Made the client-server protocol more robust. When a change to a unit is made using the web interface, the main process is stopped during the update. Splitted the PID in two PID's, one for heating and one for cooling. Adjusted the web edit scrreen for this, but there are still rough edges. Replaced the PID code, maybe this one works better for our purpose. The simulator air temperature changes on the simulator heater and cooler, but it is not realistic at all. This is a development version, do not use in production. The version is 0.3.0

Experiment with zero window

Leds on if any state value is set.

Added ARCHIVE GET file download command.

Plot room temperature on the dashboard.

Added ARCHIVE LOG view.

Added room temperature to ARCHIVE LOG command output.

Added logging of the room temperature.

Fixed compile issue on non-Pi systems

Bumped to version 0.2.13.

Improved regular logging, disabled some debug logging.

Fixed auto device update timer

Added door and PSU sensors. Added interior light logic and switching.

Added Fan delay logic.

Changed Fan switch logic.

(0) -300 -100 -15 +15 +100 +300 tip
