHeaderMergedCells);

        let xmlContent = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x14ac xr xr2 xr3" xmlns:x14ac="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac" xmlns:xr="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2014/revision" xmlns:xr2="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2015/revision2" xmlns:xr3="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2016/revision3" xr:uid="{7F25248B-C640-4C64-AD47-C0EA0E5D90D0}">
    <dimension ref="A1:${dimensionEnd}" />
        <sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0" />
    <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="14.5" x14ac:dyDescent="0.35" />${that.getCustomColumnWidths()}
            rowNumberCorrection = 0,
            groupsHandled = [];

        function r(col, row) {
            return that.columnsArray[col] + row;

            for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = data[i],
                    rowNumber = i + 1 + rowNumberCorrection;
                let outlineLevel = 0,
                    outlineXML = '';

                if (!that.exportHeader ||
                    (!that.complexHeader && i !== 0) ||
                    (that.complexHeader && i >= that.complexHeader.length)) {
                    let groupId = '';

                    for (let k = 0; k < that.groupBy.length; k++) {
                        const datafield = that.groupBy[k],
                            currentGroup = currentRecord[datafield],
                            currentGroupLabel = that.groups[datafield][currentGroup];

                        groupId += currentGroup;

                        if (groupsHandled.indexOf(groupId) === -1) {
                            let sharedStringIndex = sharedStrings.indexOf(currentGroupLabel);

                            xmlContent += that.generateGroupRow({
                                rowNumber: rowNumber,
                                outlineLevel: outlineLevel,
                                numberOfColumns: numberOfColumns,
                                sharedStringIndex: sharedStringIndex,
                                mergedCells: mergedCells
                            continue mainLoop;


                    outlineXML = ` outlineLevel="${outlineLevel}"`;

                let recordXML = `        <row r="${rowNumber}"${outlineXML} spans="1:${numberOfColumns}"${that.getCustomRowHeight(rowNumber - 1)} x14ac:dyDescent="0.45">\n`;

                for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                    const s = that.getXLSXCellStyle(r(j, i + 1));

                    recordXML += that.getActualCellData(currentRecord[datafields[j]], { r: r(j, rowNumber), s: s }, sharedStrings);

                recordXML += '        </row>\n';
                xmlContent += recordXML;

        xmlContent += `    </sheetData>${that.getMergedCells(mergedCells)}
    <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3" />
    <pageSetup paperSize="9" orientation="portrait" r:id="rId1" />

        return xmlContent;

     * Gets actual spreadsheet cell data.
    getActualCellData(currentValue, details, sharedStrings) {
        const r = details.r,
            s = details.s || ' s="0"';

        if (typeof currentValue === 'string') {
            return `            <c r="${r}" t="s"${s}>

        if (typeof currentValue === 'boolean') {
            return `            <c r="${r}" t="b"${s}>

        if (currentValue instanceof Date) {
            const excelDate = (currentValue.getTime() + this.timeBetween1900And1970) / 86400000 + 2;

            return `            <c r="${r}"${s}>

        // numeric cells
        return `            <c r="${r}"${s}>

     * Gets column labels.
    getColumnsArray() {
        const that = this,
            numberOfColumns = that.datafields.length,
            columnsCollection = [];

        function getIterator(i) {
            if (i < 26) {
                return '';

            return String.fromCharCode(64 + Math.floor(i / 26));

        for (let i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) {
            columnsCollection.push(getIterator(i) + String.fromCharCode(65 + (i < 26 ? i : i % 26)));

        that.columnsArray = columnsCollection;

     * Gets column style.
    getColumnStyle() {
        const that = this,
            style = that.style;

        if (!style) {
            return `        .header { border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }
        .column { border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }
        .group { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }`;

        const styles = {
            header: 'border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; ',
            column: 'white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; ',
            group: 'background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; '
            sampleRecord = that.data[0];
        let generatedStyle = '';

        const headerDefinition = style.header || {};

        for (let prop in headerDefinition) {
            if (!headerDefinition.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

            const value = headerDefinition[prop];

            if (sampleRecord[prop]) {
                if (!styles['header' + prop]) {
                    styles['header' + prop] = '';

                for (let columnProp in value) {
                    if (value.hasOwnProperty(columnProp)) {
                        const css = window.jqxToDash(columnProp) + ': ' + value[columnProp] + '; ';

                        styles['header' + prop] += css;

                        if (columnProp === 'width') {
                            if (!styles['column' + prop]) {
                                styles['column' + prop] = '';

                            styles['column' + prop] += css;


            if (prop === 'height' && that.complexHeader) {
                styles.header += 'height: ' + parseInt(headerDefinition[prop], 10) / that.complexHeader.length + 'px; ';
            else {
                styles.header += window.jqxToDash(prop) + ': ' + headerDefinition[prop] + '; ';

        const columnsDefinition = style.columns || {};

        for (let prop in columnsDefinition) {
            if (!columnsDefinition.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

            const value = columnsDefinition[prop];

            if (sampleRecord[prop]) {
                if (!styles['column' + prop]) {
                    styles['column' + prop] = '';

                for (let columnProp in value) {
                    if (isNaN(columnProp) && value.hasOwnProperty(columnProp) && columnProp !== 'format') {
                        styles['column' + prop] += window.jqxToDash(columnProp) + ': ' + value[columnProp] + '; ';


            styles.column += window.jqxToDash(prop) + ': ' + value + '; ';

        for (let prop in styles) {
            if (styles.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                generatedStyle += `        .${prop} { ${styles[prop]}}\n`;

        return generatedStyle;

     * Gets custom column widths.
    getCustomColumnWidths() {
        const that = this;

        if (!that.style || !that.columnWidth || that.columnWidth.length === 0) {
            return '';

        let xml = '\n    <cols>\n';

        for (let i = 0; i < that.columnWidth.length; i++) {
            let width = that.columnWidth[i];

            if (width !== undefined) {
                width = Math.round(parseFloat(width)) / 11;
                xml += `        <col min="${i + 1}" max="${i + 1}" width="${width}" customWidth="1" />\n`;

        xml += '    </cols>';

        return xml;

