Code cleanup and removed a debug message

Thu, 09 May 2019 17:16:49 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Thu, 09 May 2019 17:16:49 +0200
changeset 594
parent 593
child 595

Code cleanup and removed a debug message

thermferm/server.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
thermferm/thermferm.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/thermferm/server.c	Thu May 09 17:10:54 2019 +0200
+++ b/thermferm/server.c	Thu May 09 17:16:49 2019 +0200
@@ -2088,8 +2088,6 @@
 			    if (unit->mqtt_flag) {
-				    if (debug)
-					    fprintf(stdout, "flag value %d\n", unit->mqtt_flag);
 				if (unit->mqtt_flag & MQTT_FLAG_BIRTH) {
 				} else {
--- a/thermferm/thermferm.c	Thu May 09 17:10:54 2019 +0200
+++ b/thermferm/thermferm.c	Thu May 09 17:16:49 2019 +0200
@@ -1513,10 +1513,6 @@
 						 * This is our current step
 						valid_step = TRUE;
-			//			if (debug)
-			//			    fprintf(stdout, "step=%d step_pos=%d step=%d/%d target=%.1f..%.1f ", 
-			//					    current_step, run_hours - time_until_now,
-			//					    step->steptime, step->resttime, step->target_lo, step->target_hi);
 						if ((run_hours - time_until_now) < step->steptime) {
 						    unit->prof_target_lo = previous_target_lo + (((run_minutes - (time_until_now * 60.0)) / (step->steptime * 60.0)) * (step->target_lo - previous_target_lo));
 						    unit->prof_target_hi = previous_target_hi + (((run_minutes - (time_until_now * 60.0)) / (step->steptime * 60.0)) * (step->target_hi - previous_target_hi));
@@ -1530,18 +1526,10 @@
 						    if (debug)
 							fprintf(stdout, "prof_fridge_mode=%d run_minutes=%d steptime=%d time_until_now=%d\n",
 									unit->prof_fridge_mode, run_minutes, step->steptime, time_until_now);
-			//			    if (debug)
-			//				fprintf(stdout, "tempshift=%.1f..%.1f  minutes=%d duration=%d temp_move=%.3f..%.3f ", 
-			//						step->target_lo - previous_target_lo,
-			//						step->target_hi - previous_target_hi,
-			//						run_minutes - (time_until_now * 60), 
-			//						step->steptime * 60, unit->prof_target_lo, unit->prof_target_hi);
 						} else {
 						    unit->prof_target_lo = step->target_lo;
 						    unit->prof_target_hi = step->target_hi;
 						    unit->prof_fridge_mode = step->fridge_mode;
-			//			    if (debug)
-			//			    	fprintf(stdout, "resting target=%.1f..%.1f ", step->target_lo, step->target_hi);
@@ -1550,8 +1538,6 @@
 					    previous_target_hi = step->target_hi;
 					    previous_fridge_mode = step->fridge_mode;
-			//		if (debug)
-			//		    fprintf(stdout, " %s %02d:%02d\n", valid_step ? "TRUE":"FALSE", minutes, seconds);
 					if (valid_step == TRUE) {
 					    unit->prof_percent = (100 * run_minutes) / tot_minutes;
@@ -1677,9 +1663,6 @@
 			usetemp = ((unit->prof_fridge_mode * (unit->air_temperature / 1000.0)) +
 			          ((100 - unit->prof_fridge_mode) * (unit->beer_temperature / 1000.0))) / 100.0;
-			if (debug)
-			    fprintf(stdout, " fridge_mode=%d measured=%.3f %.3f => %.3f\n", unit->prof_fridge_mode,
-					    unit->air_temperature / 1000.0, unit->beer_temperature / 1000.0, usetemp);
 			unit->PID_cool->Input = unit->PID_heat->Input = usetemp;
 			unit->PID_cool->Mode = unit->PID_heat->Mode = PID_MODE_AUTO;