     * Returns customFilter tag.
    getCustomFilter(value, condition) {
        let operator = 'equal',

        if (value instanceof Date) {
            value = (value.getTime() + this.timeBetween1900And1970) / 86400000 + 2;

        condition = condition.toUpperCase();

        switch (condition) {
            case 'EMPTY':
                val = '';
            case 'NOT_EMPTY':
                val = '';
                operator = 'notEqual';
            case 'CONTAINS':
            case 'CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE':
                val = `*${value}*`;
            case 'DOES_NOT_CONTAIN':
                val = `*${value}*`;
                operator = 'notEqual';
            case 'STARTS_WITH':
            case 'STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE':
                val = `${value}*`;
            case 'ENDS_WITH':
            case 'ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE':
                val = `*${value}`;
            case 'EQUAL':
            case 'EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE':
                val = value;
            case 'NULL':
                val = null;
            case 'NOT_NULL':
                val = null;
                operator = 'notEqual';
            case 'NOT_EQUAL':
                val = value;
                operator = 'notEqual';
            case 'LESS_THAN':
                val = value;
                operator = 'lessThan';
            case 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL':
                val = value;
                operator = 'lessThanOrEqual';
            case 'GREATER_THAN':
                val = value;
                operator = 'greaterThan';
            case 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL':
                val = value;
                operator = 'greaterThanOrEqual';

        return `                <customFilter val="${val}" operator="${operator}"/>\n`;

     * Gets custom row height.
    getCustomRowHeight(row) {
        const that = this;

        if (that.style) {
            return that.rowHeight[row] || that.defaultRowHeight || '';

        return '';

     * Gets datafields.
    getDatafields(data) {
        const that = this,
            sampleRecord = data[0],
            datafields = [];

        for (let prop in sampleRecord) {
            if (sampleRecord.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop.charAt(0) !== '_') {

        that.datafields = datafields;

     * Returns autoFilter XML.
    getFilters() {
        const that = this,
            filterBy = that.filterBy;

        if (!filterBy) {
            return '';

        let xml = '';

        for (let datafield in filterBy) {
            if (filterBy.hasOwnProperty(datafield)) {
                const colId = that.datafields.indexOf(datafield);

                if (colId === -1) {

                const filterDetails = filterBy[datafield],
                    filters = filterDetails.filters;

                xml += `        <filterColumn colId="${colId}">
            <customFilters and="${!filterDetails.operator}">\n`;

                for (let i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
                    xml += that.getCustomFilter(filters[i].value, filters[i].condition);

                xml += `            </customFilters>

        if (!xml) {
            return '';

        xml = `\n    <autoFilter ref="A1:${that.columnsArray[that.columnsArray.length - 1] + that.data.length}">\n${xml}\n    </autoFilter>`;
        return xml;

     * Gets group labels based on data.
    getGroupLabels(data) {
        const that = this,
            startIndex = that.xlsxStartIndex !== undefined ? that.xlsxStartIndex : +that.exportHeader,
            groups = {},
            groupLabels = [];

        for (let i = startIndex; i < data.length; i++) {
            const currentRecord = data[i];

            for (let j = 0; j < that.groupBy.length; j++) {
                const datafield = that.groupBy[j],
                    currentValue = currentRecord[datafield];
                let group = groups[datafield];

                if (group === undefined) {
                    groups[datafield] = {};
                    group = groups[datafield];

                if (group[currentValue] === undefined) {
                    group[currentValue] = (that.exportHeader ? data[startIndex - 1][datafield] : datafield) + ': ' + currentValue;

        that.groups = groups;
        that.groupLabels = groupLabels;

     * Gets the header content when exporting to HTML.
    getHTMLHeader(datafields, data) {
        const that = this;
        let header = '\n        <thead>\n';

        if (!that.complexHeader) {
            header += '            <tr>\n';

            for (let j = 0; j < datafields.length; j++) {
                const datafield = datafields[j];

                header += `                <th class="header header${datafield}">${data[0][datafield]}</th>\n`;

            header += '            </tr>\n        </thead>';
            return header;

        for (let j = 0; j < that.complexHeader.length; j++) {
            const row = that.complexHeader[j];

            header += '            <tr>\n';

            for (let k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {
                const currentLabel = row[k];
                let colspan = 1, rowspan = 1;

                if ((row[k - 1] && row[k - 1] === currentLabel) ||
                    (that.complexHeader[j - 1] && (that.complexHeader[j - 1][k] === currentLabel))) {

                let iterator = k + 1;

                while (row[iterator] && row[iterator] === row[iterator - 1]) {

                iterator = j + 1;

                while (that.complexHeader[iterator] && that.complexHeader[iterator][k] === currentLabel) {

                const datafield = j === that.complexHeader.length - 1 || rowspan + j === that.complexHeader.length ?
                    ' header' + datafields[k] : '';

                header += `                <th class="header${datafield}" colspan="${colspan}" rowspan="${rowspan}">${currentLabel}</th>\n`;

            header += '            </tr>\n';

        header += '        </thead>';
        return header;

     * Gets conditional formatting XML.
    getConditionalFormatting() {
        const that = this,
            conditionalFormatting = that.conditionalFormatting;

        if (!conditionalFormatting) {
            that.conditionalFormattingXLSX = { conditions: '', styles: '' };

        const dxfCodes = [];
        let conditionsXml = '',
            stylesXml = '';

        for (let i = conditionalFormatting.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            const columnFormat = conditionalFormatting[i],
                columnLetter = that.columnsArray[that.datafields.indexOf(columnFormat.column)],
                startCell = columnLetter + (that.xlsxStartIndex + 1),
                sqref = startCell + ':' + columnLetter + (that.data.length),
                dxfCode = columnFormat.background + columnFormat.color,
                attr = that.getConditionalAttributes(columnFormat, startCell);
            let dxfId = dxfCodes.indexOf(dxfCode);

            if (dxfId === -1) {
                const newDxf = `        <dxf>
                <b val="0"/>
                <i val="0"/>
                <color rgb="${columnFormat.color === 'White' ? 'FFFFFFFF' : 'FF000000'}"/>
                <sz val="10"/>
                    <bgColor rgb="${that.toARGB(columnFormat.background)}"/>

                stylesXml += newDxf;
                dxfId = dxfCodes.length;

            conditionsXml += `    <conditionalFormatting sqref="${sqref}">
        <cfRule dxfId="${dxfId}" text="${attr.text}" rank="${attr.rank}" percent="${attr.percent}" bottom="${attr.bottom}" equalAverage="${attr.equalAverage}" aboveAverage="${attr.aboveAverage}"${attr.operator}${attr.timePeriod} priority="${i + 2}" type="${attr.type}">
${attr.formula}        </cfRule>

        stylesXml = `    <dxfs count="${dxfCodes.length}">\n${stylesXml}    </dxfs>`;

        that.conditionalFormattingXLSX = { conditions: conditionsXml, styles: stylesXml };

     * Gets conditional formatting XML attributes.
    getConditionalAttributes(columnFormat, startCell) {
        let condition = columnFormat.condition,
            comparator = columnFormat.comparator,
            text = '',
            rank = 0,
            percent = 0,
            bottom = 0,
            equalAverage = 0,
            aboveAverage = 0,
            operator = '',
            timePeriod = '',
            type = '',
            formula = '';

        switch (condition) {
            case 'equal':
                operator = 'equal';
                type = 'cellIs';
                formula = `            <formula>${comparator}</formula>\n`;
            case 'lessThan':
                operator = 'lessThan';
                type = 'cellIs';
                formula = `            <formula>${comparator}</formula>\n`;
            case 'greaterThan':
                operator = 'greaterThan';
                type = 'cellIs';
                formula = `            <formula>${comparator}</formula>\n`;
            case 'notEqual':
                operator = 'notEqual';
                type = 'cellIs';
                formula = `            <formula>${comparator}</formula>\n`;
            case 'between':
                operator = 'between';
                type = 'cellIs';
                formula = `            <formula>${columnFormat.min}</formula>
            case 'duplicate':
                type = 'duplicateValues';
                formula = '            <formula>0</formula>\n';
            case 'topNItems':
                rank = comparator;
                type = 'top10';
            case 'bottomNItems':
                rank = comparator;
                bottom = 1;
                type = 'top10';
            case 'topNPercent':
                rank = comparator;
                percent = 1;
                type = 'top10';
            case 'bottomNPercent':
                rank = comparator;
                percent = 1;
                bottom = 1;
                type = 'top10';
            case 'aboveAverage':
                aboveAverage = 1;
                type = 'aboveAverage';
                formula = '            <formula>0</formula>\n';
            case 'belowAverage':
                type = 'aboveAverage';
                formula = '            <formula>0</formula>\n';
            case 'contains':
                text = comparator;
                operator = 'containsText';
                type = 'containsText';
                formula = `            <formula>NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("${comparator}",${startCell})))</formula>\n`;
            case 'doesNotContain':
                text = comparator;
                operator = 'notContains';
                type = 'notContainsText';
                formula = `            <formula>ISERROR(SEARCH("${comparator}",${startCell}))</formula>\n`;
            case 'dateOccur':
                timePeriod = ` timePeriod="${comparator}"`;
                type = 'timePeriod';

        if (operator) {
            operator = ` operator="${operator}" `;

        return {
            text: text,
            rank: rank,
            percent: percent,
            bottom: bottom,
            equalAverage: equalAverage,
            aboveAverage: aboveAverage,
            operator: operator,
            timePeriod: timePeriod,
            type: type,
            formula: formula

     * Gets merged cells XML.
    getMergedCells(mergedCells) {
        const that = this;

        let mergeCellsXml = '';

        for (let i = 0; i < mergedCells.length; i++) {
            if (mergedCells[i].from === mergedCells[i].to) {

            mergeCellsXml += `\n        <mergeCell ref="${mergedCells[i].from}:${mergedCells[i].to}" />\n`;

        if (that.mergedCells) {
            for (let i = 0; i < that.mergedCells.length; i++) {
                const cellDefinition = that.mergedCells[i];

                if (cellDefinition.rowspan < 2 && cellDefinition.colspan < 2) {

                const from = that.columnsArray[cellDefinition.cell[0]] + (cellDefinition.cell[1] + that.xlsxStartIndex + 1),
                    to = that.columnsArray[cellDefinition.cell[0] + cellDefinition.colspan - 1] + (cellDefinition.cell[1] + that.xlsxStartIndex + cellDefinition.rowspan);

                mergeCellsXml += `\n        <mergeCell ref="${from}:${to}" />\n`;

        if (mergeCellsXml) {
            mergeCellsXml = `\n    <mergeCells count="${mergedCells.length}">${mergeCellsXml}    </mergeCells>`;

        return mergeCellsXml;

     * Gets numFmt index.
    getNumFmtIndex(format, numFmts) {
        let index = numFmts.collection.indexOf(format);

        if (index === -1) {
            index = numFmts.collection.length + 100;
            numFmts.xml += `<numFmt numFmtId="${index}" formatCode="${format}"/>`;
        else {
            index += 100;

        return index;

        * Returns outlineLevel.
    getOutlineLevel(record) {
        if (!this.actualHierarchy || record._level === 1) {
            return '';

        return ` outlineLevel="${record._level - 1}"`;

     * Gets row style.
    getRowStyle() {
        const that = this,
            style = that.style;

        if (!style) {
            return '';

        const rowsDefinition = style.rows;

        if (!rowsDefinition) {
            return '';

        const styles = {
            row: ''
        let generatedStyle = '';

        for (let prop in rowsDefinition) {
            if (!rowsDefinition.hasOwnProperty(prop) ||
                prop === 'alternationCount' ||
                prop === 'alternationStart' ||
                prop === 'alternationEnd') {

            const value = rowsDefinition[prop];

            if (prop.indexOf('alt') !== -1) {
                const i = prop.slice(16, 17),
                    property = prop.slice(17);

                if (!styles['rowN' + i]) {
                    styles['rowN' + i] = '';

                if (property === 'Color') {
                    styles['rowN' + i] += 'color : ' + value + '; ';
                else if (property === 'BorderColor') {
                    styles['rowN' + i] += 'border-color : ' + value + '; ';
                else {
                    styles['rowN' + i] += 'background-color : ' + value + '; ';


            if (!isNaN(prop)) {
                if (!styles['row' + prop]) {
                    styles['row' + prop] = '';

                for (let rowProp in value) {
                    if (value.hasOwnProperty(rowProp)) {
                        styles['row' + prop] += window.jqxToDash(rowProp) + ': ' + value[rowProp] + '; ';


            styles.row += window.jqxToDash(prop) + ': ' + rowsDefinition[prop] + '; ';

        let keys = Object.keys(styles);

        keys.sort(function (a, b) {
            if (a === 'row') {
                return -1;

            if (b === 'row') {
                return 1;

            const aIsNum = !isNaN(a.slice(3)),
                bIsNum = !isNaN(b.slice(3));

            if (aIsNum && !bIsNum) {
                return 1;

            if (!aIsNum && bIsNum) {
                return -1;

            return +(a < b);

        for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            generatedStyle += `        .${keys[i]} { ${styles[keys[i]]}}\n`;

        return generatedStyle;

     * Gets table style.
    getTableStyle() {
        const that = this,
            style = that.style;

        if (!style) {
            return ' style="table-layout: fixed; border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;"';

        let generatedStyle = 'table-layout: fixed; ';

        for (let prop in style) {
            if (style.hasOwnProperty(prop) && ['header', 'columns', 'rows'].indexOf(prop) === -1) {
                generatedStyle += window.jqxToDash(prop) + ': ' + style[prop] + '; ';

        if (generatedStyle) {
            generatedStyle = ' style="' + generatedStyle + '"';

        return generatedStyle;

     * Gets the "s" (style) attribute of an XLSX cell.
    getXLSXCellStyle(r) {
        const that = this;

        if (that.cellStyleMapping[r] !== undefined) {
            return ` s="${that.cellStyleMapping[r]}"`;

        return '';

     * Gets the "s" (style) attribute of an XLSX cell.
    getXLSXFormat(format, cellValue) {
        if (typeof cellValue === 'number') {
            let precision = parseFloat(format.slice(1)) || 0,
                precisionCode = precision > 0 ? '.' + ('0').repeat(precision) : '';

            format = format.slice(0, 1);

            switch (format) {
                case 'C':
                case 'c':
                    return '\$#,0' + precisionCode;
                case 'D':
                case 'd':
                    if (precision) {
                        return ('0').repeat(precision);

                    return '0';
                case 'E':
                case 'e':
                    return '0' + precisionCode + format + '000';
                case 'F':
                case 'f':
                    return '0' + precisionCode;
                case 'N':
                case 'n':
                    return '#,0' + precisionCode;
                case 'P':
                case 'p':
                    return '#,0' + precisionCode + ' %';
        else if (cellValue instanceof Date) {
            switch (format) {
                case 'd':
                    return 'm/d/yyyy';
                case 'D':
                    return 'nnnnmmmm dd, yyyy';
                case 't':
                    return 'h:m AM/PM';
                case 'T':
                    return 'h:mm:ss AM/PM';
                case 'f':
                    return 'nnnnmmmm dd, yyyy h:m AM/PM';
                case 'F':
                    return 'nnnnmmmm dd, yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM';
                case 'M':
                    return 'mmmm d';
                case 'Y':
                    return 'yyyy mmmm';
                case 'FP':
                case 'PP':
                    return 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss';
                case 'FT':
                case 'PT':
                    return 'hh:mm:ss';

            format = format.replace(/f|u|n|p|e|a|x|o/gi, '');
            format = format.replace(/tt/gi, 'AM/PM');
            format = format.replace(/:{2,}|:\s|:$|\.$/g, '');
            format = format.trim();
            return format;

     * Processes column styles.
    processColumnStyle(style) {
        const that = this,
            headerDefinition = style.header,
            columnsDefinition = style.columns,
            sampleRecord = that.data[0],
            startIndex = that.xlsxStartIndex;

        that.columnWidth = [];

        if (startIndex && headerDefinition) {
            for (let i = 0; i < that.columnsArray.length; i++) {
                const columnLetter = that.columnsArray[i],
                    cell = columnLetter + startIndex,
                    columnSpecific = headerDefinition[that.datafields[i]];

                for (let prop in headerDefinition) {
                    if (headerDefinition.hasOwnProperty(prop) && sampleRecord[prop] === undefined) {
                        if (that.complexHeader) {
                            for (let j = 0; j < that.complexHeader.length; j++) {
                                if (prop === 'height') {
                                    that.rowHeight[j] = ` ht="${(parseFloat(headerDefinition.height) / that.complexHeader.length) / 2}"`;
                                else {
                                    that.storeCellStyle(columnLetter + (j + 1), prop, headerDefinition[prop]);
                        else {
                            if (prop === 'height') {
                                that.rowHeight[0] = ` ht="${parseFloat(headerDefinition.height) / 2}"`;

                            that.storeCellStyle(cell, prop, headerDefinition[prop]);

                if (!columnSpecific) {

                for (let prop in columnSpecific) {
                    if (columnSpecific.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        if (prop === 'width') {
                            that.columnWidth[i] = columnSpecific.width;

                        that.storeCellStyle(cell, prop, columnSpecific[prop]);
        else if (headerDefinition) {
            for (let i = 0; i < that.columnsArray.length; i++) {
                const columnSpecific = headerDefinition[that.datafields[i]];

                if (columnSpecific && columnSpecific.width !== undefined) {
                    that.columnWidth[i] = columnSpecific.width;

        if (!columnsDefinition) {
            return '';

        for (let i = startIndex; i < that.data.length; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < that.columnsArray.length; j++) {
                const columnLetter = that.columnsArray[j],
                    cell = columnLetter + (i + 1),
                    datafield = that.datafields[j],
                    columnSpecific = columnsDefinition[datafield];

                for (let prop in columnsDefinition) {
                    if (columnsDefinition.hasOwnProperty(prop) && sampleRecord[prop] === undefined) {
                        that.storeCellStyle(cell, prop, columnsDefinition[prop]);

                if (!columnSpecific) {

                for (let prop in columnSpecific) {
                    if (!isNaN(prop) || !columnSpecific.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

                    that.storeCellStyle(cell, prop, columnSpecific[prop], that.data[i][datafield]);

     * Processes complex header object.
    processComplexHeader(header, data, format) {
        const that = this,
            flatHeader = {},
            processGrouping = ['html', 'jpeg', 'pdf', 'png', 'xlsx'].indexOf(format) !== -1 && header.columngroups,
            datafieldMapping = [],
            columnGroupHierarchy = {},
            complexHeader = [];
        let headerDepth = 0;

        function getColumnGroup(columnGroup) {
            for (let i = 0; i < header.columngroups.length; i++) {
                const currentGroupDefinition = header.columngroups[i];

                if (currentGroupDefinition.name === columnGroup) {
                    return currentGroupDefinition;

        function getColumnGroupHierarchy(groupDefinition) {
            const columnGroups = [];

            while (groupDefinition) {

                if (groupDefinition.parentGroup) {
                    groupDefinition = getColumnGroup(groupDefinition.parentGroup);
                else {
                    return columnGroups;

        if (processGrouping) {
            for (let i = 0; i < header.columngroups.length; i++) {
                const currentGroupDefinition = header.columngroups[i],
                    groupHierarchy = getColumnGroupHierarchy(currentGroupDefinition);

                columnGroupHierarchy[currentGroupDefinition.name] = groupHierarchy;
                headerDepth = Math.max(headerDepth, groupHierarchy.length);


            for (let i = 0; i < headerDepth; i++) {
                complexHeader[i] = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < header.columns.length; i++) {
            const currentColumn = header.columns[i];

            flatHeader[currentColumn.dataField] = currentColumn.label;

            if (!processGrouping) {

            datafieldMapping[i] = currentColumn.dataField;
            complexHeader[headerDepth - 1][i] = currentColumn.label;

            if (!currentColumn.columnGroup) {

            const columnGroups = columnGroupHierarchy[currentColumn.columnGroup];

            for (let j = 0; j < columnGroups.length; j++) {
                complexHeader[j][i] = columnGroups[j];

        if (complexHeader.length > 1) {
            const numberOfDatafields = Object.keys(flatHeader).length;

            for (let i = 0; i < headerDepth - 1; i++) {
                const entry = {};

                for (let j = 0; j < numberOfDatafields; j++) {
                    if (complexHeader[i][j] === undefined) {
                        let iterator = i + 1;

                        while (complexHeader[iterator][j] === undefined) {

                        complexHeader[i][j] = complexHeader[iterator][j];

                    entry[datafieldMapping[j]] = complexHeader[i][j];

                if (format === 'xlsx') {
                    data.splice(i, 0, entry);

            that.complexHeader = complexHeader;

            if (format !== 'xlsx') {
            else {
                data.splice(headerDepth - 1, 0, flatHeader);

                const toMerge = {};

                for (let i = 0; i < headerDepth; i++) {
                    for (let j = 0; j < numberOfDatafields; j++) {
                        const label = complexHeader[i][j];

                        if (!toMerge[label]) {
                            toMerge[label] = { from: [i, j] };
                            toMerge[label].to = toMerge[label].from;
                        else {
                            toMerge[label].to = [i, j];

                that.complexHeaderMergeInfo = toMerge;
        else {

     * Processes hierarchical data.
    processHierarchicalData(data, format) {
        const that = this,
            startIndex = format !== 'xlsx' ? +that.exportHeader : that.xlsxStartIndex,
            siblingGroups = {},
            processedData = [];
        let maxLevel = 0,
            actualHierarchy = false;

        function process(parentKey, level, collapsed) {
            const group = siblingGroups[parentKey];

            maxLevel = Math.max(maxLevel, level);

            if (group === undefined) {

            for (let i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = group[i],
                    keyDataField = currentRecord._keyDataField;

                currentRecord._collapsed = collapsed;
                currentRecord._level = level;

                if (siblingGroups[keyDataField]) {
                    actualHierarchy = true;
                    currentRecord._expanded = currentRecord._expanded !== undefined ? currentRecord._expanded : true;
                    process(keyDataField, level + 1, collapsed || !currentRecord._expanded);

        function processJSONXML(parentKey, level, parent) {
            const group = siblingGroups[parentKey];

            maxLevel = Math.max(maxLevel, level);

            if (group === undefined) {

            for (let i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = group[i],
                    keyDataField = currentRecord._keyDataField;
                let cleanedRecord;

                if (format === 'json') {
                    cleanedRecord = {};

                    for (let prop in currentRecord) {
                        if (currentRecord.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop.charAt(0) !== '_') {
                            cleanedRecord[prop] = currentRecord[prop];
                else {
                    cleanedRecord = Object.assign({}, currentRecord);


                if (siblingGroups[keyDataField]) {
                    actualHierarchy = true;
                    cleanedRecord.rows = [];
                    processJSONXML(keyDataField, level + 1, cleanedRecord.rows);

        if (data[startIndex]._keyDataField === undefined) {
            return that.processNestedData(data, format, startIndex);

        for (let i = startIndex; i < data.length; i++) {
            const currentRecord = Object.assign({}, data[i]),
                parentKey = currentRecord._parentDataField;

            if (siblingGroups[parentKey] === undefined) {
                siblingGroups[parentKey] = [currentRecord];
            else {

        if (startIndex) {
            for (let i = 0; i < startIndex; i++) {
                processedData.push(Object.assign({}, data[i]));

                if (['json', 'pdf', 'xml'].indexOf(format) === -1) {
                    processedData[i]._level = 1;

        if (format !== 'json' && format !== 'xml') {
            process(null, 1, false);
        else {
            processJSONXML(null, 1, processedData);

        if (!actualHierarchy) {
            that.actualHierarchy = false;

        that.maxLevel = maxLevel;
        return processedData;

     * Processes nested hierarchical data.
    processNestedData(data, format, startIndex) {
        const that = this,
            processedData = [];
        let maxLevel = 0,
            actualHierarchy = false;

        function process(start, children, level, collapsed) {
            maxLevel = Math.max(maxLevel, level);

            for (let i = start; i < children.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = Object.assign({}, children[i]);

                currentRecord._collapsed = collapsed;
                currentRecord._level = level;

                if (currentRecord.children && currentRecord.children.length > 0) {
                    actualHierarchy = true;
                    currentRecord._expanded = currentRecord._expanded !== undefined ? currentRecord._expanded : true;
                    process(0, currentRecord.children, level + 1, collapsed || !currentRecord._expanded);

                delete currentRecord.children;

        function processJSONXML(start, children, rows, level) {
            maxLevel = Math.max(maxLevel, level);

            for (let i = start; i < children.length; i++) {
                const currentRecord = Object.assign({}, children[i]);

                if (level === 1) {
                    processedData[i] = currentRecord;
                else {
                    rows[i] = currentRecord;

                if (currentRecord.children && currentRecord.children.length > 0) {
                    actualHierarchy = true;
                    currentRecord.rows = [];
                    processJSONXML(0, currentRecord.children, currentRecord.rows, level + 1);

                delete currentRecord.children;

        if (startIndex) {
            for (let i = 0; i < startIndex; i++) {
                processedData.push(Object.assign({}, data[i]));

                if (['json', 'pdf', 'xml'].indexOf(format) === -1) {
                    processedData[i]._level = 1;

        if (format !== 'json' && format !== 'xml') {
            process(startIndex, data, 1, false);
        else {
            processJSONXML(startIndex, data, undefined, 1);

        if (!actualHierarchy) {
            that.actualHierarchy = false;

        that.maxLevel = maxLevel;
        return processedData;

     * Processes row styles.
    processRowStyle(style) {
        const that = this,
            rowsDefinition = style.rows;

        that.rowHeight = [];

        if (!rowsDefinition) {

        const startIndex = that.xlsxStartIndex;

        function applyToRowCells(row, prop, value) {
            for (let j = 0; j < that.columnsArray.length; j++) {
                const currentCell = that.columnsArray[j] + (row + 1 + startIndex);

                that.storeCellStyle(currentCell, prop, value);

        if (rowsDefinition.height) {
            that.defaultRowHeight = ` ht="${parseFloat(rowsDefinition.height) / 2}"`;

        for (let i = startIndex; i < that.data.length; i++) {
            const row = i - startIndex;

            for (let prop in rowsDefinition) {
                if (rowsDefinition.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&
                    prop.indexOf('alt') === -1 &&
                    isNaN(prop) &&
                    prop !== 'height') {
                    applyToRowCells(row, prop, rowsDefinition[prop]);

            if (rowsDefinition.alternationCount &&
                (((rowsDefinition.alternationStart === undefined || row >= rowsDefinition.alternationStart) &&
                    (rowsDefinition.alternationEnd === undefined || row <= rowsDefinition.alternationEnd)) ||
                    rowsDefinition.alternationStart === rowsDefinition.alternationEnd)) {
                const start = rowsDefinition.alternationStart || 0,
                    i = (row - start) % rowsDefinition.alternationCount;

                if (rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}Color`]) {
                    applyToRowCells(row, 'color', rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}Color`]);

                if (rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}BorderColor`]) {
                    applyToRowCells(row, 'borderColor', rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}BorderColor`]);

                if (rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}BackgroundColor`]) {
                    applyToRowCells(row, 'backgroundColor', rowsDefinition[`alternationIndex${i}BackgroundColor`]);

            if (rowsDefinition[row]) {
                for (let prop in rowsDefinition[row]) {
                    if (rowsDefinition[row].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        if (prop === 'height') {
                            that.rowHeight[i] = ` ht="${parseFloat(rowsDefinition[row].height) / 2}"`;

                        applyToRowCells(row, prop, rowsDefinition[row][prop]);

     * Stores cell style in "styleMap" object.
    storeCellStyle(cell, prop, value) {
        const that = this,
            cellMap = that.styleMap[cell];

        switch (prop) {
            case 'backgroundColor':
                cellMap.fills.fgColor = value;
            case 'color':
                cellMap.fonts.color = value;
            case 'fontFamily':
                cellMap.fonts.name = value.replace(/"/g, '\'');
            case 'fontSize':
                cellMap.fonts.sz = parseFloat(value);
            case 'fontStyle':
                if (value === 'italic') {
                    cellMap.fonts.i = true;
                else {
                    delete cellMap.fonts.i;

            case 'fontWeight':
                if (value === 'bold') {
                    cellMap.fonts.b = true;
                else {
                    delete cellMap.fonts.b;

            case 'numFmt': {
                cellMap.numFmt = value;
            case 'textAlign':
                cellMap.alignment.horizontal = value;
            case 'textDecoration':
                if (value === 'underline') {
                    cellMap.fonts.u = true;
                else {
                    delete cellMap.fonts.u;

            case 'verticalAlign':
                if (value === 'middle') {
                    value = 'center';

                cellMap.alignment.vertical = value;

     * Returns an Alpha Red Green Blue color value.
    toARGB(color) {
        color = color.replace(/\s/g, '');

        const rgbResult = /rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/gi.exec(color);

        if (rgbResult !== null) {
            const r = parseFloat(rgbResult[1]).toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                g = parseFloat(rgbResult[2]).toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                b = parseFloat(rgbResult[3]).toString(16).toUpperCase();

            return 'FF' + ('0').repeat(2 - r.length) + r +
                ('0').repeat(2 - g.length) + g +
                ('0').repeat(2 - b.length) + b;

        const rgbaResult = /rgba\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\,(\d*.\d+|\d+)\)/gi.exec(color);

        if (rgbaResult !== null) {
            const a = Math.round(parseFloat(rgbaResult[4]) * 255).toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                r = parseFloat(rgbaResult[1]).toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                g = parseFloat(rgbaResult[2]).toString(16).toUpperCase(),
                b = parseFloat(rgbaResult[3]).toString(16).toUpperCase();

            return ('0').repeat(2 - a.length) + a +
                ('0').repeat(2 - r.length) + r +
                ('0').repeat(2 - g.length) + g +
                ('0').repeat(2 - b.length) + b;

        const shortHexResult = /^#(.)(.)(.)$/gi.exec(color);

        if (shortHexResult !== null) {
            const r = shortHexResult[1].toUpperCase(),
                g = shortHexResult[2].toUpperCase(),
                b = shortHexResult[3].toUpperCase();

            return 'FF' + r + r + g + g + b + b;

        return 'FF' + color.toUpperCase().slice(1);

     * Adds toggleable functionality.
    toggleableFunctionality() {
        const that = this;

        if (!that.actualHierarchy) {
            return '';

        return `\n    <style type="text/css">
        .toggle-element {
            width: 5px;
            height: 1px;
            padding-right: 5px;
            float: left;
            text-align: right;
            cursor: pointer;
            user-select: none;

        .collapsed {
            display: none;
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = function () {
            var expandChar = '${that.expandChar}',
                collapseChar = '${that.collapseChar}',
                toggleElements = document.getElementsByClassName('toggle-element');

            function getParent(child) {
                var prevSibling = child.previousElementSibling;

                while (prevSibling) {
                    if (child.getAttribute('level') > prevSibling.getAttribute('level')) {
                        return prevSibling;

                    prevSibling = prevSibling.previousElementSibling;


            function getFirstCollapsedAncestor(child) {
                var parent = getParent(child);

                while (parent) {
                    if (parent.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML === expandChar) {
                        return parent;

                    parent = getParent(parent);

            for (var i = 0; i < toggleElements.length; i++) {
                toggleElements[i].addEventListener('click', function (event) {
                    var expanded = this.innerHTML === collapseChar,
                        row = this.parentElement.parentElement,
                        sibling = row.nextElementSibling;

                    if (expanded) {
                        this.innerHTML = expandChar;
                    else {
                        this.innerHTML = collapseChar;

                    while (sibling && row.getAttribute('level') < sibling.getAttribute('level')) {
                        if (expanded) {
                            sibling.style.display = 'none';
                        else {
                            var firstCollapsedAncestor = getFirstCollapsedAncestor(sibling);

                            if (!firstCollapsedAncestor || firstCollapsedAncestor === row) {
                                sibling.style.display = null;


                        sibling = sibling.nextElementSibling;

     * Generates styles.xml.
    generateStyles(style) {
        const that = this;

        that.cellStyleMapping = {};

        if (Object.keys(style).length === 0 && !that.complexHeader) {
            // default style
            return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<styleSheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x14ac x16r2 xr" xmlns:x14ac="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac" xmlns:x16r2="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2015/02/main" xmlns:xr="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2014/revision"><fonts count="1" x14ac:knownFonts="1"><font><sz val="11"/><color theme="1"/><name val="Calibri"/><family val="2"/><charset val="204"/><scheme val="minor"/></font></fonts><fills count="2"><fill><patternFill patternType="none"/></fill><fill><patternFill patternType="gray125"/></fill></fills><borders count="1"><border><left/><right/><top/><bottom/><diagonal/></border></borders><cellStyleXfs count="1"><xf numFmtId="0" fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="0"/></cellStyleXfs><cellXfs count="1"><xf numFmtId="0" fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="0" xfId="0"/></cellXfs><cellStyles count="1"><cellStyle name="Normal" xfId="0" builtinId="0"/></cellStyles>${that.conditionalFormattingXLSX.styles || '<dxfs count="0"/>'}<tableStyles count="0" defaultTableStyle="TableStyleMedium2" defaultPivotStyle="PivotStyleLight16"/><extLst><ext uri="{EB79DEF2-80B8-43e5-95BD-54CBDDF9020C}" xmlns:x14="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/main"><x14:slicerStyles defaultSlicerStyle="SlicerStyleLight1"/></ext><ext uri="{9260A510-F301-46a8-8635-F512D64BE5F5}" xmlns:x15="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2010/11/main"><x15:timelineStyles defaultTimelineStyle="TimeSlicerStyleLight1"/></ext></extLst></styleSheet>`;

        that.styleMap = {};

        for (let i = 0; i < that.data.length; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < that.columnsArray.length; j++) {
                that.styleMap[that.columnsArray[j] + (i + 1)] = {
                    numFmts: {}, fonts: {}, fills: {}, borders: {}, alignment: {}

        if (style && style.columns) {
            for (let i = 0; i < that.columnsArray.length; i++) {
                const datafield = that.datafields[i];

                if (!style.columns[datafield] || !style.columns[datafield].format) {

                const XLSXFormat = that.getXLSXFormat(style.columns[datafield].format, that.data[that.data.length - 1][datafield]);

                if (XLSXFormat) {
                    style.columns[datafield].numFmt = XLSXFormat;


        const cellAliases = {};

        for (let i = 0; i < that.complexHeaderMergedCells.length; i++) {
            const currentCell = that.complexHeaderMergedCells[i];

            if (parseFloat(currentCell.to[1]) === that.complexHeader.length) {
                cellAliases[currentCell.to] = currentCell.from;

            that.styleMap[currentCell.from].alignment.horizontal = 'center';
            that.styleMap[currentCell.from].alignment.vertical = 'center';

        const fonts = {
            xml: '<font><sz val="11" /><color theme="1" /><name val="Calibri" /><family val="2" /><charset val="204" /><scheme val="minor" /></font>',
            collection: ['default']
            fills = {
                xml: '<fill><patternFill patternType="none" /></fill><fill><patternFill patternType="gray125" /></fill>',
                collection: ['default', 'gray125']
            numFmts = {
                xml: '',
                collection: []
            cellXfs = {
                xml: '<xf fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="1"/>',
                collection: ['default']

        for (let i = 0; i < that.data.length; i++) { // iterate rows
            for (let j = 0; j < that.columnsArray.length; j++) { // iterate columns
                const currentCell = that.columnsArray[j] + (i + 1),
                    currentCellStyle = that.styleMap[currentCell];
                let currentFont = '', currentFill = '', currentAlignment = '',
                    currentFontCode = [], currentFillCode = [], currentAlignmentCode = [], xf = [];

                for (let prop in currentCellStyle.fonts) {
                    if (currentCellStyle.fonts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        const value = currentCellStyle.fonts[prop];

                        switch (prop) {
                            case 'color':
                                currentFontCode[0] = value;
                                currentFont += `<color rgb="${that.toARGB(value)}" />`;
                            case 'name':
                                currentFontCode[1] = value;
                                currentFont += `<name val="${value}" />`;
                            case 'sz':
                                currentFontCode[2] = value;
                                currentFont += `<sz val="${value}" />`;
                            case 'i':
                                currentFontCode[3] = value;
                                currentFont += '<i />';
                            case 'b':
                                currentFontCode[4] = value;
                                currentFont += '<b />';
                            case 'u':
                                currentFontCode[5] = value;
                                currentFont += '<u />';

                for (let prop in currentCellStyle.fills) {
                    if (currentCellStyle.fills.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        const value = currentCellStyle.fills[prop];

                        switch (prop) {
                            case 'fgColor':
                                currentFillCode[0] = value;
                                currentFill += `<fgColor rgb="${that.toARGB(value)}" />`;

                for (let prop in currentCellStyle.alignment) {
                    if (currentCellStyle.alignment.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        const value = currentCellStyle.alignment[prop];

                        switch (prop) {
                            case 'horizontal':
                                currentAlignmentCode[0] = value;
                                currentAlignment += `horizontal="${value}" `;
                            case 'vertical':
                                currentAlignmentCode[1] = value;
                                currentAlignment += `vertical="${value}" `;

                currentFontCode = currentFontCode.toString();
                currentFillCode = currentFillCode.toString();

                if (currentFont !== '') {
                    let fontIndex = fonts.collection.indexOf(currentFontCode);

                    if (fontIndex === -1) {
                        fontIndex = fonts.collection.length;

                        fonts.xml += '<font>' + currentFont + '</font>';

                    xf[0] = fontIndex;

                if (currentFill !== '') {
                    let fillIndex = fills.collection.indexOf(currentFillCode);

                    if (fillIndex === -1) {
                        fillIndex = fills.collection.length;

                        fills.xml += '<fill><patternFill patternType="solid">' + currentFill + '</patternFill></fill>';

                    xf[1] = fillIndex;

                if (currentAlignmentCode.length > 0) {
                    xf[2] = currentAlignment;

                if (currentCellStyle.numFmt !== undefined) {
                    xf[3] = that.getNumFmtIndex(currentCellStyle.numFmt, numFmts);

                const xfCode = xf.toString();

                if (xfCode !== '') {
                    let xfIndex = cellXfs.collection.indexOf(xfCode);

                    if (xfIndex === -1) {
                        let newXfXML = '<xf ';

                        xfIndex = cellXfs.collection.length;

                        if (xf[0] !== undefined) {
                            newXfXML += `fontId="${xf[0]}" `;

                        if (xf[1] !== undefined) {
                            newXfXML += `fillId="${xf[1]}" `;

                        if (xf[3] !== undefined) {
                            newXfXML += `numFmtId="${xf[3]}" `;

                        if (xf[2] !== undefined) {
                            newXfXML += `applyAlignment="1" borderId="1"><alignment ${currentAlignment}/></xf>`;
                        else {
                            newXfXML += ' borderId="1"/>';

                        cellXfs.xml += newXfXML;

                    that.cellStyleMapping[cellAliases[currentCell] || currentCell] = xfIndex;

        if (numFmts.collection.length) {
            numFmts.xml = `<numFmts count="${numFmts.collection.length}">${numFmts.xml}</numFmts>`;

        return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<styleSheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x14ac x16r2 xr" xmlns:x14ac="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac" xmlns:x16r2="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2015/02/main" xmlns:xr="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2014/revision">${numFmts.xml}<fonts count="${fonts.collection.length}" x14ac:knownFonts="1">${fonts.xml}</fonts><fills count="${fills.collection.length}">${fills.xml}</fills><borders count="2"><border><left/><right/><top/><bottom/></border><border><left style="hair"/><right style="hair"/><top style="hair"/><bottom style="hair"/><diagonal/></border></borders><cellStyleXfs count="1"><xf numFmtId="0" fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="0"/></cellStyleXfs><cellXfs count="${cellXfs.collection.length}">${cellXfs.xml}</cellXfs><cellStyles count="1"><cellStyle name="Normal" xfId="0" builtinId="0"/></cellStyles>${that.conditionalFormattingXLSX.styles}<dxfs count="0"/><tableStyles count="0" defaultTableStyle="TableStyleMedium2" defaultPivotStyle="PivotStyleLight16"/><extLst><ext uri="{EB79DEF2-80B8-43e5-95BD-54CBDDF9020C}" xmlns:x14="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/main"><x14:slicerStyles defaultSlicerStyle="SlicerStyleLight1"/></ext><ext uri="{9260A510-F301-46a8-8635-F512D64BE5F5}" xmlns:x15="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2010/11/main"><x15:timelineStyles defaultTimelineStyle="TimeSlicerStyleLight1"/></ext></extLst></styleSheet>`;
	if ($.jqx && $.jqx.dataAdapter) {
		$.jqx.dataAdapter.DataExporter = DataExporter;
